When I Come Home ➺ Spencer Re...

By escapinglifee

566K 9K 1.4K

When he's steps into work he stops being Spencer Reid father to three beautiful children, he becomes SSA Dr... More

The Reid Household
When I Come Home - 1
When I Come Home - 2
When I Come Home - 3
When I Come Home - 4
When I Come Home - 5
When I Come Home - 7
When I Come Home - 8
When I Come Home - 9
When I Come Home - 10
When I Come Home - 11
When I Come Home - 12
When I Come Home - 13

When I Come Home - 6

33.5K 570 193
By escapinglifee

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Criminal Minds. Nothing belongs to me except, Morgan Reid, Jason Reid, Ryan Reid, and Ella Reid. The GIF's don't belong to me, the song, or the song video. All that belongs to me is my characters and my book. All statistics or places I use are made up, unless said otherwise. If it is said otherwise it will be in the ending author note. Any mistakes please tell me.

Tuesday, September 5, Reid Household

3:34 PM

Summer flew by fast for the Reid family, Spencer had back to back cases before deciding he needed to take a week break. He took a week off and the family had fun on a camping trip that was supposed to last a week but only lasted two days, before they decided they were not cut out for camping. The family went home before deciding to go up to New York for the rest of the week. The drive took them about six hours and they stayed in the Park Central Hotel. While in New York, Morgan took Ryan to go see Mean Girls Live on Broadway. While Spencer took Jason and Ella to SPYSCAPE. They went to see the Statue of Liberty and took the kids to Central Park, Spencer and Morgan even got to have a date night at Dominik's. 

The small five-day vacation was fun for the family and when Spencer went back to work he was more relaxed. The cases had slowed down also. But now it was that time of year again where kids went back to school. Alexis and Ryan were sitting in the living room with Jason watching Supernatural, their parents were at work and Ella was at daycare.

"Well Dean died again." Ryan stated standing up and grabbing the chip bag. She walked into the kitchen while her friend and brother sat on the couch.

"Dean always dies." Was Jason's response, with Alexis nodding in agreement.

Ryan laughed and looked at the time it was almost four, "Mom should be home in a minute."

As Ryan said that they could hear the door opening and Ella running into the living room.

"We're home," Morgan yelled out to the three kids, walking into the kitchen she saw Alexis sitting on the couch. "Oh hi Alexis, honey your mom just called me. She wants you home soon, your dad has to go to the hospital soon."

Alexis stood up from the couch and nodded, "Okay Morgan, thanks." She gave Ryan a hug and then the two other Reid kids. Before she walked out the door Morgan hugged her.

"Tell your mom and dad I said hi." Alexis nodded and walked out.

Morgan turned towards her kids and set her purse down on the hook. "Do you guys have everything ready for tomorrow?" Both older kids nodded towards their mother, "Good, Ella," Morgan knelled down, "go play for a little bit. Daddy should be home soon." She turned towards her older kids, "Dad hasn't called yet, so I don't think they have a case."

Tuesday, September 5, BAU Offices

4:05 PM

Hotch walked out of his office and towards the conference room. "We have a case!"

The BAU team got up and made their way after their boss. "It must be bad to have us called in during the afternoon." Morgan told Prentiss as they sat down, they knew that if it was not the worst it would have been presented the next morning at nine.

"How right you are my chocolate thunder." Garcia announced walking into the room with her iPad and a file for Reid. She gave the file to Reid before putting the gruesome case on the rest of the team's tablets. "Twelve victims in Pittsburgh, married couples. They are killed in their homes while their kids are out. The unsub ties up the couple as they are getting ready to eat dinner. He sits them at the table where their dinner is already set. He ties them to the chairs, he first slashes the wife's throat; but not enough to kill her right away. The autopsy states that they bleed out for fifteen minutes before dying."

"So this guy knows how the body works and how much to cut to keep them alive," Morgan stated.

"Yeah, he makes the wife watch as he beats the husband and before he is beat to death he strangles him with a rope from behind. Then just before she dies he slices her throat open which kills her automatically." Garcia finished the report and then put up the six pictures of the happy couples. "Mary and John Cambell were the first victims, their sixteen-year-old son Adam found them; this was on August 19th. Diane and Liam Stevens were second, their thirteen-year-old son James found them; this was August 25th. Robin and Adam Hogan were next, found by their seventeen-year-old daughter, Eve, and fifteen-year-old son, Alex; this was on August 31st. Sam and Jessica Wesson were the third victims, they were found by twelve-year-old son Noah on September 1st. Sophia and William Jones were the fourth victims, they were found by eighteen-year-old daughter Ava on September 2nd. Mia and Mason Wilson were the fifth victims and found by eleven-year-old son, Elijah; on September 3rd. Emily and Logan Miller were the latest victims found by fourteen-year-old daughter Olivia, this was last night." Garcia finished her report and looked away sadly.

"He's escalating, to killing everyday." Rossi said.

"It was a fast transition," Hotch finished, "wheels up in ten. We want to be in Pennsylvania soon. His next kill may be tonight. We need to find him fast." Hotch walked out of the room to go call Jessica and tell him he won't be home.

The rest of the team picked up their tablets, or files in Reid's case and made their way out of the room. JJ followed Hotch's suit and went to call Will, while Reid walked into the bathroom so he could call his own family.

Tuesday, September 5, Reid Household

4:47 PM

As Morgan made dinner the phone rang and she went to pick it up. Spencer would be home soon. She picked up the phone, "Hello."

"Hey honey," Spencer spoke into the receiver.

"Hey babe, is everything okay?"

"We got a case, and it's a really bad one. We're boarding the plane in seven minutes to go to Pittsburgh."

Morgan sighed, she wasn't upset she just knew by the way that Spencer spoke that this case would affect the team badly. "That's okay honey, you go save the world. We'll be fine. Do you want to speak to the kids?"

"Yeah, please."

"Okay give me a second." Morgan looked up to her kids that sat in the living room, "Dad's on the phone and wants to talk."

She watched as the kids jumped from the couch to come to the kitchen, she took the phone from her ear and put it on speakerphone so all of the kids could talk. As the kids talked to their dad Morgan spaced out and finished cooking the spaghetti noodles. As she came out of her thoughts she realized that the kids were saying their goodbyes on the phone. She picked the phone back up to say her own goodbye.

Taking the phone off speaker she put it back up to her ear, "You okay?"

"Yeah, hey Hotch is coming back now. I have to go."

"Okay babe, I love you, be safe."

"I will, I love you too Morgan, so much." Spencer hung up leaving Morgan with a smile.

She put the phone back down to get started on the Alfredo sauce when her phone rang again. She checked the phone number and it was an unknown, she picked up the phone.


"Hi is this Morgan Reid?"

"Yes, this is she."

"Oh good, this is Rowen Jacobs with Child Protective Services. I have Athena Gomez here with me, her parents were in a car accident earlier this evening."

Italics- Spencer phone call

Bold- Rowen from CPS

AN:/ Hahaha I'm evil. I left it on a cliffhanger anyways kaitytheunicorn here is the first 'appearance' of Athena. The next chapter should be next week sometime. I hope you enjoy. Anyways it was fun to write. As you can tell I am not the best at presenting cases, sorry. By the way sorry for the time skip, I kinda wanted to get into it. Hope you can forgive me. I hope you all liked this chapter. Thank you all for reading. xx

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