Found and saved by Shawn Mend...

By EvieWookieGlitterz

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Hi! I'm Alyssa Evangelina Farnstrom. I hate my last name... it reminds me of my dad. He would hurt me a lot a... More

The Flash Backs
The Flash Backs Part 2!
Out of the Cage
Taking Her Home
Midnight Nightmares
The Fight and make up
The Door and Dinner
Beautiful Morning
Rest Of The Day
Showtime Pt.2
Oh God, Not Him
Today's A Good Day

Pretty hurts

55 0 0
By EvieWookieGlitterz

*3rd POV*

Alyssa woke up grasping for breath. She had a horrible nightmare where Shawn left her at a messed up hospital with dead talking animals and people. She apparently scared Maverick when she woke up so he chirped when she pushed him off the couch and then the rest joined along in making noise. "No, no, no, no, no! Stop! SHHHHHHHH!" She whisper yelled, trying to get them all to be quiet. Alyssa got up and grabbed random collars, pulling her animals to the back door. She tripped on the step separating the family room and the dining room while pushing them outside. Alyssa hissed in pain as she felt a ping of pain shoot through her leg. She forced all of her strength in herself not to scream and cry for Shawn since she was in her head space. So she just thought to herself  'just get the hell up and walk it off'. Alyssa then pushed herself off the floor and started silently crying. She pushed all the animals outside and went and sat back on the couch, rubbing her leg to get rid of the pain, but that just brought more pain upon her. Then she felt wetness...her leg was bleeding. "Dang it!" She whispered to herself, "I hope Shawn didn't wake up."   "Alyssa? What's going on? Why are you awake?" Shawn asked, coming up behind her. *Well, CRAP * Alyssa thought. "I woke up fwom a nightmarwe and I scawred them. I think I pushed Mavewick off the couch." She replied crying a little in pain. But Shawn thought it was from the nightmare. "Oh, Honey..." Shawn cooed. Shawn picked Alyssa up and just held her. She winced in pain from Shawn hitting her leg but Shawn hadn't noticed. It was dark inside the house so you couldn't really see anything. It was dark outside too but you could obviously see the backyard littered with big dark figures on the grass. "Do you want to leave your pets outside or put them in the new bedroom I set up for them?" Shawn asked Alyssa. "You set up a bedroom for my animals?!" She exclaimed. "Absolutely." Shawn replied. He walked down the hallway right behind Alyssa. He wasn't focused on where they were going though... he was focusing on the fact that Alyssa was limping. Shawn wrapped his arms around Alyssa's waist from behind, making her scream and begin giggling. Shawn carried Alyssa upstairs and set her on his dresser. Alyssa could feel the blood running down her leg so she wiped it with her hand. she had blood on her hand and  her leg. Shawn walked over to turn on the light. He turned back to Alyssa as he saw her trying to get off the dresser. "Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you're going?" he asked, lifting her back on the dresser. Alyssa simply held her hand out for him to see. "What is that? Is that blood?!"Alyssa nodded as a reply. "Where did that come from Princess?" Shawn asked as calm as he could, even though he was freaking out on the inside. Alyssa only pointed down to her leg. Shawn made a sympathetic look towards her.  Shawn stood in between Alyssa's legs, holding the one up so blood didn't drip off her leg onto the carpet, and wiped her fresh set of tears that fell away with his thumbs. Shawn stared into her blue and green bloodshot eyes before he walked into his bathroom and came out with a wet cloth.  He picked Alyssa up and walked over to his bed and lied her down while her sat down with her legs in his lap. Alyssa pulled out her phone and pulled up a game and played on her phone while Shawn held the cloth to her skin. After about 5 minutes Shawn said "I hope it isn't too bad. If it is we can't decorate for Christmas or your birthday!" Shawn said laughing a little. Alyssa shot up and her phone went on the ground. Shawn bent over and picked it up, setting it on the night stand. "My leg's not that bad! Do you even have a Christmas tree?! WE NEED TO PUT THE CHRISTMAS TREE UP! And then we can put up random Christmas stuff! My birthday doesn't matter! CHRISTMAS MATTERS!!!" Alyssa yelled getting off the bed and walking about...5 steps and then tumbling to the ground with and 'OOF!'. "Your leg isn't that bad huh? You can't even walk!" Shawn laughed. Alyssa just stood up and started hopping on one foot towards the door as she gave Shawn a sassy look. Shawn followed her and just watched as she stared at the stairs and looked back at Shawn with a sheepish smile. She sat down and went down one step at a time. It's been about 5 minutes and she was only 10 steps down out of about 50. "Okay, we are not doing this. Plus there are way too many stairs for you to go down." Shawn said picking up Alyssa, making her squeal. Shawn walked down the stairs with Alyssa on his hip. They were now in the kitchen when Shawn said "You're birthday does matter. It's December 5th, right?" Alyssa just nodded and said "It's never been celebrated before so why should it be now?" Shawn just chuckled and said "It matters now because I love you and we're celebrating it whether you like it or not." Alyssa laughed and hobbled over to the couch. She sat down and stared out the window. She got up and walked over to the door. She put her hand on the handle and Shawn asked "Baby what are you doing?" It was clear he was worried. She opened the door and walked out. Shawn walked over to the door to see she had laid down on the porch and was staring at they sky full of stars. Shawn sat down and pulled her head into his lap. He played with her hair while she started singing "Pretty Hurts" By bEyOnCe. (We all love her and if you say you don't, GuRl yOu KnOw yOu lyin')

Later they just went inside and Shawn carried Alyssa up the stairs to her bedroom and went to his. 

Both sleeping well.

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