Follow Your Heart - Larry Sty...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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I am amazed i cant believe 3K reads i dont know what to say but thank you 8/23/2019 THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE... More

Prologue - The Begining
Chapter 1 Strike 2
Chapter 2 Strike 3, I'm out
Chapter 3 New Beginnings
Chapter 4 Meet the Munchkins
Chapter 5 But Can I Trust You
Chapter 6 I'm Trying
Chapter 7 Can We Start Over
Chapter 8 New Beginnings
Chapter 9 Not Again
Chapter 10 Stronger
CHAPTER 11 It's About Damn Time
Chapter 13 - 5 Years Later

Chapter 12 Growing Up Styles

2.1K 27 25
By NotReadyToPlayNice

A month after louis and harry did their walk thru they moved into their new house  and the kids love all the extra space they have they sold their old house and have settled, the twins love having different classrooms and they are thriving , christina is still doing school and club soccer and is happy she is still in her student council and has maintained her grades up, the student council won their argument and for the new school year parents will be allowed to have lunch with the students once a month and chrstina was so excited when she told her parent as for jason he was was convicted of all charges and will spend 30 years in prison with all the evidence that louis got on him, so here we are 3 months later and again louis is 4 days past his due date

"i swear why are all these kids always late" louis says

"well the doctor said that if you don't go into labor today they will induce tomorrow and don't complain i know you love being pregnant" harry says as he places a kiss on his lips

"well its friday so you want to watch a movie" Louis says

"yeah sure"  harry says as they start to watch the movie harry kisses louis on his lips and soon the kiss gets heated" you know dr laura said that a good way to start labor is sex"

"are you serious i don't want to think about sex when these kids are almost here" louis says as harry starts to kiss louis on his neck making sure to suck on louis sweet spots

"what where you saying" harry says" the kids are at my moms house, so you don't have to be quiet"

"umm yeah ok" louis says as they start to kiss again and harry makes his way down louis chest kissing his swollen belly as harry put 2 fingers into louis hole and starts to suck on louis dick louis reaches and grabs harrys dick as he starts to stroke it and soon they both are coming at the same time both panting and trying to catch their breaths Harry gets up and gets a towel and comes back and cleans them selves up "well shit that didnt work"

"well we can try again later" harry says

"umm yeah, i like that" louis says "help me up"

"where you going"

"just want to change my underwear" louis says and as he is walking up the stairs"fuck Babe"


"i think it worked my water just broke" louis says as harry gets  to louis and sees a puddle of water on the floor" you know what to do"

"yeah here go into the bathroom i'll get you some boxers and sweats" harry says as runs upstairs and comes back wit the new boxers and sweats for louis, harry helps louis get dressed and they make their way out the door" i'm glad we put the hospital bag in the car before your due date much easier"

"yeah but hurry, these contractions are really close" louis says as harry parks the car and helps louis out they make their way to the emergency room and are quickly taken to a room and soon enought Dr Laura walks in

"alright 4 days past your due date, let's see what we have here" she says

"umm louis you are at 10 when did your water break"

"about 30 minutes ago" louis says

"well your at 10 let me get set up and we can start just breathe and relax" she says as the nurses hurry and get everything set up

"did you text everyone" louis says

"umm yeah i just sent everyone a text" harry says as he turns off his phone and focuses on louis

"ok louis lets get this show in the road" the doctor says" you know what to do on your next contraction push as hard as you can"

"here comes a contraction louis, push on come push" the doctor says as she starts to count




"Good job keep pushing, push push"





"i see the head"




"and relax" the head is almost out, i think this will be your quickest delivery"

"i think so to" louis says

"here comes another one" she says as she starts to count

"here comes a contraction louis, push on come push" the doctor says as she starts to count




"the head is out, keep pushing"





"its a boy" she says and louis and harry just start to cry and kiss each other as louis lays back on the bed" louis we need to get your daughter our now"

"no i'm good she can stay inside forever, i'm tired" louis says

"fine" she says as a contractions hits and she starts to count again




"Good job keep pushing, push push, come on i know your tired but she is almost here"






"i see the head"




"louis keep pushing the head is out now once you get the shoulders out everything will just slide out"

"i can't"

"yes you can, baby our daughter is almost here" Harry says as he places a kiss on louis temple as louis keeps pushing

'ITS A GIRL" the doctor says

"they are here my babies are here" louis says as harry turns his phone and and takes a picture

"you did amazing baby, I love you" Harry says as he kisses louis on the lips

"you ok" harry asks

"just tired after pushing 2 humans out of me"

"well rest and i'll go with the nurse to check on the babies" Harry says as louis falls asleep and about 30 minutes later harry comes back to the room with the twins

"so how was everything" louis says

"healthy, eyes and hearing are perfect" harry says as he picks up his son and hands him to louis and then harry picks up his daughter" i cant believe these will be our last babies"

"i know it makes me kinds sad" louis says "but i know that with 6 kids and how many activities the older ones have we cant do any more and then jakob we still don't know what he wants to do but i am sure soccer is one activity"

"yeah i know he is always practicing with christina and scarlet" harry says" and he is good"

"thats my boy at least he got that from me" louis says

"knock knock"

"come in" harry says and a nurse comes on

"i came" she starts" i remember you,your daughter named your son jakob with a k"

"yeah that is us" louis says

"how is little man doing"

"he is big almost 2" harry says" and well he was a good baby we decided to have 2 more" he says laughing

"yeah the first one gets you then you have 1 more and bam you get 2" she says" i did that but i had triplets"

"geez twins is good enough no more for us these are our last babies" louis says

"ohh thats sucks you two make gorgeous babies" she says

"yeah well 6 kids is enough" harry says

"wow six i  have 4 and i am done" she says"well lets get to business do you have names for these little cuties"

"yes" louis says

"let me guess your kids named them too" she says laughing

"yes they did" louis says laughing as well

"well i'm ready when you are"


"i love that" the nurse says as she types in the information on her computer she prints out a form and louis and harry read it over and sign"of and now this little beautiful girl"

"Isabella Alexandria Styles" harry says

"that one is way too cute" she says" i think i am going to have your kids come on and name all the babies"

"im sure our daughter will love that" louis says

"are they coming tonight"

"no my mom is going to bring them tomorrow around noon" Harry says

"hope i am here i want to see them, i bet they are big"

"yeah our oldest is 9 the twins are 6 and jakob will be 2 in 3 months" louis says

"wow that is alot to remember" the nurse says" well i better get going, the birth certificates will be ready in 30 days"

"thank you so much" louis says as the nurse walks out of their room

"mom wants a picture" harry says"wait everyone wants a picture" he says as he takes the twins picture and send it to all their friends and family

"Hello family I am Isabella Alexandria Styles and I am  Aiden Christian Styles and we were both 8 pounds 13 ounces  and was 21 inches long and my brother is 23 inches long and Aiden was born first at 9:34 pm and I got here at 9:39  pm, we cant wait to meet you all" Love you

and harry shows it to louis before he sends it

"that is good i love that picture send it to me" louis says as harry presses send and then send the picture to louis

"everyone is coming tomorrow after 12 mom said christina cant wait to hold them and he was happy we actually went with alexandria" harry says

"well i wasnt sure cuz i mean its still in honor of alex but after that argument she made, how can we say NO"

"i thought you forgave him" harry says

"i did but it still hurts to know what happened between you and him and christina is right if you never would of met him she would never have came into our lives, and at least he wanted to leave his daughter to someone who would never hurt her and would want the best for her"Louis says

"yeah i know, i swear she better become an attorney" harry says

"well she is good and shes got you and I to help but she does give pretty good arguments, cant wait until she starts dating and what arguments she is going to give us" louis says laughing

"i know, i dont want to think about it but i know what you mean" harry says "so there was something i wanted to talk to you about last night"

"yeah" louis says nervously

"well my practice is going good and well i was thinking that i wanted to be home more now that the twins are here and i want to know what you think about me just working part time, i mean there will be days that i will have to be at the office the whole day but i want to be home more"

"well like you tell me what ever you decide i will fully support you, i mean we don't need to money but its your decision" louis says

"ok so i will meet monday with the board of directors and start the process but i mean when the twins are older i may change to what my schedule is now i was thinking with jakob and the twins at home and christina and ben and scarlet with activites you would need more help and we always said we didnt want to hire any help"

"yeah i know, but if that is what you decide then the help will be greatly appreciated" louis says and soon louis and harry fall asleep only being woken up a few times during the night to feed and change the twins the following morning louis and harry wake up and once change the twins and as they are feeding them the nurse walks in with food for louis

"i snuck in some food for your husband" she says

"thank you so much" harry says as he helps her with the trays of food and soon she is gone"

"babe" louis says


I was thinking last night maybe after the twins turn 5 i go back to work, i mean all the kids will be in school so i can go back to work full time" louis says

"and what about lucy"

"well she will stay at her position and i can do what i am doing now but just take over more of the resposibility, Liam is part time now that he and zayn had the twins and i have taken more of his position"

"well again what ever you decide to do i will fully support it" harry says

"thank you" louis says as they finish eating when they are done eating Dr laura comes into the room and checks the twins and louis

"well i see everything looks good, but because you had the twins i want to keep you and the twins one more day"

"but i feel fine" Louis says

"i know but you had twins naturally and sometimes that takes a toll on the body and i want to make sure that you are fine, i want you to walk at least for 2 minutes every hour"

"ok" louis says

"and i mean like right now, so stand up" Dr Laura says as harry helps louis stand up and louis takes a few steps and passes out"press the blue button now" and harry does as he is told and starts to panic as Dr  Laura starts to do CPR on Louis"harry i need you to remain calm and help me pick him up and put him on the bed" and harry picks up louis and places him on the bed and starts to cry

"baby listen to me please wake up i don't think i can live without you, please our kids need you" harry says with panic in his voice as a team of people run into the room

"harry i need you to move out of the way, I will do everything i can to bring him back, but need you to remain calm"

"yeah" harry says as he goes and sits at the corner of the room with the twins in front of him and what seemed like 10 hours was 5 minutes later harry hears the heart monitor start beeping normally

"harry he is back" Dr Laura says

"what happened to him"

"as i was saying sometime when we put our bodies thru alot of stress we need to take things slow and that is why i want louis to stay over night, he just had twins and he hasn't gotten up since he had them and when he stood up he body went into shock that is why i wanted him to walk for at least 2 minutes so his body can get used to movement again"

"will he be ok"

"yeah his heart rate is normal and blood pressure is normal he is resting but should wake up in an hour call me when he wakes up and i  am going to try to get him to stand up and walk again"

"yeah ok"harry says as dr leaves the room and harry move the babies close to the bed and harry lays down next to louis" baby you scared me you need to wake up and be here for all of us, i don't think i will be able to live with out you, i know we were apart for 5 years but those years were hell for me and then when you came back into my life i was whole again, you bring me life and happiness, and our kids they need you and like me they will always need you and aiden and bella they need to know you and how amazing and wonderful father you are, it scares me to think that i would loose you, please baby don't leave me please i love you soo much" he says as he falls asleep and a few hours later Harry feels someone running their fingers thru his hair and he opens his eyes and there they are the most beautiful pair of blue eyes meeting his green

"hi" louis says

"hi" harry responds "are you really awake, this is not a dream"

"no i can pinch you if you want" louis says

"i need to call Dr Laura" harry says as he presses the nurses button

"nurse Betty how can i help you"

"Dr Laura said to call her when Louis Styles woke up" Harry says

"i will page her and let her know"

"thank you"

"what happened"

"what do you remember" harry asks

"just standing up and that is all"

"i'll let dr laura tell you, i dont think i can" harry says as dr laura walks in

"well hello sleeping beauty" she teases

"what happened all i remember standing up and that was all" louis says as dr laura tell him what happened and harry starts to cry again"babe i'm here, don't cry i wont leave you ever"

"i was so scared" harry says

"well don't be i am here" louis says

"well louis i want you to stand up again" the doctor tells him as louis reaches for harrys hand but  lets louis pull him and stand up on his own and this is where harry gets scared hoping louis doesn't black out again and louis doesn't and he starts taking small steps and takes a few steps and then goes back to the bed" good job louis, i will back in an hour to do it again"

"yeah ok" louis says as he looks at harry"babe talk to me"

"i was so scared i thought you were going to die, i would be so lost with out you and our kids i kept thinking how was i going to tell them and christina she would suffer the most" harry says "that was the only thing running thru my head, but then  i heard the heart monitor start beeping and i knew that you had come back to me you always come back to me and i just knew"

"babe, i know you were scared but i am here and will never leave you, i love our kids and i swear as long as i can i will be by your side, its you and I forever"

"forever" harry says as he wipes his tears and kisses louis on the lips and just like clock work the twins start to cry and harry picks up isabella and hands her to louis as he picks up aiden and soon their families and friends get there and pass the twins around as louis and Harry look at them with so much love

"knock knock"

"come in" NIall says

"ohh full house" dr laura says" louis i need you to stand up and walk again"

"umm mom can you take the kids out of the room please" louis says

"yeah sure" jay says as she walks outside with the kids and louis stands up and walks a little further and then walks back to the bed

"good much better" dr laura says as she writes her notes and walks out letting jay know that she can go back in and as soon as she walks back in she goes to louis side

"why did you ask me to take the kids out if you were going to walk" jay says

"well the first time i got up i blacked out" louis say" and i didnt want to the kids to see that if it happened again"

"are you ok" jay says as louis tells her what dr laura told him and harry"ohh my baby"

"well after this i am 100% sure i don't want any more babies, i don't think my body will handle another birth, that scared me so much and all i kept thinking was the kids and harry"

"louis, i love you" jay says as she starts to cry because just the thought of loosing her son is to much for her

"what going on" anne says as jay takes her outside the room and tells her what louis had told her and anne walks back in and hugs louis and tells him she loves him

"well we are here to celebrate the babies not to be sad, i feel good" louis says as he sits up on the bed" babe can you help me go to the bathroom please"

"yeah sure" harry says as he goes and gets louis up and helps him walk into the bathroom" you want me to hold it for you"

"no i am fine" louis says laughing as he washes his hands and the go back to the bed and harry helps louis lay down and soon dr laura comes back in and louis let he know he walk to and from the bathroom as jay and anne walk out of the room louis gets up and walks again this time a little farther and walks back to the bed

"good job i have a specialist coming in and a cardiologist i want them to check you make sure you are healthy and nothing is wrong, i tried getting a neurosurgeon for you but he heard about you and said that you were beyond help"

"thanks your amazing" louis says" and let that neurosurgeon know i said chicken shit"

"i will" she says laughing as she walks out of the room

'alright tell us what happened" Zayn says as louis and harry tells their friends everything that happened to louis and to say their friends were shocked as an understatement and they all go and hug louis and harry and tell them they love them

"I'm fine" louis says" i might have to stay over night or a few days depending what the doctors say or i might be able to go home tomorrow"

"well Lou that is a scary thing to go thru so take it easy and we will all be coming over to help out" Niall says

"no its not necessary i am fine" louis says

"it was not a request" haillee says and louis and harry knew that they should not argue because they would loose

"fine" louis says dramatically" but i want my meals in bed and you all have to wear tuxedos and white gloves"

"um not but we will help in anything you need" Niall says as Jay and Anne walk back in the room with all the kids and Haille lets jay and anne know what the plan is and soon they all leave when the specialist get there and give louis some test and when he is done the cardiologist goes in and check and runs some test on louis and soon they leave

"we have the best support system" louis says

"i know we do, but i know we would do the same thing if any of them would ever be in our situation" harry says

"yeah we would" louis says and soon they hear a knock on the door and dr laura walks in

"well i have the results of your test" she says

"and well"

"your healthy" she says

"so why did i black out and my heart stopped" louis says

"well it was i guess what you can say a hiccup when you stood you body was resetting it self since you didn't have the weight of the babies inside you and your body was re adjusting is the easiest and simplest way of putting it, but louis you need to take it easy and slowly walk every hours just a few days and then you can relax but neither the cardiologist or specialist found anything that is of concern and they both say that your are healthy as can be"

"good, so when do i get to go home" louis says

"I still want you to stay overnight to make sure it was a glitch in your body" dr laura says

"yeah ok i understand" louis says" thank you, and when can i make the appointment to get the procedure done so i wont have anymore kids, this factory is closed"

"um we can discuss it at you 8 week check up" she says

"and i want to get snipped, my factory is closed to" harry says

"well you can contact your doctor and he can let you know" she says

"well i will be back in an hour" she says as she walks out the room and harry gets into bed and has the twins nearby

"i need a shower" louis says

"you can take one when we get home" harry says picking up a crying baby

"here give bella to me i'll feed her and you get aiden" he says as they feed the babies and when the twins fall asleep louis falls asleep as harry just stares at his husband thinking to himself how lucky he is then he stares at the twins and how gorgeous they are and soon he falls alseep and the next morning they are woken up by two screaming babies and harry gets up and takes bella and hands her to louis as harry gets aiden they change them and then feed them and as harry was putting the babies back into their beds dr laura walks in

"good morning sunshines" she says

"yeah yeah good morning to you too" louis says as he yawns

"well i just wanted to check you and make sure you are ok, and send you home but since you are grumpy i might keep you here for another 3 days"

"no no i am ready to go home" louis says

"ok lets get you up" she says" i want you to do it on your own but go slowly" she says as louis sit ups and then stands all by himself he starts to walk and the walks back to the bed"good that is what i wanted to see"

"so i can go home" louis says

"yes i will have the nurse come in and go over all the paperwork, but louis if you feel faint or like your going to pass out i need harry to bring you back to the hospital"

"yeah i will make sure of it" harry says

"well you are free to change and go home as soon as the nurse comes in and goes over all the paperwork with you" dr laura says

"thank you" louis says "babe can you get me the bag with my clothes so i can change" he says as harry hands him the overnight bag as Harry gets the twins carriers and starts to put them inside and straps them in and puts a blanket over them soon he nurse comes in and goes over all the paperwork with louis and louis signs and dates, while harry goes and moves the car closer to the entrance and goes back to louis room and gets both baby carriers as the nurse wheels louis out  Harry puts the twins in the car and then goes to help louis get in the passenger seat louis puts his seat belt on and they make their way home once they get there Harry text both moms that they are home as harry takes the babies from the car and takes them inside the house to the family room and goes back out side and  helps louis inside the house

"i want to lay down in the family room i don't want to go upstairs yet" louis says as they make their way to the family room and louis sits down

"let me get the babies in the swings and then i'll go get you your pillow and blanket"

"i can get the babies in the swings"  louis says

"no, you need to rest" harry says as he picks up aiden and puts him in the swing and turns it on then he picks up isabella and puts her in the other swing and turns it on as well, harry goes up stairs and gets louis pillow and a blanket and takes it down stairs and gives them to louis

"moms should be here in an hour" harry says" they all took all the kids to the park, niall, liam and zayn are with them and they all will be here"

"yeah ok, you want to have sex" louis says jokingly

"no you crazy man" harry says

"just checking" louis says"are you serious about getting snipped"

"yeah i think it would be much safer and we wont have to worry about condoms and more babies"

"yeah i know and after what happened yesterday, i don't think i want to risk my life" louis says

"that that was what made me decide to get snipped so we don't have to worry about any  more babies, besides we are out numbered anyways" Harry says

"yea but at least we got the perfect out come 3 boys and 3 girls" louis says

"yeah that is true" harry says"come here cuddle with me" as louis gets close to harry and they just sit there watching tv talking about everything"when our moms get here i want to take a shower since i am sure they wont notice if we are gone"

"yeah i know its all about the babies" harry says dramatically and an hour later they hear the doorbell ring and then the door fling wide open and people talking and laughing as the kids run on yelling

"daddy" scarlet yells

"poppa" jakob yells out as they all run to louis and harry and they hug them

"shh the babies are sleeping" louis says and soon their friends and family are all in the living room

"sorry we tried to stop them" jay says

"its ok, the babies are asleep" louis says" mom i want to take a shower and need harry to help me up and down the stairs"

"lou go ahead just behave you just had the babies 3 days ago" jay says as louis stands up and grabs harrys hand as they walk upstairs harry going at the same pace as louis they soon get to the top and walk to their room as louis gets in the shower and harry is just talking to him when louis is out of the shower harry jumps in and soo they are both showered and fell much better and harry helps louis down the stairs and they join their family in the family room not even knowing where the babies were at  as they sit down jakob climbs onto harrys lap and christina sits next to louis and scarlet gets on harrys lap as ben sits on louis lap

"Lou how do you feel" Liam asks

"i feel good just still a bit sore, but the doctor said that i am healthy and just to take it easy for a few more day"

"good that is great to hear" zayn says

"so when we were at the park we decided that sundays were family day and since the kids all have games and stuff that we would just BBQ at the park" Anne says

"I love that idea but just give me a few weeks, until then we can have family day here at the house" Louis says

"yeah we can do that" jay says and soon everyone was agreeing

"Ni" haillee says

"yeah" niall says

"i want another baby"

"sure you want to leave and get started" Niall jokes

"i'm serious" she says

"yeah ok we can get started tonight" niall says

"what are you doing tonight, Leprechaun" Harry says

"laundry" niall responds

"sure" liam answers

"thats what i said and look came out with 2" louis says

"no just one more" Haillee says

"well just for that i wish you twins" louis teases

"NO just one and if i end up with twins i am giving you one" haillee says

"deal" Louis says laughing and the rest of the afternoon was just spend relaxing with each other laughing and eating and each babies in someones arms  after everyone left jay and anne stayed to help get kids in baths and in bed

"do you want me to take the kids to school" anne says

"yeah just for a few days until the twins one week check up" harry says

"can i take jakob home with me" anne says

"if he wants to go" louis says

"jakobear you want to go to grandmas house and spend the night" harry asks and just then the rest of the kids hear and thy all want to stay over at annes house and jay starts to laugh

"dad, please can we stay at grandma annes" christina says

"please poppa" scarlet asks giving him the puppy eyes while pouting with her lip sticking out and soon all 4 kids are doing it

"that is not fair" harry says" baby look at what YOUR kids are doing"

"ohh now they are my kids i thought they were OUR kids" Louis says laughing

"they are only mine when they behave" Harry says

"don't make eye contact and say no" louis says laughing because he knows what will happen when harry says no

"NO" harry says looking at the ceiling and just like that all 4 kids jump on him giving him kisses and giving him eskimo kisses all that the same time sayin "puhhhhllllease" very dramatically "help"

"nope" louis says as anne and jay all start to laugh

"fine you can stay at grandma annes" harry says defeated as the kids all yell in happiness as they go to their rooms and start to get their clothes ready and anne goes into jakobs room and packs him a bag and soon they all come back downstairs with their bags packed as louis checks them and makes sure they have what they need

"be good and listen to grandma anne" louis says "anne do you want to take my car"

"yeah i think i better" anne says as harry gets up to get louis car keys "well come on kids lets go its almost your bedtime"

"mom i'll help you let me get the kids school bags" harry says as they walk to the front door and make their way to louis car

"well we better get going gotta put these kids to bed too" jay says" bye son love you call me if you need anything"

"ok thank you mom" louis says" love you too" he says as jay hugs louis and then all his siblings and they walk out the house as they say good bye to harry

"well its just us and the babies" harry says

"yeah i know the house is to quiet" louis says

"i know sometimes the chaos is to much but then when its this quiet i miss it" harry says

"well lets enjoy it" louis says" i want to go to bed"

"yeah ok try to get up by yourself" harry says as louis gets up by himself and starts going up the stairs

"the babies" louis says

"they are asleep as soon as you get to the top of the stairs i'll come back and get them" harry says

"ok, well lets go" louis says as he goes up the stairs with harry by his side when they get to the top harry goes back down stairs and gets the twins and walks back upstairs louis gets aiden and they walk to their room moving the bassinet closer to their bed and louis and harry place the twins in the bassinet as louis gets into bed and like they do every night they just talk about everything and anything as soon they fall asleep

The following morning harry gets up and changes  aidens diaper as he was the first one to wake up and then feeds him as louis starts to wake up

"sorry didn't meant to wake you" harry says

"its ok, is bella up" louis asks

"no she is still out, my little sleeping beauty" harry says as aiden opens his eyes and looks straight at Harry" louis william styles explain this to me"

"what" louis says confused

"this is not my son" harry says laughing

"what why" louis says concerned as harry shows louis aiden "blue, Yes finally come here my blue eye baby" he says with a smile

"no he is suppose to be green" harry says as bella starts to cry"well someone is feeling left out" harry says as he picks her up and changes her diaper and starts to feed her she opens her eyes and harry gasps" traitor"

"what" louis says and as harry picks her up and shows louis "blue yes finally, thank you babies"

"traitors" harry says as he places a kiss on bellas forehead" you were suppose to have green eyes like your poppa"

"i am soo happy blue eyes, i just hope they get your curls"

"hmmm well thats all i am hoping for" harry says he burps bella and puts her back into her bassinet and louis places aiden in his and they stayed in bed the rest of the day just relaxing staring at their kids and talking about their future and altho they dont know what will happen they know that as long as they have each other they will be able to get thru anything 




Christina is now 15, Scarlet and ben are 12, Jakob is 7 and Isabella and Aiden are 5 years old and to say the family has grown in an understatement Liam and Zayn now have 5 kids Charlie 7, Elizabeth 5 and twin girls Jessica and Lilly Rose 3, Niall and Haille have 5 kids Mark and Alexa 12, and triplets 2 girls Kayla and Carter and  1 boy Jonathan they are 5 years old and to says they are all busy is an understatement all the couples are going strong they have had their ups and downs but they all manage to work thru their problems, Louis and Harry both got their procedure done so they wont have anymore kids and louis was cleared he was healthy and hasn't had any black outs since that one time after aiden and bella were born, Scarlet requested her own room when she turned 11 and has the room next to ben, louis has gone back to work at the record label full time sharing responsibilities with Liam and Lucy and they feel that their team is stronger than ever and have decided to get another building to accomodate their growing business

"Kids come on lets go,  we are going to be late" Louis yells out as the kids come running down the stairs

"we are here" the kids all yell out"

"come on little one, nosey rosie, and benny penny" harry says

"lets go, jakob, bella and aiden" louis says as he kisses harry good bye

"have a good day" harry says as he kisses Louis they all leave and head to drop off all the kids to their schools as louis makes his way to the record label he stops to get himself his favorite hot chocolate and stares at the apartment window where he used to live and he cant help but think of everything that happened in that apartment but he is so happy now he gets back in his car and makes his way to the record label and heads to his office where his new assistant is waiting for him they walk together and as she gives him the information he needs

"Mr Styles, Ms Lucy is waiting for you in her office" shannon says

"just let her know to give me about 5 minutes and i will be right there" louis says

"i will" she says as he walks out his office and soon he makes his way to Lucys office he knocks then walks in

"lou, come in i just wanted your help on this contract that we  got back from that new artist we just signed" Lucy says

"ok let see" louis says as he looks over the contract when they hear a knock on the door and and Liam and Zayn walk in

"hey this brings back old memories" Zayn says laughing

"I know right, but i would be on the other side of the desk" louis says laughing

""well gentle man i called you all in here to let you know" lucy says and louis,liam and zayn all get nervouse"i just found out i am pregnant"

"congratulations" louis says as they hug lucy

"thank you" she says

"how many weeks" liam asks

"15 weeks, but i want you guys to know that i will keep working and will return to work after the baby"

"lucy take all the time you want, Liam and I are here again so you can work what ever hours you want just let us know when you will be here and when you wont other than that you can work what ever schedule works for you and roger" Zayn says

"thank you you guys have been amazing, i cant wait for this little on to meet his or her uncles and cousins" lucy says because in the last few years Lucy and Roger have been at all family functions and they are all really close

"well anything you need let us know" Liam says

"thank you for everything you have done for me, taking me as your family, you will never know what that means to me" Lucy says

"well we always told you that you are like our little sister and we will always protect you as our sister even Niall and Harry" Zayn says

"we love you" louis says

"well we better get back to work" Liam says as they leave Lucys office

"well that was unexpected" louis says

"i know roger and i started trying about 5 months ago and well here we are" lucy says

"yeah i was the same way with jakob and bella and aiden right away guess you are my little sister fertile as can be" louis says laughing

"i guess so, roger is so happy its funny" lucy says

"usually the father is" louis says" well lets get back to the contract" he says as he and lucy go over the contract and each take notes when they are done Louis goes to his new office when he gets a phone call from christinas school

"hello Louis Styles"

"Mr Styles, its Mr Meyers i need you to come into the office, your daughter christina got in a fight with another student"

"ok give me 10 minutes i'll be right there, does my husband need to be there"

"no not really"

"ok i'll be there in 10 minutes i'm leaving now" louis says as he walks out his office and goes and tells shannon he is leaving and let liam and zayn know, as he runs out the building he calls harry and lets him know what happened and harry said he will meet him at the school and louis gets in his car and drives to christina's school and as soon as louis walks in Christina runs to louis

"dad i'm sorry so sorry" christina says "please don't tell poppa"

"well you know that i don't keep secrets and I already called him and he is on his way" louis says" we will talk about this when we see Mr Meyers"  and 5 minutes later harry walks in and christina runs to him

"im so sorry poppa" she says crying

"Mr and Mr Styles, Mr meyers is ready to see you" the receptionist says as they follow her to the headmasters office

"Mr and Mr Styles good to see you again please take a seat" he says as Louis and Harry are confused to see a boy sitting in the chair with his parents and an ice pack on his left eye and nose

"well we want to know what is going on" Harry says

"well Christina punched Romeo" the headmaster says

"Christina Marie Styles" louis says sternly

"wait baby, Christina can you explain to us why you punched Romeo" Harry says upset but trying to be calm

"Mr styles you daughter assaulted our son and we are going to press charges against her" the boys father says" i don't know what you are teaching your children but for your daughter to go around and hit and bully our son is not acceptable"

"first of all don't you dare talk about my daughter or children that way, we teach our  kids to respect other people and bullying is not permitted in our house and if my daughter hit your son she must have a valid reason" louis says

"well obviously your are not doing a good job since that violent daughter of yours punched our son" the mom says

"well its not my fault you are raising a little bitch" louis says

"Mr Styles please control your husband " Romeo father says

"I have been trying for 15 years but he is stubborn and has a mind of his own" Harry says

" well it showed since you can't control your husband no wonder your daughter is out of control"

" well if your son wasn't a little bitch—-"and Louis was cut off by Harry

"LOUIS" harry says as louis turns his head quickly

"Mr Styles, Mr and Mrs Robertson please" Mr meyers says"Romeo what happened that you said she punched you"

"well i was sitting in class and i was trying to get her attention and she just turned around and punched me and next Thing i know i am at the nurses office" Romeo says

"where was the teacher" louis says

"she was writing the assignment on the board and only heard when Romeo fell on the floor" Mr Meyers says

"please call the police i want to file assault charges" romeos mom states," look at my son he is going to get a black eye and let's hope his nose isn't broken and we want her expelled"

"dad please i swear i didn't mean to" Christina says as she starts to cry

"Sweetheart take a deep breath and tell us the truth you know that no matter what we will have your back as long as its the truth" Harry says"

"and this is why you have such a  horrible kid with no self control, you probably let her run wild in the streets causing who know what she is probably doing drugs to have that kind of attitude" Romeos dad says

"look i am warning you to shut the fuck up and stop talking shit about my daughter, you want to talk about drugs your son looks like he is higher than a fucken kite" Louis says as he looks as Romeo and his eyes get wide" yeah that is what i thought by the look on your angelic sons face i guess i am right and i bet if Mr meyers searches his bag he might still have something in there let me guess marijuana, so try me asshole"

"Mr Styles Mr Robertson, please" the headmaster says "christina please i want to hear your side of the story. just take a deep breath"

"well romeo sits behind me and everyday for the last 3 weeks he starts to get my bra strap and pulls it and lets go i told him to stop and it started as 1 time then he stop and then the last 4 days he constantly does if every time everyday, i told Mr Xavier before class and he just told me that he probably has a crush on me, i was going to come tell you after class but he kept doing it and i told him to stop and he did it again i told him if he didn't stop that i was going to punch him he did it again and started to laugh i told Mr xavier that romeo was pulling my bra and he told me to stop being sensitive and he probably has a crush on me" Christina says  crying as Harry gets Christina and hold her tight as she cries in his arms and Harry whispers he loves and to take a deep breath and is doing amazing in her ear and louis and Harry just glare at Romeo and his parents and they can tell that romeos parents are now embarrassed" so by the third time he pulled my bra so hard that it came undone i was mad i was fuming so when he let go i turned around and punched him, i didn't mean to hit him hard i was just tired of it and it pissed me off that he was just smiling almost laughing at me and that pissed me off even more, after i punched him i went to the bathroom and snapped it back on and then came in here and wanted to talk to Mr meyers but he was busy in a meeting, I am so sorry i didn't know i knocked him out, i really tried not too,honestly i did, dad, poppa i swear it was an accident" she says as she starts to cry in harrys arms again

"Romeo is what Christina says true" Romeos dad says

"But I was just playing I thought it was funny"

"But she told you to stop why didn't you stop" mr Meyers asks

"My friends thought it was funny"

"Now I know you have a sister and another boy did that to her would you like that" Harry says

"No" Romeo says

"And how do you think that makes her father and I feel" Harry says trying to remain calm but deep inside he wants to strangle him

"Not to happy" Romeo says

"Now you been sitting here listening to your parents talking bad about my daughter with a stupid smirk on your face that I seriously want to slap off you and you refuse to say anything or own up to what you did, so that tells me you regret nothing" Harry say

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for her to get hurt" Romeo says

"No your not you are only sorry because you got knocked out by a girl and you were going to let your parents believe that you were the victim here, but your nothing but a sorry ass excuse of a boy who needs to be taught a lesson, Mr meyers can you please call the school nurse" Harry says as the headmaster calls the school nurse and she walks in a few minutes later

"you need me Mr Meyers"

"Mr Styles has requested you"

"yes sir"

"can you take my daughter into your office and i want pictures of her back right where he bra strap is, here take my phone" harry says "and Mr Robertson you better hope there is no bruising or swelling"

"Look Mr and Mr Styles we are sorry, our son was not raised this way" romeos dad says

"all of a fucken sudden" Louis says as the nurse and Christina come back and the nurse give harry his phone back and Harry starts to look thru the pictures and shows them to Louis and he gasps at the pictures" i need to fucken walk away" louis says as he gets up and walks out of the office and harry runs after louis

"lou baby calm down" harry says

"her back is swollen and red that is almost like he hit her, son of a bitch" louis says

"calm down she is scared, she deffended herself he for sure is getting a black eye and i think she broke his nose" harry says" come on calm down and we are pressing charges  and sue them to teach them a lesson for messing with our daughter"

"thank you" louis says as they walk back into the office "Christina why are you out here"

"Mr Meyer told me to come out here until you guys came back just so Romeo or his parents won't talk to me or try to get me to change my story but I won't I don't lie you taught me it's bad to lie"

"Well let's go back inside "Harry says

"mr styles, sir i am sorry i didn't mean it" Romeo says

"ohh no its to late, what made you think it was ok to do that to her" Louis says and just then Christinas teacher walks in

"you wanted to see me" he says

"yes, chrstina states that she told you numerous times that Romeo kept snapping her bra and you just kept telling her that is was a crush"

" kids always do things like that to get attention" Mr Xavier says

"You let him do this? Why didn't you stop him? Come over here and let me touch the front of your trousers." louis says

"What?! No!" the teacher says

"Does that seem inappropriate to you? Why don't you go and pull on Mrs. Robertson's bra strap right now. See how fun it is for her.  You think just because they're kids it's fun?"Louis says

"Mr Styles With all due respect, Christina still punched my son and probably broke his nose"

"No. She defended herself against a sexual attack from another student Look at them; he's nearly 6 feet and 160 pounds. She's 5 feet 4 and 84 pounds. He's a foot taller than her and twice as heavy. How many times should she have let him touch her? If the person who was supposed to help and protect her in a classroom couldn't be bothered, what should she have done? He pulled her bra so hard it came undone leaving bruises and swelling, we don't even hit our own children why should she allow a stranger to do it"louis says getting angry

"Mr Styles they are kids my son has never done anything like this before" romeos mom says

"i don't care you were talking shit about my daughter and look your son can't even look at you so tell me mr robertson what are you teaching your son that its ok to bully and pick on girls, ohhh no you messed with the wrong parents, Oh. And you want to know if I'm going to press charges against him for sexually assaulting my daughter and against Mr Xavier for allowing him to do it?" Harry says " and just a few minutes ago you wanted my daughter expelled well now I guess I want your son expelled too"

"yes we are" louis says

"but he didn't mean it, it was all innocently" romeos dad says

"well it was a serious matter when you thought my daughter just punched your idiot son" Louis says as he takes harry's phone and shows romeos parents Christina's back and romeos mom just gasp at the swelling and bruising" so now tell me is it still innocent fun, you have a daughter" he asks and both parents nod

"well you tell me what would you do if that was your daughter" Harry says and now Romeo's mom is crying and his dad looks both angry and embarrassed. The teacher won't make eye contact with Louis and Harry and just as louis was about to speak there is a knock on the door and the receptionist opens the door

"there is a police officer here to speak to Mr and Mrs Robertson" she says

"ohh good thank you for saving us the trouble of calling them" harry says and romeos parents eyes got wide

"let them know to come in" Mr meyers says as the officer walks in

"i'm officer Moore, we were called because a students parents wanted to file assault charges"

"ummm no it was all a misunderstanding officer" Romeos mom says

"misunderstanding?" the officer says

"well let us explain" louis says" my name is Louis Styles and this is my daughter christina marie styles"louis says as he tells the officer what happened"officer my husband asked the school nurse to take these pictures" he says as harry hands his phone to the officer and the officer eyes get wide

"well Mr Styles, you can press charges" the officer says

"yes we want to press charges" louis says

"Romeo i need you to stand up and come with me, Mr and Mrs Robertson i have a daughter and trust me i would be doing more than pressing charges" the officer says" you can pick him up in an hour, Mr Styles i will need you and your daughter to come to the station and make a statement we will be need the pictures on the phone but we will download them by our forensics department"

"yeah we will be there with our attorney" Harry says
"oh and I have this whole conversation recorded "Louis says

"Well we will need you to bring your phone as well" the officer says

" And I hope nothing like this ever happens again, not only to Christina , but to any other girl at this school. You wouldn't let him do it to a member of your family so what makes you think he can do it to a girl of 15 is beyond me. I will be reporting Mr Xavier to the school board" Louis says as the headmaster makes a call and soon the assistant headmaster comes in

"you wanted to see me"  she says

"Yes please get a security guard and walk Mr Xavier to his class to get his belongings and have him wait in your office"

"will do sir, Mr Xavier please follow me" she says

"are we done i got shit to do" louis says

"Mr Styles we want to apologize, we believed what our son was telling us" Mr Robertson says

"i believe what my daughter says but as i have learned from my attorney husband is that you listen to both sides of the story before you speak, and the things you said about my kids i would never say about anyone's kids ever, you don't know me, you have never met me, you don't know how me or my husband parent so don't judge us, and yes my daughter punched your son but she was defending herself when no one in the school would defend her and my husband and i will deal with the fact that she didn't tell us before so we could have dealt with it before it got to this point but Mr Robertson you crossed the line when you called me and my husband bad parents and try to insinuate that my daughter was some kind of tramp, when in fact she has been a straight A student since starting school, on 2 soccer teams since she was 9 and has been on the student council board since she was 7, can you tell me the same about your son" louis says as Mr Roberts jaw just drops" yeah didn't think so"

"mr roberts we will see you in court, we need to take Christina to her doctor then go see our attorney" Harry says "Mr meyers thank you for everything we need to go" and louis and harry walk out the school with christina as they go the her doctors office and he checks her out  giving  her a prescription for ointment and a sealed envelope to give to the detective, they soon head to micheals office and Micheal talks to christina and they all leave to the police station to talk to the detective when they get there Romeos parents are there with their attorney

"christina are you ok" louis says

"yeah, i'm sorry i didn't say something sooner" she says

"we will talk about that when we get home" harry says sternly"for now we will focus on that dumbass"

"Hello can i help you" the receptionist says

"my name is Micheal and i am with the styles family we are here to talk to Officer Moore" Micheal says as the receptionist picks up the phone and dials a number

"Officer moore will be with you in a few minutes please have a seat" the receptionist says as micheal goes and sits down

"i am going to call my mom see if she can pick up the kids from school just in case we are here longer than needed" Harry says as he stands up and and calls anne


"harry is everything ok" anne says

"no but can you pick up the kids its close to 3 and something happened with christina and we are at the police station" harry says

"what happened" anne says" is she ok is she hurt"

"mom can you pick up all the kids, louis and i will tell you when we pick up the kids, but she is ok"

"yeah i'll tell jay or lottie to pick up scarlet and ben and ill pick up jakob, aiden and bella" anne says

"ok thank you don't worry louis and I are with christina and she is ok don't worry and we might not be able to answer our phones but I promise we will tell you everything" harry says" mom i have to go"

"ok see you when you get here" anne says as they hang up the phone

"mom is going to ask your mom or lottie to pick up ben and scarlet and my mom will pick up the other 3" harry says as they walk back to the officer office

"thank you for coming in Mr and Mr Styles" the officer says

"officer Moore this is our attorney Micheal he will be representing Christina in the questioning" harry says

" well Micheal lets get started" the officer says"christina can you please let me know what happened before you allegedly punched Romeo Robertson" and christina repeats exactly what she said in the headmasters office"

"did you let your teacher know" the officer says

"yes i wrote down everytime i talked to Mr Xavier and what he would tell me" Christina says" i even recorded the conversation each time" and louis and harry just smile

"where did you learn that" the officer says

"my poppa is an attorney and I sometimes help him with some cases and i learned what jury and judges look for to win cases" she says

"well you learned very well" the officer says"do you have all your notes and recordings"

"yeah i have them in my school bag" christina says

"do you have it with you"

"no its in my dads car i can go get it" she says

"um i'll go get it" louis says

"can you please" the officer says as louis gets up and walks out the room

"christina i will need you to go with one of our officers it will be a female and she will take pictures of your back, i know that your dad has pictures but for court purposes we need to get an officer pictures as well your dad can be with you if you feel more comfortable"

"yean can he please" christina says

"Mr Styles i need you to sign this form that gives us consent to take pictures of your daughter back since she is a minor, and this form gives us consent to download pictures from your phone, christinas phone and your husbands phones and also includes christinas backpack" the officer says as harry reads thru the forms that the officer gives him as louis comes back to the officers office and gives him christinas school back

"here sign this" Harry says

"what is this" louis says as he starts to read the forms that harry gives him and once louis is done reading it he signs it as well, so what is going to happen now"

"well another officer is talking to the Robertson's and we will will compare notes and present all the evidence to the district attorneys and he will decide what charges to file"

"how long before we hear anything" louis asks

"it all depends on how busy the court system is but juvenile court usually isn't as busy as adult" the officer says" so i would say no longer that 2 weeks"

"well is there anything else you need from the Styles family" Micheal says

"um we just need the forensics IT department to come in and get copies of the videos and pictures from their cell phones" the officer says as they hear a knock on the door" Micheal, Styles family this is Debbie our IT Forensics Supervisor and she will get the information she needs"

"um Christina Marie Styles i need your phone please" debbie says as Christina unlocks her phone and tells debbie which videos she needs and debbie downloads them when she is done she gets her phone back and sits down" Louis WIlliam Styles" and louis does the same as christina

"mr styles to save time do you want to go with your daughter to get the pictures taken" the officer says

"christina do you want me or dad to go with you" Harry asks

"um can you go with me" christina says as Harry hands Louis his phone and harry and christina walk out of the office

"Mr styles your phone is done I need Harry Edward Styles phone please" debbie says as louis unlocks Harry's phone and opens the picture app and shows debbie which pictures to get" Mr Styles who took these pictures"

"these are  from the  school nurse my husband had her take them I have a written statement from her and also signed by the headmaster stating that we requested her to take them and on one picture you can see the nurse in"

"ok thank you if you have that statement can i please get it" debbie says as louis hands her the letter

"wait can i get two copies of that letter first" louis says

"yeah i will get you one" officer moore says as he walks out and comes back in a few minutes later and hands louis a copy of the letter with a red stamp that says COPY louis  gives one copy to micheal and keeps the other copy

"when can i get a copy of the report" louis says as debbie hands him Harrys phone and as soon as he gets the phone harry gets a text and louis checks harrys phone and sees it a text from Niall louis opens the message and Niall text say that he called anne and she told him he was at the police station an wanted to make sure he was ok and that everyone was going to meet at Annes house at 6 and louis text Niall back a simple OK and a few minutes later harry and christina walk back in

"Mr and Mr styles you can go now we will get in touch with your attorney when we press charges and from what the robertsons said the romeo got expelled" the officer says

"well thank you" louis says

"we called the school to get a statement from Mr Meyers and he wants to meet with the two of you and christina"

"yeah ok we will call him and confirm with him" Harry says

"well Styles family you are free to go" the officer says as they all stand up and walk out of the officers office and walk out of the police station and make their way home as louis calls Mr meyers and lets him know they will be there first thing in the morning once they get home

"Babe, Niall text you and said that everyone is going to meet at your moms house at 6" louis says

"dad why does everyone always have to know everything" christina yells

"first of all you will not raise your voice at us and second i am so pissed at your right now so go sit in the family room until your father and i walk in" louis says as christina walks to the family room and sits down "what are we going to do, she knows she should of said something"

"i don't know, i know your right but look what happened to her is a big deal and she feels bad that she punched her classmate" harry says

"but when i got to her school she told me she didn't want me to tell you, i told her i don't keep secrets from you" louis says

"i know but i think for this one time we give her a free pass but we sternly tell her that if it happens again she needs to tell us as soon as it happens, look i am upset about her not telling us she knows better and she knows that she can come to us and we will fight for her we always tell all the kids that but think about it she told her teacher several times and he didn't listen, so we have to be the adults and listen to her" Harry says

"your right, i hate it when your right" louis says as harry puts his arms around louis neck and louis wraps his arm around harrys waist and harry places a kiss on top of louis head

"well lets go talk to your daughter" harry says

"our daughter" louis says

"nope right now she has your attitude so she is yours" harry says as he starts to laugh as louis slaps harrys stomach as they walk to the family room and both move the ottoman to sit in front of christina who is crying"

"little one why are you crying" louis says

"because you are mad at me" she says" you have never gotten mad at me"

"little one listen to me" Harry says in a soft voice" we are not mad at you, we are upset because we have always told you and your siblings that you can come and talk to us about anything and we thought that your trusted us enough to tell us when someone was being a bully to you, and it also hurt us that you didn't tell us anything until it got to this point, we are not mad at you for defending yourself"

"i know i'm sorry but i thought i could handle it my self and i really did think he would stop i mean he stopped for a few days and started again today, but i told my teacher and he didn't listen to me and i swear i was going to go talk to Mr Meyers but that stupid smiled pissed me off"

"i know but Christina we have always believed you when you came and told us what ever was the problem and it hurts that you didn't come to us first" louis says" but we are not mad at you, and i only raised my voice because you gave me attitude and i will not have you raising your voice at me"

"i'm sorry dad i really am, but i guess i didn't tell you both because i thought i was old enough not to have my parents fight all my fights for me, i guess i really messed up"

"no you are a teenager and you will make mistakes and dad and i want you to know that when you make a mistake you learn from it and you know that no matter what happened dad and i will always fight for you and with you, we are your parents and we only want what is best for you" louis says

"i truly am sorry for hitting romeo i didn't mean to break his stupid nose" christina says

"actually i am glad you hit him will teach him to mess with you, but don't make it a habit" harry says

"so are we ok" christina says

"yes, but" harry says

"i knew it was to good to be true" christina says

"you are not in trouble, we understand everything you said and your dad and i want you to know that for this time we are going to let this go and not punish you for not telling us as long as you understand that if this happens again we don't care who started it you will be punished, do you understand" harry says sternly

"yeah i promise i will, thank you for always believing me" christina says as she jumps up and hugs her parents and kisses them on the cheek

"go and change little one put something comfortable on cuz everyone is going to be at grandma annes and just make sure to cover your ears when Niall starts saying bad words" harry says laughing

"pops dad says worst, didn't you hear him going off at romeos parents and i cant believe he called romeo a little b-word" christina says laughing

"hey his parents were talking shit about you" louis says

"ok stop lets go get changed" harry says as they change their clothes and make their way to Annes house and they get there and harry and louis know that everyone is there and as soon as they get there Chrstina goes straight to lottie and fiz as harry and louis go to the back yard and greet everyone

"so what happened" Anne says as louis and harry start to tell everyone what happened at the school and the police station and what louis and harry talked to chrstina about at the house before they got there, harry shows the family the pictures that the nurse took and to say that everyone was so upset Niall, Liam and Zayn threatened to kill him but everyone was in agreement that louisi and harry should sue the parents and they were happy that harry and louis pressed charges"

"how the fuck does anyone think that is ok did your see her back" Niall says

"i mean like we told the parents we don't even hit the kids why would be ok with someone hitting them" Louis says

"and for the dad to say that shit about her"

"well we recorded everything that was said in the headmasters office" harry says as he pulls out his phone and plays the recording for everyone and when it was done everyone was even more upset

"why did you walk away, louis" jay asks

"that was when harry showed me the pictures of christinas back i had to walk away cuz at that moment i just wanted to beat the fuck out of him see how he liked it, but i left my phone on the chair i wanted get as much as evidence as i could and sure enough i got everything i wanted" louis says" but swear i wish he was 18 so i can beat the fuck out of him for hurting my daughter"

"geez my poor baby" Jay says

"well she gave me attitude when we got home and i shut her up right quick, i swear sometimes she has my attitude" louis says

"you finally know how i felt when you would give me attitude" jay says

"we are not talking about me" louis says as everyone starts to laugh as christina walks to the backyard and sits on annes lap

"i guess dad and pops told you everything" christina says"

"yeah ohh sweetheart" anne says as she hugs christina tightly and starts to cry

"do you hate me" christina says almost ready to cry

"we dont hate you, actually we are glad that you defended yourself" Zayn says

"yeah sweets, but i'm sure your dad and pops already talked to you and we agree with them" Jay says

"i love you all" christina says as she gets up and hugs everyone and gives them a kiss on the cheek"

"and we all love you" Haillee says

1 month later

Louis, Harry and Christina are making their way to the court house, where Romeo will have his hearing to say christina was nervous was an understatement but she had her fathers with her and it made her feel better

"Christina, don't be nervous like we always tell you tell the truth no mater how hard it is, ok" harry says

"yeah ok, thanks" she says as micheal walks up to them

"you ready Christina, don't be nervous and don't look at romeo or his parent just stay calm, your dads and i will be right there with you ok" Micheal reassures her

"yeah, ok, well i guess i am ready as i can be" Christina says as they walk into the courtroom and they take their seats and soon after that Romeo, his parents and their attorney walk in and as soon as Romeos attorney sees Louis, Harry can see him whisper "Oh Shit" and immediately turns and talks to romeos parents

"i think romeos attorney recognizes you" harry whispers to louis as harry tells him what he just saw and louis just starts to laugh

"see it pays to have a big mouth and a sexy attorney husband" louis says

"this is not the time to try to get into my pants but maybe during recess we can sneak into the bathroom"

"shut up" louis says

"what is going on" Micheal says as harry tells micheal about Romeos attorney and he starts to laugh as well

"please stand for the honorable Judge Christopher Evans" the bailiff says as everyone stands up

"you may all be seated, what is our first case"

"we have the matter of Robertson vs Styles Case# JC987614-315674" the bailiff says

"Lucas please state your case" the judge says

"you honor can i approach the bench please" the attorney says

"yes please step forward" the judge says as lucas and micheal walk towards the judge

"your honor, i didn't know Mr Styles was the parent and I have advised my clients parents to take a plea deal, as I know that we will loose the case if we take this case to trial and my client is willing to negotiate a deal for his guilty plea"

"that is a great idea, i too have heard about Louis Styles, you are all lucky he hasn't gotten his license to practice law" the judge says" Micheal"

"well give me a 10 minute recess to discuss this with my clients parents"

"I am calling a 10 minute recess"the judge says as he slams his gavel on the desk

Micheal walks to the table where louis harry and christina are sitting and motions them to follow him as he walks out of the courtroom when they are outside they go into a small room and micheal closes the door as louis and harry sit down

"Harry , louis, lucas recognized louis and talked to romeos parents he told them about you louis and how you always win cases and they agreed that romeo will plea guilty but its up to you what his punishment will be" Micheal says

"christina we will leave it up to you" harry says

"Me why?"

"because he did this to you, if it was up to me i would put him in jail" louis says "but we want you to decide"

"ok i got it" christina says

"ok" micheal says as he writes down what christina is suggesting

"are you sure about this" harry says

"yes, and i hope he learns something" christina says" do you think the judge will let me say something to him"

"i am sure he will, i will ask" Micheal says as they leave the room and walk back into the courtroom where the judge is still sitting

"Micheal do you have a decision"

"yes, Mr and Mr Styles have asked their minor daughter Christina Marie Styles to make the decision and she as accepted the offer that Romeo plea guilty and her parents have allowed her to come up with what we feel is an acceptable punishment" Micheal says

"i think that is fair, lucas" the judge says

"we are willing to listen to the offer"

"well in exchange for the guilty please, Chrstina Marie Styles is asking for Romeo Robertson must volunteer at a battered women's shelter for a total of 1,000 hours to be completed in no more that 18 months and also must volunteer at a local children's hospital for 500 hours to be completed no more that 18 months, she request that he doesn't serve any jail time or be put on probation, if Mr Romeo Roberts fails to meet said volunteer hours Christina Marie Styles is requesting that he serve a minimum of 3 years in prison and 5 years probation"

"lucas do you want to talk it over with your client and his parents"

"your honor, Christina also would like to make a victims statement before they make a decision"

"Ms Styles please come to the witness stand and make your statement" the judge says as chrstina walks up the the witness stand and takes a seat"take a deep breath and talk when your ready you don't have to look at him if you don't want to its all up to you" he says as christina nods and takes a deep breath

"romeo i hope you understand that my parents and this court gave me a huge decision and i could of been vindictive and placed you in jail for 5 years but i choose not to the reason i choose those locations was because" christina says as she takes a deep breath" and you probably don't care but i am going to tell you anyways, I was adopted a the age of 6 months by my uncle from parents who were drug addicts, and my uncle who i called dad before he passed was in an abusive relationship for 2 years, and i thought at 7 years old that was what a relationship was but when he passed and my parents adopted me at 7 years old and saw how much they love each other, i knew what a real relationship and love was, i know i made a mistake when i didn't tell my parents the first time you pulled and snapped my bra but i know now that was abusive behavior and i should never allow that you thought it was all fun and games but it wasn't and i know you were just trying to impress your friends, I am not telling you this so you can feel bad for me or to have the court agree with me i want to tell you so that you can see that no matter what a person may seem on the outside you never know what they have gone thru, i choose the womens shelter so maybe you can see that abuse is not a joke or funny thousands of women die every year in the hands of a person that they love or thought they loved and it may start as "harmless fun" but in reality its not, Romeo when you are at the shelter i want you to really look at these women and how broken they are, you have 2 sister and a mom, I want you to picture that one of those women is either your mom and your sister, maybe your aunt or cousin, would it be funny then, i know it won't i have 2 little sisters and i know i would not like any of them to go thru what you made me go thru, i also wanted you to go to the children's hospital, there are children there that are sick but some of them are there because they were abused and i want you to see that abuse is never ok, i hope you learn and grow from that experience, I chose not to send you to jail because after all we are 15 and as much as i want to send you to jail i feel like you made a stupid mistake and i hope you learn from it that is why i am still leaving the jail time and probation on the table" christina says as she cries

"Ms Styles you can step down and go to your parents" the judge says as christina walks down to her parents and they both just hug her and give her kisses

"mr robertson do you want to address the court' the judge says as romeo nods a yes" please step to the witness stand

" Christina, Mr and Mr Styles i first want to sincerely apologize for what i did to christina in school, that day when i got home and talked to my parents and saw my sister walk in and the look on her face finding out what i did to another female student just made me realize how much of, please excuse my bad language, how much of an asshole i was, i realized that if anything like that ever happened to my little sister i would completely loose it, and i understand why you as her parents have taken me to court, i got kicked out of school my parents have me in military school, i cause a lot of damage for 1 stupid decision I made, not my friends but me, Christina, you are right i should never judge a person by what i see but for who they are and i have learned that the hard way and for what to impress a bunch of people that i thought were my friends but have not even bothered to come visit or see how i am, I really am sorry and I will accept your terms you have asked for" Romeo says as he starts to cry

"Mr Robertson, you can go to your parents" the judge says as romeo goes into his parents arms and just starts to cry

"you honor Mr Harry Styles would like to address the court"

"mr styles go ahead"

"Mr and Mrs Robertson, i know you have a good son and he actually feels bad, i for one would like for you and your husband to apologize as well for all the hurtful things you both have said about my husband Louis Styles, Myself and our daughter Christina Styles" harry says

"Mr and Mrs Robertson"

"Mr and Mr Styles what we said was out of anger as parents but your husband was right we should of heard both sides of the story before we judged and opened our mouths, I want to apologize for all the hurtful things that my wife said to you and your family"

"well that is a half ass apology" louis says

"Mr Styles" the judge says

"Sorry" louis says

"louis stop" harry says

"sorry" louis says

"Mr styles i know you would of made a great attorney but please no more outburst, i have heard the recordings" the judge says

"sorry your honor" louis says

"well then lets continue" the judge says" Mr Romeo Roberts i am going to agree with Ms Christina Marie Styles and am sentencing you to volunteer at a battered women's shelter for a total of 1,000 hours to be completed in no more that 18 months and also must volunteer at a local childrens hospital for 500 hours to be completed no more that 18 months, she request that he doesn't serve any jail time or be put on probation for 5 years, do you understand these terms Mr Roberston"

"yes your honor" romeo responds

"as for the lawsuit, i am awarding the styles family to amount of $5 Million and all court and attorney fees to be paid by the Robertston Family, and Mr Robertson i hope you actually learn something from all this" the judge says

" i have your honor, that all my actions have consequences" romeo says

"you honor" louis says

"yes Mr Styles"

"Um we appreciate you awarding us the money, but my husband and i dont need their money we are succesful on our own" louis says

"ok then i am sure you have a plan" the judge says

"yes my daughter just taught me an important lesson about compassion" Louis says" the money from the judgement i want the Robertsons to donate 1/2 the money to the womens shelter on behalf of their family and the other 1/2 to the childrens hospital on their behalf but i want them to get proof and confirmation that it was done, or we will come back to court and i will double the judgement"

"mr and mrs robertson" the judge says

"yeah we will do that" mr robertson says

"well then you will have 1 year to make all payments of the judgement and court and attorney fees" the judge says" you are all dimissed" and everyone starts to walk out of the courtroom and they make their way to harrys car

"well that went better than expected" Micheal says

"yeah, thanks baby for being such a loud mouth every one here knows you" Harry says laughing and he puts his arms around louis waist

"can you please not" christina says

"what i love your dad very much" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips

"you two i swear are so gross" christina says laughing

"anyways" louis says and he hugs christina and gives her a kiss on her cheek

"i have no idea what i did to get stuck with parents like you" christina says

"yeah yeah yeah" harry says

"i love you both and thank you for showing me what a real relationship should be" christina says

"no problem" louis says as he kisses harry on the lips

"alright lets go before anyone i know sees you both" she says as they all get in the car and make their way home when they get there christina goes to her room and changes her clothes and comes back downstairs where harry and louis are cuddled on the couch and christina squeezes in between them and louis and harry just laughs

"dad, pops" she says

"yeah" louis says

"um i want to tell you guys something and i want you both to promise not to freak out until i am done with what i want to say" christina says

"well state your case then" harry says

"well i am 15 almost 16 in 15 days, i still get straight A's are still in 2 soccer clubs and still in my student council" she says

"ok we know all of that" Harry says

"dad, pop i have never been in trouble except for this romeo stuff, and have been a good daughter and a good example for my brothers and sisters"

"we are listening and i hope this is not going where i think it is" louis says

"um well there is this boy and we have be texting we have know each other since middle school we had a few classes together but lately we have been talking more and i really like him and he told me yesterday that he liked me and asked me to be his girlfriend but i told him i had to talk to you guys first, since dad you have taught me that its not good to keep secrets" she says

'and what is your question" harry says

"i want your permission to say yes to this boy to be his girlfriend" she says as he lets out a deep breath

"well first of all thank you for telling us and second the answer is No, you are still to young" harry says

"babe, lets talk about this with her, i know she is 15 but at least she has come to us and not doing it behind out backs, so lets talk this with her" louis says

"when did you become the voice of reason" harry says

"only when you are being unreasonable" louis says" or do you prefer that she goes behind our backs and then it would be worse if we find out later that she lied to us"

"ok Ms Styles, state your case" harry says

"well his name is Anthony he is 16 but we are in the same grade and that is only because his birthday is in december and he started school a year later, he has straight A and he also plays soccer his mom is a doctor and his dad is a surgeon and he wants to be a doctor too and he is really close to them"

"shit" harry says

"what" louis says

"i think i like him already" harry says

"christina, how are you going to handle sports, school council, schoolwork, chores and a boyfriend"

"well you know i can handle all my other responsibilities and Tony and i have been talking for 8 months and i have been doing good my grades haven't slipped and he has been to a lot of my games he is very supportive and i really like him"

'look give dad and i a moment to talk about this we will call you when we make a decision" harry says as she walks out of the living room and goes to her room"so"

"um i know she is 15 and she has never given us a reason not to trust her and i like that she came and talked to us first before she said yes that shows me maturity and responsibility" louis says

"yeah i know but she still my little girl" harry says" i knew this day would come but i thought i would be dead"

"stop, i think the same thing but i think as long as we put rules in place then i dont see any reason to say no" louis says

"well what rules" harry says

"well first he has to come meet us, and i want to meet his parents" louis says

"and if they want to spend time together out side of school it has to be here, we can pick him up and drop him off at home"

"they have to have a chaperone at all times, aka one of the kids" louis says

"they are only allowed downstairs or backyard and must never be alone" harry says

"and i think gemma and lottie should talk to her about sex and babies" louis says

"NO" harry says"no, there is no way"

"look i trust her but we cant stop her, i just want her to know what can happen if she makes a mistake, i don't want her to ruin her life and i rather tell her i told you so and not wish we had talked to her about it" louis says

"i hate when you are the reasonable parent" harry says as he kisses louis

"well you want the defendant to come back to the court room" louis says "you know i should take the bar exam and put all you attorneys out of business"

"may be you can come work for me" harry says

"you cant afford me" louis says as he gets up and harry slaps him on the ass"wait till tonight"

"don't threaten me with a good time" harry says as louis goes up the stairs and come back with christina"sit down"

"your pop and I talked and we both agree that we feel you to young to have a boyfriend" louis starts

"But dad, pops" she says

"what have we taught you" harry says

"to listen before i speak"

"well then listen" louis says" like i was saying but the fact that you came to us and talked to us before you made a decision tells us that you are being responsible and straight forward with us and we appreciate it, so ms styles your father and I give you permission to have a boyfriend"

"thank you so much i'm going to text tony" christina says as she starts to get up

"wait we are not done" harry says

"should of ran upstairs"

"we are putting in some rules and they will be followed and if they are not followed there will be consequences" harry says

"ok i am listening" she says

"rule #1 we want to meet tony ,rule # 2 you and tony must never be alone at anytime, rule #3 he is never to be anywhere upstairs no matter who is here i don't care if your dad or I are here or your grandparents aunts uncles cousins i don't care if the queen of england is here, and he can come over after school and dad or i can drop him off at home but again there must be a chaperone at all times no if buts or and, and this rule is non negotiable Rule #4 and if you want to go some where as in a date you must take one of your brothers or sisters just one and God help you if you drop them off at a friends house" Harry says

"and the final one we want to meet his parents" louis says

"dad pops, you need to trust me why do i need to take one of the kids, none of my friends parents have given them such ridiculious rules" she says

"well they aren't our kids and these are our rules you can have a boyfriend and follow them or not those are your two options, what your friends do and don't do i really don't care, what their parents decide to let them do or not doesn't bother me, you are our daughter and that is what we decided we think is best for you" harry says

"look i know you are so over protective of  dad and all us kids but poppas we don't live in he 90's where parents were strict, things are different know" she says

"i really don't care, you are our daughter and these are our rules and like i said there is no negotiating" harry says

"this sucks" she says "he won't want to date me no boy will ever want to date me"

"well if tony really likes you he will respect our decision and will follow our rules" harry says

"but you and dad didn't have so many rules when you started dating"

"christina your dad and i were in university when we met we didn't live with our parents, better idea you can date when you leave for college" harry says" will save me a lot of grey hairs"

"dad, pops can i counter offer" she says

"NOPE" harry says" i stand firm with what we presented to you"

"dad, can you reason with him" christina says trying not to raise her voice

"first of all calm down the both of you" louis says "look christina sweetheart, this whole dating thing is new to us, how about you agree to our rules and as time goes by we can revisit and maybe just maybe we can talk about some of the rules, we not only need to trust you with a boy but we need to trust this boy with you, and you know we trust your decisions and judgement but we don't know him and we have to learn to trust him, and like your pops said if tony likes you like you say he does and was brought up as a gentleman then he will respect our decison"

" but i know that if it would be one of the boys we would not be having this conversation" she says

"no that is not true all of you will have the same rules, we have never treated your brothers any different that we have treated you girls, so don't pull that shit on us, Christina Marie Styles"

"i'm sorry i crossed the line" she says

"apology accepted" louis says

"i'll tell him when he gets out of school, but i swear no boy will ever date me i will be known as the girl with the strict parents"

"and we should care because" harry says

"keep up the dramatic tantrums and see if you ever date" louis says "so calm down and quit the attitude"

"i get that from you" christina says

"fine but quit the attitude" louis says "keep it up and i will sit in all of your classes for 2 weeks"

"you wouldn't" she says

"try me" louis says "go ahead try me"

"ok fine" she says" i will call tony when gets out of school and tell him my parents live in the 90's" she says

"we were born in the 90's" harry says laughing" and if you know what is good for you , you will not call any of your aunts or uncles to help you or even your grandparents, i am warning you right now"

"sometimes i wish you weren't an attorney" she says

"love you too" harry says as he starts to laugh at his daughter

"so are we done" she says

"yes" louis says as christina makes her way to her room "geez she puts on a good fight"

"i know almost gave in" harry says

"me too" louis says

"you know we have a few hours before we pick up the kids from school" harry says

"stop it our daughter is here" louis says as harry starts to kiss louis and soo it starts to get heated" lets go to our room" and harry gets up and starts to kiss louis again and just taps him on his ass and louis jumps and wraps his legs around harry's waist and harry as his hands on louis ass as harry makes his way up the stairs

"dad pops, seriously" christina says as louis and harrys eyes get wide as they both look at christina "and you say i need a chaporone" and louis and harry just laugh

"what we were just going to go take a nap" harry says

"im almost 15 i know that is a lie you two were going to have sex" she says wiht a smirk on her face

"we are married and its acceptable" louis says

"and where were you going" harry asks as louis unwraps his legs from harrys waist and stands up

"i was going to talk to you and tony wants to meet you both, he called me right now when he was in study hall"

"ok when" harry says


"fine dinner at 6" louis says as christina goes back to her room and louis and harry go to theirs" i hope she knocks cuz i am so horny right now"

"stop talking before she comes back" harry says an hour later and louis and harry walk out of their room and go downstairs louis starts dinner"christina" harry yells


"i'm gonna go pick up your brothers and sister you want to come with me" harry says

"yeah" she says as she runs down the stairs with her shoes in her hand and they make their way out the door an hour later an all the kids run inside and harry walks in last"

"baby" harry says

"in the kitchen"

"um you need to come out here"

"what is it" louis says as he sees an unknown teenager standing next to christina holding hands and harry next to christina

"tony, these are my parents louis and harry styles, dad pops this is tony hopefully my boyfriend" she says

"its nice to meet you Mr and Mr Styles" tony says as he extends his hand to shake it

"well come in have a seat"harry says as they walk into the kitchen" christina says your mom is a doctor and your dad is a surgeon?"

"yeah the both are and i want to be a doctor as well" he says" look Mr and Mr styles christina is my first girlfriend and i really like her i have 3 sisters and i want you to know that i have talked to my parents and they have always taught me to treat any girl like I would want any boy to treat my sisters, and when i was talking to my parents they said they wanted to meet you both and that i should assure you that i will no not disrespect her in any way"

"well you can call me louis, i appreciate that tony, you do have to understand that she is our daughter and we will protect her at any cost and all this dating is new to us so we want to  make sure that you understand that the rules we have put in place are because at this moment is what we feel would give us peace of mind as we told christina that as we see that you both are following our rules maybe we can revisit some and adjust them as needed"

"i understand my parents actually gave me the same set of rules" tony says

"and did you give them attitude like this one did" harry says

"a little and they are really strict they explained they want the best for me and want me to stay focus in my education it was a long discussion but i guess its that or we can't be together" tony says

"yeah christina put up a good argument, but like we said we are new to her dating and we are just trying to make sure that we feel comfortable with all of this" harry says

"mr styles i promise that i really like your daughter and i will not disrespect her in any way" tony says

"well let your parents know that when ever they have time they are more than welcome to come meet us" louis says

"i will thank you" tony says and soon louis and harry are serving everyone dinner and after dinner harry takes tony home harry come back home and takes a shower and lays in bed

"i am exhausted" harry says

"me too what a day" louis says

"what do you think about tony"

"i like him i can tell he was telling the truth" louis says

"me too but i hope he means everything he told us"

"he does i can tell by the way he looked at christina" louis says

"and how do you know that"

"because its the same way you still look at me, like i am the only one in the room and no body else" louis says

"that is because you are gorgeous and i love you"

'well that is how tony looks at your daughter" louis says

"but i don't want her to grow up and have a boyfriend for 8 years we were the only men in her life and now we have to share her" harry says

"i know but we have to trust her" louis says

"i know but she is still that 7 year old that always needed us" harry says

"and she will always need us" louis says

"fine, but i don't like it" harry says

"i know how possesive you can be but we need to let them grow and just wait until she introduces him to Niall, Liam and Zayn"

"ohh yeah cant wait" harry says laughing


2 weeks later and louis, harry and the whole family are celebrating christinas 16th bithday they are all in the backyard all the kids playing, harry cooking on the grill as louis and jay and anne are finishing making all the food

"so did christina invite tony" anne says

"yeah she is really nervous, you should of seen her face when harry told niall in front of her, like she saw a ghost" louis says "when when i told liam and zayn i swear she was about to faint"

"well after everything she has gone thru i mean i can understand why they are soo overly protective of her"

"yeah i know but she actually enjoys it because she knows that no matter what happens we do it because we love her" louis says as he hears the door bell ring"i'll get it no body move" he says as he walks to the door

"dad its tony i'll get it" christina says as louis opens the door and tony is there with his parents

"mr and mrs sheppard so nice of you to make it" louis says"tony how have you been josie, lisa, megan how are you girls"

"well thank you for the invitation, happy birthday christina, we got you a little something" tonys mom says" and call me alice, mrs sheppard sounds soo formal"

"well come in alice, john, tony" louis says

"thank you mrs sheppard" christina says" josie, lisa, megan how are you" she says as she hugs the girls"come on i want you to meet my aunt lottie and fizzy" she says to tony as she takes tonys hand and leads him to the living room

"follow me i will introduce you to everyone, since my daughter is being rude" louis says laughing

"dad, seriously" she says as louis walks to the kitchen

"Mom, anne this is alice and john sheppard, tony's parents and josie, lisa, megan tony's sisters" louis says" and alice , john this is my mom jay and harry's mom anne"

"well nice to meet all of you, ohh gezz let me wash my hands" jay says as she washes her hands and shakes alice and john hand" where is tony"

"christina stole him to meet fiz and lots" louis says

"she still afraid to have him meet the family" anne jokes

'well i remember when john met my family he was so nervouse, i swear he was going to cry" alice says

"yeah harrys dad threw up on my dads brand new shoes" anne says

"well the food is almost ready, so make your selfs at home" Jay says

"my louis you have a beautiful home"alice says

"thank you, follow me to the yard" louis says as he walks to the back yard" this is liam and his husband zayn malik and Niall and Haillee horan and roger and lucy Cooper, and of course you know my husbad, you met our kids but there are to many to introduce so in time, everyone this is alice and john shepperd tonys parents and josie, lisa, megan are tonys sisters"

"nice to meet you all" the shepperd says as well as the girls

"john you want a beer" Niall says

"you irish" john says" yes to the beer"

"yeah Mullingar Ireland" Niall says

"i lived there for 5 years before my parents moved here" john says" i went back to visit about 3 years ago"

"so when do we meet this special boy that stole our girls heart" zayn says

"come on guys be nice tony's parents and sisters are here" harry says

"girls if you want to go play i can get the kids to come over" louis says

"please" the girls say as louis gets up and finds bella and scarlet soon they all come back and tonys sisters follow them and quickly they all start to play together louis goes back into the house

"Christina, you need to introduce everyone to tony before they all come inside and embarrass you and niall has had 4 beers" louis says

"fine" she says"tony my family is embarrasing so please don't leave me, especially my irish uncle"

"um ok" tony says nervously as they all walk to the backyard

"um everyone" Christina says"and uncle niall you better behave"

"NO promises"

"pops" she says staring at harry and he just laughs and shrugs his shoulders and tony's parents just laugh

"its not funny, mom, dad" tonys says to his parents

"uncle niall, aunt hailee, uncle liam, uncle zayn, uncle roger, aunt lucy, grandma anne, grandma jay this is Tony my boyfriend , tony this is my family" christina says

"tony come here sit next to liam, zayn and I" niall says

"dad" christina says as louis shrugs his shoulders and sits next to tony's parents and harry just stands behind louis and both sets of parents just laugh" grandma jay nana anne, please help"

"nope" they both say

"aunt lottie, aunt fizz" christina says

"we cant help we went thru the same thing but it was worse your dad and pops were there and that wasn't pretty" lottie says

"now tony i want you to know that we love christina like she was our own daughter and we want you to know that we don't like the idea of her dating" niall says

"but we have to respect her parents decisions and we have to be ok with it" liam says" and if she chose you as her boyfriend then there must be something special about you"

"all that we are asking is that you treat her with respect and like a princess, she will never and should never  settle for anything less" zayn says

"ever since she came into our lives we have always treated her like a princess, and she was raised to have her opinions and to reach her goals and she has goals and wants to meet them and we all want her to" Niall says

"we don't want you to hold her back we want you to support and help her to achieve what she wants and not hold her back, do you understand" liam says

"we are trusting you with the most beautiful treasure that we love and you better not let anyone of us down" Zayn says "do you understand us"

"yees sirs, i do and like i told her parents that i like her a lot and will treat her with as much respect as i would want some other boy to treat my sisters, i promise i will not let you down" tony says nervously

"ok then i think i like you" Liam says

"Well you got my vote" Zayn says

"Uncle Niall" chrstina says

"dont rush me" Niall says " as long as he treats you like a princess i will be ok with it, but i will be watching you like a hawk"

"grandma anne, grandma jay" christina says

"Well i am with the boys as long as he treats your right and makes you happy i am ok with this" anne says

"grandma jay" she says

"i agree with anne" jay says and christina goes and hugs them all and gives them a kiss on their cheeks

"see little one it wasn't that bad" harry says

"i know but you and dad got me nervous and all these years you always all of you always told me that you would beat up any boy that would ever even try to knock on the door"

"well we are dads and you know how i am" harry says

"thank you all" she says as she hugs and kisses all her aunts uncles and grandparents and the rest of the afternoon was spent just getting to know each other


what happened to christina i read it online some where and want to write about it

have an amazing day where ever in the world you are

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