A Different Breed ▻ Legacies...

By arios2004

407K 12.7K 2.5K

Valerie Rose was widely known at the Salvatore Boarding school as the daughter of Ophelia Rose, everyone's fa... More



10.2K 320 26
By arios2004

After performing the spell to find Landon, Hope, Alaric, and Valerie soon found that the people on the bus on route twenty-nine had all been burnt to death. Valerie had agreed to help Hope in getting revenge on Landon Kirby, no matter what it took.

Once retrieving the death spell from Hope's secret grimoire, Hope and Valerie made their way to Alaric's car, only to find that Rafael was doing something under it.

"Hello?" Hope greeted Rafael in a confused tone.

Rafael moved out from under the car long enough to see who it was, only to see that it was Hope and Valerie, "Hey." He greeted them back before rolling back under the car with a wrench in his hand.

"What the hell are you doing, Rafael?" Valerie asked Rafael concerned, "I never realized that there was something wrong with Mr, Saltzman's car."

"I'm adjusting the sway bar," Rafael informed the two females.

Hope smiled sarcastically as she turned to glance at Valerie, who was secretly checking the boy out, "Was it broken?" She questioned.

Rafael pulled something out of the bottom of the car before moving away from it, "It is now," Rafael replied as he stood up, causing Valerie to quietly chuckle.

"You guys are going after Landon," He told the two girls as he stood in front of them, "You want this car to work? I'm going with you."

"You should stay out of it. He's a liar and a thief," Hope argued.

"He took a stupid knife," Rafael said through his gritted teeth.

"Nothing in this school is a stupid anything," Hope retorted with an attitude.

"Look, he's my best friend," Rafael stated before looking directly at Hope, "And you seem vengeful. Hell, even Valerie does, but it's clear she's only feeling that way because of you."

Hope was about to take a step toward Rafael, but Valerie quickly stopped her by placing her arm in front of her, "Okay, okay, break it up, ladies. No need to make a scene," Valerie sarcastically commented before turning to face Rafael, "Let me show you something, Rafael."

Valerie lifted her hands up, about to place them on the sides of Rafael's face to give him the glimpses she had gotten of Landon during the spell when she used dark magic. Before she could finish doing so, Rafael grabbed onto her wrists, stopping her, "Just relax," Valerie told him in a calm and quiet tone, "Trust me."

Rafael slowly nodding, loosening his grip on her wrists, but still kept them there as she cupped his face, "Close your eyes." She insisted, looking directly into the boy's eyes.

Hesitant at first, Rafael finally listened and closed his eyes at the same time Valerie did. Valerie quietly chanted a spell under her breath before both she and Rafael both shared the flashes of Landon on the bus.

Hope stood there awkwardly beside the two, watching the scene occur. A small smile formed on her lips as she did so. Once getting a glimpse of the burnt bodies on the bus, Rafael's eyes shot open and he quickly backed away from Valerie, who watched him in concern.

Rafael's mouth gaped open in shock for a moment before he finally spoke up, "What the hell was that?" He asked her confused and before Valerie could tell him in a kind way, Hope stepped forward, using her usual amount of attitude.

"Your so-called best friend did that to a whole bus full of people on Route twenty-nine last night," Hope informed him harshly, "Valerie and I are the only ones who know how to find him so give us the engine thingy!"

"No," Rafael argued sternly.

"Val and I have actual magic powers," Hope reminded Rafael, who didn't seem to be fazed by the news.

"And I have an extra long history of anger issues." Rafael retorted as he took a step toward Hope.

Before he could do anymore, Valerie stepped in front of Rafael, glaring at him, "Well, no need to feel special, Handsome. So do I. So you better back up a few steps before you regret it, Rafael." She threatened him.

Rafael seemed a bit taken aback from Valerie's threat. She was always nice to him. Why did her mood suddenly change? But then he realized, he himself was acting as a threat toward Hope and they were a package deal. If you were a threat to Hope, you were also a threat to Valerie, and vice versa.

"He can come," Alaric suddenly spoke up as he walked toward the three teenagers, causing Hope and Valerie to turn to look at him with wide eyes.

"What?" Hope frowned in confusion.

"He knows Landon, he'll be an asset. We'll need all the help we can get to fix the car and hop in," Alaric explained as he watched Rafael turn to look at Valerie, a smile on victory on his face as she playfully rolled her eyes at him, "Oh, and put a shirt on."

As Hope went to get into the front seat, Alaric spoke up, "Actually, Hope, I'm going to have to have you sit in the back. We have someone else coming with us." Alaric informed them, causing Hope and Valerie to give him confused look.

"What?" Valerie frowned in concern, "Who?"

Just as Hope got into the backseat with Valerie and Rafael, Ophelia walked over to the car and got into the passenger's seat, "Sorry for the wait. I got held up." She apologized to the group, only to received puzzled looks from both Hope and Valerie, who couldn't help but feel as though the only reason she came was to mess with them after catching them using dark magic.

Noticing the confused looks both younger girls had, Alaric turned to them after starting up his car, "Ophelia offered to come with us after I told her we needed a few extra hands. And having her with us is definitely a lot of help."

Valerie moved closer to whisper something to Hope, "Both of our magic put together is just as strong as hers." She whispered to Hope quietly, only to have Ophelia hear her.

"I heard that," Ophelia commented as she turned to look at the girl, "And you wish."

Rafael couldn't help but chuckle at Ophelia's comment, only to earn a glare from Hope and an elbow to the ribs by Valerie, "Okay, okay." Rafael told her quietly, "Sorry."

Valerie smirked slightly, glancing at both Hope, who looked at her amused, and Rafael, who rubbed his side with his hand after being roughly elbowed by Valerie.

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