The Legend of Link & Malon

By Alkaid-RebelPrincess

17.4K 401 99

Malon gets stuck in helping Link to find the sages, and she gets a new sexy look too. but the more she stays... More

A Child's soul in an Adult's body
Out of a hole and into the Forest
The Forest Temple
What? The Birds and Bees?
The Kidnapped Gorons
The Fire Temple
Reina the Demon Assassin
Every Hero Need's a Break
The Ice Cavern
To Lake Hylian
Water Temple
I need a hero
A Very Long Wait
Rouro of the Watarara Part 1
Rouro of the Watarara Part 2
Reina Loves Sheik
Link & Malon fell into the black
Back to the past
Within the dark Well
Back to the Future
Shadow Temple
Ganondorf's plan
Malon's worse nightmare
Going to the Desert
The Bonding of love
The Gerudo Training
Haunted Wasteland
Spirit Temple part 1
Spirit Temple part 2
Monster how should I feel?
Fighting is so hard!
Zelda finally Appears
Ganon's Tower & The barriers
Link vs Reina do or die
Link loves Navi always...
Link vs Ganondorf
Link Vs Ganon The final battle
Stalkid and the mask part 1
Stalkid and the mask part 2
Child's Play's Sneak Peek

Malon vs. Sheik

365 8 3
By Alkaid-RebelPrincess

Both Reina and Sheik went to Kakariko Village to make the monster within the well come out. Reina ran through the Village lighting everything on fire by making her wires go on fire and throwing them at the houses. Sheik on the other hand was not doing anything, he was just watching Reina having fun, and he knew very well the smoke would bring Link here. So he knew he had to work fast to awaken the beast within the well, he knew Impa would be mad about this once she came back from Goron City but he had to do this. Ganondorf wanted this and since he was playing both sides he had to do what he was told for now.

Meanwhile back at Lake Hylian both Link and Malon where getting ready to leave to find the next temple, Malon still has not yet gotten over her fever yet. It still kept coming and going, no one knew why it hasn't stopped, it even made Malon throw up time to time.

Link got on Epona with Malon behind him so she could rest on his back for a bit. He was still not sure where to go at this point really but he guessed if he went back to Kakariko Village he might find something out. As they walked through Hyrule Field Link could smell smoke same with Navi, Malon was sleeping on Link's back because her fever kicked in again.

"Oh no Link! Its Kakariko Village I see smoke." Navi shouted.

Link pulled Malon to his front so she wouldn't fall off Epona. He raced a crossed the field as fast as Epona could go. As they got there Link woke Malon up and told her something wrong has happened. He would have told her to wait here but he couldn't risk leaving her alone anymore.

"Link what's going on?" Malon asked with her fever gone for now. "What is with all the smoke?"

Both Link and Malon ran up the steps into the village. Once they were in they saw the whole Village burning and everyone running and screaming. "What the hell?" Link yelled.

From up high Reina was watching Link and Malon walk into the Village. She was so happy that they came but she was shocked to see Malon still alive from her poison. Her blade will poison you if it cuts you, but since Malon was using a pink fairy to heal her that's why it didn't work before but now since she has not used one, she had been poisoned and it was starting showing a lot.

Both Link and Malon saw Sheik standing over by the well just watching it. They ran over to him to see if it was him who did this or what the hell he is doing.

"Get back, Link!" He said but not looking at the others. The wood piece flew off the well and landed behind Link and Malon. There was a sound coming from the well then, Sheik was up in the air then got thrown down the steps from the well.

Link and Malon ran over to him but only Link kneeled down next to him to see if Sheik was okay. Malon saw a red shadow thing come out of the well and was going over all the houses and coming their way. Link got up and took out his sword and shield to fight it, same with Malon. But it grabbed Link and threw him into a wall and then to the next. Malon tried to fight and help Link but she kept getting pushed away from it.

After that Link hit his head so hard that it knocked him out cold then the shadow went to the graveyard.

"You!" Malon screamed at Sheik. "You fucking did this! You let that thing out!" She ran at Sheik with her twin blades but got stopped by Reina's wires again. "Damnit!"

Reina jumped down with an evil smile on her face that was blood covered. "Oh me oh my we meet again my dear. It's funny how we keep running into each other like this." She had her sword out with blood dripping off it. "So I guess this time you can't run and the hero is out cold ha-ha! This will be all too easy." Reina ran at Malon with her sword that was pointed at her.

Malon struggled to get free but out of nowhere a black ball of darkness came at her, and freed her from the wires. Reina stopped and looked around to see who had did that but it was no one, Sheik had his arms crossed just watching them fight.

Malon ran at Reina with her twin blades and starting attacking her with all her straight. Their swords were hitting each other over and over. Malon's fire and ice blades kept burning and freezing Reina's sword. Malon cut Reina right in the shoulder making her bleed.

"Fuck you bitch!" Reina yelled at Malon.

Malon went to attack Reina again but stopped. Her fever had kicked in again; it made her fall to her knees and started breathing heavy. "Damnit! Not again." She cursed.

"Oh my poison has kicked in again but this time by the end of the night you will die. Ha-ha! Well since you're going to die soon anyways I guess I will leave you to it. Then" Reina said while putting away her sword.

"I've been poisoned this whole time? But how..." Malon said while holding her chest.

"A pink fairy will cure you fully but since you didn't have one this time. The poison stayed within you. Ha-ha! That's why you have been getting the fevers and feeling weak." Reina laughed.

Malon got back up to her feet still holding her blades. "I won't give up..." She said with sweat running down her face, and had shaky legs and arms.

Reina rolled her eyes and smiled. "Too bad your body will... by the end of the night you will be dead." Then with that she was gone.

Malon turned to face Sheik with anger in her eyes. "I knew it! You're working with Ganondorf! Now I'm gonna kill you before the fever gets worse." Malon held her twin blades up and was ready to attack Sheik. But he just rolled his eyes and took two steps closer to Malon.

"Look you're sick, let me help you. If I don't give you an antidote you will die and you getting mad is going to make the poison kill you faster..." Sheik said while holding a small bottle of yellow liquid.

"No! You get away from me!" Malon shouted with sweat running down her face and was breathing heavy. She ran at Sheik and swung her blades at him but he just jumped out of the way and kicked her in the back.

Malon fell to her knees but she got right back up again. "Is that all you've got bitch!" She yelled. Malon stabbed her swords into the ground making fire and ice come at Sheik. He got stuck to the ground by ice and the fire started to burn at him a bit.

Sheik broke free from the ice and grabbed Malon by her arm hard that made her drop her ice sword. "Stop this now! I can see the fever getting worse, please let me give you the antidote." He said once again trying to calm her down. But she head bud him in the face and got lose, but Sheik was too quick he grabbed her again and knocked her fire sword out of her hand and was holding her tight. Malon struggled as hard as she could but the fever was making her very weak to the point she was blacking out.

But she shook her head and back kicked him where it would hurt like hell. When she did it, it hurt Sheik but not that much in the way she thought it would.

"Don't try that again." He said while still holding her tight. "Now stop this now!" He shouted.

Malon head bud him hard in the face and got free once again and ran to get her twin blades. He tried to stop her but she managed to get her fire blade and cut Sheik right across the chest making him bleed a bit but not much since the fire stopped him from bleeding. "Don't fucking touch me!" Malon screamed. The rain started to beat on them hard and it felt good to Malon it was cooler her down. "All this time you used Link! You told Ganon about how stronger he had gotten! I will never forgive you!" She cried.

Sheik didn't say anything thing to her, he knew there was no point Malon was lost in her anger and hatred for him. Talking to her would only piss her off even more but he didn't want to hurt her even though she was in the way of the hero of time. He took a long piece of chain out a wiped it at Malon making her yelled out in pain. Then he did it again and again until she fell to her knees from being in so much pain. Sheik walked over and kneeled down to her seeing if she will stop trying to kill him, since he really didn't want to hurt her. "Are you going to stop this and let me help you? Or do I have to hurt you even more?" He asked.

Malon was breathing heavy more than before and her vision was getting blurry. "I won't give up! If I do then you will kill both of us while we are out cold...." Tears ran down her cheeks. She looked into Sheiks dark red eyes and saw sadness within them.

She went to attack Sheik but her body went limp and then she fell in Sheik's arms. Malon looked up at Sheik and started to feel very weak and dizzy; then-then she fell unconscious.

Sheik let out a small sigh and then opened the small bottle with the antidote, he poured it into his mouth then lend down to Malon and put his mouth to hers giving her the antidote by mouth to mouth even though it made him cringe a bit from it but he had to think it was saving her.

"Oh wow Sheik I didn't think any girl was your type." Joked Impa As she walked over to him with her arms crossed.

Sheik laid Malon down over by the carpenter's wife house. And walked over to Impa, "No girl is my type...I think dating is a waste of time, in times like these." He said.

"Oh really? Well anyways I see you let out the shadow monster from the well...can I ask why?" She asked.

"Ganondorf wanted him free, and he was going to break free anyways so what can I do." Sheik said while fixing his shirt that Malon had cut.

Impa looked down at Link then back at Sheik. "I guess I have to seal it back up again. So I will leave you to tell Link to get the power from the well. But he would have to go back in time in order to get it, since as you can tell the well is kinda closed up thanks to that demon." Impa was getting ready to run off to the Shadow Temple until Sheik stopped her.

"You're going to fight it alone?"


Impa turned her head with sadness in her eyes. "I have to try; if I don't fight it...the Village will be doomed." She said.

"You will die; if you go alone you know that." Sheik said. "There is no way you can win on your own."

"I know my destiny. And you have yours...So get the hero back to the past to get the power within the well, I'm counting on you sheik." And with that Impa was gone running off to the temple.

Sheik shook his head and walked over to Link to see he had a cut on his head that was bleeding a bit. He cleaned Link's cut and looked over him to see if he was okay, then he had an idea for both Link and Malon. It was something that would make them stronger in spirit, body and soul but it could kill them if they're not careful.

Link slowly opened his eyes and sat up to see Sheik kneeling down next to him. He rubbed his head and saw that he was soaked and saw that it was raining hard.

"Looks like you're coming around..." Sheik said while helping Link up to his feet. "Link...A terrible thing has happened! The evil shadow spirit has been released. Impa, the leader of Kakariko Village, had sealed the evil shadow spirit in the bottom of the well...But the force of the evil spirit got so strong, the seal of the well broke, (cough-cough!) and it escaped into the world!" Sheik said.

Link looked over at the well then turned back to Sheik.

"I believe Impa has gone to the Shadow Temple to seal it again, but...she will be in danger without any help. Link Impa is one of the six Sages. Destroy the evil shadow spirit and save Impa! There is an entrance to the Shadow Temple beneath the graveyard behind this village. The only thing I can do for you is teach you melody that will lead you to the Shadow Temple...This is the melody that will draw you into the infinite darkness that absorbs even time...Listen to this, the Nocturne of Shadow!" He took out his harp once again and started to play the song.

Link took out his ocarina and started to play along with Sheik. After the song was done he thought he put away his ocarina.

"Let me take care of the village. I'm counting on you, Link." He said. "Link go to the windmill talk to the guy in there he might know something about the well." Sheik said while waiting with Malon.

Link ran up the windmill and walked inside, he could see the music man playing his music box but he looked so evil with his light red eyes. Link still had his ocarina out in his hand. The man looked at it and started to freak out.

"What? You've got an ocarina! What the heck! That reminds me of that time, seven years ago! Back then a mean kid came here and played a strange song. It messed up this windmill!" He started to play the song and Link followed along. After the song was done it started to rain inside the windmill.

Link thought it was an odd power to make it rain indoors with a song. He looked over at the man who looked even more pissed off.

"Oh, no! A storm again! You played the Ocarina again, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" He said.

Link walked back outside again to see Malon in the arms of Sheik. He ran over to them and started to freak out. "What happened to Malon!" Link asked.

"She was poisoned for two weeks now but I healed her so she will be fine." Sheik laid her back down on the ground. "I have something for you is going to test your very soul, if you fail at this more likely you will die."

Link's eyes widen. "What kind of test?" He asked. Navi didn't like the sound of this at all.

"I will bind you two until you pass the test. But nothing as it seems, so be warned and even the most pure of hearts can turn black if you're not careful." Sheik said.

Link nodded his head while he picked up Malon in his arms. Sheik nodded his head and took out a red string and used his powers to tie it to each other's pinkies. With that Link went unconscious right on top of Malon. Navi was freaking out like crazy.

"What have you done!" She screamed.

Sheik laid them both in front of the carpenter's wife house so she would find them. "Don't worry their fine I hope, if they pass the test they should wake up feeling more powerful than ever. It could take a week or two who knows let's hope they pass." And with that Sheik was gone once again.

( Finally this chapter is done lol the next chapter is going to be my own doing hehe with Link and Malon in a odd world their souls go to for a bit. I want to ride this story out as long as I can so yeah hehe. don't worry there will be more sex with Link and Malon okay lol well until next time.)

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