Daisy Potter and the Love Tri...

By rainbowselena

54.1K 1.5K 927

Fred Weasley x fem!oc Fem!oc x fem!oc Draco Malfoy x fem!oc What if Harry Potter had a twin sister? Would... More

Daisy Potter and the Love Triangle at Hogwarts (Book 1 Harry Potter ff)
Chapter 1 - Last Day Of Muggle School
Chapter 2 - Receiving The Best Letter Ever
Chapter 3 - Best Birthday I've Ever Had
Chapter 4 - Meeting Him
Chapter 5 - The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 6 - The Sorting
Chapter 7 - First Day
Chapter 9 - Broomsticks and Duels
Chapter 10 - Pranking and Quidditch Practice
Chapter 11 - Prank Time
Chapter 12 - Hogwarts Hide-And-Seek
Chapter 13 - Halloween
Chapter 14 - Quidditch
Chapter 15 - I Show Not Your Face But Your Heart's Desire
Chapter 16 - The Awkward Happenings of Gryffindor Tower
Chapter 17 - Old Nicky (And The Ball)
Chapter 18 - Animagi
Chapter 19 - Dragons
Chapter 20 - Detention and Ultimate Tag
Chapter 21 - More Important Things

Chapter 8 - First Week

2.2K 71 42
By rainbowselena

"So, Daisy." Fred said as I sat down in the empty armchair across from him and George in the common room the next morning. "How was your first day?"

I grinned at him. "Hectic." I told them all about my first day, and when I finished, the twins raised their eyebrows at me.

"Going for a record there, Daze. Late to all of your classes, found loads of secret passages I admit we'd never thought you'd find, gained two enemies, annoyed four teachers, and sassed a Slytherin. Wow." George said.

"Let's see what you make of your second day, then! 'Cause you still haven't found all the passages yet!" Fred laughed - well, more like cackled.

"Oh, it is on like Donkey Kong!" I said.

"What's Donkey Kong?" The twins chorused.

I facepalmed. Oh, wizards these days!

There was a thud and Ron lay face down on the carpet at the foot of the stairs. Harry arrived seconds later.

He saw me looking at him and he explained, "He said that he fancied you, so I pushed him down the stairs."

Ron got up, his ears flaming red, and said, "Daisy, I-"

I cut him off. "I'm sorry Ron, I don't like you the same way. We can still be friends, though?"

I was mentally sniggering.

"AND you friendzoned our brother!" Fred and George chorused.


Down in the Great Hall, Draco was staring at me again. I was beginning to get irritated.

"Dude, any ideas to get him to stop staring at me?" I muttered to Amy.

"Well, everybody's been staring at you and Harry ever since you arrived, you famous lil' bitch." Amy joked, lightly shoving me. "But you could send him an owl?" She suggested.

Great! When the owls swooped in to deliver their morning post (Snidget bringing me letters from Dudders), Snidget came pelting towards me, her little black form flying like a bullet. I took off Dudley's letter, snatched a quill and ink from my bag, borrowed parchment from Amy (she had sneaked over to the Gryffindor table from the Ravenclaw table), scribbled, 'Whatcha staring at??? XD' folded it up, and wrote 'Draco' on the front. I then gave it to Snidget, who clamped it in her beak, and sent her off, glancing over my shoulder. Good! He didn't suspect a thing!

I watched Snidget over to Draco, where she dropped my letter on his head. I sniggered.

He looked surprised, but opened it. I whipped round quickly and took out my pocket mirror and watched him from it. I saw him read it, and he looked up fearfully, glancing all around the hall to see who had sent it to him.

He still didn't suspect a thing about me sending it!

Us Gryffindors set out for the Transfiguration classroom. I couldn't resist stopping on the way to chat to the portraits.

"Have you seen any secret passageways near here?" I asked a lady in a pinafore.

"Why yes, there's a few just round the corner! There's one where you should have to pull aside a mirror - it leads into Hogsmeade - and there's a tapestry that, when pulled aside, reveals a secret corridor!"

"Thanks!" I grinned at her, before looking at my watch. "Shit!"

I sprinted all the way to Transfiguration.

"Sorry, Professor!" I gasped, collapsing into my chair next to Harry and Ron.

"If you are late to my class one more time, Miss Potter, I shall have to issue a detention!" Professor McGonagall said.

"Sure, Professor." I said. "Why don't you just give me one now?"

"Oooohhhh!" The entire class said.

"Cheeky!" Ron whispered to me, grinning.

I slid out my list of the secret passages that Terry and I were making and jotted down the two new ones.

"Blimey, you're getting far!" Ron said, glancing down at my parchment.

This lesson, we were turning matches into needles. Well, trying to.

"Mine hasn't even gone silver yet!" Harry exclaimed, glancing at mine.

Mine had gone all silver and pointy, like Hermione's had last lesson.

"Ah well." I shrugged. "Keep trying, and you'll get it."

"Inspiring words, Daisy." Seamus sniggered. I shot him a glare, and he looked petrified.

"The Death Stare!" Dean whispered in an awed voice.

When we got out of Transfiguration, I searched for the passages, and found them. The one behind the mirror on the fourth floor lead right into Hogsmeade, and I intend to sneak into it sometime. Ha! Teachers, if you don't want students under the age of thirteen to get into Hogsmeade, then check if there's any secret passages leading into it! Duh!

Then there was the one behind the tapestry, which was a shortcut to Ravenclaw tower (Terry had let slip a few details of where it could be ...)

Then I realised I was late for class...again!

I hurried into Charms and snuck into my seat in the back row.

Professor Flitwick didn't suspect anything.

Harry, Terry, Ron and I messed about the whole lesson, with Hermione looking on disapprovingly.

"Hermione, you could be a teacher, you know." I sniggered.

Then there was History of Magic. Which, as soon as I collapsed into a random seat next to Lavender (and discovered that it was also next to Draco's, and I quickly got up again only to see that all the other seats were taken) I fell asleep. Because it was easily the most boring thing I had ever had to sit though in my entire life.

"Daisy ... oh Daisy ... wake up ..."

I jolted upright. "Huh? What? Who?"

Professor Binns, the History of Magic professor, had gone, and the class was leaving. Draco was shaking me.

"Ah. Uh, thanks." I hurriedly started packing up. Harry was waiting for me at the door.

"Look, I-"

I whirled round to face him. "Look, are you going to apologise, or what?"

Draco looked affronted. "For what?"

"Oh, for, I dunno, maybe what you said on the Hogwarts Express? And maybe you should also ask your stupid little cousin as well!" I spat.

"What? My cousin? What did he ever do to you?" Draco narrowed his eyes.

"Ask him. Ask him if you really have no idea." I fumed, before striding over to Harry and through the door.


We had Defence Against the Dark Arts next, but I really didn't pay attention. I was fuming, and whenever I caught Malfoy staring at me, I shot him one of my now-famous Death Stares.

Then, to vent my feelings, after DADA, I set off alone to find more passages.


I was late for Transfiguration the next day again, and I got a detention.

I also found a secret passage to Hogsmeade behind a statue of Gregory the Smarmy.

At midnight, we went up to the Astronomy tower to study the stars. Of course, it was even more banter-ful, because it was nighttime.

Then, the next day, I found ten more secret passageways in between classes, and about twenty more after classes.

I also went for my detention with Professor McGonagall, and it was, surprisingly, not bad. Firstly, I overheard her talking to Professor Sprout about me.

"She's going to be as bad as the Weasley twins, AND her father, I swear!"

Then it was just writing lines with her telling me about how badass (not exact wording) my dad and the twins were and are.

Then, on Friday, it was a very special day for us. First, my friends and I made it down to the Great Hall without getting lost once. That part was also kinda sad, as I liked getting lost, it was hilarious when nobody had any idea what to do and everybody was confused and had to work together.

Then we got a letter from Hagrid asking us to join him for a cup of tea.

The only actual disappointment of the day was Potions. But again, I kinda enjoyed it.

For one thing, when Snape read out the register, he stopped at Harry and I's names.

"Ah, the Potters. Our new - CELEBRITIES." The Slytherins laughed.

"Yeah, that's right!" I smirked, staring around the classroom. Then the Gryffindors laughed.

Then, when Snape asked me three questions about Potions, I was able to answer every one, 'cause I actually read the books we bought from Diagon Alley, unlike Harry.

When he had spilt us into pairs, and Neville's potion had gone wrong, he blamed me for it.

"For your information, SIR, I was paying attention to my own potion." I said.

"Get rekt." I heard Seamus say under his breath.

"Five points from Gryffindor, Miss Potter."

But I didn't care. I rekt a teacher!

In Transfiguration, I filled Ron's desk with spiders (it was one of the old-fashioned ones which have lids.) When he opened it, and the spiders came streaming out, he screamed, and it was the funniest thing ever.

We went for tea with Hagrid at five to three. I found a newspaper cutting about Gringotts being broken into. I had a feeling, from the description, that the vault that was broken into was the one Hagrid sneakily sneaked that package from.

He told us that he had to chase Fred and George away from the forest ever since they came here. I found this hilarious.

On Saturday, there was a notice on the common room notice board. Flying lessons started on Thursday.

I said, "Yay! Broomsticks!" Whereas Harry said darkly, "Typical. Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy."

"You don't know you'll make a fool of yourself." Ron said consolingly. "Anyway, I know Malfoy's always going on about how good he is at Quidditch, but I bet that's all talk."

Malfoy actually did talk about flying. A lot. He told long, boastful stories which always seemed to end with him narrowly escaping Muggles in helicopters. Ron also talked about the time he'd almost hit a hang-glider on Charlie's old broom.

I escaped from the common room to sneak into Hogsmeade with Terry.

We used the passage behind the mirror on the fourth floor, and we ended up in a place called Zonko's Joke Shop.

"Ah, more students sneaking out of school! Feel free to pass, feel free ..." The shop owner said.

We walked throughout Hogsmeade, buying stuff and chatting randomly. At last, we went back up the passage to school.

We found yet more secret passages on Sunday as well. I think that was the lot of them. Ha! We'll find out on Monday, I suppose!


So, whatcha think is gonna happen?! :D Do you think she's found all the passages?

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