Follow Your Heart - Larry Sty...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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I am amazed i cant believe 3K reads i dont know what to say but thank you 8/23/2019 THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE... More

Prologue - The Begining
Chapter 1 Strike 2
Chapter 2 Strike 3, I'm out
Chapter 3 New Beginnings
Chapter 4 Meet the Munchkins
Chapter 5 But Can I Trust You
Chapter 6 I'm Trying
Chapter 7 Can We Start Over
Chapter 8 New Beginnings
Chapter 9 Not Again
Chapter 10 Stronger
Chapter 12 Growing Up Styles
Chapter 13 - 5 Years Later

CHAPTER 11 It's About Damn Time

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By NotReadyToPlayNice

Its the day before the wedding and louis and harrys family decided that they will be keeping them apart to say that louis and harry were upset was an understatement but because this might be the only wedding that they will have louis and harry decided to play along with their families request, louis is as their home with the kids and harry is at Nialls house after the rehearsal dinner they all went home louis still trying to get everything organized soon they fall asleep louis missing Harry so louis decides to tease harry and take a picture of himself in a pair of white lace panties and writes under it"can't wait until the honeymoon" and send its and just like louis knew would happen harry calls him

"hey" louis says

"now i can't sleep what are you doing" harry says

"i'm in bed with a handsome green eye boy" louis says

"jakob" harry asks

"yeah didn't want to sleep alone" louis says as louis runs his fingers thru jakobs short hair " you know that i think he is going to have curly hair"

"me too, my green eye baby" harry says" you know i don't think i am going to get any sleep tonight feels weird not being next to you"

"i know but at least i have jakob, you should of taken ben with you" louis says

"i might go cuddle with Niall throw haillee off the bed" harry says as he starts laughing

"video tape it or just squeeze in the middle like the kids do when they want to sleep with us"

"i should it was their idea"

"ohh come on you know we deserve it, too" louis says "and its only for one night"

"yeah i know and they know we probably be having sex right now" harry says

"we would of, and tomorrow we finally get married in front of all our friends and family and then its just the two of us on our honeymoon" louis says" are you still not going to tell me where we are going"

"nope" harry says making sure to pop the "P" but i will tell you we wont run out of condoms and lube"

"well in that case let me show you what i got for you Mr Styles" louis says as he puts on a pair of red panties and takes a picture and send its

"jjeezzuus baby" harry says

"are you going to tell me" louis says

"NO" harry says laughing

"ok" louis says as he takes a picture of a green and blue lace pair and send its" how about now"

"you need to be strong harry you need to be strong" harry tells himself as louis starts to laugh"no"

'ok well keep this in mind" louis says" i will be wearing the white ones all day tomorrow"

"baby, that is not fair, i might have to find you and we might have to go for a quickie before the wedding and again after we are married"

"NOPE not until the honeymoon" louis teases

"uugghh then why did you send me all these pictures"

"so you have something to look forward too" louis says

"well i really do miss you" harry says as he gets a picture of louis next to a sleeping jakob"aww my boy"

"you know the kids think that jakob is your favorite" louis says

"i guess in a way he is, he has been the only on that i was there from the begining but i try not to do it on purpose and he is still a baby so he needs more attention" harry says

"well i told them about being a baby but they are ok with it you know spending individual time with each one has worked non of them feel left out they all like our alone times specially christina" louis says as he hears a knock on the door" hold on babe, who is it"

"dad, i cant sleep can i sleep with you" christina says as she opens the door and walks in

"yeah sure come on get in, you can sleep on poppas side and i'm going to move jakob to his bassinet in a bit, you want to talk to your poppa while i move jakob"

"yeah" christina says as she takes louis phone " poppa i missed you"

"well i miss you too little one" harry says' you going to keep dad safe"

"yeah grandma anne said she was going to stay here until you come back from your trip"

"yeah and please be good and help her with your brothers and sister" harry says

"i will i promise i will be on big sister duty until you come back"

"that's my girl, so are you ready for tomorrow" harry says

"yeah, i am glad i get to be part of the wedding, but i thought you and dad were already married"

"we are but when we got married we didn't tell anyone and we got in big trouble for it" harry say as he starts to laugh

"grandma anne said you did that 2 times already"

"yeah we did and that is why we are having this wedding so they can forgive us"

"so when i am bigger will you get mad if i did that like run off and got married and not tell you"

"of course we would, your our little girl and dad and i want to give you away to who ever you choose to marry" harry says

"i will never do that you and dad, you both mean so much to me that i want you both to walk me down the aisle and give me away"

"deal, and lets not talk about you getting married your still my little girl and will never leave the house"

"ok poppa, i'm sleeping going to give dad the phone, good night, love you " she says

"good night little one, love you too" harry says

"hey" louis says

"this is stupid, i miss you all" harry says

"well harry let this be a lesson to you that if you fuck up even once this will be your life minus the phone calls" louis says

"no, don't ever say that i cant imagine my life with out any of you, i don't like it one bit, i want to go home" harry whines

"its just one night and tomorrow at noon we will get to see each other and cry and dance and celebrate that we made it thru the good the bad and the ugly and i cant wait even tho i miss you so much"

"yeah your right, well Mr Tomlinson" harry says laughing

"seriously" Louis says "feels weird hearing you say that"

"well for right now you can be a Tomlinson again cuz tomorrow at noon you will forever be a Styles"

"well i been a Styles since i married you 6 months ago"

"i know and i love you more each day"

"i love you too" louis says" see you tomorrow"

"ill be waiting for you i will be the one at the end of the aisle crying waiting for you to come to me" harry says "good night husband"

"and i will be the one walking towards you" louis says" good night husband" and louis hangs up the phone and goes to sleep

the next morning chaos erupts in the house as everyone tries to get ready and leave the house on time

"LOUIS is 11:30 we need to go" jay says

"wait i cant find jakobs black socks" louis says

"i put them on him, do you have the rings" anne yells

"zayn has them" louis says

"alright lets get you married for the 3rd time" jay says

"haha its not funny anymore and your lucky we agreed to this wedding" louis says

"wait till one of your kids runs off and gets married" jay says

"stop christina almost made harry cry last night when she told him that" louis says laughing"how do i look"

"you look handsome i cant believe my baby is getting married" jay says

"mom don't cry or i am going to start crying and i don't want red puffy eyes for my wedding pictures"

"i cant help it i know you are married but this makes it real for me and anne" jay says as she places a kiss on louis cheek

"thank you mom"

"me too louis your the best son in law any mother in law, can ever ask for" anne says

"your the best mother in law any son in law can ask for, thank you for all of your support with harry and I, both of you harry and i would of been lost with out the two of you and the lets not get started on the grandmother department" louis says "ok lets go get married"

"we need a kid count" jay says

"i got rosie" lottie says

"i got ben" fiz says

I got jakob" gemma says

"i got christina" daisy and phoebe say at the same time

"ok anne got doris and i have ernest" jay says as they all leave the house and get into the shuttle bus that harry had rented so no one would have to drive to the venue once louis gets there the wedding planner takes them to a room where they all stay until they are called to start and soon its noon and the wedding planner calls them all and tell louis to wait soon she comes back and jay and louis walk to the door and before louis can blink she opens the doors and he immediately locks eye with harry and they both just smile at each other getting lost into each others eyes and they are both crying louis and jay get to the end of the aisle and the priest starts talking

"who gives this man" he says

"his family and i do" jay says as she places a gentle kiss on louis cheek she whispers an i love you as she places louis hand onto harry and harry and louis walk up to the priest and he starts his wedding speech but louis and harry are not even paying attention they are just looking into each others eyes as if they were having a conversation

"harry your vows" the priests say

"ohh huh what" harry says" oh yeah" he says as he reaches into his suit jacket and takes out his piece of paper

"Lou the first time we got married i messed up and lost you that worst day of my life and when you came back i knew i had to do what i needed to do to get you back no matter what it took and i did you have been the hardest man that i have ever had to work for but that is what i love about you, you always challenge me make me work hard for what i want in every sense and lou because of you i am who i am and i wouldn't change anything that we have gone thru to get here to where we are today and lou if i had to do over again i would because last night made me realize how lost i would be with you and our babies, because of the 5 of you i am a better man and father and i promise that i will never disappoint you ever again, never do i want to feel empty and alone like i did last night , i will always fight for the 5 of you and lou i know that with you by my side i can accomplish anything i want" harry says"baby with this ring i promise you that i will be the husband that i want our daughters  one day look for in a man and the man i want my sons to one day be for their future wifes and with you by my side i know i can be that man, louis William Styles with this ring i pledge my love, my life and my fidelity, with this ring i de wed" harry says as he puts the ring on louis finger and he finally realizes that louis is crying harry wipes the tears away and whispers an i love you and louis whispers it back


"well first of all i dont know how i am going to top that but let me try" louis says as everyone starts laughing" Harry we have gone thru alot in the 10 years we have know each other, the hardest thing i had to do was to let you go almost 6 years ago and you asked me once why i chose today to get married and well 6 years ago our divorced was finalized on this day September 28th and every time this day would come i would get sad so sad i would cry myself to sleep and now it will always be a day of happiness its been a day that once was the meaning of the end but now its going to mean the beginning of something amazing, thank you for all our babies they along with you will always be my favorite time of the day, Harry you once asked me why i married again and i still don't know but i do know that with each passing day as i see you with our kids i fall in love with you, the way you have changed into a better person, you said that you would go thru everything we have gone thru to be here where we are today and Harry so would I because of what we have gone thru our love is stronger than ever, we been thru the good the bad and the ugly and i will be standing by your side no matter what life throws at us, i love you more today than ever, Harry Edward Styles with this ring i pledge my love, my life and my fidelity, with this ring i de wed" Louis says as he puts the ring on harrys finger he takes a deep breath

"harry and louis wanted to do something special" the priest says as he hands harry the microphone

"um Christina can you come up here please" harry says as christina goes up and stands in the middle of her dads, harry and louis kneel down to christina" little one you came into our lives about 7 months ago and from the moment Louis and I saw you we fell in love with you and Louis and I decided that day that you will be our daughter, we try very hard each day to make sure that you are the happiest little girl in the world and we know that we are not perfect but we try very hard for you, benjamin, scarlet and jakob, and Christina Marie Styles, dad and i wanted to do something special for you today since today is a day of new beginings so christina dad and i want to let you know that altho you are not our blood daughter you are our daughter and dad and i have fought long and hard for you, one day we will tell you everything, but trust us dad and i have fought hard for you and now you belong to us, we have never treated you any different than the other little kids and we promise you that we will continue to treat you like you are our biological daughter, we will guide you and , help you grow into a beautiful young lady, now dad and i may make some mistakes along the way but we will try to keep them to a minimum we will support you in any decision you make we will let you grow and make your own mistakes and we will help you when you need us, but most of all Christina we promise that we will never leave your side you are the best unexpected surprise that life has thrown at us, dad and i love you very much and we feel honored to call you our daughter" harry says as louis and christina hug each other and harry just hugs the both of them and louis and harry look out at their friends and family and they are all crying" christina we got you this necklace, its paper plane but this i hope that will let you know that no matter where in the world you may go you will always come back home, we love you little one" harry says as he kisses her on her head as he puts the necklace on her

"um hi i had a whole speech prepared but harry said everything i wanted to say, christina, poppa and i love you very much and i will always be on your side remember that day poppa and i went to the school to talk to your head master" louis says and christina nods" i told you that momma bear always protects her cubs and poppa bear protects momma bear well my sweet little girl this momma bear has fought long and hard for you and i want you to know that no matter what life throws at us as long as we got each other we can get thru anything, i love you so much, you came into our lives and we didn't even know that there was anything missing but i guess you  showed me that no matter what life throws at you embrace i,t and now my sweet little girl its like you have always been part of our family, i love you soo much and i cant wait to see what the world has in store for you" louis says as he starts to cry and hug christina

"can i say something" she says as louis hands her the microphone

"i want to say that when i lost my dad i was scared i didn't know what was going to happen to me but dad always told me that there are people out there that are angels and i always laughed at him but know i know that it is true, daddy, poppa you told me the first i met you that you didn't want to replace my dad and you never did you are just helping finish what he started and dad, poppa you are the best thing that has ever happened to me i have seen you fight for me you believed every time i told you something and you have fought for me and i will always appreciate that dads i love you both thank you for adopting me and making me part of your family i have brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins,  and grandparents, the family i only thought existed in my princess books, thank you everyone for accepting me as part of your family and never treating me any different than the rest of the family, i love you all" christina says as she starts to cry and harry and louis just hug and kiss her

"go sit with grandma so we can finish" louis whispers into her ear and she starts to walk back to sit next to anne

"well umm, i'm sorry give me a minute" the priest says as he wipes the tears away from his eyes and takes a deep breath" well that was beautiful, congratulations christina on hitting the family jackpot your are one lucky little girl" and Christina just yells out a thank you" well harry and louis with our any further a due i now pronounce you husband and husband for the 3rd time i am told, you may now kiss your groom" the priest says and louis and harry start to kiss and then they start to laugh

"ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME" Niall yells out and everyone starts to laugh as Louis and harry walk out of the church and make their way out side and soon everyone is out side and they start to head to the main venue are so they can take picture then they all head inside to the reception they all take their seats and Niall stands up and gives his best man speech then liam and zayn, finally harry gets up

"on behalf of the Styles, Deakin family i want to say thank you all for coming and finally witnessing louis and i get married and we promise this will be the last time we get married so enjoy the night, eat drink were married" harry says

"um i want to say thank you to all of you for joining us tonight but i really want to thank Harry and I's moms thru it all you both have been there for everything and never once made a decision for us except last night when harry had to go and sleep at nialls and haillee house, Niall Harry was bout to go cuddle with you was about to throw haillee on the couch " louis says as they all start to laugh" but thank you Moms your the best and the greatest grandmas to our kids and we especially want to thank Niall, Liam , Haille and Zayn with out the four of you Harry and i would probably wouldnt be here to day, we love you all and thank you all for being here" and soon zayn, liam , niall and haille stand up and they all have a big groups hug, they all sit down and  then the traditional wedding dances and after everything was done they all just start to dance, louis and Harry leave at 10 to catch their flight at 1 in the morning

"you still not going to tell me" louis says

"nope" harry says as he kisses louis on the lips"its official your stuck wiht me forever" he says as he starts to wiggle his ring finger"

"and so are you" louis says and they both start laughing like idiots

"we are here Mr Styles" the driver says as they get out of the car Louis sees they are at the airport

"you got us a private plane" louis says

"yeah i knew if we flew by regular air line you would know where we are going and i want it to be a surprise when we get there"

"ok fine"louis says as he gets into the plane and soo they take off 3 hours later and they finally arrive

"loui baby we are here" harry says

"no i'm tires" louis says

"well then we can go home and i wont give you your surprise"

"fine" louis says as he gets up the plane doors open and louis just cant believe what he see a driver carrying a sign that says "welcome to the maldives Styles " are you serious"

"yes when we first met you told me you always wanted to visit the maldives and well here we are" harry says"you like it"

"babe i love it, thank you" louis says as they get into the car that will take them to their own private beach condo when they get there harry picks up louis and carrys him over the threshold and  kisses louis and goes straight to the bedroom"babe did you lock the door

"shit was trying to be romantic and shit" harry says as he gets up" forgot the condoms and lube"

as harry walks out of the room louis goes into the bath room and soon louis hears harry calling his name" im in the bathroom, i'll be out in a minute" louis says

harry starts to take his clothes off leaving only his boxers on and after a few minutes louis opens the bathroom door wearing only the white lace panties and harry just stare at louis like a little kids stares at chocolate cake"like what you see" louis says as harry stands up and goes to louis and picks him up over his shoulder and takes him to the bed

"love it" harry says as he flips louis over and starts to eat and lick him out and louis is just enjoying it" just to let you know i brought the red and pink ones" louis says as harry just moans and soon louis is moaning as harry inserts 3 fingers into louis hole as he start to suck on louis hole once again and wiht harrys other hand harry starts to stroke louis dick

"fuck right there uuughghg fuck" louis says and a few moment later louis is coming onto the bed and quickly harry flips louis around and puts on the condom and lubes himself up as harry takes louis panties off and pushes himself into louis and once he bottoms out harry starts to thrust into louis

"i love you husband" harry says

"i love you husband" louis says" love you soo much"

"fuck baby love you " harry says" husband"

"husband" louis says as harry starts to stroke his dick and soon louis is coming again" fuck" and after a few morre thrust harry comes into louis both out of breath

"i'm going to pull out" harry says as he slowly pulls out of louis he takes of the condom and throws it into the trash can, harry goes back to lay down next to louis" baby i am soo happy right now"

"really why, well other than the obvious" louis says

"because i have you back i cant believe this day is here where we actually got married in front of our friends and family"

"i know never thought that this day will ever come" louis says

"yeah but i am glad you got pregnant with the twins" harry says

"i'm tired lets take a nap and explore the town later" louis says

"yeah love you baby" harry says

"love you to" louis says as they fall asleep and  soon harry wakes up looks at the time and decides to wake louis up

"baby" harry says as he starts to kiss louis

"umm keep kissing me i dont think i can ever get tired of your lips on me" louis says

"i don't think i can ever get tired of yours on me" harry says" but baby its almost 3 in the afternoon"

"are you serious we just fell asleep"

"well we can stay in bed and order room service" harry says

"yeah just today we can explore tomorrow, i want to call the kids too, as much as i am enjoying the quiet i miss the chaos"

"yeah so do i but i want to enjoy you before we get back" harry says

"how about we don't call them today and we call them tomorrow" louis says"today will be about you and me"

"yeah we can do that, let me call room service" harry says as he dials the resorts from desk and places their order after 30 minutes their food gets there and they start to eat talking and enjoying the quiet that is their honeymoon that night they make love again take a shower together and have sex when they are finished they get dressed and get into bed the rest of the week went almost the same each one taking turns topping and soon their honeymoon was over and they were headed back home and as much as they enjoyed their alone time they really missed their kids they get to the airport and the driver takes them home louis and harry are dropped off and they go inside the house and soon they are attacked by 3 little humans

"dad" ben says

"poppa" scarlet and christina yell out as anne walks out of the living room holding jakob and louis cant help but hug the kids and showers them with kisses

"ohh my munchkins i missed you soo much" louis says

"hi anne, how did they behave" louis says

"good sissy was very helpful she took over jakob and help with the twins" anne says

"that's my big girl" harry says 'i missed you so much"

as he picks up both girls and gives them big tight hugs and louis grabs a hold of jakob"ohh my little man missed daddy didn't you" louis says as jakob starts to smile and giggle

"didn't know we could miss them this much" harry says

"i know this has been the longest i have been away since they been born" louis says

"well mom thank you to watching them" harry says

"i'm going to pack my flight leaves early tomorrow morning" anne says as she goes into the guest room and starts to pack her things

6 months later++++++++++++++++++++++++

louis and harry are at the park watching christinas game as louis get into the game and  harry is holding jakob and scarlet and ben are running and yelling like louis

"poppa i want to play soccer like sissy" scarlet says

"you do" harry says" well if that is what you want we can look for a team for you and you sissy and dad can all practice together" harry says

"yeah i like that" scarlet says as she goes and holds louis hand and when the game was over christina runs to her dads who hug her tightly

"good job little one, you did amazing out there" louis says

"good job so proud of you" harry says as he hugs her tightly'i think your coach is calling you" he says as chrsitina runs back to her team mates with her water bottle

"babe" louis says

"yeah" harry answers

"there's a man over there i have seen him the last couple times we been here but he never gets near " louis says

"where" over there by where the coach parks his car" louis says as harry pretend to get something of the stroller

"shit its christinas dad" harry says "lou baby we need to make sure christina is safe go tell the coach what is happening and make sure she is away , we need to call the police or i swear if he get close i will kill him myself"

"look lets stay calm the kids are here" louis says" shit"

"what" harry says

"niall, haille, the twins and charlie and zayn and liam just pulled up" louis says and he knew that it would turn bad really quick"please don't do anything stupid or i will leave you in jail"

Do you think he noticed we know he is here" harry says

"no he is still there" louis says and before louis can say anything else the twins runs to niall and haillee" hey munckins come back here, babe keep an eye on christina i got these kids" he says as he gets up and runs to the twins he stays and talks to niall,  zayn and liam and lets them know what is going on and haille takes jakob from louis and makes sure they move to the other side of the field as harry talks to the coach and one of the team moms calls the police but before the police get there louis sees daniel making his way towards where christina and louis gets up quickly and runs to him before he gets to her " i will advise you to not take another step towards my daughter or you will regret it"

"she is may daughter you stole her from me"

"no we did not stop acting like you care about her your nothing but a worthless piece of trash and i swear if you take another step towards my daughter you will regret is" louis says as he sees niall liam and zayns behind him

"what you think you can stop me where is that idiot husband of yours" daniel says

"i'm fucken right here and like my husband said try to take another step" harry says

"christina" daniel yells and louis punches him knocking him down to the ground and Niall grabs louis and holds him knowing if he let him go louis would punch him again"What you need your friends to protect you" he says as he gets up

"no asshole its to protect you" Louis says" now get the fuck out of here and away from my daughter i told you already"

"fuck you, not with out my daughter" daniel says and just then Harry steps face to face with daniel

"leave us the fuck alone" harry says with so much anger in his eyes he could kill a man"Leave my family the fuck alone"

"fuck you, i wont leave without my daughter" daniel says as harry punches him in the stomach then on his jaw

"she will never be your daughter she will always be my little girl you never deserved her you worthless piece of shit" harry says as he kicks daniel and soon harry feels some one trying to hold him back" leave us the fuck alone this piece of shit has messed with the wrong man"

"harry babe follow my voice calm down the police are here they are not going to approach you until you step back"louis says calmly

"no i'm gonna fucken kill him myself" harry growls angryly

"babe think of the kids they love you very much he is not worth it , babe follow my voice please just calm down" louis says as he hugs Harry and just like magic harry starts to calm down

"your lucky you son of a bitch" harry says as the police approach and take daniel away

"i want to press charges for assult they both hit me " daniel says as he is taken to jail

"my styles i am office Mora, can you tell me what happened" and louis starts to tell him what happened telling them that they have a restraining order against him to stay away" well do you have a copy of the order"

"yeah i have it in the car, let me run and go get it" louis says as he goes to the car and gets the paperwork louis sees niall and runs to him" where are the kids"

"haillee took them to the playground and christina is in the bathroom with brenda the team mom, she got startled when daniel said her name, she remembers him" Niall says

"ok thanks we should be done in a bit" louis says as he walks back to the officer

"Mr styles" the officer says" i understand why you did what you did and as a father i would do the same thing and and he wont press charges since he was in the wrong and you were protecting your children"

"yeah thank you" harry says

'well that is everything we will need" the officer says" a detective will be in touch to go over your full statement" he says before he walks away

"where's christina" harry says looking around for her

"she's in the bathroom with brenda, harry babe Niall says that christina still remembers him" louis says as they walk to go get her" brenda" louis says

"we are alone in here come in" brenda says as louis and harry walk in and christina immediately hugs her dads and harry picks her up and they walk out to a nearby bench

"thank you brenda" louis says as they walk out the bathroom

"why was he here" Christina says crying" please don't make me go with him"

"listen to me little one you ain't going anywhere you belong to me and dad and no one will ever take you away from us" harry says

"i know i saw you, dad, uncle niall, uncle liam and uncle zayn protecting me as ms brenda brought me in the bathroom, poppa i saw how angry he made you" christina says

"little one no matter what i will always protect you and the little kids and he will never get near you again as long as you have all 5 of us nothing will ever happen to you"

"i know but just hearing his voice make me scared, he told my dad that he was going to take me away from my dad and he didn't care how he got me back, but i don't want to go with him, dad let him take me one day and he dropped me off at his moms house and she just left me by myself and she left and when he came back he got mad at me for driving his mom away, i was confused i still don't know what that meant and i begged my dad never to let me go over there and he never did i guess that is why he made sure that i was with you guys he knew you would take good care of me" christina says

"well little one, no matter what happens you will never go anywhere, you are ours forever" harry says as he is still holding on tight to her

"where are the little kids" christina says

"aunt haillee took them to the playground" louis says cryings

"dad dont cry i am ok, we will be ok we are family and we are the Bear family and we take care of each other right"

"yes little one we take care of each other" louis says as he hugs her tightly

"i am happy you are my parents i could never imagine to have 2 parents that love me as much as you both do" chrsitina says" i love you both thank you for taking good care of me and making me happy everyday"

"we love you too little one, soo very much" harry says"come on lets go for ice cream"

"thank you" christina says as she hugs her parents and soon the walk back to the team louis says they are taking her home but will she will be there at her next practice and the coach hugs christina and they all leave stopping and getting ice cream and going home

2 weeks later and louis and harry make their way to the court house to testify against daniel and when they are done daniel is sentenced to jail for 35 years and will not be elgible for parole and must serve the whole 35 years and louis and harry are so happy they go home and let chrstina know what happened and she sighs in relief

3 months later louis and harry are celebrating jakobs first birthday with all their friends and family and they could be happier jakob was walking and talking as best he could

"my baby isn't a baby anymore" louis says as he feeds jakob

"yes he it" harry says" how quick did that happen"

"i know the twins are 6 sissy is 9 and this one is 1 where did the time go" louis says

"soo they will run off and get married and not tell their parents and grandparents" jay teases

"stop it" louis says

"its not fun when its one of your kids now is it" anne says

"are any of you ever going to get over it" harry says and they all yell out a loud NO

"fine but we did give you all a wonderful wedding" louis says

"yes it was beautiful" jay says

"lou, harry, anne and i have an announement to make" jay says as everyone stares at them

"well we decided to move close to you guys, we miss the grandkids and we been talking and well jay found a house close by and i found a condo close to jay" anne says

"are you serious" harry says" that is awesome news, the kids are going to love it"

"im so excited" louis says

"now we all have babysitters for group date night" Niall says

"yes, we all win here" Zayn says

"yes we will babysit all the grand kids" jay says

and soon it was time to cut the cake and break the pinata and at the end of the day all the kids camped out on the living room floor and later that night every had left and louis and Harry look at their kids asleep all cuddled to together

"look our babies cuddled together" louis says

"even jakob look how close he is to christina" harry says" i swear they have such a close bond he follows her everywhere"

"harry i was thinking what do you think of trying for another baby" louis says

"you know i am always up for it" harry says" how about two"

"how about 1 one and we can talk about another one in 2 years" louis says

"how many more do you want" harry says

"just one maybe 2 more" louis says' but i swear that is it, after that one i getting the procedure done so i wont be able to have more and the baby factory will be closed for good"

"yeah are you sure, you know that you got pregnant with jakob quick so they might be almost 2 years apart" harry says

"yeah i been thinking about stepping away from the label and giving my position for lucy"

"have you talked to liam and zayn about it" harry says

"yeah i talked to them the other day and they love the idea that if i step away that lucy take the position, i mean i would still be a partner but i would be retired and only get my yearly wages"Louis says" so i would be a house wife i just want to be home with the kids i am missing so much specially with jakob, i missed a lot of his first, but i don't know if i want to completely stop working"

"well then what do you want to do" harry says

'well you know the judges daughter how i helped her with her divorce" louis says


"well she won" louis says and he has referred a couple of people to me" louis says" and i was thinking of doing that as a business i mean it wont be full-time just like to keep me busy and not bored at home"

"baby you know that i fully support anything you want to do" harry says

"so that means i am taking over the office" louis says

"how many clients do you have"

"right now 6, but i am almost done with 3 so after next week only 3"

"how did i not know about this" harry says

"well you didn't know i had a job for a year and half the last time before i divorced you" louis says laughing

" you better not plan on divorcing me"

"no i am not, but think about it Harry Styles right now its cheaper to keep me" louis says

"you are worth every penny Mr Styles" harry says as he starts to kiss louis" come on lets go to bed" harry says as he picks up louis and throw him over his shoulder and they head to their room


3 months later

"why did i agree to have another baby with you" louis says

"because you love me" harry responds as louis flushes the toilet and rinses his mouth

"uuggh i hate this part" louis says

"did you set the timer" harry ask

"why even take the test, i know its going to say positive" louis says

"hey can't help that we are both so fertile" harry says

"yeah we i am the one throwing up" louis says as the timer goes off and harry looks

"well you were right fertile myrtle" harry says

"well i made an appointment for this afternoon" louis say as harry hugs him tightly

"just think soon we will have a family of 7 let that sink in we are out numbered" harry says

"5 kids" louis says" i think we should stop at 5"

"no no no you promised me 1 more after this one" harry says" my soldiers are ready when you are"

"just just shut up admiral" louis teases

"fine but you know what that means" harry says

"no what" louis says confused

"i don't have to use condoms for 6 months" harry says

"yeah and then we wont be able to have sex for 8 weeks" louis says

"well we already know we can do other stuff" harry say

"i think i am going to cut you completely off for the 8 weeks" louis says

"let change the subject i don't like where this is going" harry says " how is lucy doing "

"she is doing good she was already doing my job but now she has alot more responsiblities but she loves it" louis says" i think by the time i have this little one she will be ready to do it all herself"

"yea she is a quick learner" harry says

"well lets get ready to go to the doctors office" louis says as they change their clothes and make their way to the doctors office when they get there louis checks in and they wait then a nurse calls louis name and he and harry follow her as she takes his weight and vitals

"Dr laura will be with you in a few minutes" the nurse says as she walks out the room

"daddy" jakob says as harry hands jakob to louis

"my baby" louis says as he kisses jakob on the cheek and soon they hear a knock on the door and the doctor walks in

"wow little jakob is so big" dr laura says" what are you here for today, don't tell me your pregnant again"

"well i took a test and passed it" louis says handing jakob back to harry

"ok well you know the drill, pee and blood" dr laura says as a nurse walks in and takes blood from louis and the hands louis a cup louis goes into the bathroom and soon comes back out and hands the cup to the nurse the nurse and doctor walk out and 30 minutes later dr laura walks back in"well congratulations its positive, and let me guess this was planned"

"yes, so i think about 3 months but I feel my stomach a little bigger than with jakob, shit" louis says

"what " dr laura and harry both says

"turn on the stupid machine" louis says with a smile and the dr turns one the machine and yup clear as day

"twins" dr laura and harry both say at the same time

"damn you harry" loui says

"well you did promise me 2 more kids" harry says as he kisses louis

"daddy baby" jakob says

"yeah buddy daddy has a baby in tummy" harry says

"twins, well we are officially a family of 6" louis says "and that is it"

"yeah i agree 6 is our max" harry says"so dr laura would it safer for me to get snipped,  or louis to get fixed"

"well i would recommend the both of you to do it, just to make sure since it seems that the both of you are fertile" dr laura says

"well how about i get snipped after you have the babies, so we can both not be tempted to have sex" harry says

"yeah i think i want to get fixed i think 6 is enough kids" louis says

"well that is fine i will make a note of in your file and after you have the twins we can revisit the conversation since sometimes parents change their minds once they have the baby" the doctor days" well according to your measurements you are about 11 weeks along and everything looks good the babies heartbeats are to what is expected, lets have a listen to the hearbeats" she says as she pushes a button that louis favorite sound is heard and louis starts to cry"always gets the parents no matter how many kids they have"

"those are our babies" harry says

"yeah they are" louis says as harry places a kiss on his lips" twins"

"twins" harry says

"well good thing i decided to step away from work" louis say

"do you have any questions" the doctor says as both harry and louis shake their heads no"well if that is all for today i will get you the pictures and you know the drill louis"

"yeah ok thank you" louis says as he starts to wipe the gel off his stomach and harry helps left him up as they make their way to the front desk and louis schedules his next appointment and gets his prenatal vitamins"babe, are you ok"

"yeah why" harry asks

"well you have been quiet since the doctor said we were having twins"

"well its because i missed the twins, i mean the pregnancy and birth and tag teaming on getting to feed them and change them and now i am so happy i get to do that, i guess i was just thinking on things would of been different if i didn't fuck up all those years ago"

"harry listen to me" louis says as they stand in front of the car as harry opens the door" i have thought the same way, but i also wonder if we would be here today had none of that had happened and what about christina, i know i should hate alex but i cant he left us christina what if you never would of met him what would of happened to her, i strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and we are here now and the same with jakob you are here right now with us and i would go thru everything again to be here with you and our kids and now these 2 that are coming"

"yeah your right, but it still hurts" harry says" and i am glad christina is in our lives and she makes out family so much better, i love her so much"

"see there lets focus in right now and not what happened in the past" louis says as they get in the car and drive home

"can you believe its almost our 1 year anniversary" harry says

"yeah it went by really quick" louis says

"well if you weren't pregnant i would suggest we have another baby"  harry says

"well what about 2 and we are set" louis says

"what should we do to celebrate" harry asks

"nothing just home and spend it with the kids" louis says with a smile

"well to bad, we are going on a date" harry says "just the two of us i have everything planned out and baby sitters in place"

"wow thank you that is why i love you so much" louis says

"well you deserve it for everything you have to put up, even when i get the kids all crazy and out of control" harry says

"yeah those are the days i question all my decisions" louis says laughing

"im sure you do, that is when you just leave and go upstairs and lock your self in the room"

"exactly but Harry you are the best father to our kids and they all love you very much" louis says" so no matter what happened in the past since the day you met the twins you fell in love with them and i knew it so never question anything about the kids"

"i know i shouldn't but sometimes i think that i am doing something wrong and i want to be the perfect father to them"

"babe we are going to make mistakes we are human there is no such thing as the perfect parent the kids don't come with an instruction manual and believe me i wish they did, but as long as we keep making time for them and each other then we will be ok" louis says

"i knew i married you 3 times for a reason" harry says

"yeah i know my charming personality, good looks , and this ass of mine" louis says

"see and that is how you got pregnant" harry says

"haha it took two of us, i didn't do this by myself" louis says pointing to his growing stomach

"well if you hadn't seduced me with those panties we wouldn't be having this conversations" harry says

"seduce you as if" louis says" i could of been wearing flannel pants a sweater and looked like shit and you still would fuck me" louis says

"true, its that ass of yours" harry says as they pull up to the drive way and parks the car as they get out and walk into the house

"im gonna go take a nap" louis says" wake me up so i can pick up christina"

"ill take a nap with you i'll just set my alarm" harry says as they lay down and fall asleep and a few hours later harry gets up when he hears his alarm going off and decides to let louis sleep and he gets up and makes his way to pick up christina and then the twins, harry texted liam that he can drop off jakob when ever he wants and they head home as soon as they get there harry lets the kids know that louis is taking a nap and harry starts dinner, when he is almost done the door bell rings and he goes to answer the door and its liam dropping off jakob

"so how did everything go" liam asks" ohh hi how you"

"we are good, pregnant and twins" harry says

"geez" liam says" well congratulations you know zayn and i are trying for another one, we want charlie and the new baby are close in age'

"well hopefully you two will be announcing it soon so you and louis can be pregnant together" harry says" where is zayn"

"still stuck at work he and lucy had a last minute schedule and the daycare was going to close so i left, you know i am thinking of being a full time stay as home dad if i do get pregnant with another one i just want to enjoy them little"

"louis loves it but why not talk to louis and zayn maybe still be involved but like a part time thing so you can still have time for the kids but still work, louis is doing that" harry says

"yeah that sounds good, yeah i'm going to talk to zayn about it tonight" liam says as they see louis walking down the stairs

"why didn't you wake me up" louis says "hey liam"

"good morning princess" liam says "harry told me about the twins, congratulations"

"thanks, where my baby" louis says

"He ran to the playroom with charlie" harry says "with the rest of the munchkins"

"well i better get going need to start dinner" liam says

"i'll go get charlie" harry says as he walks to the playroom and picks up charlie and hands him to liam

"Thank you for dropping off jakob" louis says

"no problem, hey can you guys babysit friday, zayn and i want to go on a date" liam says

"yeah sure drop him off, Niall and Haillee are going to bring the 3 kids they have some event for haillee's work so one more kid wont make a difference" Louis says

"yeah he told us, but its been forever since zayn and i went on a date" Liam says

"hey whenever you need us we are here to baby sit"

"thank you its great to have amazing friends"

"we aren't friends we are family and all of our kids love each other they always say they are cousins"

"yeah i know well thanks we will drop him off like at 6" liam says as he walks to his car and drives off

"so i guess on friday  we will be a family of let me see 4 of ours 3 are nialls and haillee and charlie that is 8 kids and 2 adults" harry says

"i know maybe we can ask mom to send lottie and fiz to spend the night" louis says

"yeah i am so happy our parents move closer" harry says as louis gets his phone and calls jay a few minutes later louis hangs up the phone

"yeah lottie and fizz got so excited they will come over at 5:30 but they say we have to pay them with ice cream told them we would" louis says

"well then i guess after work i'll stop and get ice cream and we can order pizza" harry says

"sure, i guess friday is settled" louis says

"is aunt lottie and fizzy coming over friday" christina says

"yeah, uncle niall and aunt haille are bringing mark, alexa and christopher and uncle liam and zayn are bringing charlie" louis says" so we need extra help"

"wow that is a lot of kids" christina says "do you think they want to play makeover with me"

"here call aunt lottie and ask her" louis says as he dials lotties number and hands the phone to christina and louis is sure she said yes when christinas eyes went wide and she had a huge smile on her face christina says thank you and hangs up the phone" what did she say"

"she said yes, anything for her favorite niece" christina says with a huge smile on her face

"well then thats settled, makeovers,babies, pizza, ice cream and chaos" harry says laughing

"cant wait" louis says as they go into the kitcken and start serving dinner they are as happy as can been


The following week was louis and Harrys one year anniversary and louis and harry were dropping of the kids and niall and Haillees house

"so again with the surprises " louis says

"yes" harry says

"are we going to the maldives again" louis says

"nope" harry says " and if you behave i will let you top"

"umm ok" louis says"give my ass a break"

"nope never" harry says and soo they arrive to their location

"a hotel" louis says "we could of stayed home"

"no this is our anniversary and i wanted to get out and have fun, they have this amazing steakhouse in here, i came once with my mom a little before we got back together the second time and i swore i would bring you here one day, and i rented out the honeymoom suite for the night" harry says and he parks the car and gets their bags from the car

"i was going to say i don't have a bag packed but i guess you thought of everything" louis says

"yeah even packed the red panties i want you to wear them" harry says

"well i have the pink ones on" louis says as he pulls them up a bit so harry can see them

"damn never get tired of you teasing me like that" harry says as he wraps his arms around louis waist

"come on lets go get checked in" louis says

"yeah before we don't make it past the parking lot" harry says' dinner reservations is at 7 so we have enough time to change"

"yeah ok" louis says as they walk up to the receptionist

"reservations under Harry Styles" harry says and the receptionist types in his name

"yes Mr Styles, the honeymoon suite  please sign here and here are your keys take the elevator to the 45th floor and its room 4515 " she says as harry signs where she told him and gives the keys to louis they thank her and make their way to the elevator and go up to their room, louis and harry walk in the room and louis immediately looks out the window as harry wraps his arm around louis waist and louis wraps his arms around harrys arms

"look at that beautiful sunset, thank you" louis says

"that sunset has nothing on you" harry says

"always so romantic" louis says

"i love you so much" harry says

i love you more" louis says as he looks deep into harrys eyes and louis swears that he doesn't know what he did to deserve harry in his life

"what are you thinking about" harry says

"just how happy i  am and i don't know what i did to deserve you in my life but i am happy"

"your happy i get to wake up in your arms everyday something i never thought would happen again and then you married me 2 more times and continue to have kids with me, baby i am the lucky one" harry says as he kisses louis" we better stop before we miss our reservations"

"not hungry anyways" louis says

"sure" harry says" come on lets get ready and i promise i will make it worth the wait"

"are you sure" louis says starts to walk to his bag and takes out his clothes to wear"red or pink panties"

"keep the pink ones on" harry says as he stares

"like what you see Mr Styles" louis teases as he bends to pick up what ever imaginary thing he dropped

"umm yeah always"  harry says as he licks his lips"stop it"

'what thought i dropped something" louis says as Harry comes behind and thrust into louis and louis lets out moan

"lets hurry up i know your hungry" harry says as they finish getting dressed and make their way to the restaurant down stairs "reservation under harry styles"

"Mr Styles give us a minute while we get your table ready" the girl says she leaves and comes back a few minutes later"if you can please follow me" she says as louis and harry follow her and they sit down

"wine" the waiter says

"um no thank you" louis says

"no thank you" harry adds

"anything to drink"

"i'll take a coke" louis says

"i'll have a strawberry lemonade" harry says

"i'll be back with your drinks"

"wow this place is nice" louis says

"it is, but i know you really don't like fancy places but since we have a lot to to celebrate i thought it would be nice" harry says

"yeah i am feeling a little uncomfortable but i guess once in a while wont hurt" louis says never really been a fan of expensive or fancy things just really enjoying the simple things in life

"um baby, i was thinking that maybe we need a bigger house, since the twins are coming and well, probably soon scarlet might ask for her own room she is 6 and the twins are coming" harry says

"i was thinking the same thing the spare room would be the twins nursery so that means that scarlet and ben would share a room until they leave for college" louis says

"yeah i saw a house has 8 bedrooms and each room has its own bathroom but one downstairs and a hall bathroom a guest house with 2 bedrooms" harry says

"thats a huge house, do we really need that big of a house" louis says

"well for sure we need at least a 7 bedroom but they don't make 7 bedroom house so 8 and it needs to be completely gutted and remodeled and i know a good contractor the owner passed away and the kids never moved in its been empty for 10 years and its way below market value"

"well Mr Styles i guess you did learn something from me" louis says "we can take a look when we get home tomorrow but for tonight lets focus on us"

"no kids no business just us" harry says

"yes just the two of us" louis says" and these twins don't count"

"not yet, well no for tonight" harry says as they hold hands and stare at each other

"you know i never get tired of looking into your eyes" louis says

"neither do i" harry says and soon their food gets there and they starts to eat

"shit this is good" louis says

"i told you, here try the prime rib" harry says

"shit this is good, yeah i think we need to come here more often" louis says "try the steak"

"yeah its soo good" harry says and they just talk about nothing really but just their own conversations and when they are done with their meals they pay the bill and go back to their rooms" i dont think i can do anything i'm soo full"

"me too its still early why don't we go and take a walk at the beach" louis says

"yeah sounds good we can walk off some of this food" harry says as they get their shoes on and head to the beach and start to walk and talk and soon they head back to their room again



"i love you"

"love you too"  louis says as they start to kiss and soon its get heated as they kiss feverishly  and soon  they start to take each others clothes off and keep kissing each other

The next morning they get up shower and get dressed they go to the front lobby and check out and make their way to pick up the kids from Niall and Haillee then they drive back home

"dad i have a game tomorrow don't forget" christina says

"yeah i know its on the calendar, i think scarlet has one after yours" louis says

"yeah it an hour and half after mine" christina says

"she told me you been practicing with her" louis says

"yeah she saw me kick the ball once and wanted me to show her how to score more goals"

"good just like i showed you" louis says

"can you come kick the ball with us for a bit"

"yeah but remember to be careful of the belly" louis says

"yeah i know" christina says as she gets the ball and starts to kick it

"what is going on" harry says

"just playing" christina says as she kicks the ball to harry and he kicks it back soon ben and scarlet come out and they start to kick the ball to each other and jakob comes out last and he starts to kick the ball away from them as harry catches him and picks him up

"poppa that no fail" jakob says

"what i didn't do anything" harry says

"hmm" jakob says as he gets down and kicks the ball into the net and christina picks him up and hugs him

"you did it baby we won" christina says as jakob raises his hands and screams out we won they play for a few more hours then they go inside and when the pizza gets there they all eat as they talk about what they did at niall and haillees house

"um kids" louis says" dad and i have something we want to tell you"

"well you are already having a baby" christina says

"well since the twins are coming and we think that soon rosie is going to ask for her own room, well dad and i were thinking of selling this house and getting a bigger house so everyone can fit" harry says

"can i get the bigger room" christina says

"well your the oldest so we can give you first pick" louis says" well the house your poppa and i are going to go look at will need a lot of work so if we buy the house we wont move in until almost when the twins get here"

"will i still go to the same school" christina ask

"yes since we pay for your school you will always be in the same school unless you want to switch schools" harry says

"no i love my school and my teacher, i want to try out for the school soccer team too"

"well if you do you need to make sure it doesn't interfere with your soccer club schedule" louis says

"it wont i talked to the coach at school he talked to coach peter and they said the i will ok but i needed you both to be ok with it" christina says

"geez you starting to sound like me" louis says" but remember scarlet is on a team also and we need to make sure we have time for all of you"

"learned from the best, you always told me that before i ask for something that i needed to have all the information i needed to win my case" christina says" i know and i checked her schedule with  the calendar the coach gave me and out practices are on different days and the games are too, most of my school games will be during the week unless we make championship which that will be on a saturday and most of my club games are on sunday and scarlets are on sundays usually after mind"

"yes that is correct well poppa and i will talk about it tonight and we will give you our decision tomorrow,well i guess you did do your homework"

"ok thanks, that is all i am asking for and i left you everything in your office" christina says as she gives louis and harry a big smile as to say i win

"well again we will look over all your evidence you have presented the styles court and give you a ruling in the morning" harry says catching on to what she was doing

"what about student council" louis says

"well we usually meet during lunch so its no big deal" christina says

"look i only have 1 concern that i want to address with you little miss" harry says " i think you are taking on to much i don't want you to tire yourself out, your 9 and that is a lot to take on and what about homework and your schoolwork"

"well i thought you might say that, i have had straight A since i started school and i can do it" christina says

"hmmm well let dad and i talk about it and we can talk about it during breakfast" harry says

"ok that is fair" she says as she continues to eat

"well back to the house, what do you kids think about a bigger house" harry says

"yeah as long as we don't have to move schools" scarlet says

"i think the same way i love my school" ben says"but, dad poppa the teacher told rosie and i they want to put us in different classrooms, why"

"did they give you a note to give to us" louis says

"no she said it to another teacher and i heard her, i asked her why and she said that is was a done decision and that we were going to be switched starting monday" scarlet said

"well do you want to be switched classes" harry asks

"well no all our friends are in our classroom, but it would of been nice to be asked i know we are kids but its our classroom and our friends" ben says

"or why not do it when the school year started" scarlet says

"so do you want us to go talk to your school in the morning" harry says

"yeah, its not fair" ben says

"but will you kids be ok of they did switch you classrooms" louis says

"no because they didn't ask us first or at least told you and poppa first" scarlet says

"ok then tomorrow after i drop christina off as school, i will meet poppa at your school and we can talk to the headmaster about this" louis says

"but before we go lets check your book bag make sure they didn't put something in there that we missed" harry says

"im sure if they did they would of called us by now" louis says

"yeah your right" harry answers and they finish eating dinner and louis and harry clean up the kitchen as the kids are in the playroom

"chrsitina" louis yells out as christina comes out the playroom

"yeah" she says

"come here lets go over your work and shower and bed" louis says

"ok" christina says as she goes to  get her school bag and starts to take out her school work and hands it to louis"  dad are we really moving"

'yeah we need a bigger house for all you kids to grow up in" louis says"poppa and i talked alot about it and well scarlet and ben are 6 and we know that one day soon one of them will ask for their own room and you have your own room, you will get to the age where you are not want to share a room with your sister, so we think just to get a house we can grow into"

"can i design my own room, like pick out the colors, i want to keep my bed and stuff but want to paint my room like a really lite lilac color"

"why a lite  lilac color" louis asks

"you promise you wont get mad at me" christina says nervously

"no i promise" louis says nervously

"well sometimes like i feel guilty because i feel like i am forgetting my dad Alex and i never want to forget him he was my dad for 7 years and i remember that lite lilac was his favorite color" she says staring at louis

"well little one i never want you to forget him besides he gave us the best gift int he world and i want you to always remember him so if lite lilac is what you want then when we are ready to paint your room we can go to the home improvement store and you can pick the right color for your room" louis says

"thank you" she says" you know i still remember that day you were yelling at him at the store parking lot"

"little one i am sorry about that but i was angry about some stuff" louis says

"well i know he told me, that was the day he told me that one day i was going to come live with you and poppa" christina says" but that was why i was nervous to tell you, i don't want you to hate him"

"christina, i should hate him but i don't, because i know he was a caring man that he chose poppa and i to take care of you and that is the most unselfish thing a father can do for their child, umm hold on" louis says as he gets up and gets harry who was watching t,v

"what going on" harry says confused

"um christina and i have been talking and i think this is a conversation that you need to be a part of" louis says

"ok but can you tell me what i am walking in the middle of" harry says as louis tells harry everything they have been talking about" ohh geez ok"

"well christina i want to tell you something maybe we should of told you sooner but before your dad alex passed away he was sick like really sick and we now think that he wanted poppa to say he was your dad so we can keep you but when he died we found a will that says that poppa would get custody of you that is the most unselfish thing a father can do, the day your dad died he was coming from the doctors office and they had told him that the medicine to help him wasn't working anymore, and he would have 2 months to live, little one when he passed he died quickly never felt any pain and he has instructed adam before that day that if or when he died to get a hold of poppa and he did and you are here now, soo no matter how much alex hurt me in the past i forgave him because he gave us you" louis says as he is crying

"did dad have cancer" christina says as harry picks her up and puts her on his knee

"yes little one he had colon cancer and he fought for a year before the doctor told him he wasn't going to make it" harry says" and we didn't want to tell you because you were already going thru so much and we didn't want to add this as well"

"its ok i understand so it was kinda a good thing that he died in the car accident and not suffer anymore" she says

"yeah you can think of it that way, but christina he left you some letters that we want you to have but when you are ready to read them, he wrote to your everyday and he left your some pictures too" louis says" look we told you we never want to replace your dad, we just want to finish what he started, and i know you have a picture of the two of you in your room you don't have to hide it"

"ohh i just didn't want you to get mad at me"

"no sweetheart, he is your father and he will always be a part of you and i never want you to forget him" harry says

"exactly, i am dad and harry is poppa and alex will always be your father" louis says

"thank you both i really love you both and dad did a good job in picking you as my parents"

"and we are lucky to call you our daughter we are the lucky ones" harry says

"well everything is checked so shower and bedtime, young lady" louis says as christina gets up and hugs harry and gives him a kiss then goes to louis and hugs and kisses him and goes to take a shower

"come on lets get the twins showered and bed and jakob to" harry says

"i'll get jakob you start the twins we will meet int he middle" louis says as they walks upstairs to get the kids ready for bed

once the kids are in bed and louis and harry walk back to their room


'yeah" louis says looking up from his laptop

"have you really forgiven alex" harry says

"yes the same way i have forgiven you" louis says"i forgave alex the day i read a letter he left to us, when i read it he explained everything about christina's parents and about them, he asked for my to forgive him for the whole court thing but he knew he had to protect her and he knew that we would fight for her no matter what happened and that is why he chose us as her gurdians"

"he did" harry says" i thought you still hated him"

"i hate what happened all those years ago, and taking you to court, but i forgave him because he gave us christina" louis says as he walks in the closest and comes back and hands harry a letter"this is the letter he left me"

"you want me to read it" harry says

"yeah" louis says as harry opens it and starts to read it describing everything to louis mentioning the real reason christina was taken away  and everything else that louis needed to know about christina, alex apologized for everything all the hurt that he had cause louis and knew that he was a good man and would take real good care of christina and when harry was done he was crying

"that son of a bitch molested my daughter" harry says" and was about to sell her to a pedophile who the fuck does that"

"a sick bastard" louis says

"is that why you always look like you want to kill him" harry says

"yeah before his hearing i took the letter to the district attorneys office and they made a copy that is why he got 35 years with no chance of parole"

"you should of told me before" harry says

"i was but when you beat him up at the park it scared me that if you knew that you would kill him if you saw him again" louis says

"this is alot for one child how can that be" harry says

"well it doesn't matter she is ours and we will protect her no matter what" louis says " but you can't tell her about that, she is doing so good now"

"yeah i dont think its something even i want to repeat" harry says "i know did you see the note her teacher wrote to us, she was so excited when you guys got home she showed it to me"

"yeah she wouldn't shut up about it in the car, that is the only thing i want to think about and have think about" louis says

"yeah i know, so should we talk about her defense" harry says laughing

"you know i know she brought up being a doctor but i think she would make a better attorney" louis says

"yeah so she can take over the family businesss" harry says

"maybe doctor styles sounds better" louis says

"if you want we can play doctor and you can give me a check up"

"hmm wonder if i can still fit into my school girl outfit" louis says

"wait first thing is first" harry says"about what christina talked to us about"

"i don't know you don't think its to much for a 9 year old" louis says "2 soccer teams, student council and school work she is at the top of her class and i don't want her to fail and disappoint herself"

"well i know school is first then all activities" harry says

"how about this, we let her do the activities she wants but if her grades start to slip she will pulled out of everything, and/ or if she feels like its to much for her the handle she can come to us and she can quit if she wants but we make sure that she knows that her school work comes first no matter what" harrys says

"yeah that sounds good i never want to tell her no and i guess that will teach her what her limits are, but i'm sure she has thought long about it" louis says

"so is that our decision" harry asks

"well im still concerned that it will be to much responsibility for her, i don't want her to be overwhelmed, she is still 9 i mean if she was 13 or older then i think i would be ok but i want her to be a kid"

"i know but we also can't keep her back and limit her, i want her to always know that she can do anything she wants, and if she fails then that is ok we have her back that is life lessons that she will need when she gets older, we cant always be there to protect her"

"i know but she is still my baby" louis says

"i know, she is my little princess to but we need to think about her not us, she really wants this she had all our questions answered and it wont interfere with scarlet's soccer games or practices" harry says" and i will still take ben to his martial arts classes when the girls have practice"

"i know your right but i guess your right, we need to let them be independent and grow but its still hard" louis says" but if that is what she wants then i guess we will have to let her"

"good that is settled" harry says

"ohh by the way your oldest son wants to do soccer now to and keep martial arts" louis says

"well we can split up and you take the girls and i take the boys" harry says "unless we can find a club that has practices at the same park"

"um i can call in the morning after we meet at the twins school" louis says "i'm going to leave early i am going to leave jakob at the daycare at work"

"yeah that is fine, just text me when you are on your way and i can leave with the twins"

"sure i'm gonna drop off jakob first then christina, you know she loves her new teacher, she says her teacher challenges her alot and is thinking of getting her tested to skip a grade" louis says

"yeah but i think we should talk about it when it comes its a lot" harry says

"yeah i know she is a smart girl and i want her to be challenged in school and don't want her to get bored because she is not being challenged"

"so do you think she should be tested" harry says

"yeah but i want to leave that up to her" louis says" because what if we want her to get tested but she doesn't want to"

"well yeah i think your right" harry says"is that everyone"

'umm yeah i think so" louis says" now about that school girl outfit  you want me to put it on, i think i can still fit into it"

'hmmm yeah haven't seen you in it since the twins were conceived and put on the black lace panties" harry says

"fine but put on your tie and leave the boxers on" louis says as he walks into his closet and changes and to his surprise the skirt still fits he looks for his glasses and puts them on he opens the door and stands there" Mr Styles  i forgot to do my homework"

"well Mr Tomlinson i am going to have to fail you" harry says not taking his eyes off of louis as louis drops his glasses on the floor and bends down to pick them up and much to harrys surprise louis is wearing a black lace thong and louis smiles when harry starts to growl

"but Mr styles i cant fail my parents will kill me" louis says seductively" is there anything i can do to change your mind"

"no" harry says

"i'm sure there is" louis says as he takes off his tie and skirt and reveals the black lace thong

"baby fuck, you, shit" is all harry can say as he cant speak as louis gets on his knees and pulls harrys boxers down and starts to suck on harrys dick and as he starts to stroke it louis starts to suck on harrys balls louis starts to insert 2 fingers into harrys hole as he continues to suck onto his dick as harry is so out of it moaning as louis continues to attack harrys dick and hole and after a while harry comes into louis mouth and louis making eye contact with louis just swallows everything in his mouth as he continues to suck harry and soon harry is hard again and louis reaches for the lube and lathers up harrys dick as louis pushes harry on the bed and louis takes the thong off and throws it so it will land on harrys face, louis positions himself on top of harry and goes down slowly when he has adjusted louis starts to ride harry like if his life depended on it

"fuck shit uugughguhgughu, fuck" louis says as he rides harry and harry starts to thrust into louis"fuck, fuck me i been bad"

"fuck baby you sure have been" harry says as he plants his feet on the bed and starts to thrust into louis while holding onto his thighs and louis starts to bounce up and down and on his way down louis makes sure that he goes down hard and as he does louis starts to come all over harry chest and a few thrust more and harry is coming hard into louis after a few minutes louis falls onto the bed as harry gets up and goes to get a towel to clean himself and louis off

"so do i pass" louis says

"shit come by later and pick up your diploma" harry says laughing

"yes, my parent will be so proud" louis says "eww shit"

"what" harry says

"my ass is leaking" louis says

"ooopss my bad" harry says "you want me to lick you clean"

"yeah" louis says as he turns around and puts his ass out and starts to shake it" i know you cant resist, come on you know you want to, its not the first time you eat my ass out with your come dripping out of me" louis says and  just like that harry is attacking his ass having 3 fingers and his tongue in there at the same time and louis is a moaning mess "fuck shit uuughgughugh"

"come on baby you know you like it" harry says"tell me this ass is all mine" he says as he starts licking and sucking at louis hole savagely

"its all yours only yours" louis says as he starts to moan

"umm baby you tastes soo good fuck your ass drives me insane" harry says"gonna fuck you know"

"yeah fuck me i been a bad boy fuck me hard" louis says as harry just shoves his dick into louis holes and starts thrusting into him hard hitting his prostate each time as louis starts yelling harrys name as he comes on to the sheets and harry comes into louis harry fall on to louis as he tries to catch his breathe

"fuck baby" harry says"i'm going to pull out"

'shit" louis says as harry pulls out"fuck babe that was"

'yeah i know" harry says as he walks to the bathroom and gets a bigger towels"dont move let me put this towel under you"

"yeah ok"louis says as harry puts a towel under louis and louis just falls onto the towel and harry gets into bed and louis just cuddles onto  harry"good night"

"good night" harry says as he kisses louis forehead

the next morning louis gets up ealier and get jakob dressed and makes sure to pack his backpack for daycare as harry is making breakfast louis goes and gets christina up and she gets ready for school chrstina gets to the kitchen and soon louis walks in with jakob, scarlet and ben

"dad did you and poppa talk about me joining the school soccer team"

"we did" harry says


"we want you to make sure that you know that school work is more important that extra activities and if we feel that your grades are suffering because you are to busy with soccer then we will pull you from both teams and student council do you understand that" harry says firmly

"yes so does that mean i can join"

"yes but we mean it christina marie styles" louis says"also"

"also thats like a but" christina says

"but also if at any point you feel overwhelmed with everything let poppa and i know and if you want to quit a team we will fully support you" harry says" you have been getting straight A your whole academic education and i don't want you to mess that up because of soccer or student council your education is more important that sports, do you understand that"

"yes, i swear i do, thank you thank you soo much" she says

"come on lets go we have to drop off jakob before i drop you off" louis says as he grabs jakobs bag and christina grabs her school bag and they leave, louis gets to his building and christina unbuckle jakob and takes him out of his car seat and helps him off the car and louis christina and jakob walk into the building and head to the daycare, louis checks jakob in and he leaves his bag and louis and get into the car and drive to christinas school



"are you ok with me doing 2 teams and student council"

"well i think its to much for you at your age and i want you to still be a kids, but your poppa made a few good points and i am ok as long as you know that if you feel overwhelmed you will let us know but as much as i want to protect you i also want you to challenge your self and i want you to be independent and if you say you can do it then i trust you can and no matter what poppa and i will always have your back"

"thank you, i will do my best"

"and that is all that we ask for" louis says as he drops off christina at school"i'll see you after school"

"love you dad"

"love you too little one" louis says as christina closes the car door and louis makes his way to the twins school and as soon as he gets there harry is pulling up with the twins "mucnhkins"

"daddy" they both yell out

"come on lets get you to class so poppa and i can have a nice little chat with the head master" louis says as they walk into the school office

"hi can i help you" the secretary says

"we need to check in the kids and we need to talk to the headmaster"

"what are the kids names"

"scarlet rose styles and benjamin edward styles"

"reason for tardiness"

"we wanted to talk to the headmaster and i had to drop off our daughter at her school so it was pointless to have him wait in the parking lot for 30 minutes"

"sure ok if you want to walk the kids to their classroom i can let the Mr thompson know you are here"

"ok thank you" louis says as he walks out the office and goes to the twins classroom harry hands the teacher the office note and they walk out "she looks like a bitch"

"louis baby" harry says

"she does" louis says as they walk back into the school office

"Mr thompson is waiting for you, right this way" the receptionist says and louis and harry follow her she knocks at the door and opens it and harry and louis walk in

"Mr and Mr Styles, I am Mr Arnold Thompson how can i help you"

"well our son and daughter came home yesterday and said that their teacher told them that she was going to split them up and move one of them to a different classroom" harry says

"are they twins"

"yes scarlet rose styles and benjamin edward styles" louis says" my husband and i checked their school bags last night to make sure that we didn't miss the note from their teacher and we didn't see anything"

"well its school policy that if any student it switch classroom we need to meet with the parents first"

"well ben said that the teacher told him and scarlet that the change will be done  starting monday, so can we please figure this out" harry says

"we talked to the twins and asked if they wanted to stay in the same classroom and they said they would be ok in getting split up but they were upset that no one told them first they are 6 years old and well at this point they don't want to be split up because the decision was made with out talking to them first" louis says

"well let me call in their teacher" Mr thompson says as he picks up the phone and calls the twins teacher"mr and mr styles there are procedures and process in place and make sure that all teachers follow them we have a zero tolerance for any of our teachers or faculty not following the rules"

"well if it was a misunderstanding in our kids part then we will have a talk with them as soon as they get home and that is why we are here to know what is going on" harry says as the door opens

"Mrs Stoffer this is Mr and Mr Styles scarlet and benjamins parents" the headmaster says

"well its a pleasure to meet you" she say politely and louis just wants to punch her

"like wise" louis says

"Mrs Stoffer they are here because of a conversation the children had with their parents and the want to clarify a few things" Mr thompson says as he tells the teacher what the twins had told them

"well Mr thompson i read a study where it said that twins thrive more when they are seperated" she says and louis gasps" and i wanted to know, if it as true"

"you wanted to use out kids as guinea pigs for some sick twisted story you ready" louis says"what the fuck kind of shit is that"

"lou, calm down" harry says

"the fuck i am, who the fuck does that" louis says

"Mr styles please calm down" the headmaster says

"and your were going to try and do that shit behind out backs, how the fuck would you feel if some one used your kids, nieces, nephews, brothers or sister like that, the fuck is wrong with you" louis says

"Mr styles"

"don't fucken mr styles me, i want this bitch fired" louis says

"lets calm down and talk about this" the headmaster says as harry is sitting there laughing

"mr styles control your husband please"

"shit been trying to do that for 12 years" harry says"shouldn't have messed with our kids"

"look i just wanted to see if the study was right i wasn't like sticking them with needles or anything like that"

"my kids are not animals you can test shit on" louis says" i want this bitch fired or i am pulling my kids out of this fucken school"

"Mr Styles can you please calm down"

"fuck no and your lucky its me pissed and not my husband" louis says"im going to take a walk i'll be back in 5 minutes and you all better hope that i have calmed the fuck down" he says as he walks out the door

"i'll go follow him" harry says as he goes after louis"baby come here"

"what the fuck, I'm calling my mom" louis says

"No i don't want you and jay on the 6 o'clcok news holding lighters burning down schools" harry says

"why are you not pissed" louis says

"ohh i am but one one us always has to be calm or we will both end up in jail and my pretty ass wont last long" harry says as he calms louis down

"and the nerve of that fucker to tell you to control me" louis says

"baby just calm down" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips"better"

"just a little" louis says" i want to pull them out of this school"

"lets go back and see what they are going to say and then we can make a decision" harry says"but you need to calm down think of the babies you know you cant get worked up like that its bad for the babies"

"fine" louis says as he takes a deep breath" ok i am ready i promise to stay calm"

"ok that is all i ask for let me do all the talking and then before we leave you can decide to keep the kids here or we can send them to christinas school"

"ok" louis says as they walk back into the headmasters office

"well Mr and Mr Styles i been talking to Mrs Stoffers and she wants to say something"

"i am sorry for my lack of judgement i know i should of talked to you both of about it but i didn't think it was a big deal, it was switching them classrooms"

"i guess you don't get it, i don't know how you raise your kids but we are trying to raise ours to have an opinion and to make decisions on their own, if you would of came to us and talked to us we would of talked to them and they probably would of agreed but they were upset that because they are kids adults, don't take into consideration of their feelings they are 6 they know what is right and wrong, so again why did you think it was ok to use our kids that way"

"you both are being overly sensitive they are kids they don't know anything about the real world, it was just a classroom not like i was going to make them switch schools"

"mrs stoffer that is enough" the headmaster says

"look my husband is pregnant and i already had to calm him down but if  he starts to talk and something happens to our babies because you obviously are not equipped to teach children i swear to everything i have in me that i will sue you for everything that you have that even your 10 times removed grandchildren will be paying my grandkids" harry says

"well my husband is an attorney so you cant scare me" she says

"well so am i and ask your husband about my husband trust me my husband is a better attorney thank yours" harry says" ask him about Louis Tomlinson Styles, go ahead"

"are you threatening me"

"no of course not" harry says" Mr thompson we want our kids out of her classroom, i refuse to have my children with a teacher who has little disregard to children"

"Mr Styles all of our classrooms are full"

"well then where were you going to take my kids too, if all the classrooms are full" harry asks

"i was going to ask one of the teachers to switch one student with me"

"well then there you go, switch out 2 students for my son and daughter"

"well there is a process we need to do" the headmasters says

"yeah and let me guess you don't want to because then you will have to tell the parents that mrs stoffer wanted to use our kids as a fucken experiment" harry says" well then that is settled we are pulling our kids out of this school so if you can get some one to go get them"

"Mr styles you are being unreasonable" the headmaster says" lets come up with a solution where we are all happy"

"well here are the only options you have one- switch the twins to a new classroom new teacher or two- fire this poor excuse of a teacher" harry says those are the only options i see to keep my kids in this school, i will not negotiate with my kids education"

"Ohh My God" louis says

'what is Mr Styles" the headmaster says

"are you ok" harry says as louis whispers into Harrys ear" are you sure" and louis nods

"well what is it" the headmaster says

"well when i said that my husband was a better attorney that me i meant it and it has come to my attention" harry says

"yeah what" the teacher says"what is he to stupid to talk"

"go ahead baby you tell them, since this damn teacher cant keep her mouth shut"

"well i kept wondering why Mr thompson wasn't firing Mrs stoffer any other school would of fired her already but then it hit me you two are having an affair" louis says and immediately the head master and the teachers eyes went wide

"no we are not" the teacher says

"bullshit" louis says

"prove it"

"i already did" louis says getting his phone from under the headmasters desk"now i can replay what is on this recording or you can tell us why you refuse to fire this sad excuse for a teacher"

"we are waiting" harry says

"we are not having an affair it is" the headmaster starts to say

"yeah yeah yeah against school policy to bla bla bla" harry says

""so this is what we are going to do, we are going to pull our childrens out of this school and place them in another school and for what you guys charge to have them here you guys are stupid anyways and then we are going to file a report with the education council and present everything we have" louis says " and trust me you fucked with the wrong kids, good day and good luck and you better hope my kids are outside waiting for me or helping i will call the parents and let them know what happened and this shitty school will shut down and i will make sure neither of you will ever get a teaching job here in london" louis says

"Mr styles please control your husband you as an attorney should know that you cant make accusation unless you have proof" the headmaster says

"ohhh he knows that and trust me he doesn't speak unless he has proof trust me on that one i learned the hard way not to fuck with him" harry says" and i said before i been trying to control him for over 12 years and i still cant so i let him do what he needs to do" harry says

"so have yourself a good day I have shit to do" louis says as he walks out

"told you shouldn't of messed with our kids, good luck to you both" harry says harry immediately comes back inside "i guess we will have to go get our twins"  and harry and louis head to the twins classroom and let the teacher aid know that they are talking the twins and harry and louis get all of the kids stuff and they leave once they get to the car they get the twins in their booster seats" so follow me to the house we can take your car"

"yeah ok, should we take the twins to the daycare or take them with us" louis says

"lets take them with us incase they get to meet their new classroom and teacher" harry says

"dad why we going to a new school" ben asks

"well because we found out that your teacher was not a nice lady and i refuse to have you in a classroom where the teacher is not going to be good to you" louis says as he gets in the car and follows harry to their house harry gets out of his car and louis  gets into the passenger side and louis gets in the drivers side they make their way to christinas school park and go inside

"mr Styles how can we help you" the receptionist says

"we need to enroll out twins in this school" louis says

"but they have uniforms from a different school on" she says

"long story we just pulled them from their last school about an hour ago and want them in this school" harry says

"well then i need you to fill out these forms and if you sign here i can start the transfer of their school records and they can start school tomorrow"

"good" louis says as he starts to fill out the paperwork for scarlet and harry does ben

"is this going to be our new school" scarlet asks

"yes it is this is sissys school too, but i don't think you will see her since you are in different grades"

"are we going to be in the same classroom" ben asks

"i don't know yet, are you going to be ok if you cant be in the same classroom" harrys says

"yeah i will be ok i think its ok" ben says

"i will be ok" scarlet says

"well then its settled so no matter what happens as long as your are both ok with it then i am happy" louis says'shit"

"umm miss i forgot their immunization records can i bring in tomorrow when i drop them off" louis says

"yeah that is fine but makes sure or the kids cant start"

"umm can i email you a copy and bring the originals tomorrow" louis says

"yeah that would be better"

"ok the forms are all filled out"

"well i know last time it was crazy but you need to meet with the headmaster"

"yeah ok that is fine" louis says as the headmaster comes out of his office

"mr and mr styles how have you been"

"we been good Mr meyers just came to enroll our twins in your school had a bit of a situation at their last school" louis says

"well we are glad you brought them to us and i will assure you that we will make sure that the twins are aways from Mr spade" he says

"well thank you i appreciate that" louis says

"well are these the twins"

"yes" louis says

"i'm Benjamin Edward Styles"

"i'm Scarlet Rose Styles"

"well i am Mr Meyers and let me get your teacher so she can meet you both"

"mr meyers" ben says

"yes mr ben" the headmaster says

"um rosie and i were talking and we want to know if we can be in different classrooms"

"well if its ok with your parents we can arrange that" the headmaster says

"are you kids sure" harry says

"yes poppa" scarlet says

"well i guess they want different classrooms" harry says

"what if they change their minds can we come back and switch them to the same classroom" louis ask

"yes we have seen this happen with twins we usually ask them for a one week trail period, most twins adjust amazingly and others cant deal with the seperation"

"did you kids hear that try it out for a week and then we will talk about it in a week" louis says

"yeah ok we want to try it to" ben says

"well then let me call in 2 teachers" the head master says as he gets up and walks to the receptionist desk he soon comes back" while we wait do you have any questions for me"

"um yeah christina want the joins the school soccer team but she is already in an outside club but she is in the student council for her grade i and worried about her" louis says

"well Mr styles if your daughter is anything like either of you i am sure she will fine and i am sure that if she didn't think she could handle it she would not have brought it up"

"we know what you mean but our first priority is her education and we don't want her grades to drop "

"well she is a straight A student and  if her grades drop i am sure she will be harder on herself than you will be on her, she is a smart hard working young lady and i think its good for kids to test their limits and if we as parents keep trying to protect them and lets say put them in a bubble then when they get to the real world they will fail"

"you sound like my husband" louis says

"smart man i knew i like him" the headmaster says

"yeah fine, i guess you both are right, is it wrong for a father wanting to protect his kids" louis says

"no nothing wrong but its also good to let your kids explore the world and learn what their limits are" the headmaster says then he hears a knock on door and 2 teachers walk in "Mr Denmark Mrs Hanson, This is Mr and Mr Styles they just enrolled their 6 year old twins in our school and the twins wanted to have different classrooms, and this is Scarlet Rose Styles and Benjamin Edward Styles"

"well its nice to meet all of you" Mr Denmark says" and benjamin it is nice to meet you too"

"pleasure to have met you all" Mrs Hanson says" and scarlet that is a beautiful name my niece name is scarlet as well"

"the styles kids will start school tomorrow morning do you want to take them to your classrooms" the headmaster says" the classroom are next to each  other so even tho they aren't in the same classroom they can be close by, I am a twin so i know its comforting to know that, ben will be in Mrs Hansons class and scarlet will be in Mr Denmarks class"

"well thank you" louis says

"we can go to my classroom first" Mr Denmark says as louis and harry follow him each one hold a twins hand as the teacher walks into his classroom all the student look up and stare" Class this is Scarlet and she will start class with us tomorrow, can you please stand up one at a time and introduce your self to scarlet and her parents" he says as each student stands up and says their name when they are done

"hi I am scarlet rose but i like when people call me rosie"

"hi rosie" the class says and scarlet has a big smile on her face

"and this is my twin brother benjamin edward and that is my dad louis and my poppa harry" she saus very proud

"Nice to meet you"the class says

"well thank you for stopping by and rosie we will see you tomorrow" the teacher says

"by nice to meet all of you" louis says as they walk out the classroom and walk to Mrs hansons class and as they walk in they are greeted the same way all the kids introduce themself and ben introducees him self then scarlet and harry and louis and as soon as they were done they walk back to the office when Harry spots christina walking to the office

"little one" harry says as christina turns around and smiles big and runs to harry

"what are you all doing here" she says

"umm dad got mad at the munchkins teacher so the twins are now coming to this school" harry says" we were just meeting with their teachers and classrooms"

"where are you going" louis says

"ohh teacher sent me to the office to pick up some attendance forms" christina says"don't forget i have practice after school"

"no i know so i will pick you up at 5" louis says

"yeah, i'm so happy we are all in the same school" christina says "i have to get to the office before i get in trouble"

"well lets all walk i can tell the headmaster to let your teacher know you were talking to us" harry says

"ok thank you" she says as they walk into the office" hi i came for attendance sheets for class 2946" and the receptionist gives her the sheets" thank you"

"well we have to get back to the headmaster, then to get the twins their new uniforms" harry says

"ok by love you" christina says

"love you too little one" Harry says as he hugs her then she hugs louis and last the twins she leaves the office and harry and louis go into the headmasters office and louis makes sure to let him know to talk to her teacher so christina wont get in trouble the headmaster calls the teacher and lets her know what happened and soon louis and harry were walking out of the headmasters office and were signing out

"ohh Mr styles before you leave do you want us to charge the same account as christina for ben and scarlets tuition"

"Yes, do you need my credit card again" harry says

"no we can just link the accounts together you will get notification when payment is made"

"ok thank you"harry says as they all walk out and head to the store on the campus to get the twins their uniforms and while they are there they pick up some pants and sweaters for christina and they are finished they make their way to pick up jakob and then head home

"i'm tired" louis says

"well the twins and jakob  are taking a nap so why dont you take one, i'm just writing the email for the school board i am not going to let this go" harry says as he takes his laptop out and soon louis falls asleep harry falls asleep soon after and at 4:15 harrys alarm goes off and harry wakes up louis up "baby wake up"

"huh what"

"baby wake up , i'm gonna go pick up christina the twins and jakob are in the playroom"

"shit ok i'll start dinner" louis says as he gets up and harry leaves to pick up christina and louis goes to check up on the kids in the playroom then goes to the kitchen to start dinner

Harry gets to christinas school and she parks and 5 minutes later he sees her coming out of the school gates and makes her way to the car

"wheres dad"

"he stayed to make dinner" harry says" how was practice"

"it was so much fun learned a lot" christina says" we had a student council meeting today and one of the students cynthia she  was telling us that at her old school they had where once a month parents could come and have lunch with their kids and we want to start that, i took notes of every thing we talked about after dinner can you help me write a proposal to the school,  we all really want this"

"yeah do you have the guideline that the school require to pass this and what information  a visitor needs when they visit the school" harry says

"yeah its all in my school bag we are meeting with the headmaster and  teachers friday and we are going over everything tomorrow, all the student want me to talk to present the idea to the headmaster i am nervous i never presented something to some one"

"don't be, its just like when you were talking to dad and i when you wanted to join the school soccer team"

"but you and dad are easy if we mess this up them we wont get what we want"

"well how about after we finish your  proposal you can practice on dad and i and we can give you some advice on what to say and do" harry say

"like you when you go to court"

"yeah i remember when i had my first case and had to talk in court i swear i almost cried and your dad just laughed at me"

"that was not nice" christina says trying not to laugh

alright missy no need to laugh at me" harry says

"but will you and dad help me"

"of course" harry says" how about after dinner you help me give the twins baths then we can start, i'll let you stay a little after bedtime so you can practice your speech"

"yeah thank you soo much" she says as harry pulls into the driveway and parks the car they get off the car and go inside the house and christina goes and tells louis about what she talked to harry about

"that is good my little one" louis says" poppa and i will help"

"so can i take a shower right now so i don't have to do it later"

"yeah that is a good idea, maybe should shower all the kids now before dinner is done" louis says

"i can take the twins you get jakob" harry says

"no lets do the twins i can bathe jakob tomorrow morning after i drop of the kids at school" louis says" shit that reminds me i need to send the immunization records to the school, is the scanner working"

"yeah i fixed it" harry say

"get the twins in  the bath and i'll be back" louis says as he goes downstairs and goes in the safe and takes the twins immunization records and scans them once they are scanned he send the email to the school receptionist he takes the cards out and take them to his room and places them under his wallet so he doesn't forget them he makes his way to the bathroom and helps harry take the twins out they walk to their room and get them dressed they all walk down stairs  have dinner and the kids go and play while harry and louis are with christina giving her ideas christina is look thru her bag looking for her notes

"ohhh poppa a teacher told me to give you this" christina says as she hands the envelope to harry and harry recognizes the writing he immediately hands it to louis and louis is confused until Harry whispers the name "Jason"

"ohh hell no" louis says "christina what teacher gave you this"

"Mr Spade when i was leaving for soccer practice he stopped me in the hall and told me to give it to my poppa but told me no to tell you but i told him i don't keep secrets from my parents"

"ok well lets get your work done i dont want you to stay up to late" louis says and they started going over what christina had and soon they were having a discussion about what christina and  the student want to accomplish soon louis gets up and gets the little ones into bed and walks back to sit down with harry and christina  when they are done and christina was happy with her proposal she reads it out loud to her parents and they both make notes of what she should work on when she is done they tell her what to work on and does her speech again when she is done she is happy"ok now its almost 10 put your stuff away and get to bed" louis says as they all get up and louis puts the dishes in the sink and they all walk upstairs hug each other and say their good nights louis ans harry make their way to their room and change their clothes" are you taking a shower"

"no i'll take one tomorrow morning" harry say "its going to be weird not taking the twins to school in the morning or picking them up"

'well if you want after tomorrow i can drop them off and you can pick them up your office is not that far from the school"

"yeah that would be great" harry says

"and stay the fuck away from jason" louis says

"what i gave you the envelope i didn't even open it" harry says

"aren't you a bit curious what it says" louis says

"no, i don't care" harry says

"well i'm gonna go talk to the headmaster tomorrow" louis says

"do what ever you want" harry says

"well i am going to open the letter" louis says as he gets the letter and opens it and starts to read it" that son of a bitch"

"what" harry say now curious as what it says and louis hands him the letter " that asshole what the fuck, now i am going to go talk to the headmaster"

"seriously, harry I swear you better stay the fuck away from him if i even see you near him, you don't want to know what i will do" louis says

"baby i don't want nothing to do with him only want you and  only you" harry says

"you better" louis says as they fall asleep

and the next morning louis and harry get the kids ready for school and they all leave  louis and harry walk into the office wave good bye to christina and take the twins to their classroom as they walk back to the office jakob gets loose from louis and harry runs after him jakob stops and harry picks him when he feels strange arms around him and harry turns around and louis is recording everything

"hey babe" jason says

"jason i don't want any problems my husband is here" harry says as he pushes jason away" if you haven't noticed i have my son, leave us alone louis saw the letter and its not looking good for you"

"i don't care just leave him and come back to me i saw you yesterday and i realized that i am in love with you"jason says

"well i am in love with louis so again back the fuck away from me, cuz i swear if you so much as come near my kids i will make sure you never work as a teacher again" harry say backing away from jason not knowing where louis ran off to

"harry babe" jason says

"don't call me that" harry says

"but at one point you told me you loved me" jason says

"i lied i just wanted a quick fuck i will never love anyone but louis he is the only one i will ever love and like i told you leave us the fuck alone"

"so what i was just an easy fuck" jason says

"got in bed with in an hour after i met you" harry says" so yes i guess you were"

"you asshole" jason says" and i divorced my husband thinking i can get you back"

"well that was your fault now if you will excuse me i need to find my husband" harry says as he walks away and  harry soon sees louis recording everything that happened with a huge smile on his face harry puts jakob down and when all of a sudden harry feels a hand on his wrist and as harry looks back as jason starts to kiss him harry pushes him away and all of a sudden louis punches jason in the jaw

"he told you to leave him the fuck alone" louis says harry grabs louis and jakob and they make their way to the office when they get there they go into the headmasters office

"mr styles how" he starts to say

"Mr spade sent this letter yesterday with christina and right now he kissed me and louis punched him" harry says

"wait what" the head master says as louis takes out his phone and plays the video he recorded and it cuts off when louis punches jason

"look i was nice the first time but this time i want him fired" louis says

"baby calm down" harry says"think of the twins"

"let me get you some water Mr styles please calm down" 'the headmaster says as he walks out the door he comes back a few minutes later with a bottle water and the school nurse and louis is now crying as harry is holding him" Mr styles i want the school nurse to check you make sure you are ok"

"thank you i feel fine" louis says

"mr Styles please, my wife pregnant and i know you shouldn't have this much anger and stress if not for you for the babies"

"yeah ok thank you" louis says as the nurse takes his vitals and writes them down she checks his breathing and then she puts the stethescope on louis belly

"how many months are you" she ask

"5 months" louis says

"well you blood pressure is a little high but that is normal since you were angry i heard the babys heartbeats and they sound strong but i will come back and check you before you leave but i will still suggest you go immediately to see your doctor they can do a quick ultrasound and just give you reassurance" the nurse says

"thank you" louis says as harry is holding onto his hand

"well Mr styles i will make sure to take care of Mr Spade and will send you a full report with christina tonight"

"thank you, I am so sorry about all of this" louis says

"no you have nothing to be sorry about you did nothing wrong but defend your husband" the headmaster says" my wife would of done the same thing"

"good i like her already" louis says laughing

"well lets go so we can go see Dr laura" harry says as they get up and walk to the car" let me call my mom and drop off jakob"

"ok i'm so sorry i shouldn't of hit him" louis says

"no shouldn't of but i would of done the same thing" harry says "mom can i drop jakob off for a a few hours , i need to take louis to the doctor, no everything is fine well that is what we are going to make sure, i'll tell you about it when i pick him up, ok thanks mom we should be there in 5 minutes" and harry hangs up the phone and they get to annes house"wait here i'll be back" harry says as he gets off the car and takes jakob and opens the door he gives anne jakobs backpack and they leave to the doctors office once they get there louis checks in and soon the nurse call louis name and they follow her the nurse taking louis weight and vitals she takes them to the room and louis sits down" how are you feeling"

"i feel fine" louis says

"well your blood pressure was high so lets hope it went down" harry says

"i guess i need to control my temper when i am pregnant" louis says laughing as soon they hear a knock at the door and dr laura walks in

"and what do i owe this visit" she says

"well some stuff happened and i got really angry yesterday and again today and the nurse at our kids school checked my vitals and said my blood pressure was high she check the babies and hear the heartbeats but suggested i come see you and well here we are, here is what she wrote down told me to give it to you that you would know what it meant" louis says as he hands her the paper she unfolds it and looks at it

"how angry did you get, you blood pressure is high" she says

"umm pretty mad" louis says" a teacher grabbed and kissed harry and i knocked him out" louis says

"yeah i see why how long ago was that"

"um what 30 maybe 45 minutes ago" harry says

"well the nurse took your vitals and they are down still a bit hi but they are lower, let me do a ultrasound make sure these little ones are not in any distress" she says as harry looks a this phone and looks confused

"who is it" louis says

"i dont know this number"

"well here i'll answer it" louis says as harry gives him his phone" hello"

"Mr Harry Styles" the voice says

"no this is his husband Louis Styles"

"ohh we were actually looking for you"

"and you are" louis says

"I am officer peterson, Mr Jason Spade has filed assault charges against you, we need you to come to the station and get your statement"

"well right now is not a good time i am at a doctors appointment as i am currently 5 months pregnant and i had to make sure my babies yes babies as in twins are fine, if you want to talk to my doctor she is right here"

"yes can we" the officer says as he hands the doctor the phone

"this Is Dr Laura Arthurs, OB/GYN, he is 5 months pregnant with twins, well the school nurse took his vitals and his blood pressure was dangerously high it has come down but its still a little to hi for what he should be, well not today i am putting him on bed rest the rest of the day, maybe tomorrow i am going to recommend for him to come in tomorrow so we can check him again, yes i understand but my concern is the well being of the children and my patient not some douchbag, well that is fine but  like i said my main concern of the unborn children and mr styles, do what you need to do but you know that if i admit him into the hospital you cant talk to him, i will make sure of that ,hahaha don't threaten me i know my rights, yeah that's what i thought he can go talk to you  tomorrow after i check him, yes i will write him a letter no i get but dont ever threaten me again, yes good bye to you too" she says as she hands to phone back to Harry

"soo i guess i can talk to them tomorrow" louis says

"yes,  i want you on bedrest the rest of the day and tomorrow i want to see you, now lets see these babies" she says as she turns on the machine and switches the sound on and the heart beats are heard" well they sound like they are both healthy and all dont sense no distress but i still want you to stay off your feet the rest of the day "

"yes dr laura" louis says

"i have to write you a letter stating what you told me and i will have that ready for you tomorrow"

"thank you" louis says as the doctor turns off the machine

"ohh shit"

"what is everything ok doctor"  harry asks

"yeah you want to know the gender" she asks

"yeah" louis says

"well it seems like you are having another boy and another girl" she says

"are you serious one of each again" louis says

"wow that is amazing" harry says

"i cant believe it we will have 3 boys and 3 girls" louis says as he starts to cry

"aww baby i am so happy to, i cant wait to tell the kids" harry says

"i'm soo sorry i  got so angry something could of happened to the babies" louis says

"its ok you were just protecting the kids but you need to calm down" harry says as he puts his arms around louis and places a kiss on his forehead"please calm down for me i hate it when you are upset"

"i know thank you" louis says

"louis are you ok" dr laura says

"yeah i promise when i get home i will go straight to bed and relax" louis says

"ok and i want you here tomorrow at 10 am and you can go to  see the detective after just remain calm"

"yeah i will i promise" louis says

"ohh if you feel any cramping or any spotting or blood come straight to the hospital" she says

"i will thank you" louis says as harry helps him down from the table and they walk out of the doctors office and they make their way to annes house to pick up jakob and when they get there louis sees his moms car"shit my mom is here"

"i'll go get jakob stay here" harry says as louis puts his seat back as harry knocks on the door and jay answers harry goes inside the house and jay and anne come out an knock on the window and louis opens the door

"hello mothers" louis says" where is my son"

"he is taking a nap" anne says" what happened

"anne can jakob stay with you tonight the doctor put me on bedrest until tomorrow and i have an appointment again tomorrow" louis says

"yeah that is fine but you still haven't answered my question" anne says and harry soon comes back outside

"jakob is compeletely knocked out" harry says

"you mom is keeping him over night since i have to go back to see dr laura tomorrow morning"

"yeah ok, well we better go" Harry says

"not until you tell us what happened" jay says anger in her voice

"babe you tell them" louis says as harry starts to tell both moms what happened the day before that what happened that morning at the school and how louis blood pressure was so high  but reassured them that he was better but was to take it easy and that the babies were fine and healthy

"lou you know better than to get that angry" jay says

"but mom what was i suppose to do" louis says

"well i guess i would of done the same thing" jay says and anne agree with her

"are you and harry ok" anne says

"yeah we are ok" louis says as he takes out his phone and plays the video of what happened

"ohhh now i want to punch him., harry that is assault" anne says

"yeah i guess it is and we have it on video" harry says "thanks mom"

"well as long as the babies and you are ok that is all that matter" jay says" do you want me to pick up the kids from school and drop them off"

"if its not to much of a bother"louis says"remember the twins are at the same school at christina, i put the both of your as emergency contact and authorized pick up"

"ok does chrstina have practice today" jay says

"umm no not today so she will probably be outside with the twins i'll call the school to tell them to let her know to look for you"

"ok now go and get some rest" jay says and louis and harry leave and head home as soon as louis gets home he goes upstairs and lays down and harry lays down next to him

"babe, i'm sorry i got so angry" louis says

"its ok baby, just relax that doesn't matter right now" harry say"what matters is that your and the babies are doing good and nothing happened"

"yeah your right" louis says and just then louis phone starts to ring and louis answers it" hello"

"louis, its roger"

"hey roger what is going on"

"well good news your house is ready, you can come and do a walk thru whenever your ready"

"umm well i'm on bedrest till tomorrow how about saturday about noon"

"yeah ok is harry coming with you"

"yeah he is "

"ok well see you saturday"

"what happened" harry asks

"roger the house is ready said we can go do the walk thru soo saturday at noon" louis says

"yeah already, we can leave the kids at my moms" harry says

"i was thinking of taking christina so she can pick her room so we can pick her paint color"

"well i guess we have a plan, take a nap " harry says" ohh i got an email from the school board and they want to meet with us on monday at 11"

"ok i will make sure to book the daycare" louis says and soon they both fall asleep and  after a few hours louis wakes up and wakes up harry

"what are you ok is something wrong" harry says

"no just hungry" louis says

"what do you want" harry says as he yawns

"i want nutella sanwich with strawberries and milk"

"I'll be right back" harry says as he gets up and goes downstairs to make the sandwich for louis and when he is done the goes back upstairs and give louis his sandwich and drink harry gets back and lays down next to louis when he was done eating louis fell back asleep and soon harry wakes up when he heard the doorbell ringing he looks at the time and knows it jay with the kids, harry gets up and goes and opens the door

"where is lou" jay says

"in bed asleep" harry says

"how is he"

"more calm feels bad for getting so angry" harry says

"well the babies are fine so as long as that is then everything else can wait" jay says "can i go upstairs to give him a kiss"

"yeah go ahead" harry says as jay makes her way to louis and harry's bedroom she walks in and places a kiss on louis temple and one to his belly and louis wakes up

"mom" louis says

"ohh honey i'm sorry i didn't mean to wake you, i just wanted to make sure you were ok" jay says

"yeah i feel a lot better, can feel the twins kicking so i know they are fine" louis says

"yeah one of them kicked me when i kissed your belly" jay says laughing

"mom we are having another boy and girl" louis says

"congratulations, so happy for you" jay says" now rest you have a long day tomorrow do you want me to go with you" jay says

"no harry and micheal are going" louis says

"ok well call me or anne of you need anything i would ask if you want me to take the kids but its a school night"

"mom if you want yeah take them so harry wont have to worry about it in the morning" louis says

"well let me call harry and you guys can talk about it" jay says as she walks out the room and harry a few moment later walks back in

"you mom said you wanted to talk to me" harry says

"mom asked if we wanted her to take the kids over night and she or you mom can take them to school" louis says

"well what do you think"

"well since i am on bedrest you are going to be responsible for all the kids and i know its hard on me  but baths dinner and breakfast and getting them ready in the morning, i don't think i want to attempt that by myself"

"yeah your right, so i'll get them a bag ready" harry says

"you want me to help" louis says

"no i'll get christina to help, and i'll get a bag for jakob your mom can drop it off since they are neighbors" harry says

"yeah don't forget jammies" louis says as harry goes and calls christina and she comes up

"dad are you ok" she asks

"yeah just my blood pressure was a little high and i have to stay in bed to rest, so you and the twins are going to stay over at grandma jays and she will take you to school and i dont know yet but might pick you up tomorrow depends what the doctor says"

"yeah but are the babies ok"

"yeah they are fine we heard the heart beats and they sound amazing" louis says" we also found out what we are having"

"what" she asks

"well don't tell anyone only grandma jay knows and by now grandma anne" louis says" you are going to be a big sister to a brother and a sister"

"seriously a boy and a girl" she says excitedly

"yes another boy and another girl"

"dad i am soo happy its what i wanted" she says with a big smile on her face

"well go help your dad pack some clothes for you and the twins i think he is getting jakobs right now"

"ok i'll see you tomorrow dad"

"love you little one" louis says

"love you too" she says as she walks out of the room and soon jay and the kids and gone and harry comes back into the room with food

"you mom made dinner for us" harry says as he hands louis his plate of food

"this is good, i am soo hungry" louis says and harry starts to laugh when they are done eating harry takes the plates to the kitchen and then goes back upstairs

"i'm gonna take a shower"harry says as he walks into the closet and get some boxers and head to the bathroom when he is done he gets into bed

"i want to take a shower help me up" louis says

"why dont you rest and you can take a shower in the morning"

"i want to take a shower tonight"

"but you are on bed rest and i want to make sure you are ok" harry says

"but i want to take a shower tonight"

"dont start or i will call your mom" harry says

"you wouldnt dare" louis says as harry reaches for his phone and pulls up jays contact info

"say it one more time, i said in the morning" harry says

"no i want to take a shower tonight" louis says and just then harry puts the phone to his ear

"hi jay sorry to bother you but your son doesn't want to listen to me he wants to shower right now but i told him in the morning and he is being stubborn" harry says" ok hold on" and harry hands the phone to louis

"are you serious you called my mom" louis says and harry shrugs his shoulders" hello, but mom, no but, but, fine i'll take a shower in the morning, yeah i love you too" louis says as he hangs up the phone and just glares and harry" just for that i am not going to cuddle with you"

"we will see how long that last" harry says as he lays down and gets comfortable and just as harry knew louis gets close and cuddles with him and they fall asleep the next morning harry wakes up and  and makes breakfast he comes back upstairs and wakes up louis they both eat and louis gets up and takes a shower with harry close by making sure nothing happens to louis when louis gets out of the shower he gets dressed and they make their way to the doctors visit as they wait

"harry, babe"

"yeah, i told chrstina we were having a boy and a girl, she looked really worried about the babies so i wanted her to be relaxed"

"that is fine she asked me to i saw the worry in her face, she looked happy when she was helping me pack the kids clothes"

"Louis Styles" the nurse says and louis gets up and follows the nurse as she takes his weight and vital and takes them to the exam room and they wait soon they hear a knock on the door and the doctor comes in

"well louis your blood pressure is back to normal and all your vitals look good, but i see you gained weight over night"

"i ate breakfast and hour ago" louis says

"i know i just like teasing you, let me get one last ultrasound and you will be clear to go" she says as she pulls out the ultra sound machine"babies looks good heartbeats are normal  you are clear to go and before i forget here is the letter i wrote for the detective"

"thank you and i will try to control my temper" louis says

"well at least you will try" she says" but again if you feel cramping or any type of bleeding or spotting into the emergecy room at least for the next week or so just take it easy"

"yeah i will thank you" louis says as they leave the doctors off and make their way to the police department, when they get there micheal is waiting for them and they all walk in

"you got everything louis" micheal asks

"yes, ohh here the doctor wrote this letter" louis says as he hands micheal the letter doctor laura wrote they get to the receptionist desk

"hi we are here to meet with officer peterson, i am micheal their attorney and I am here with Harry Styles and Louis Styles"

"take a seat i will let him know you are here" she says as she pick up the phone and dials a number she gets up and walks to micheal" officer peterson will be with you in a moment, would you like something drink"

"can i get water please" louis says she leaves and comes back with 3 water bottles and hands one to each of them and soon the officer gets there and they all walk to the officers office

"now Mr Styles can you please let me know what happened" he says and Harry starts to tell him what happened the day before" and how do you know him

" about 7 years ago he and i were having an affair and a few months ago he got in contact with me and he is s teacher at our kids school"

"do you still have any contact with him"

"no i haven't talked to him since that day when he was about to be my daughters teacher and my husband shot that down right quick" harry says

"well he states that you are still having an affair the last day was the night before the fight at the school"

"that is a lie since i was with louis and my kids that is impossible"

"can you prove that"

"ask him" harry says

"yes officer he was with me and the kids"

"the whole night would there be a possibility for you to leave and come back and your husband not know you left"

"ohh noo that would be impossible he is a light sleeper and any movement and he wakes up, that is how he found out that i was talking to jason again" harry says

"He also claims that he was with you yesterday before you got to the school"

"nope that is a lie as well i had my kids they are twins and louis and i were together all morning and we dropped off all the kids together at what time was i alledgedly with him"

"he said you left his house at 6:30"

"umm no louis is up at 6:15 every morning to get everyone ready for school if that was the case i would be a dead man"

"Mr spade is claiming that because of the affair that you husband Louis Styles attacked him unprovoked"

"that is not true and we have video evidence that proves that Mr spade was the one that came onto Harry styles and even forced a kiss and Mr styles is ready to file assault and harrasment charges against Mr spade and Louis Styles punched him to protect his husband and Louis styles also wants to press charges agains Mr spade for stress and assault charges on behalf of their 18 month old son who in the video was in harrys arms and easily harry could of dropped him, plus we have a letter that Mr Spade wrote to harry and handed it to their 9 year old daughter and that is harrasment as well"

"well let me see said evidence" the officer says as Micheal hands over the officer a usb with a copy of the video louis recorded and copies of the letter and a letter the headmaster wrote for louis and the letter the doctor wrote for louis"

"well i see that he did provoke and put your unborn children in danger and 18 month as well and I will be dropping all charges against you but i will file charges against him for assault"

"well we would also like to know if you can give this to him , the styles family is going to sue him for mental stress and anguish and assault" micheal says

"i will take care of this" officer peterson says" is there anything else i can for you"

"yeah are these charges misdemeanors or felonies" louis asks

"the assault is a felony why"

"because that means he wont be able to teach anywhere, told that rat bastard to stay away from my kids and husband"

"wait are you Louis william Styles or Tomlinson" the officer says

"yeah that is me, why"

"i knew it i was the bailiff when you had that case against Alex"

"shit" louis says

"you are good i know the judge went and talked to you but seriously you should really be an attorney"

"thank you but no its not my thing" louis says

"so has alex bothered you at all"

"no he sadly passed away but we did end up adopting his daughter she is soo amazing" louis says

"wow, harry never let this one go"

"nope he is mine forever" harry says

"yeah forever" louis says as he wiggles his ring finger at harry as he starts to laugh

"so what is going to happened" micheal says

"well i am going to bring Mr Spade back in and present him with evidene and serve him the papers you just gave me then we are going to place him under arrest  for assault, stress, child endangerment, and filing a false police report"

"ok thank you" micheal says"can we go louis needs to be on bed rest"

"yeah you are free to go, I will follow up with you micheal when we have an update" the officer says and they get up and walk out of the police stations and  make their way home

"so that was fun" louis says" i guess i am well known in the court system"

"you have no idea" harry says

"ohh i think i do" louis says

"well what should me make for dinner" harry says

"lets order chinese" louis says "who is picking up the kids"

"i can go get them i miss the chaos in this house" harry says

"yeah me too that way we can tell the kids about the babies"

"ok text your mom that i will pick up the kids  and i'll see if my mom can drop off jakob" harry says as they both call their moms and soon they hang up"mom is dropping of jakob in an hour they were at the park"

"my mom is going to drop off the kids she said she has an appointment near the school and will be done by the time the kids get out of school"

"ok so we have an hour to kill before the first kid gets dropped off" harry says as they cuddle watching a movie in he living room

"when do you go back to work" louis says

"monday" harry says"i just wanted to make sure you were ok" but i'm still goin to leave at 3:30 so you can drop off the kids in the morning and i will pick them up"

"yeah don't forget christina has soccer practice at the school mondays, wednesdays and at the club practice tuesday and thursday"

"geez when did all this happen" harry says

"i know right and scarlet has practice tuesdays and wednesday and ben has martial arts mondays thursday and soccer tuesdays and wednesays and we have sex when we have time" louis says

"which is every night" harry says

"exactly" louis says" have you thought about getting fixed when i have the babies"

"yeah i think its best i think 6 is more than enough" harry says

"yeah me too i guess our baby days are gone after these 2 here and one of you better come out looking like me" louis says as he places his hands on his belly and starts to laugh

"don't get your hopes up you know these styles genes are strong"

"hey i can hope" louis says" dont take that away from me"

"fine but don't get mad when they come out looking like scarlet and ben"

"hey all i ask is for the blue eyes" louis says

"fine one of the babies can have blue eyes"Harry says

"yay thanks" louis says and they both start to laugh then harrys phone starts to ring

"hey micheal" harry says"yeah hold on let me put you on speaker, ok micheal louis and i are here"

"well the officer called me and they have arrested jason and he denies all charges but when they showed him the video he confessed to everything and his first court hearing in next month you don't have to go "

"no its ok we don't want to go unless we have to" harry says

"ok well i will keep you updated my friend is trying his case" micheal says

"ok thank you" harry says as he hangs up the phone and for the rest of the afternoon  they just watch movies and soon all the kids are home when they tell them that they are having a boy and a girl all the kids get excited

"dad can we name the babies again" christina says

"yeah you did an amazing job with jakob sure" louis says

"you kids have names already" harry asks

"no not yet but we still have time" christina says

"ohh before i forget, saturday we are going to go see the new house and then we are going to go pick out the paint for your new room" louis says

"already that is quick" christina says

"yeah roger called me before you kids came home from school i just forget to tell you" louis says

"what movie do we watch before the food gets here" louis says as all the kids yell out movie choices and soon they are all cuddled together and harry places a kiss on louis lips as he whispers i love you and louis whispers it back happily in love they are


no this is not the last chapter was thinking it should be but we need to know about the twins

So maybe one more chapter and the epilogue i hope or maybe not

may the odds be in your favor

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