Her Disguise (Daragon Fanfic)...

By Black_Frost00101

55.9K 1.4K 393

Kwon Jiyong is a playboy by heart. He never care for anyone or anything. And here comes the school's bad girl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24(Ririn ❤)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Not an Update
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 29

986 22 11
By Black_Frost00101

(Warning too many grammatical errors)

(At the next Day)

"3rd Person Pov"

Both Minzy and CL went to the K.U without Bom and Dara...

The Students that they would pass by went pale due to the tremendous dark aura that the two let out....

Marching to their Classroom the two didn't spare any glance at the five boys at their back...Seungri was having a battle with in himself if he would ask the other two girls...he was about to stand up but Top prevented him he was about to speak up but Top shake's his head in disapproval...

"Minzy's Pov"

Me and CL Unnie are very angry right now...due to yesterday,both me and Unnie didn't want to have a talk with the boys....

I coudn't believe that it happened once again to Dara Unnie..

(Flash Back)

"Unnie please calm down"I worriedly said to Dara Unnie but still we got no response...

And due to that Me and the Unnies started to get panick, when some horrible memories went back to us.

We looked at Dara Unnie and the three of us went paler at our spot...




Bom Unnie went histeric..

"Dara-yah!!!Snap into it!!"CL Unnie screamed and shake's Dara Unnie trying to get her senses back...and here I am glued at my spot my body went numb,I continued watching my Unnies trying to get back Dara Unnie...

Still no use Dara Unnie doesn't respond...

I came back to my senses when CL Unnie called me..

"Minzy-yah try to look for Unnie's medicine!"Unnie shouts and that made me hurriedly went to Dara Unnie's toilet trying to find for her panick attacks...and fudge,I couldn't find it...

I ran to her drawers and nothing!!!!....

Due to my panicked state...

"Bom Unnie call Doctor Han for help!!!"Unnie instructed...

I rampaged once again to Unnie's Bed and f*** nothing...

Not just long after our doorbell rung....

"I'll get it" I said to them and when I opened Doctor Han came with her swear all over her face...

"Where is she?"Doc ask and I opened widely our door..."To her room Unnie"I answered and she rushed to Unnie's room.

I heave a heavy sigh and closed our door....

(Flash Back Ends)

*Still Minzy's Pov*

Ghad!!! remembering that scene made my body tremble...I don't want that to happen again to Dara Unnie.

We had witness it before when Dara Unnie had a panicked attack and we couldn't even talked to her...and after that minutes or second she would turn into a mad woman. She would break all the things she could grabbed and after that she would cry non-stoped....

And that's the reason why we don't want her to have some difficult times especially when it comes to her feelings....

What we wanted to ask to her is.....when did she had some panicked attacks?....

And we couldn't bring ourselves to asked her due to fear that it might be trigger...

I was cutted from my thoughts when CL Unnie snaped her fingers infront of my face,she looked worriedly at me..."Minzy-yah lets go to the cafeteria now"Unnie said and I just nod,I get up from my disk and followed Unnie.

We were about to go out when Seungri Oppa stopped us,I looked at CL Unnie and she really look really pissed.

"Hey Where Sab and Beatrice Noona?"Seungri Oppa asked I just kept silence nit wanting to answer....the three looked at us..
weared I don't see Jiyong Oppa........

Why Do I Even Wonder he probable was with that wench...I thought and rolled my eyes...

"Both of our Unnies need to get something that's why"CL Unnie answered blankly.

"Uhm...Were really hungry right now so please excuse us"I said and grabbed Unnie's hand.

Once we had our foods we setlled to our usual table....

"I wonder how's Dara Unnie right now?"I mumbled "She gonna be doing fine Unnie's with her"CL Unnie said and I just nod..we continued eating...

"Im craving for desserts right now"CL Unnie suddenly said and I just look at her.

I just secretly rolled my eyes....seriously we were still eating well Unnie's ideas are not bad"Ok Unnie"I said and she continued eating....

We were still eating when Yuri and Hyorin Unnie sat beside us.

"Annyeong Unnie"I greeted them and CL Unnie just smiled at them"So tell me what happened yesterday"Yuri Unnie asked while her expression is hecking serious together with Hyorin Unnie....

Uhhhh...I wonder...haist...I heave a heavy sigh,I faced CL Unnie and she nods......Unnie tells the story yesterday...

And as she tells the every part Yuri and Hyorin Unnie's aura started to change into dark ones,which made me gulped it is the first time that I saw them really this....I don't....dark...

As CL Unnie finished telling them..Both the Unnie's tried their best to calm themselves.

"Oh I forgot to asked what's the bitch's name"Yuri Unnie asked Blankly..."Uh...What is it again?"CL Unnie muttered"It's Jaehyung"I answered that made the two looked at me shocked.

"It's look like you know her Unnie's"I claimed"Your right Misty...we know that itchy bitch"Hyorin Unnie answered which made me off guard who would have thought that Hyorin Unnie could say that kind of words it looks like they really didn't like her...which add up to my curiosity..

"Mind telling us"CL Unnie said Blankly.

"Sure but not here"Yuri Unnie said so we get our things and started walking away"WAIT A MINUTE"I halted they looked at me questionly"How can we go out?"I asked which made them also stunned....

"Snuck out"CL Unnie said and rolled her eyes.

So we went to the back part of the University and Yuri Unnie led us where the angle couldn't get by the CCTV.

The walls are made up of some big bolders(A/n:Sorry I forgot what's it called😅) at the corner where there are many flowers with many vanes kind of like..Yuri Unnie set it aside and Hyorin Unnie pressed her palmed at the certain part of the bolder and we heard it kind of click...

And it formed of somewhat kind of door"Let's go"Yuri Unnie said and we followed them.

"Who build this?"CL Unnie asked "It was build by our friend not literally she build it she requested it to her father,You see our father wanted to construct the walls behind the K.U so that no student would attempt to sneak out so my father asked Sarang's father to do it and vuala"Yuri Unnie explained.

"What's her name?"I asked"Her name is Sarang"Yuri Unnie answered"She's the Girlfriend of Xiumin"Hyorin Unnie butted in....sorry Unnie but I don't have any idea who is that...

(A/n:Any Exo-l here? don't get angry at me if you don't want the pairing just imagine it with another character then.... but I portray it as Jimin of AOA....If u guys doesn't like it feel free for any characters you want😊)

As we pased by at some hallways there are many torches serve as our guide...pink and violet torch.

Once we were at the end Yuri Unnie placed her palm at the wall and it opened...

seriously how thick is this wall?!! I asked myself.

Once we got out my mouth went wide with an aww...

this was like a magical placed there are many tress with colorful flowers with different kinds and there are also many Butterflies...we followed the path and we could see another Pink house...wow...

"Welcome to our Group's hide out"Yuri Unnie smiled at us...we went inside and it's all white and pink the same with their house...

"Take a seat guys"Hyorin Unnie said and we sat on their sofa its so fluffy I observe the place and I saw a big porttraite with 10 Buetiful girls One of them is Yuri,Hyorin,Taeyeon,Jessica.....and...Yoonnaaa?!!!

So they are all friends the rest is we haven't still met...

Yuri Unnie held sime plates and a straberrytart while Hyorin Unnie got some Milk tea.

"So shall we start"Yuri Unnie started me and CL Unnie eated...again!..while listening to Yuri Unnie"Jaehyung is one of Jiyoung oppa closest friend and he treated her like a little sister and she treated Oppa as also a big brother..that's what we all thought though...but it was not, little did we know she had developed a big feelings for my Oppa and that went totally chaos!!!"Yuri Unnie shouts which made me choke,CL Unnie immediately rubbed my back and Hyorin Unnie gave me some water.

Gosh I was very startled.

Yuri Unnie continued"At first we were very chill about it but when Jiyong Oppa had a Girlfriend....well she was chill very chill when Jiyong Oppa introduced the Girl we were so happy back then...we welcomed the Girl and I saw Jaehyung was smiling the whole time but when I went to the CR and I was inside in one of the cubicles....I was about to go out but Jaehyung screamed f*****hell I thought that it would damage my poor little ears"Yuri Unnie said while munching her tarts.

So this Jaehyung Girl is a bitch...

"And then she laughed like a crazy maniac saying she would make the girl's life into mess...at first I thought she wasn't serious but heck!..I thought wrong!!!" Yuri Unnie shouts while holding her mug really tightly I felt really bad....bad for the mug😑...

"So what did that girl do?"CL Unnie asked curiosity can be heard from her tone.

"Well after some weeks that Bitch spread some false rumors around the K.U that Jiyong Oppa's girlfriend had slept with some dozen men...and of course my idiotic Oppa believed her..which made me really helling angry to the point that I even made some accident for that Bitch!"Yuri Unnie said as she annoyingly rolled her eyes..

Both me and CL Unnie's moth went wide open to the revelation of Yuri Unnie...I haven't think that Yuri Unnie could do this kind of things.

"But of course she didn't knew that me and Hyorin"Yuri Unnie said it as if it's part of their daily activities...who would have thought that this two Unnie could be Bad***hheehhe...

Now I know that hecking Bitch she had hurt my Unnie's feelings and even deceive my Oppas....

I Guess it's time to be an Evil maknae... Once again...Bish I really miss this kind me...



                  Hey guy's sorry it took me long to update I was kind of busy even it was our sem break😑...Anyway what do you guys think about this chapter sorry if it's a crap...Im really having a problem right now(Personal)that's why my head is useless and I already had a class on monday sucks...



                          Blackfrost❄️  ❄️❄️

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