Follow Your Heart - Larry Sty...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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I am amazed i cant believe 3K reads i dont know what to say but thank you 8/23/2019 THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE... More

Prologue - The Begining
Chapter 1 Strike 2
Chapter 2 Strike 3, I'm out
Chapter 3 New Beginnings
Chapter 4 Meet the Munchkins
Chapter 5 But Can I Trust You
Chapter 6 I'm Trying
Chapter 7 Can We Start Over
Chapter 8 New Beginnings
Chapter 9 Not Again
Chapter 10 Stronger
CHAPTER 11 It's About Damn Time
Chapter 12 Growing Up Styles
Chapter 13 - 5 Years Later


1.8K 44 31
By NotReadyToPlayNice

Louis and Harry are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with their family and friends as all their children are very succesful on their own and all are married with families

"dad, pop" christina says"we need you to come to the dance floor and have a seat" and louis and harry do as they are told when they take their seat" alright us kids wanted to say somethings and there is 6 of us so everyone please bare with us, we will make it worth it"she says as everyone starts to laugh"well i am christina marie and i am technically am the oldest, i just want to says that i love you both and have been an inspiration to what i strive my marriage to be, see we kids never saw you argue so i guess we always thought that you had the perfect marriage and when Tony and I got married and had our first fight i went and told dad and that was when you confessed that you and pop do have argument but you chose to argue in your room and we kids never knew, i know that i tease my brothers and sisters that i am the favorite but i know that dad, pops you have always treated us as equals we all had the same rules and we all had to follow them and we were all punished the same, dad pops I love you both thank you for everything you have taught us about life and work, i wish you another 50 years of happiness" she says as she hands the microphone to scarlet

"hello, i am scarlet rose or rosie as everyone calls me, well dad pops, i want to say that when i found out i was pregnant with eddie at 17 i was scared petrified that i had let you down, but you were so suppotive and when eddie was born poppa you fell so in love with him and up to this day the relationship you have with my son is so amazing actually i love the relationship you have with all the grandkids it reminds me of when we were all little and you would play with us kids as dad would look at all the crazyness that we would cause like when we would slide down the banister and dad caught us and we ran up the stairs and dad just laughed and called grandma anne and she came over and yelled at him and he winked at us and we just laughed and grandma anne got so mad it was funny" scarlet says laughing as she hands the microphone to ben

"hello everyone i am Benjamin Edward, dad pops i'm gonna try to make this short since we are halfway thru, first of all i dont know how you all decided to have so many of us and managed not to loose any of us" ben says laughing

"we almost did but you found your way home" louis yells out

"hahaha very funny dad" ben says" well when i was 17 i made the dumbest mistake i could and dad and poppa taught me a lesson right quick, see i went home and told well demanded that i get a new car and my parents told me i had to come up with the $5,000 for the down payment and keep a job to pay for maintenance and up keep but i felt this sense of entitlement and told dad and poppa that we were rich and that i wanted a car, dad well we all know not to say stupid stuff and well i did and dad and pops told me that they are rich i didnt have anything and they took everything away from me , my phone, my ipad, tv xbox and even took the door off my room, they took my bank card and poppa only gave me $20 for the week, yeah that happened" ben says as everyone starts to laugh" i went to school the next day and told my friends hoping to get some sympathy but they just told me that they wished they had parents like mine, see their parents bought them their love with materialist things but my parents gave all of us their time, they spoiled us but yet kept us very grounded, dad pops thank you for everything you both have done for all of us" ben says as he hands the microphone to jakob

"good evening everyone, i am jakob william and i wanted to say dad poppa thank you for all of your love and support, i am well we kids are who we are because if you two, for some reason when i was ready to come out and announce i was gay i was scared petrified i had heard so many storys of how wrong things can go, but when i was about to tell you christina put on the song "HE LIKES BOYS" and you both just laughed at me but you were both so support and then when i told you that i had a boyfriend you both guessed noah and have supported us thru everything, like christina said you are the perfect example of what a marriage should be its not perfect but that is ok, neither is our family and that is what makes it perfect for me, and poppa the new gucci collection is on its way" jakob says as he hands the microphone to isabella

"hi everyone i am isabella alexandria, thanks christina for the long name" she says laughing" i want to say to our parents that the love and support you have given us is truly amazing we would not be who we are with out you even when i changed my major 3 times, but no matter what you never judged us or forced us to study something we didn't want thank you dad, poppa one day i hope to be celebrating our 50th anniversary and my kids saying the same things about me and micheal dad poppa you have been the best fathers to my brothers and sisters and an even better grandparents to our kids, i love you both" bella says as she hand sthe microphone to aiden

"hello family and friends well i am aiden christian and i guess they saved the best for last" aiden says" well as all my siblings have said our parents have been so supportive of everything we kids have decided to do no matter if they didnt agree with any of our decisions they want us to make out own mistakes but as we kids learned that as long as we learned from them they will help us out and we all have gotten into some trouble but they always had out back, dad poppa i love you so much thank you for beign the best example of that kind of man i want to be for my kids and the best example of the kind of man my sisters should look for, your relationship is not perfect and you both are not perfect but for us kids you both are perfect"aiden says

as louis and harry get up and hug their kids as the grand kids run up to them and hug them all as aiden hands the microphone to harry

"well i guess we didnt mess them up to bad, huh baby" harry says as louis starts laughing, i remember that day ben was talking about and louis and I were ready to put them all up for adoption we started researching orphanges" he says laughing" and it was the day christina self proclained she was the favorite, and ben said he was to pretty to work cuz he looked just like me, at one point or another each one of these kids had tried to get louis and i to go against each other when either one of us said no but they learned quick that no matter what one of us said we would always say i will talk to your dad and will let you know and they hated that, but kids even tho sometimes you didn't understand why we made certain decisions we always made them because we love you kids"harry says" louis baby we have know each other since we were 18 and to say that it has been an easy road would be a lie i made many mistakes but the worst mistake i ever made was when i lost you but the moment you came back into my life i knew that i needed to do what ever it took to get you back and when i did i became the happiest man ever, i remember when it accidentally slipped out that we were married the first time for 2 years no one knew and boy were our families were angry at us , then the second time we eloped when mom and jay called us and they texted zayn, liam and niall they were all angry as well that time and then christina came into our life 4 months before jakob was born and after that we had the big church wedding where all of our family and friends witnessed us get married, louis i would marry you over again and go thru the same shit to be here today, it was all worth it and i realzed that you are such an amazing man and the love of my life, i tell you everyday that i love you and i still get butterflies everytime you enter a room just like i did that first time i saw you at the club that niall dragged me to and i didn't want to go but i am glad he was being stubborn and dragged me there, louis i have made many mistakes and you have forgiven me for all those mistakes and i love you soo much and i can never see my life with out you, thank you for all of our kids and thank you for loving me even when i didn't deserve it, i love you baby" harry says as he kisses louis on the lips and he hands he microphone to louis

"wow i love you too" louis says" well i have a confession to make that night at the club i didn't want to go either but liam and zayn made me they literally carried me there it was embarrasing, but i am glad they did because not only did i meet you but we met Niall and we all became the best of friends and found the best uncles for our kids, harry no matter what we have gone thru i have always loved you i tried to go on with my life but it felt wrong and with you it always felt right like we were always suppose to be together, i know we had a rough start in getting to know each other but for all these years no one has ever been able to grasp my attention away from you, those butterflies you get when i enter a room are the same ones that i get when you enter a room or when you kiss me, we aren't a perfect couple we argue, we are stubborn but at the end of the day, your the only person I want to get the silent treatment from, i love you so much, thank you for all of our babies they are the most beautiful kids i have ever seen well in my opinion"louis says" kids pops and i love you all so much and you all have been the best thing that has ever happened to us, when you were all little pops and i would question if we had to many kids but when we have moments like these we know that we made the right decision on all of you, christina i want to say that you have been the most amazing best big sister to the kids they look up to you and i love that since you became part of our family and up to this moment i see your brothers and sisters how they look at you, how they all go to you before they come to us but i wouldn't trade that for anything in the world, Benjamin you are exactly like your father good luck sara, you are stubborn, hot headed but also loving and compassionate and just like your father i wouldn't trade you for the world, scarlet my little rosie, i am so proud of the woman you have become, when you got pregnant you were scared and unsured but when eddie was born something in you ignited and ever since that day you have been none stop you are an amazing wife , mother, sister and daughter" louis takes a deep breath" jakobear, my baby i cant tell you how proud your pops and i are of you, when you started at gucci you lost interest in school and dad and I talked to you about it you told us you were an adult and can do what ever you wanted so you moved out, only part time position at gucci and you kept wanting to come home and not letting you come home was the most difficult thing we had to do, i cried every night wanting to let you come home, i knew you had to learn a lesson then one day it clicked on you and you came and asked for forgivenss and that day you went back to school got your diploma and look at you know, aiden you were the one that really tested your father and I's patience you are both your father and i a good and bad mix of us that temper and stubborness, i swear a few times we wanted to strangle you and bury you in the backyard but we all made it out alive and no jail time, isabella my sweet blue eye baby the last of my children you put us thru so much when you got that first boyfriend and we knew you wanted to be wiht him because we hated him so dad and i figured out that we would like him and bam just like that he was gone should of done that with scarlet and max but anyways bella, you have amazed us in so many ways and we have seen thru the years just what an amazing person you are, poppa and I are so proud of each and everyone of you, thank you" louis says

"we love you kids and grandkids and we couldnt have ever predicted that this would ever happen, i at least never expected to ever be here" harry says" lou baby thank you for following your heart"

"i love you" louis says as he places a kiss on harrys lips

"alright you two all of us kids have walked in on you both doing gross stuff" Christina says

"well then you should of knocks first" harry says as they all start to laugh

"then you should of locked your door" ben teases

"it was our house and you should of knocked" louis says

"what ever dads, we kids are scarred for life" scarlet says

"well then we hand you the baton to do the same to your kids, and if they ever pull that we are rich shit like ben and aiden then you all know what to do" harry says as everyone starts to laugh

"dads, us kids have a special surprise for you two just to show how much we love you" jakob says as he gives the dj a thumbs up and the music starts to play and all the kids at the same time say "dads dance with us as they get in cirlce and hug each other

Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me
And then spin me around 'til I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved

If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
How I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me
Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance
One final step, one final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again

Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mama cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I'm praying for much too much
But could You send back the only man she loved?
I know You don't do it usually
But, dear Lord, we are dying
To dance with my father again

Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream

"thank you guys for all of this, we are proud to be your fathers and that you are our children even if a times we thought we were doing something wrong" harry says

"wait we have one last song" aiden says

"but this one will be a group effort so can we get all of our spouses in the dance floor" christina says as all of their spouses get on the dance floor and they make a circle harry and louis end up in the middle then the song starts to play

I found myself dreaming
In silver and gold
Like a scene from a movie
That every broken heart knows
We were walking on moonlight
And you pulled me close
Split second and you disappeared
And then I was all alone

I woke up in tears
With you by my side
A breath of relief
And I realized
No, we're not promised tomorrow

So I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna hold you
Like I'm saying goodbye
Wherever we're standing
I won't take you for granted
'cause we'll never know when
When we'll run out of time
So I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you

In the blink of an eye
Just a whisper of smoke
You could lose everything
The truth is you never know

So I'll kiss you longer, baby
Any chance that I get
I'll make the most of the minutes
And love with no regrets

Let's take our time
To say what we want
Use what we got
Before it's all gone
'Cause no, we're not promised tomorrow

So I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna hold you
Like I'm saying goodbye
Wherever we're standing
I won't take you for granted
'Cause we'll never know when
When we'll run out of time
So I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you


I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna hold you
Like I'm saying goodbye
Wherever we're standing
I won't take you for granted
'Cause we'll never know when
When we'll run out of time
So I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna lose you

"shit" louis says crying" why do you kids love to make us cry"

"because we love you" jakob says"we know we tell each other everyday and everytime we see each other but we also like to show you"

and the rest of the night everyone was having fun enjoying the night Harry and Louis were sitting at their table looking at everyone that was there that night with them staring at their kids and grandkids

"baby" Harry says

"yeah" louis says

"have i told you how gorgeous you look" Harry says

"yeah but i like hearing it anyways" louis says

"you look gorgeous" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips



"i am happy i followed my heart" louis says

"i am so happy you did" harry says as they get up to go and dance with with their kids and grand kids


"20 years Later"

" this isn't fair why do i have to do this" christina says as she cries

"because you are the oldest" aiden says

"but this is bullshit they were suppose to last forever" scarlet says

"i know but its life, you know that" ben says

"but why 2 days apart" isabella says

"because you know that dad and poppa couldn't live with out each other" jakob says crying as they are all sitting in harry and louis closet opening the safe

" remember when i told dad i was pregnant with eddie they were sitting in here and i heard poppa tell dad that he thought he came out when he was a teenager" scarlet says crying

"yeah i remember that day was the day i told them i was the official favorite" christina says" got in trouble because of you two" she says laughing as they wait for the safe timer to go off so they can open it

Louis passed away in his sleep at the age of 94 of natural causes and Harry passed away 2 days later of what the doctors say was a heart attack but everyone knew it was a broken heart, harry cried from the moment he woke up to know that the love of his life was gone to the moment harry fell asleep and his heart stopped beating because harry's heart only beat for louis

"BBBEEPPPP" the timmer goes off and christina opens the safe and christina pulls out 5 boxes with notes and she hands each kid their boxes and they all have a hand written note on them

"kids, dad and i knew that we were not going to be here forever so we got these necklaces to remind you all that no matter where life takes you, you get brought back home"

Love Dad and pop

and they all open the box and inside there is a paper plane necklace with the initials H&L with a blue and green stone and they take out the necklaces and put them on

"dad and pops gave me one when they got married and i lost it" christina says as aiden gives her a piece of paper

"here this fell" aiden says and christna opens it up and reads the note

"little one, this necklace is yours i know that you always thought you lost it, i found it in the couch and thought that it would be more special if you opened something up on a day like this, sorry your fathers idea, since he wont be there to say otherwise"

"Love dad ohh and pops"

and chrstina starts to laugh as she passes the note around and they all laughed lightening the mood in the closet

"well lets get all the paperwork we need to take to the attorneys office" christina says

"umm guys, what are we going to do with all of dads and pops stuff" scarlet says

"umm all their clothes i was thinking to donate to charity" christina says

"umm no i was thinking of making memory blankets with their clothes so we can all have a little piece of them and the rest we can donate" jakob says

"thank you jakobear" isabella says

"um is it ok if i keep the house, i love this house its full of memories and dad and poppa" scarlet says" i want to sell my house and with what i get from it i can buy this one from the family"

"no this is all of our houses you can keep-it, if dad and pops knew that we were going to fight over materialistic things they would not be happy, no matter what we split everything equally as for this house scarlet you can live in it and pay for everything to do with the house but the house stays in the family name"

"yeah deal" scarlet says as christina keeps taking papers out of the safe

"ohh My GOd" christina says

"what" ben says

"its my dad alex will" christina says as she reads thru it" he left me 35 milion dollars and dad and pop put it in a trust fund for me, i never knew they never told me"

"well they didn't need his money" jakob says

"wow must be a good size by now" scarlet says

"i want to share that with all of you" christina says

"No you dont have to" aiden says

"how about i donate it all to charity we can all pick one and i will split it between them in our fathers names" christina says

"yeah ok that would be awesome sister" isabella says as christina keep going thru the safe

"look dads wedding rings" christina says" they had 6?" she questions

"yeah 2 from the first time they eloped they only wore them when they were alone and took them off when they were around the family, poppa told me once" jakob says"the other 2 were from when they eloped the second time and the 3rd well from their wedding they took them off when they were home"

"we can all get one" christina says as she hands each kid a ring and they all place them on their necklaces

"christina did dad or pops ever tell you how they met your dad" scarlet asks

"no i asked them one time and they wouldn't tell me, so i just stopped asking" she says as louis and harry never wanted christina to think of alex as the reason they divorced

"i know"jakob says

"how do you know" ben asks

"well remember when it was pops 50th birthday" jakob says

"yeah" christina says

"well i heard uncle liam and uncle zayn talking about it, i wasnt sure if i heard right so i asked uncle Niall and well he was drunk and we all know he cant keep a secret, so he told me everything and just to make sure i asked grandma jay before she passed away and she told me everything she made me swear never to tall anyone until dad and pops were no longer here, pops was still to embarrased and ashamed for what he did" jakob says

"well are you going to tell us or do we have to tickle it our of you" ben says

"christina its not good i can tell you alone but i don't want to say it if you don't want to" jakob says

"no eventually all of us will know" christina says "go ahead" and jakob starts to tell them everything that jay had told him from the day harry and louis met to alex and the last time louis caught harry talking to jason when louis was pregnant with jakob he told them everything and to say that everyone was shocked was an understatement

"you see dad and pops never wanted us to know any of this because grandma jay said that it was things that happened between them and poppa was a good father to us a shitty boyfriend but a good father and when dad kicked poppa out when he was going to have me that was when poppa realized that he was going to loose more than dad, and poppa felt really awful because christina had barely been adopted but from what grandma jay told me was that dad was going to forgive poppa after a week but for some reason dad forgave him 2 months later even dad didn't know why but i think it was when they went to talk to your teacher about some kids calling you names or something and poppa had to take dad to the hospital and poppa stayed the whole time"

"i cant believe my dad broke up poppa and dad" christina says in shock

"sister, grandma jay and even grandma anne had said that was the best mistake poppa ever made, because even dad and poppa had told them that if poppa had never met alex than who knows where you had ended up, see your biological dad touched you inappropiatetly and that is why you got taken away your mom didn't protect you they were way to into drugs, so in a way that affair was a blessing in disguise and we ended up with the best and most supportive big sister we could ever ask for"

"i know but i cant believe my dad alex did all of that" christina says"but you are right if none of that would ever have happened i don't know where i would be today"

"i cant believe poppa cheated on dad and they still worked thru it all" isabella says

"well grandma jay said that love was never the problem it was poppa keeping it in his pants" jakob says laughing

"geez but i guess none of that matters since they were happy together and we had the best childhood any kid can ever ask for" christina says

"yeah remember when dad went to work and poppa stayed home with us and poppa pour bubble bath soap into the pool and then with the water hose the that were bubble everywhere and when dad came home he just turned around and went into the house came back out 5 minutes later in his swim trunks, and we almost lost aiden" ben says as they start laughing each one telling a memory they had of their childhood

"holy shit" scarlet says

"what" hey all say together

"i am reading over dads and pops financial records and shit" scarlet says

"what, say something" ben says

"well i know we all knew dad and poppa were rich but shit, guys they have over 15 billion dollars" scarlet says

"what noo that cant be right" christina says

"yeah it has it all here, they donated millions a year to charities and set up scholarships to pay for childrens education who cant afford to" scarlet says as she starts to cry

"we lived, you can say modestly the only thing dad went crazy on was this house, and our education"

"but guys dad and pops always said that no matter how much money you have you measure wealth in your family and that was more important to them than money" christina says

"yeah that is a lot of money" aiden says

"so how about we all continue dads and pops generousity" christina says

"what do you have in mind" jakob says

"how about we start a Tomlinson-Styles Family Scholarship Fund, we run a contest thru all the schools in the UK and we pick the top 5 and give them full university scholar ships for kids that would not go to college because their families cant afford it" christina says

"i like that idea, what about the other charities pop and dad would donate to" scarlet says

"well we keep that up to every year on behalf of dad and pops we keep doing the donations, we the kids don't need the money we are all succesful and rich on our own so we put all this money in a trust fund and donate it yearly"

"i love that idea" ben says as they all start to agree

"well its settled monday we all go to the attorneys office and let him know what we planed on doing" christina says as they hear a knock on the bedroom door

"kids" a familiar voice is heard

"in the closet" they all yell out at the same time as they start to laugh

"hey dinner is ready and your fathers always love family dinners, everyone is waiting downstairs"

"thank you lucy we were just going thru dad and pops safe and telling stories, sorry we lost track of time we didn't mean to we just wanted some alone time with each other" ben says

"no problem, come up let go eat dinner" lucy says s they all walk down the stairs to see all of their cousins and families sitting down together as a family and christina starts to cry

"whats wrong sister" scarlet says

"its weird coming down the stairs and not seeing dad or poppa at the table smiling then saying "what took you so long" she says

"i know but we have to think that dad and poppa are sitting here with us in spirit, come on let sit down" isabella says as they all sit down and enjoy the company of everyone there

"umm I want to say something" ben says as he stands up' tomorrow will the the most difficult day in our families lives but i want to say that i love you all and the happiest times that i ever remember were when we are together as on family, so i want to propose something" he says as he takes a deep breath" no matter what life has in store for us we all still keep with the tradition all of our parents have given us that no matter what happends we all still get together for sunday family dinners" and everyone sitting at the table all agreed and they all started to eat telling stories of their child hoods and how each parent would tell them stories of when they were younger and that is how they spent the rest of the night laughing joking and telling stories

"christina" jakob says


"i want to sleep in dad and pops bed" he says

" how about all of us kids sleep in dad and poppas bed" christina says as they all agreed

"we havent slept in the same bed since we were like what 10" ben says

"i like that idea" aiden says as they all go tell their spouses what they are going to do and soon they all are laying down on their parents bed and they fall asleep and they all swear the next morning that they felt their dads arms around them and a kiss placed on their heads and they knew that their parents were there with them all of them thankful that their dad followed his heart



hope you all loved this story,

Read my next story SECRET LOVE SONG

or my first fanfic NO MORE HICCUPS


thanks for all the love

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