Two Can Play At This Game (A...

由 1Dnialler

9M 68.6K 15K

Harry and Liberty were childhood sweethearts until Harry became part of a world famous boy band One Direction... 更多

Two Can Play At This Game (A Harry Styles Love Story)


168K 1.2K 420
由 1Dnialler

Libby’s P.O.V

“Hey Libby,” Louis smile as he walks into my house,

“Hey Lou,” I smile back handing him a cup of coffee and a biscuit,

“Are you going to college today?” he asks biting into the biscuit and sitting down at the island in the kitchen

“I can't be bothered, I mean its Friday right, I'm just going to go in on Monday,” I tell Louis sitting down on the stool beside Louis and taking a sip of my own coffee. My parents wont care if I bunk, I mean they have been worried sick about what happened and everything and they want to go to the police but like I have said, I can hardly remember what the man looked like, just the outline and ruff basics.

“Harry isn’t going to college today either, he said he’s got to go and see his mum in Cheshire,” he began taking another sip of his coffee then going to start talking again.

“Really? Why didn’t he tell me?” I frown,

“Hazza said he would be back before college finished so there was no point, apparently he texted you?” Louis points out, I walk over to the sofa where my phone is led and unlock it, the back ground picture is of Harry and I, just make everything look real.

I don't have any texts or missed phone calls from anyone, frowning I walk over to Louis and hand him my phone.

“Oh,” is all he says then places my phone on the counter in front of me.

“Oh well, what do you want to do today?”  Louis asks me smiling, trying to lighten up the subject. Whether this is fake dating or not this proofs that yet again the old Harry has gone. The old Harry would always text me if he wasn’t going to be in school or college, always. But this Harry hasn’t even bothered to tell me yet he told Louis he would? Last night on the date, after we lied on the blanket, Harry got out his phone, smiling and grinning and wouldn’t stop texting; thank god this ‘relationship’ is going to be over today.

“Can we go for a walk? I mean I'm bored of just being in this house all the time, please?” I plead Louis, pouting my lip and fluttering my eyelashes; he rolls his eyes and nods his head. Louis takes our mugs and places them into the sink washes them up and then place them on the draining board. Louis is so cute, my parents and Eric treat him like he is part of the family, and to be honest he is like a brother to me.

He takes my coat from the hanger and passes it to me, I put it on as Louis puts on his black coat over the cream jumper, his tobacco coloured chinos are held up by the oh so famous braces that he is known to wear. Louis offers me a smile then opens the door for me, guiding me through the door by placing his hand on my back and then closes the door once he is out.

“So Louis the tommo Tomlinson,” I smirk and laugh at Louis as he grins,

“Yeah?” he answers casually shrugging his shoulders,

“Why don't you dress up in a disguise? I mean you’re in London and the fans here are crazy, everyone knows you and you aren’t bothered by the constant attention?” I question raising my eyes brows at him as he places his hands in his pockets and kicks the stone across the pavement onto the road.

“Why should I put myself in a disguise and hide from the people that got me and the boys to where we are? Everyone says you better wear a disguise, but I don't want to hide from the fans, they got me to my dream and now I want to repay them, and if it means just giving them a hug and an autograph then I'm willing to do it.” Louis pointed out, smiling as he says it.

“You do really love your fans huh?” I smile,

“Yeah, I do,” Louis agrees, looking over to me and grinning.

“So, why aren’t you with Eleanor? I mean she is you’re girlfriend and you don't have to go to college, so it would make sense if you hung around with her?” I mumble looking down and shoving my hands in my black skinny jeans, letting the maroon JACK WILLS jumper cover my arms.

“She’s working; I normally go pick her up from HOLISTER after I leave you because she always finishes around that time.” He tells me, Louis face glistening with love and happiness.

“When do I get to meet her,” I pout poking my tongue out at Louis as he rolls his eyes at me.

“You want to meet her?”


“Well we could walk to the shop? And pretend we are buying stuff from there but we can go see Eleanor,” Louis offers,

“I like that idea,” I smile nudging him gently in the arm and giggling.

“Me too.”

We walk down the street joking around and laughing, my body doesn’t ache no more, but I'm more then aware that the bruises are still visible. My chest is still sore; I mean of course it would be having such deep cuts like that. I'm glad I'm not going to college today, I'm not really in the mood, I want to go to see Dave as I haven’t seen him since that Friday at the party, I still text him everyday though.

“Go that way,” Louis tells me, pointing to a alleyway behind a load of houses,

“Why,” I frown but Louis takes my hand and leads me down the alleyway, the over grown bushes prick my legs through my jeans and the stinging nettles attack my arm with the leaves, but luckily the long sleeves of the jumper protect me.

“Because at the end of this alleyway, is the side of the HOLSITER shop, I learnt about it when I visit El, and then go home quickly.” Louis notifies me as he turns the corner. But then immediately stops and walks back around, then stops me from walking.

“Why have we stopped,” I frown, trying to look around Louis shoulder and down the pathway, but Louis being a lot taller then me stops me.

“Err, it is cut off down there,” Louis lies, I know when he lies, I mean Liam staying at my house with me for the last two weeks, we have had to talk about something? And that something was the boys, Liam told me what they are famous for, when they lie, how to read their faces.

“Lies,” I protest crossing my arms across my chest and refuse to move as Louis tries to get me to turn around.

“No!” Louis demands still trying to get me to move.

“Louis I know when you are lying, Liam told me. What’s wrong? When can't I look around?!” I exclaim, just at that moment Louis falls straight past me to the floor as he trips over a twig by my foot. Giggling to myself I peer around the corner to see what’s up.

Well the cut off path is sort of true, cut off by two people. Harry and some girl, long black hair, slim figure, big boobs, they are glued to each others mouths. See this proves it, the old Harry completely gone, burned to the ashes and the new Harry? Oh he is real. I'm glad he is doing this because it is another excuse to dump him. I don't care whether he is ‘cheating’ on me, because I don't love him.

Louis’s hand wraps around my waist and pulls me around so I'm facing him, he gives me a half smile then kisses my cheek and embraces me into a hug. I hug him back gratefully, but I know that this might be the last hug I'm going to get from Louis.

“Promise me, that whatever is about to happen, you stay best friends with me?” I whisper into his ear, a tear trickling down my cheek at the thought of losing Louis.

“I promise, want me to come with you?” he whispers back, I nod my head “ok,” Louis agrees kissing my cheek again then letting go of my body.

I turn around and walk down the alleyway towards Harry and the girl, then lean up against the wall besides Harry as they continue their making out session.

“Hey Harry!” I singsong, but they continue to kiss, “you know your girlfriend and your best friend are both under the impression you are in Cheshire, to see your mum.” I continue, rolling my eyes as the black haired girl breaks the kiss from Harry and looks over at me, I smile.

“Hey, I'm Liberty, or Libby that’s what everyone calls me,” I smile offering my hand to the girl; she takes my hand and shakes it.

“Keisha,” she introduces herself, I can feel Harry's body tense beside me,

“Aww what’s wrong Harry? You seem a little tense?” I coo rubbing his cheek and pouting my lip.

“I... err,” is all Harry can mumble he looks down at his feet.

“Don’t worry Harry I'll say what I got to say, yeah?” I breathe smiling and then looking over at Louis, his eyebrows are so raised they are touching his hairline and amusement fills his face.

“You see your girl friend I guess you could say is glad about finding this? I mean she is playing you after all, she wants you to hurt as much as you hurt her, and when you told her you loved her last night, she won aye.” I sneer, in a happy sarcastic voice and facial expression, Keisha’s face has dropped and Harry is speechless still, tears pouring from his eyes.

“Still got nothing to say? Well I shall see you later.” I smile, patting Harry's shoulder and then turning away, Louis hands me his hand, and I take it gratefully and walk away.

“Libby,” Harry croaks, as he runs after me and places his hand on my shoulder, I roll my eyes and turn back around,

“Yes Harry?” I smile,

“You don't lo-love me? This was all a game to hurt me like I hurt you?” he cries, his cheeks covered in the salty liquid.

“Yup,” I nod my head and smile a sarcastic smile,

“Well... thank you, now I know just how heartbroken I left you, but one thing,” Harry says holding his finger up showing one finger. “I'm not going to let you get away, I'm not losing you that easily,” Harry whispers as he closes the gap in between our bodies until his lips are lingering over my nose from his height, and he is looking down at me, his hands on my waist.

“Harry, you lost me that day you dumped me two years ago, so go back to Keisha and do what you were intending on doing, I have an Eleanor to meet,” I grin forcing Harry away from my body and gripping Louis’s hand even tighter, I look up at Louis to see a grin smacked to his face.

“Lets go,” Louis says turning back around and changing which hand he holds of mine, we walk down the alleyway and decide to take the long way round. Leaving Harry broken down in tears.

“You know, I really, really shouldn’t be saying this because Harry is my best friend, but good on you, I knew you didn’t like him.” Louis smiles nudging my side.

“You did?” I gasp,

“Yeah, Harry taught me a thing or two about you, and I figured the rest out myself,” Louis smiles.

He opens the door of the HOLSITER shop door for me and I walk in followed with Louis, there stands a slim, long brown way haired girl, standing by the door. She looks around at Louis and instantly jumps into his arms, no wonder Louis is so in love.



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