Bodyguard - ForthKit

By bbywin13

32.7K 1.4K 266

⚠️ Warnings: little space, SA/Harassment/R***, abuse Forth is the hired bodyguard for a little-named Kit. More

25. END.


1.9K 92 13
By bbywin13

Kit was asleep by the time the movie was over so Forth kissed his cheek, picked him up, and tucked him into bed.
Kit whined a nearly woke up but calmed down and fell asleep when Forth put a stuffed panda in the little's arms.

"Night night," Little Kit mumbled falling asleep.

Forth smiled, "Good Night babyboy," Forth said and turned the lights off and got into bed himself and taking his phone out texting the group chat about their plans for tommrow and explaining more why Kit suddenly showed up out of no where.

Pha: he's cute, littles are adorable

Yo: we are adorable! But I'm cuter no offence to kit, he's really cute too

Beam: he's so smol and innocent

Ming: smol?

Forth: small

Ming: oh..

Beam: idiot

Ming: love ya too

Pha: anyway, so who is Kit?

Forth: Kit's a little, his mom hired me to take care of him and protect him while we're at school,

Yo: he's been bullied since freshman year of high school, I was his only friend but we barely talked, i haven't seen him since he left school early on med. leave

Ming: med leave ?

Forth: he got attacked, a group of guys that bullied him beat him up baddly and stabbed him multiple times

Yo: they raped him as well, I found him a few hours later and called the cops and his parents, he was nearly dead when i found him.

Pha: holy shit...

Ming: whoa...

Beam: he needs to be proteced at all costs!

Forth: that's why i was hired to protect him, i gotta go, he woke up screaming i think he's having a nightmare..

Beam: call us if you need anything

Yo: let us know if you need anything! We're here to help too.

Pha: ^^

Ming: agreed ^^^

Forth got out of bed and went over to where Kit was crying and hiding under his blankets.

"Baby, wake up, It's ok," Forth sat on the bed and rubbed the little's back calming him down.

Kit got up and hugged Forth sitting on his lap, he just had a bad dream and needed a hug.

"Ca..can you s...sta..stay with me?" Kit mumbled hugging Forth tighter.

"Of course baby," Forth smiled and got up setting the little onto his bed while he push Kit's over to connect to his since the beds are only big enough for one person.

Forth got into bed and held his arms open for the little who smiled and hugged for hiding his face in the older's chest and falling asleep.

AN: ch's will be longer after Nov.16th

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