Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

517K 14.6K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 48

5K 151 105
By Veikari

For two hours Freed and Laxus just cuddled at the bed and exchanged kisses and caressed each other. It was nice, nothing sexual, only gentle making out and enjoying how they finally after nine weeks were able to be together again. They didn't care if there was storm outside or the wind felt like it was ready to blow away the roof of the house.

Freed smiled looking at the lightning dragon slayer, who had finally dozed off for a moment. It was clear that Laxus was more than just exhausted after the big mission. He couldn't yet tell what all happened, not before he fist talked with Makarov about it, but it was okay. They had time to talk what all had happened while they were apart.

Carefully Freed opened one of the bandages in Laxus' arm and examined the wound. Not deep, but still not just a scratch. He was happily surprised that Laxus had actually taken care of it like he should, not just splashing some water on it and saying that was enough. Freed crawled at the night stand and took out a little case, opening it. Inside there were ointment that would help to keep the wound clean and heal. After gently applying it on the wounds in Laxus' arm, shoulder and chest he wrapped the bandages back on.

After that he silently stood up and stretched. He felt better than in many weeks! He was no longer constantly stressing or worried or anything. He was just happy that Laxus was home and relieved that his mate was not that badly hurt.

Freed quietly slipped out of the bedroom and to the bathroom. He dropped the clothes on the laundry basket and stepped on the shower. He wanted to do something really good for Laxus. Should he bake something? Laxus' wasn't really fond to sweet things... And there was no point making dinner since Makarov had already prepared something for them.

Freed hummed while washing his hair. He had been so depressed he hadn't even showered properly for a couple of days. Slowly the tangles started to straighten from the green hair as he added some of the lavender oil in it.

Suddenly he heard someone grabbing the handle of the door and he got startled. He had locked the door after him and now he was glad he did it. It would be wonderful to have a shower together with Laxus, but... With no clothes to cover the slight roundness, Laxus would probably notice it right away, since the rune mage was always so strict to stay in a good shape. Freed just kept washing his hair and pretended like he didn't notice at all. Luckily, the handle was left alone after that one attempt to try open the door.

Freed stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel. He wrapped it around his hips and raised his fingers, drawing some runes in the air. He smiled when his magic was working and he felt a warm little breeze blow through his green hair, drying it. Then he grabbed his brush and started to brush his hair straight. It was never sure that his magic would work when he wanted. Sometimes it did without a problem just like it always had but sometimes he could do nothing. It was really frustrating for time to time. After every single knot was untangled, Freed pulled his hair up and tied it in a high ponytail.

He stepped beside the door and listened for a while the noises. Laxus was obviously doing something in the kitchen. He completely forgot to bring a change of clothes with him in the bathroom, so he should just quickly slip back to the bedroom and put something on.

Freed nodded to himself and silently he set some runes that would muffle all the sounds from everywhere but from the kitchen so Laxus couldn't hear him. Then he opened the door and sneaked to the bedroom that were still dark but now empty.

He pulled out a pair of boxers and put them on, then he grabbed the orange hoodie that was laying around and pulled it over his head. Yes, this was good. He only needed pants anymore.

Freed looked around for a while in the darkness and when he turned, he saw Laxus and cried out loud because of the sudden appearance. Or he would have cried loud, but he couldn't hear a thing because of the trap. He waved his hand and the runes vanished.

"You scared me", he said still trying to calm his fast pounding heart.

"Sorry, didn't think you would use your magic to sneak around", Laxus said. He had dressed up already and was just about to eat something when he noticed the bathroom door had opened without him even hearing it. "What was that?" he asked frowning.

"I just didn't want to wake you up, I thought you might still sleep", Freed said still looking for pants.

"Like hell you did, you heard me when I tried to open the door, you stopped humming instantly at that moment", Laxus said and Freed shivered. "Something is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong, Laxus", Freed assured.

"Why wasn't I then allowed to enter? What are you hiding?"

"I... Umm..." Freed stuttered and now he was scared. Laxus wanted to know what was going on, he was worried. He had actually thought it many times how he should break the news to the lightning dragon slayer, but... Suddenly he just froze.

He was so scared that Laxus would react badly. What if he got angry? What if he would throw Freed out of his house? What if he never wanted to see him again?

Freed flinched when big fingers touched his chin and lifted his face up, making him look straight into those orange eyes that looked like burning cinder in the dim light of the bedroom.

"What is it, Freed?" Laxus asked calm, but demanding. He wanted to know what was going on. Something obviously had happened, he didn't just imagine it while he was away. "Seven weeks ago I felt a tug in my magic and I knew you were in danger. Are you okay?"

"W-what?" Freed said blinking. "No, I'm fine! We were against a big beast and Valdeghar had to use your magic."

"Valdeghar?" Laxus asked. "Why him?"

"W-why? Uh... There were some troubles and Bicks was in a really bad shape, it was the only way to help him."

"Why couldn't you help? Were you hurt?" Laxus kept asking and Freed took a step backwards.

"It's a little bit complicated", he said.

"Were you hurt?" Laxus repeated growling. He knew Freed would squirm his way out of this and keep avoiding questions if he wasn't straightforward with them.

"W-well, I can't deny there wasn't -" Freed started and was startled when Laxus grabbed his hand, rolling the sleeve up looking for signs of wounds or anything. "Laxus, I'm fine!" Freed assured pulling his hand away. "Seriously!"

"Then why aren't you telling me what's going on?" Laxus snarled grabbing his other hand but he found no wounds.

"Calm down", Freed said. "There is no need to be like that. I can't tell you anything if you won't listen."

Finally Laxus let go and stood there, ready to listen. Yet he was obviously not in a very patient mood. But Freed had already lost his words again.

"I'm waiting", Laxus grunted looking at his mate who just stared at the floor, almost trembling.

"I-I..." Freed whispered, trying his hardest to think should he just bluntly blurt everything out or try to figure better words. "D-do you want some tea first?" he offered.

"The fuck?" Laxus growled raising his eyebrow.

"J-just to ease the situation a little?" Freed suggested. It would give him at least a little bit more time.

"That's it. Get here, Justine", Laxus snarled and Freed jumped away when he tried to capture Greenette with his hands. "Fucking grasshopper", the blond grunted. "I gave you an order!" he roared and Freed jolted, stopping when his captain side automatically wanted to follow his commander's orders.

He yelped when big hands grabbed him and shoved him on the bed, binding him down so he couldn't squirm away that easily. But instantly Freed grabbed the hem of the hoodie before Laxus could pull it up.

"Laxus! We need to talk with time and peace", he said.

"I gave you many changes but you didn't tell me, so if you're not going to be honest with me I'm just gonna see it myself what's wrong", Laxus growled. "Did that beast hurt you badly? Are you still recovering? Did it rip your chest and leave you with scars?"

"It has nothing to do with that beast!" Freed yelled his cheeks burning, eyes shut tightly.

"What? Was it something else? Did something else happen while I was away?"


"Then what is it?!" Laxus shouted eyes sparking angrily, as he got more and more worried.

But he forgot his anger and got stunned when he suddenly heard sobs. He immediately stopped. Was Freed crying? Did he scare him? Or accidentally hurt him? Oh fuck! Did he really hurt his mate while angry?

Quickly Laxus run his fingers through long green locks and pulled Freed closer.

"It's okay, love", he murmured, trying to soothe him. "I'm sorry, I lost my temper. I shouldn't have yelled. Are you hurt?"


"Are you sure? I'm so sorry... I really didn't mean to cause you any harm", Laxus said and he felt guilty and ashamed. He made his mate cry. He was the worst boyfriend ever. "Shit, I shouldn't have been so rough..."

"I-it's alright..." Freed muttered.

"It's not, you're crying."

"I'm not crying because of that", Freed groaned rubbing his face with his hand and Laxus was confused. He had no idea anymore what was going on.

"Freed, seriously", he said. "You have no idea how fucking scared I am right now", he murmured. "I don't know what is wrong and I just want to help you. Please, tell me what it is."

"It's... Because..."

Freed's throat hurt so badly, it was like he was choking. But he had to say it. He had to tell him. He had to force himself so he could even whisper something and Laxus leaned closer so he could hear what he tried to say.

"Pregnant?" the dragon slayer said when he understood what Freed was muttering. "I don't get it", he frowned trying to figure what Freed meant. Why was he saying something like that? "You don't mean... You are?" he asked half jokingly, but the other part of him was so serious it was terrifying.

Freed's head was buzzing as he had finally managed to say something but he couldn't open his eyes and look at Laxus. He just sniffled, as he wasn't anymore able to control his feelings. Whatever it was he was feeling, everything was just a big mess inside him right now.

"Y-yeah..." he sputtered nodding wearily.

There it was. Laxus knew. There was no going back anymore. Whatever would happen, he couldn't stop it and he had to accept it, no matter how hard it would be. He just sank to lay on the bed like it could swallow him in it's depths, he was too tired to do nothing more than just stay there, sobbing.

Freed's other hand let go of the hem as he was too overwhelmed to try and fight back, when bigger hand raised the hoodie. He wanted to hide under the blanket, keeping his eyes shut when Laxus was observing his body. Last time he felt this embarrassed under Laxus' stare was when they had sex for the first time.

He inhaled slightly when he felt rough hand gently touching his stomach. Those fingers were trembling so much it was almost ticklish.

"Shit..." Laxus gasped, feeling a bump. It was not yet big but he could feel it well. And he could see how before so sharp and gorgeous sixpack had started to... Well, not fade but soften in some way. "Oh shit."

Freed snivelled quietly. The more time went by as they just stayed there, both not knowing what to do, the more he just wanted this to end. No matter what, even if Laxus would just throw him out of the house, he couldn't just stay there being stared by his Thunder God.

"Oh fuck..." Laxus muttered, finally sitting on the bed and he run his fingers through the blond hair. "I think I need one really strong drink. No, maybe a whole bottle."

Freed said nothing just wiping his face on his sleeve and he rolled on his side when he was finally free to do so.

"How is that... How can that even happen?" Laxus finally asked. And he was stunned by the fact that part of him didn't even actually question was this really possible. It was like he knew it all along, but only just now realised it!

"Because of the dragon slayer magic..." Freed muttered. "The mating season activated this part of it..."

"But... How can two men...?"

"I don't know, Porlyusica said something about how this magic doesn't care about genders as long as there is a strong enough link between soulmates", Freed sighed. His tears had stopped finally and he was too tired to even be scared anymore. "Something about how it is a way of survival. To make sure dragon slayers won't vanish. It is possible that dragons have this same trait so it was passed to the dragon slayers with the rest of the magic they have... We still don't know much about this."

"Porlyusica knows about this?" Laxus asked.

"Yes. She examined me as well when Levy suspected she was pregnant", Freed nodded.

"And Levy knows too?"


"Who else?"

"Um... Naturally, me and Levy are not allowed to go into any missions anymore for a while and... Well, Porlyusica had to tell Master why."

"So Gramps knows?" Laxus said eyes widened.

"Yes..." Freed nodded, hoping that Laxus wasn't angry. "It was necessary to tell him, he is the Master of Fairy Tail."

"Oh fuck!" Laxus groaned holding his head. "I don't know what the hell I should think. I have never thought about having kids."

"Me neither", Freed sighed. "At least we are both just as lost with this."

"Are you absolutely sure about this? You're not just getting fat?"

The suggestion was so sudden and odd after all what Freed had said, he actually burst into laughter. He knew he probably should feel offended or whatever but he couldn't, maybe he was tired enough to find even that lame question funny. No, he didn't laugh because of the question, he laughed because of the serious tone Laxus had when he asked it.

Freed tried to calm himself quickly, still giggling a little and he finally looked at Laxus. Then he laughed more when he saw that confused, worried and annoyed expression in his scarred face.

"What?" Laxus snarled making the rune mage only laugh harder. "Are you fucking joking?"

"N-no", Freed chuckled trying to calm himself. "I just... You look so..." He buried his face on the pillow laughing hard again.

"Look what?" Laxus growled. "How would you look like if you came home after over two months and found your male lover pregnant?"

"Wouldn't that then be you?" Freed asked and thought about how it would look like.

"Don't picture it in your head, you ass!" Laxus yelled his cheeks red as Freed was laughing for the mental image.

Laxus huffed and crossed his arms, waiting until Freed finally started to calm. His look was annoyed, but inside he felt really relieved to hear his mate laughing again. For a minute there, he was almost ready to kick himself because he made him cry. He had really missed that face and voice, no matter how bizarre this situation was.

Freed let out a couple of small chuckles still and wiped tears from his eyes.

"Are you finally done?" Laxus grumbled.

"I guess", Freed smiled. "I really needed that."

"Seems so."

The rune mage looked at Laxus.

"Are you angry?" he asked.

It took a while, as Laxus stared at somewhere far.

"Not angry", he finally said. "Just... Fucking confused, that's all", he sighed rubbing his face and ruffled his hair. "When someone suddenly tells you something like that..."

"I know", Freed smiled. "It was a big shock for me too."

Laxus sighed and he slumped on the bed.

"So... A kid, huh?" he muttered.

"Yes", Freed nodded, laying just beside him, both staring at the ceiling now. "Can you imagine?"

"No, not before I have that drink", Laxus snorted. "Does Bicks and Ever know?"

"Yes, I had to tell them, they were worried."

"Good. They were here when I couldn't be."

Freed turned his head towards Laxus, who kept staring ahead.

"I was worried", he confessed. "Of what you would say... I still am."

"I guess I would be too", Laxus murmured. "That was one hell of a bulletin. I was so close to just grab my coat and head to the nearest bar and drink until I wouldn't know anymore if it was next day or last week."

"I wouldn't have blamed you if you had done that. Why didn't you leave?"

"You were crying", Laxus huffed and his cheeks reddened slightly. "I can't just leave when you're crying. It's not something you do often, not like that. Sounding so sad, scared and lost... I don't know what I felt, was I terrified or what, but I couldn't just walk away."

"You big softie", Freed chuckled.

"Shut up, bitch", Laxus snickered. "I still don't know what the hell I should do, but walking away is out of the question."

"I'm not forcing you to anything", Freed assured. "You can do whatever you want."

"You know what I don't wanna do?" Laxus grumbled. "I don't wanna be like my own bastard dad, not giving a shit about what family really is and stuff. But how could I be better father when I had him as my role model?"

"Who says you can't be like Makarov then? He's your grandfather", Freed smiled. "Most important thing is that you do what feels right and find your own way how to be father."

"That's going to be hard, being a parent."

"It is. But I've heard it's all worth it. Just take your time to fully digest this, I'm not pressuring you into anything. If you don't want to get involved, I will respect your choice."

"Wouldn't that make me an asshole?" Laxus grunted. "Leaving you to take care of the kid all by yourself?"

"I still have Fairy Tail", Freed smiled. "I won't be completely alone. I just don't want to force you, I've never wanted to -"

"Shut up, like hell I'm gonna leave you and our kid."

Freed smiled brightly when hearing that. He wasn't that scared anymore. Laxus obviously needed still lots of adjusting in this but he looked really determined to not just turn his back.

"I think you're going to be a great father", he assured. "Just believe in yourself more. But you will not grow a mustache as you get older and start staring at hot young guys at the beach."

"Hell no!" Laxus laughed.

Silence landed and they kept staring at the ceiling, both thinking about the changes there would be in their lives.


"Yes, Laxus?"

"Wouldn't you then be a mother?" Laxus chuckled and Freed blushed.

"I guess..." he huffed.

"Suits you, you've always acted so motherly, taking care of everything and everyone."

"I don't know if I still would want to be called a mother..." Freed muttered crossing his arms and Laxus laughed.

"Mama Freed... Sounds about right", he smirked and was kicked down from the bed.

"Thin ice, Dreyar. Thin ice", Freed warned. "I don't want Bickslow to start calling me that."

"I'm sorry, love", Laxus smirked climbing back on the bed and kissed Freed softly. "Just teasing you a little."

"You're forgiven. This time", Freed said smiling a little. He had stressed about telling this to Laxus so much, so when he finally had told it, how he didn't need to lie or hide or try to come up with excuses anymore... He was happy. He never wanted to lie to his Thunder God or keep secrets from him. And it was a relief how well Laxus took the news in the end. Well... At least million times better than what Freed had feared he would.

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