Best Day of My Life (Adoption...

By alldayeverydaybeebo

3.7K 73 21

Emmy a young girl that has been living in the orphanage. She's been there her entire life, ever since her par... More

A Big Change
Things Have Changed for Me and That Okay
Feeling Loved
New things everyday
Chaos in the House
Chillax Bro!!
"Stop Babying Me"
A Long Day
Just A Dream
Phew Phew
Weird, but in a Good Way
We Got a Problem
Is it really you
Decisions (A/N)
Another A/N

First Timers

201 4 1
By alldayeverydaybeebo


I woke up, because I felt myself falling off the bed. I took a quick glance around the room and figured that I have fallen asleep in bed with Emmy again.

I looked at the alarm clock that Emmy had in the room and it was 5am. I decided to walk back to my room and fall asleep there.



I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I walked in there and used the restroom then I looked in the mirror and saw that there was a blood stain on my pants.

"BRENDON" I screamed from my bathroom.


I was sleeping soundly and it was now 9am. I decided to make some coffee. I trudge down the stairs and into the kitchen to where the coffee machine was. I start to brew a cup of coffee. As I'm waiting for my coffee to be finish. I heard Emmy screaming for me.

I ran upstairs into her bedroom frantically searching for her. Then I see the light is on in her bathroom. I knocked on the door to let me in. She slowly opened the door and let me in.

"Umm I'm bleeding and I don't know where it's coming from" she said. I just looked at her shocked.

I called Pete, because he basically knew the answer to everything.

"What do you want this early in the morning?" he asked.

" Umm sorry mom, but Emmy is bleeding and she doesn't know where it's coming from and I don't know what to do." I say, fumbling with my words.

" Okay how old is Emmy again?" Pete asked.

"10 soon to be 11 in a few months" I said.

" Oh my god Urie, she's on her period." He said.

I didn't believe him so I thanked him and hung up.

I placed a towel on the passenger seat and carried Emmy into the car and placed her on the towel. I then drove to the hospital.

I rushed inside to the emergency room.

We sat at the waiting room until they called us.

"Urie" a nurse called. We got up and I carried Emmy into the room and placed her on the examination table.

" So what seems to be the problem here?" the doctor asked.

" Well, my daughter here is bleeding. And we have no idea what it is and where it is coming from" I told the doctor.

She nodded and examined Emmy.

She looked at us and gave us a grin. " So this is nothing bad, but every girl has this, so it's normal. It's called a period and it happens every month."

"Well is there anyway to stop the bleeding?" I asked.

"Well unfortunately you can't unless you get pregnant and maybe take birth control you can stop it, but not for a very long time. It stops when you get older. One thing I suggest you use to not make it show is to use a pad." She said handing Emmy a pad and showing her how to put it on.

We thanked her and left the office.

I drove to the store to go buy pads and maybe some cramping meds for Emmy. I wanted the best for her. I decided to run inside and grab the pads myself.

I paid for the pads and left. I drove home and carried Emmy into her room so that she can get settled and change her clothes.


It was funny watching Brendon run around the store and buying the pads for me. At least I knew that he tried and cared for me.

As we returned home, Brendon carried me into my room to get me settled and changed into a new set of clothes. Brendon handed me the pads and I think he went way too overboard with it.

At least we're prepared though.

I changed my clothes and went downstairs to see what Brendon was cooking. He just heated up some leftovers for us to eat.

I looked around the room and couldn't find him. Then I looked on the couch and saw Brendon laying there shirtless. I looked at him again and he had put some pads on himself.

" Umm Brendon, what are you doing exactly??" I questioned he saw me and chuckled.

"I was wondering if it was strong enough to wax my chest." He said. I giggled and helped him.

I yanked the pads off of him and he screamed in pain. I sat there and laughed at him.

As I laugh. I felt the pain of the cramps kick in.
" Aww Fuck" I said, clutching my stomach.

"Language and ha payback" he said, getting up and getting the meds for me.

As I took the meds, I saw Brendon eyeing me down.

"So did it work" he asked curiously.

I shook my head no and Brendon pushed down a plate full of leftovers towards me. I devoured that plate and put it away.

"Anyways, what do you mean Language, I listen to your music all the time and you curse a lot"  I said.

"Ok okay I was just kidding chillax." He said patting me down.

I ran back upstairs and laid on my bed and connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and jammed out.

I put on the Trench album and jammed out to it. (Because why not.)

As the album came to an end it ended up playing the older songs. This one I knew, so I brought out my ukulele and started playing along.

" Yeah! yeah! yeah!

We don't believe what's on T.V
Because it's what we want to see,
And what we want, we know we can't believe
We have all learned to kill our dreams.

I need to know that when I fail you'll still be here
Cause if you stick around I'll sing you pretty sound,
And we'll make money selling your hair

I don't care what's in you're hair
I just wanna know what on your mind
I used to say, I wanna die before I'm old
But because of you I might honk twice.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" I sang on the top of my lungs.

"So I seem to see that you like Josh's and Tyler's songs more than mine" I heard from the door. I saw a pouting Brendon.

I pulled him over and played a Panic! song. He recognized the song by the beat of course and started to sing along with me.

" Climbing out the back door didn't leave a mark
No one knows it's you Miss Jackson.
Found another victim, but nobody's gonna find
Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson"

We started singing with each other.

"So I was wondering if you want to go to Disneyland with me tomorrow?" He asked.

I was excited because I've never been.

"Yess" I said happily.

"Alright then, by the way I have someone that I want you to meet, but that's tomorrow. So go get some sleep so we can have fun tomorrow." He said.

He tucked me in bed and kissed my forehead. He got up and turned off the lights and left.

As I was listening to some music I heard a girl laughing and Brendon was giggling too downstairs.

I was too lazy to get up, so I just ignored it.

Then I fell asleep.

Hey hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's nothing much, but yea.
So see you guys maybe later and next week. Can you guys guess who the girl is?? Anyways, Bye much love 😘

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