Through different eyes

By DramaKelly

461 23 49

Another perspective, another view. A story of four people about hatred, friendship and love in the good and t... More

1.1 Heather
1.2 Eric
1.3 Thomas
1.4 Becca
2.1 Eric
2.2 Heather
2.3 Thomas
2.4 Becca
3.1 Eric
3.2 Thomas
3.3 Heather
3.4 Becca
4.1 Thomas
4.2 Becca
4.3 Eric
4.4 Heather
5.1 Thomas
5.3 Eric
5.4 Becca
6.1 Thomas
6.2 Becca
6.3 Eric
6.4 Heather

5.2 Heather

17 1 0
By DramaKelly

I was doing homework, listening to some music, when suddenly my phone rang. I rolled my eyes and picked up without looking.
"What's up Benji?" I asked. Who else would call me?
This wasn't Benjamin. This boy was crying, didn't sound like my best friend at all. I looked at the caller ID. Unknown number.

Wait. No.

"Thomas?" I asked confused and rather surprised.
"P-please... I-I don't know what to do" he cried.
"You h-have to h-help me"
"Wait, why are you calling me? What happened?"
"H-help me" he cried.
"I-it's E-Eric... H-he... He..."
Thomas cried harder as he broke down his sentence. My heart broke, even for the dork that shattered it before.

"Thomas, please, you have to talk to me. What happened? What's wrong?"
But I didn't get a response. Only crying. Sobs, tears. Then silence and shortly after that he just ended the call. Out of nowhere. What? What just happened? I stared at my phone with a confused gaze. Okay, now I'm worried. Very worried. Thomas would never call me for nothing, surely not after what we've been through...

Hmm, guess I'll ask at school tomorrow. I mean, I'm not gonna call him back. What if he's breaking down, crying his eyes out? I wouldn't want to interrupt that... Crying is an important step in the process of loss, believe me I know. So I'll give him his space for at least tonight. That seems logical, right? Right.


"Wait, so he just randomly called you?" Benji asked confused.
"And burst out in tears and ends the call? Who does something like that?"
We were on our way to school while I explained what happened yesterday. Thank God it's Friday, I really can't take anymore of this...

"Someone in pain, someone that's grieving a loss" I sighed, staring at the ground. I knew what he was going through, how this must feel for him... He lost his best friend.
"Wouldn't you cry if I got taken out of nowhere?" I asked. This question took him by surprise, but obviously he nodded his head.
"Of course I would, you mean the world to me" he stated on a super serious tone.
"Well, then why are you making fun of Thomas for it?" I asked, tilting my head.

"T-that's different" he stuttered, blushing a bit.
"How is that different?" I asked, confused.
"W-well, uh, w-we have know each other f-for years Heather a-and I l-love you" he whispered.
"You can't expect me t-to compare a-a week old friendship w-with us, do you?"
"I'm just saying that you lack compassion, that's all" I said with a weak smile, seeing how much he hated talking about his feelings.

He always got nervous and awkward when the topic came up. I wonder why... It's not like we live in a time where boys can't cry or talk about what they feel, right? He has nothing to be ashamed of. He huffed and put his hands in his pockets.
"Whatever, let's not waste our time talking about it" he muttered and started walking faster.

See! that's what I'm talking about! Closing himself off, distant behaviour... All that stuff! If I didn't know better I would say he has a crush on me. But that's impossible, Benji would never fall for me. He's been my best friend for years! I mean, he would've said something if that was the case, right? Right. Of course.


Thomas wasn't at school that day. I could only imagine why... That he still came to school yesterday already came as a shock to me so I understood he wanted to sit this one out and take a long weekend. You know, take some time to clear your head, take in what's happening around you. It can change your whole world, really.

"Hey, can we talk?" Becca asked as we left our last hour. I waited till everybody left and turned around to face her.
"What's up?" I asked.
"How did your talk with your mom go?" she asked, leaning against the wall.
"It was okay I guess" I shrugged.
"She told me she has a new boyfriend, a doctor from the hospital. Nothing more though"
"So she claims that they got together after your father died?" she asked, I nodded.
"Well, that was to be expected..."
"True" I sighed.

"Anyway, was that all you needed to know?"
"Oh, uhm, I actually wanted to ask you if you knew anything about Thomas?" she asked, sounding honestly concerned. Wow, what an actrice. Give this girl an Oscar ladies and gentlemen.
"He's been going through a lot and it's not always been easy on him" she explained.
"And now with Eric... I don't want it to be the final drop, you know?"

Oh my God... She was scared Thomas would kill himself...

"What do you know that I don't?" I asked instantly. He wouldn't give up this easily, it just wasn't his nature. So what the hell was she talking about? Becca sighed and glanced around in the hallway, not wanting anyone to hear it.
"Okay but you need to promise me to stay quiet alright? I'm not supposed to tell anyone"
"I promise, now tell me" I demanded.

"He's sick..." she whispered, staring at the ground.
"H-he... Thomas has... Thomas has cancer, Heather"
At that moment my world stopped spinning. It felt just like the moment they told me my dad had that fucked up disease... My heart stopped pounding, my blood stopped flowing. A cold shiver ran through my entire body at once, making me feel like I was frozen for a solid few seconds. It claimed another victim...

"He thought he was gonna die... It's why he did all those stupid, idiotic things a few months ago" Becca continued.
"He lost his mother to it, same as you with your father... He lost all his friends shortly after receiving the news due to his actions... He was isolated and alone. Eric was the first good thing in a long time Heather. And they took that away from him... I'm just scared it's to much..."
A tear rolled down her face but she was quick to wipe it away. After that she chuckled slightly, staring at the ground once more.
"They even had a date this weekend..."

"W-wait what?" I asked, pulled out of my trance.
"A-a date?"
"Yeah, came as a shock to me as well... Apparently they like each other" she shrugged.
"Or, well, liked..."
"No, don't say things like that" I said, clenching my fists.
"T-this has to have a good ending. I-it just has to!"

"Do you know something I don't?" she asked, sceptical of my reaction.
"T-Thomas called me last night" I breathed out, a tear escaping my eye.
"H-he was repeating Eric's name, begging me to help him... He was crying Becca. Hard"
"What did you do? What happened?" she asked, wide eyed.
"He just ended the call, out of nowhere, nothing" I whispered.

"I-I thought it was weird but I wanted to give him his space... W-what if..?"
"No! W-we can't think like that" Becca yelled, her face slowly getting wet.
"He didn't come to school today..." I whispered.
"No! Shut up!" she hissed, pulling at her hair.
"I-I can't let him d-die! I just can't!"


It was quiet after that. We didn't know what else to say, to do. We both assumed the worst, even though that may not be true. But he didn't come to school today... Nobody knew where he was or what he was doing because nobody talked to him anymore. But he never changed from the person he was... He just had a bad moment and a secret he didn't want to get out... He was all alone right now...

"There you are!"
We both turned our heads around, seeing Taylor walking into the hallway towards us.
"I've been looking everywhere for you! Your dad is standing in the parking lot, he's worried"
"Oh" Becca mouthed and glanced at me. I gave he a short nod, approving of what she was gonna do.
"You're lucky I've got to go Stupart" she hissed with a smug smile and pushed me away from her.
"Don't think I'm done with you yet!"

After that Taylor wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. They walked past me and I rolled my eyes. Such a power couple... I sighed and glanced at the clock. It was indeed pretty late and I was wondering if Benji waited for me. I slowly made my way outside, seeing my best friend standing alone at the school gate. Of course he would wait, he always waiting. A small smile lingered on my lips. At least I wasn't alone...

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