
By SkaneScarlet

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Ever since she was young she dreamed in becoming a singer, one that could express her feelings through music... More

Chapter 1- Second chance
Chapter 2- Some
Chapter 3-Hard to love
Chapter 4- If it is you
Chapter 5-Retaliate
Chapter 6 - Stalking
Chapter 7: dates
Chapter 8 - Rumours
Chapter 9 - Do I know you?
Chapter 11 -Meetings
Chapter 12- Questionnaires
Chapter 13- Teach me
Chapter 14 - Relashionships
Chapter 15- Auditions
Chapter 16- Ride
Chapter 17 - Complications
Chapter 18 - Run away
Chapter 19 - Games
Chapter 20 - Long time no see
Chapter 21- Action
Chapter 23 - Who?
Chapter 24 - Wagyu
Chapter 25 - Old demons
Chapter 26-Forget it
Chapter 27 -People and their messes
Chapter 28 - A moment in time
Chapter 29 -The past and it's enigmas
Chapter 30- Nobody
Chapter 31 - Flower Road
Chapter 32 - All about you
Chapter 33 - Office run
Chapter 34 - history
Chapter 36 - The day
Chapter 37 - Getting ready
Chapter 38- breakfast
Chapter 39 - Connections and Confusions
Chapter 40 - Advice
Chapter 41 - Cool Kids Table
Chapter 42 - Reunions and Departures
Chapter 43 - Story Telling
Chapter 44 - Early morning
Chapter 45 - Dont rain on my parade
Chapter 46 - The process of healing
Chapter 47 - Pizza nights
chapter 48 - In need of sugar
Chapter 49 - Stray paths aligned once again
Chapter 50 - Side Loves
Chapter 51 - Break in
Chapter 52 - Phone Calls
Chapter 53 - Confessions

Chapter 10- Show time

8.7K 397 33
By SkaneScarlet

"Leave the signed contract on my table. If I wish to speak to any of them I will call them to my office later. Report me what has been decided for Lisa. I will not release an MV for if it is you, but the next song will have one. Start arranging for a live concert." Luna said, looking through the window of her car. Because today she would be going for an interview, she decided to go with a van instead of driving herself. Turning to look at the woman in front of her, she sighed. Even though Sam said that today she would also be handling business matters, Luna was still very confused. It didn't fit the blonde's personality to do so. " But tell me Sam, why are you handling this? Where is Mille?"


Pausing for a second, Sam looked away.

"She is, uhm... How can I put this? She is dealing with the model you asked for. "

Luna lifted a brow confused.

"Lewis?" She questioned. Seeing the woman nod, she was all smiles.

Lewis was a good guy, very shy, yet very successful. Not very sociable and pretty awkward. But still, she liked him, he would be a good match to Camille. Two awkward cuties together.

In a good mood, the car pulled over, announcing they had arrived. Seeing the place so early in the morning flooding with fans of all ages, Luna smile grew even bigger. She had missed such a reception.

Opening the car door, Luna wore her best smile leaving. Systematically, Luna stopped. Sometimes to take photos or talk, sometimes just to give a brief hug.

Because she was prepared for such a delay, they had arrived early. Finally getting in the studio, Luna greeted everyone a happy good morning, which some responded, some ignored, and some brushed off. When she arrived she still had to wait, put her outfit and do her makeup, at least she could get to relax a bit.

Meanwhile, waking up to the pale sunlight, Camille realised it was already late in the morning, maybe eight o'clock or something like that, working with Luna, she had been used to waking up at five at most.

"You are up?" A male voice asked, getting closer to her and giving a sweet peck on her lips. "I figured I'd let you sleep."

Looking startled, the woman, grabbed her phone, looking at the time in fright. It was already so late. This week had been crazy busy, how could she be so lazy? She was going to be fired for sure. Looking at the text message left a couple minutes ago the woman lifted a brow. "You have the morning free. If I need anything I will send you a message.'

"I guess I have a free morning." She said looking at the man. Yesterday had been an intense night. And she never thought that she would wake up and see the man, especially dressed, serving breakfast at her apartment. She had heard many stories from her close friends about sex in the first date, and none had turned out to be good. But she was glad that she was the exception.

"I am currently unemployed, so I guess I do too." He stated with a smile. "I hope you don't mind I used your stuff to cook. I figured that after yesterday you would wake up hungry."

"Oh!" She exclaimed embarrassed.

"From drinking." He completed. Kissing her red cheeks, she was really cute. "But also from that."

"Let's go sit at the table." She said, looking away, getting up from bed, and immediately sitting down.

"I thought it would hurt, that's why I brought it here." He said biting his lip.

And only now she realised, maybe he stayed not because of her. But because of guilt. It had been after all, her first time. And for a moment the smile on her lips slipped away.

Back in the studio, Luna looked stunning. Even though she was not the prettiest out there in the industry, she was still a good-looking young woman. With her short white dress, she looked refreshing to the eyes, especially in such a beautiful morning, her feet wore flats and she wore simple jewellery. Her makeup was kept natural, adding to the goddess look they were going for. She was pleasant to the eyes.

"You are up in five, four, three, two..."

  Looking at the TV in front of him, the man couldn't help but grin. Biting his lips in anger, the man observed the woman as she sang her last note. With her melancholic and emotional pitch, she left listeners in a trance, but this man in question seemed in agony.

After the scandal from the previous day, he thought he had gotten her. But little could he expect that for the woman the problem in question was not even a problem.

After listening to the song for the second time, he indeed felt guilty. Above all, he felt furious. She was the one who asked for the divorce and now she was singing about pain. They had been together because of a stupid contract. Okay, he couldn't deny that he knew about her feelings, and he never hesitated in playing with them, but still, did she have to make such a big deal out of it.

"Childish." He spoke in anger, grabbing the remote and throwing it far from him. Even angry he still couldn't turn it off.

"Now for the questioning." The man said, after a minute of flattery. Showing a couple of messages on the big screen. " We have all loved your breakthrough. These last songs you created, wrote and produced, are a piece of art. But now the internet is asking. Who is it all about?"

"You are under contract." The man said to the TV as if a warning to the woman.

"Oh, Gabbie. You sure boost my EGO. It's all thanks to Moonlight that I'm able to release such songs." She said giving a free shout out. "As for the question. You put me in a hard spot right there. I'm under a contract, so I can't really say it." She said with a slight smile. Putting a big one in the man's face, of satisfaction.

"Contract?" The man asked confused. " But haven't you ended your contract under Potter Entertainment?"

Derek suddenly, lost track of the conversation. Seeing the woman nod, he felt a chill down his spine. Where was this going?

"Oh, yes." She said with a soft and gentle voice, knitting her brows in confusion. "I have broken up with Potter entertainment. But I can't talk about it because of the divorce agreement."

Although it wasn't obvious for the audience, those close to her knew that behind that mask she was hiding a smile.

Derek rose a couple tones redder in anger. That was once again a breach of contract.

Back at the studio, everyone went silent. It was truly about Derek. Gabbie left a shy smile escape before proceeding. This episode would for sure go viral.

"But can you tell us, at least.  What those songs are about?" Luna nodded her head, with an innocent look she went to her memories, searching for the meaning of those songs. The public couldn't help but think: who would have the heart to cheat in such a woman?

Putting her hands together, Luna sat straight, making her back reach the leather of the sofa. With a soft smile she started.

"Well, the song, both of them, are about a girl. No, they are about a woman. She broke up with her lover. She was hurt, broken, sad, but relieved.  Even though she loved him, he loved another, every day that they were together she suffered, but still, she could never let go. She believed she was happy, even if in the end of the day he was with another. Even if being with him, meant she would give everything away, her pride, her youth, her fame, her family, friends and herself. She tried to become just like the other woman but once she noticed, that no matter how much she tried, she could never become her. She could finally let him go. However, what broke her the most in the end is the fact that he had never even cared about her. She was just a pawn in his game." Luna spoke, proposedly stabilizing her voice so every word could be perfectly heard, but still make each and every single one fragile, in the brink of breaking. With each word, she made sure, life left her eyes. In the end, people felt the need to do the same as she did not to cry, holding their breath as if their pride depended on it.

" Are you okay?" Gabbie asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. " She said, putting a smile back on her face. Barely reaching her eyes. "Quite intense. I know, imagine the reaction of my crew when I explained to them." She laughed it off, making people feel even more devastated. Forcing every single audience member to fake laugh with her.

Luna thanked the day she was forced upon acting. All those years of suffering provided her a decent performance.

" But the first song, 'Hard to love'. You talk about the woman's suffering after she broke up. But at the end of the chorus. You say 'Please come back to me.' Is that a cry for the man?" He asked making the audience go silent once again questioning themselves.

Luna denied with her head.

"No. Actually, the 'Please come back to me' " She sang, with a faint smile on her face, her sweet voice enchanting the listeners. "It's more of a reality check. Something like, I want to come back to me. The woman wants to go back to who she was, her principles her morals, she is conflicted, but in the end she reminds herself not to be foolish again and miss him, but to stay true to herself once more, hold on to her pride and let him go. But I find it quite curious the way some listeners interpreted the lyrics. They say that you understand what you can relate." She laughed at the end.

"I can only imagine." He laughed it off. Putting a friendly face on, he changed the subject. "So, yesterday. This photo leaked."

Gabbie read the tiny television, and showed it in the big screen. Luna grinned inside, the show was on.

In a second, both their smiles faded, as if in slow motion, her eyes spoke for her. The pain could be felt in a single glimpse at her person. A picture of her ex-husband, with what would seem to be her, if she had never spoken out about it before, clearing this mess up would have been troublesome. Now it was as easy as snapping her fingers. Those blonde locks, the tan skin. Looking at the woman now next to the real Luna, saying it was the same person would only be delusional. Luna had not a drop of tan left in her body. Her height was not as much as the woman in the picture and her shoulders were not as broad.

On lookers couldn't help but recite her previous words back again inside their minds. 'She tried to become just like the other woman'. Still looking at the picture, his mouth agape, Gabbie couldn't understand, were her words just for show?

"Are you the one on the picture?" He asked, confused, turning to face the woman, instant regret filled his eyes, when he noticed what everyone did. He had crossed the line.

"No." She quietly said. Cleaning her throat, she repeated herself. "No, that's not me."

Looking once again at the picture, her face expressionless. She asked, not taking her eyes away.

"When was this taken?"

Now, her question startled him. He was the one who usually made others feel out of place, not the other way around.


Noticing the atmosphere, she laughed off, as if trying to clear the air.

"Yesterday. I wish I had the time to go out yesterday." She joked, as if she had not seen the man in the picture. "But you see, Gabriel. I am planning on starting promotions, so I have been extra busy with that." She gave a smile, her voice serene as if nothing bothered her. However, her eyes held no shine to them. "Also. Yesterday, we welcomed two new members to the moonlight family."

Seeing the opportunity to take back his program, the man changed the subject.

"Really? You seem pretty excited over it." He laughed, as her collected demeanour came back.

Before, Luna used to be an energetic girl, joking around being loud and playful. Now, she seemed more as a woman speaking, every word caught your trance. She wasn't the best in oratory, nor the best at reacting now, but the man couldn't think of a better way to react to the bombs he had dropped today. She was for sure a professional, comparable to the demeanour of actresses. She had a great media training and he was glad to work with such a person. After last week's problematic encountering with another pop singer, he was reluctant to do a show with another. But now, he was glad he did it.

"Yes, I am. In fact, I have been a fan for quite a while. They are both very talented. I was over the moon when I heard they were coming to moonlight. "Not a lie, she thought.

Looking at the woman, and how collected she was he was pleased. She highlighted her company without it seeming forced. She promoted both artist without making it obvious and she still acted like a true fan, but not making her seem a crazy obsessed person. She seemed human, like most people who were at home watching.

"I have seen the video of you singing in the park, is that one of them?" He asked smiling.

The woman nodded.

"Her name is Lisa. She is a very talented singer. Her voice is very charming, soft and aggressive, it's unexplainable. You should hear it." She simply said.

"Let's show them the video." He said showing it on the big screen.

Watching the video the woman felt some things. One, the girl beside her was crazy talented, she couldn't quite possibly understand how no scouter had found her yet. Two, she looked way better with black hair than with blonde hair. Three, a duet should happen between the two once again. They sounded way too good together to be thrown away. Yes, maybe she became a fan. But how she not ship it? Their voices complimented each other so well.

"Wow, I can't wait to see more of that." Gabbie said.

"Neither can I." Luna said with a bright smile.

"But you mentioned two. Who is the second?" He seemed serious.

"Oh, Gabbie. I can't reveal anything just yet. But he is a young model. His name if Felix. And that's all I can tell you for now. But you should look forward for more, moonlight is actually hosting auditions this weekend, so, soon we will have an even bigger family. I hope, at least. "

"Your president seems to be picky. " He said jokingly.

"Yes, she is." Luna could only agree. With a charming smile showing conviction with her words.

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