A Different Breed ▻ Legacies...

By arios2004

407K 12.7K 2.5K

Valerie Rose was widely known at the Salvatore Boarding school as the daughter of Ophelia Rose, everyone's fa... More



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By arios2004

After Alaric and Ophelia were called down to the library together by Dorian, the two of them walked into the large area to see Dorian standing in front of one of the glass cases that held one of the many ancient supernatural artifacts in the room.

"What's wrong?" Ophelia asked Dorian concerned, "What was so important you had to call me down with Alaric?"

Dorian sighed as Alaric and Ophelia walked over to see the glass case was broken and the artifact inside of it was now gone, "The alarm didn't trigger." He informed them as he sighed once more, "I don't know why."

"What was it?" Alaric asked curiously as he stared down at all of the broken glass.

"Knife. Dated circa of the twelfth century. Supernatural origins unknown," Dorian informed Alaric before turning to Ophelia, "The one you found on your travels around the world and brought back before it could get in the wrong hands."

"Guess that didn't work as well as we thought it would." Ophelia commented sarcastically.

Alaric seemed to be in deep thought for a moment before walking away, clearly already having an inkling about who took the knife.


Valerie sighed as she took a seat next to Rafael in the room where all the students who attended the boarding school were all seated, waiting for their headmaster to start speaking, "Hey," Valerie greeted Rafael, only to receive a saddened look before he looked forward instead of at her.

"For ten years, we've gone undetected. Protecting you, protecting our secret has been our singular mission," Alaric announced to the large group of students gathered around, "Tonight I need your help to find Landon Kirby before he exposes us all."

The students all around began to whisper to one another, already gossiping with each other about what had happened. Valerie turned around in her seat to face Hope, who sat behind her, "What's the plan?" She whispered to her best friend, already knowing that the Mikaelson girl was planning her revenge plan on Landon Kirby, the boy she reluctantly opened her heart to, only to be screwed over in the end.

Hope was like her father. She was a very vengeful person. And also like her father, she was someone you didn't want to screw over. She was the last person anyone wanted as their foe.

"Meet me outside in ten." Hope told her quietly, "I have a plan."


Valerie got outside, only to see that Hope was nowhere in sight. She saw Josie though and decided to go say hi. Valerie walked over to Josie, only to see that the younger female's eyes were glued on Penelope, who stood about thirty feet away from them, conversing with her friends, "Josie?" She called out quietly in a concerned tone.

Josie ignored her and began to chant something under her breath. Just then, Penelope's whole arm erupted into flames, causing Valerie's eyes to widen in shock. Valerie grabbed Josie's arm and shook her, trying to knock her out of her trance-like state, "Josie! Josie, stop!"

Finally, Josie turned to Valerie, her eyes wide, "Please, don't tell anyone." She pleaded before walking off. Valerie turned her head, only to see Hope standing, she clearly had seen the whole thing go down.

Meanwhile later, after they had thought up the perfect plan, Valerie turned the knob to Josie and Lizzie's room before both she and Hope entered, "We need your help." Hope told Josie, who was in the middle of putting something away.

"Three more words to me than your annual average." Josie commented with an attitude, "Find someone else. Both of you."

Hope and Valerie shared a glance before Hope finally closed the door, both of them not leaving as Josie had indirectly told them to, "This stuff with Landon is my fault. I can fix it. Valerie and I know how to track him, but it involves dark magic." Hope explained to Josie, who finally turned to face her.

"Well, we're not allowed to use dark magic here..." Josie began to tell them, only to be cut off when Valerie let out a large scoff.

"Says the girl who just let her ex on fire," Valerie commented, causing Josie to look at her shocked.

"Are you blackmailing me?" Josie asked Valerie quietly.

"No, we're not," Hope replied in a calm tone, "We're just looking for a kindred spirit in revenge."

Josie became silent, clearly feeling hesitant to help the two girls out. Soon after, the three girls sat together on the floor, their legs crisscrossed. Valerie used her magic to light the candle needed for the spell with her magic before Josie had time to light them with her matches. She looked up at Valerie, only to see that she was smiling cheekily at her.

Hope lifted the rat out of the cardboard box in her hand. She held the rat in one hand before turning to Valerie with her free hand balled into a fight. Valerie did the same, "Rock paper scissors..." The girls said together in unison, "Shoot."

Valerie sighed when she saw that she had picked rock while Hope had picked paper, "Dammit." She complained before grabbing the rat from Hope's hands, "Sorry." She apologized to the small animal quietly before snapping its neck.

Valerie picked up her small knife before using it to cut the rat across its stomach. She held it over the papers with the scripture on it, allowing the blood to drip onto it while Josie sprinkled herbs onto it also.

"Are you two sure about this?" Josie asked Hope and Valerie concerned.

"Absolutely," Hope replied before turning her head to look at Valerie, "Val?"

Valerie stared at Hope with large eyes, quickly nodding in confirmation, "I'm sure. I mean, how else are we going to find Landon?"

Valerie held out her two hands to both Josie and Hope. Josie grabbed one of Valerie's hand before grabbing Hope's with her other hand. Once the three girls all were holding each other's hand, they began their spell, "Inveniet hostium en tenebrae. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae. Inveniet hostium en tenebrae. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae."

"Do you see anything?" Josie asked Valerie and Hope as they all began to receive flashes of Landon sleeping on a bus.

"Just flashes," Hope replied quietly, keeping herself concentrated, "Come on, give me something."

Just then, the three girls received a quick glance of a sign that the bus Landon was on had passed, "I got it," Josie informed the two girls, "Route twenty-nine."

"Near the state-line," Valerie added in quickly before they saw flashes of Landon taking the knife out of his jacket.

"Is that the knife?" Josie asked them concerned.

"Yeah, it is," Valerie replied, nodding her head. The knife began to glow red in Landon's hand, which confused the group, "What the hell is it doing? It's not supposed to do that."


Ophelia was in her classroom, reading an old book on hers when she began to have flashes of someone doing black magic. It had been happening for a while now. Anytime someone was doing black magic in the school, she would get visions of it. And sadly, it always seemed like the ones doing it was Hope and Valerie.

Ophelia's eyes became fully white as she received the visions of the dark magic being performed. An angry look grew on her face when she saw Hope and Valerie sitting together with Josie Saltzman on her bedroom floor, performing a spell.

She closed her eyes and once they were back to normal, she opened them back up. Ophelia stood up and began to walk toward Hope and Valerie's shared room, knowing that they were probably there by them. Without knocking or anything, she used her magic to force the door open. Both girls were quickly shoving the spell book under Hope's bed, knowing that it was Ophelia.

Ophelia slammed the door behind her before glaring at both girls, "What the hell are you guys doing?" She asked them, trying to keep her cool.

"Nothing. What are you talking about?" Valerie replied in a calm tone, acting as if she didn't know what her mother was talking about.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Hope added in, causing Ophelia to roll her eyes.

"I met about a million liars during the three centuries I've been alive and honestly, none of them came close to being as bad liars as the two of you are," Ophelia commented, "Both of your hearts are racing right now so why don't you tell me right now what the hell you were doing with black magic. Maybe I'll even let it slide."

Hope and Valerie shared a worried glance before Hope spoke up, "It was my idea," She took the blame confidently, "Valerie just wanted to be a good friend and decided to help me with the spell."

"And what spell was it exactly?" Ophelia asked Hope, giving her a raised brow.

"A spell to track Landon," Valerie informed her mother, who didn't seem too mad about it.

"Really? A tracking spell?" Ophelia scoffed, "And here I was thinking you were placing a death curse on someone."

Hope and Valerie's eyes widened at Ophelia's reaction. Ophelia smiled slightly at them, "Perform a dark magic spell again and maybe I won't go so easy on you. I'm supposed to take care of both of you." She told them before leaving the room.

"What's up with her? She's in a super good mood. More than usual." Hope commented and Valerie shrugged.

"It probably has something to do with all the time she spends with Mr. Gilbert." She replied before Hope and Valerie began to chuckle at the thought of it.

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