Through different eyes

By DramaKelly

463 23 49

Another perspective, another view. A story of four people about hatred, friendship and love in the good and t... More

1.1 Heather
1.2 Eric
1.3 Thomas
1.4 Becca
2.1 Eric
2.2 Heather
2.3 Thomas
2.4 Becca
3.1 Eric
3.2 Thomas
3.3 Heather
3.4 Becca
4.1 Thomas
4.2 Becca
4.3 Eric
4.4 Heather
5.1 Thomas
5.2 Heather
5.3 Eric
6.1 Thomas
6.2 Becca
6.3 Eric
6.4 Heather

5.4 Becca

13 1 21
By DramaKelly

I stared at my phone, debating wether I should call Hunter or not. What if he actually hurt himself? I would never be able to live with myself if I hadn't done anything to stop it. But what if he just wanted a day off? To settle down? And I called with my overprotective ass while I have absolutely no business with him...

Argh! Why is helping someone so difficult! I have a stone cold reputation! I can't ruin that! I groaned and rolled over in my bed so I was facing the ceiling. A text, maybe? That wouldn't be over the top, right?

-Hey T, weren't at school today, everything alright??

And now all I had to do was wait for a reply. I sighed and put my phone aside, my eyes closed. I swear if he doesn't answer within the hour I'm gonna check his house out. But luckily he answered rather quickly.


No? Well, short, for sure. He probably wasn't in the mood for talking...

-Are you feeling better at least??
-Stop texting.

Ooh, with dots and everything now huh? I must've pissed him off then... I sighed and started typing again.

-Sorry I'm concerned you asshole
-Why would you suddenly care? Out of pity for my pathetic excuse of a life? No thank you.
-What?! Thomas! Don't act like a jerk every time you get hurt!! It won't make you feel any better and you know it!!
-Leave me the fuck alone Lewis.
-No, I'm not quiting until I know you're okay!!
-Okay? Okay?! Eric has been taken by criminals Becca! I might never see him again! And no one is doing anything about it!!!
-That's not true!! The police are searching their ass off!!!
-Than why haven't they found the video yet huh?! If they're searching so fucking well?!?!
-Wait what? What the hell are you talking about?? What video???
-You know what? Forget about it! I'm not talking to a fucking Lewis.
-Excuse me?! My fucking dad is your fucking doctor you stupid moron!! Now tell me what the hell you're talking about!!
-They send me a fucking video okay?! The people who took Eric! They hurt him and threatened to hurt him more if they don't get what they want!! They send the video to all his contacts... I-I don't know what to do Becca...
-NO!!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! Just leave it, forget I ever told you anything...
-I. Want. To. See. It. I demand it Thomas!! It's the least you can do after you told me they're sending fucking threats around!!
-You don't want to be in this alone!! It'll never end well!! Please, let me help you!
-Thomas, accept my help, please
-Please, I don't want to see you suffer from this!!
-How is this different from anything else I've suffered from? Why the sudden interest? I really don't get you Rebecca Lewis.
-What can I say? I'm a complicated person! Now send it to me!!
-Are you crazy?! I'm not gonna just send it to you!! You'll send it to everybody else as well!!
-If you really wanna see it that bad, you can come to me for it.
-In person.
-If you wanna be like that than be like that
-I'm coming over
-Wait. What? Now?
-Is that a problem??
-Uhm no I guess
-I'll be there in 20

I grabbed my purse and put on my shoes. In the mean time Thomas had been sending me confused texts, not knowing if I was being serious or not. Hell yeah I'm serious. Nobody just takes a person from my school and gets away with it. I'm Becca Lewis after all, I need to know everything. I grabbed my coat as I got downstairs and glanced into dads study.

"I'm going out" I stated, not even a question, just an announcement.
"Be back by dinner" he answered, continuing to work without even looking up at me. I rolled my eyes and left the house. Work has always been more important than I am. Guess I value my future also more important than him. Value my studies and friends more than I do him or his little affair. But I'll never say that out loud. People would think I'm strange, not caring about my family. Cause in a small town as this, family is everything. But not to me I guess.

I shrugged it off as the cold wind flew in my face, sending my hair flying in random directions. Thomas' house wasn't that far of, just a street or 2, maybe 3 or 4. I don't really know out of my head but I do know where it is so that's something, right?


I pressed the small white button next to the front door, causing a ringing sound to fill the air. It only stopped once I let go, but even then the ringing still echoed through your head. A girl opened up, Eleanor, Thomas' sister.

"Becca? Huh, what are you doing here?" she asked confused.
"I'm here for Thomas, he knows I'm coming" I said while she let me inside.
"Really?" she frowned.
"He didn't say anything about any visitors today... And he's not really in the mood to talk either, since the, uhm yeah, Smith situation..."
"That's actually why I'm here" I smiled and saw Hunter walking down the stairs. He looked like a mess. His hair with a free will on its own, his shirt all wrinkled, not to speak about those pants... His eyes were bloodshot from crying and his skin was paler than ever. I bit my lip and stared at the ground.

"I-it's okay Ellie... She's right" he spoke, his voice raspy like sandpaper, hoarse and quiet.
"Are you sure?" she asked, not knowing if this was for the better or worse. Thomas didn't answer though. He just groaned something and motioned for me to follow him. I shrugged and smiled one last time a Eleanor before making my way upstairs. Thomas closed the door to his bedroom behind us and fell onto his bed.

"You're really not giving up, are you?" he muttered, glancing at me with anger and sadness.
"I'm Becca know-all, I have to know everything" I stated, crossing my arms.
"So, where is it?"
He muttered something about me being a bitch but I decided to ignore him. He reached out to his phone and unlocked it, giving it to me.
"Messages, Eric's number" he sighed, burying his head in his pillow.

I did as he said and saw indeed a video. Once opened, it started to play. But I didn't let it play all the way through the end before pausing it. I quickly grabbed a pen and paper and started the clip from the beginning. I wrote dots and stripes on the paper, the same signs Eric blinked. Thomas frowned at me, confused, not knowing what the hell I was doing.

"What are you writing down?" he asked and got up from his bed.
"Well, you see Eric's blinking throughout the video? I think he's sending a message" I stated.
"Wait, you think it's Morse Code?" he asked, his eyes getting bigger.
"I'm quite sure of it actually" I said while translating when the clip had ended.
"Am Ok are his first words, that can't be a coincidence"
"R-really?" he asked hopeful and stared as I translated the rest of his signs.
"I think it says Warehouse Close By after that" I said.
"Not sure though, it's been a while since I've written Morse, let alone translated it"

"I-I didn't even know you knew it" Thomas whispered, still a bit in shock. I shrugged and smiled.
"There's a lot you don't know about me. Now, Eric says he's okay and he's kept in some kind of warehouse close by. Where do you think that is?"
"I have absolutely no idea" he sighed, sitting down on his bed once more.
"Mind me staying for a bit? Analysing this?" I asked, plugging my earbuds in his phone.
"Be my guest" he muttered while watching me from a distance. It stayed like that for a while and I think Thomas even fell asleep once. Not that I care, really.

"I have it!" I exclaimed after two hours of analysing and research. Thomas shot up and rubbed his eyes, making his ay over to me.
"What did you find?"
"I know where he is" I grinned happily and started explaining to Thomas. The fact we were gonna argue over what to do with that information was a problem for later.

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