Best Day of My Life (Adoption...

By alldayeverydaybeebo

3.7K 73 21

Emmy a young girl that has been living in the orphanage. She's been there her entire life, ever since her par... More

A Big Change
Feeling Loved
First Timers
New things everyday
Chaos in the House
Chillax Bro!!
"Stop Babying Me"
A Long Day
Just A Dream
Phew Phew
Weird, but in a Good Way
We Got a Problem
Is it really you
Decisions (A/N)
Another A/N

Things Have Changed for Me and That Okay

360 10 2
By alldayeverydaybeebo


I woke up to the alarm clock blaring in my ears. I got up and looked at my tablet and went onto Twitter. Brendon Urie tweeted again.

"Surprise coming soon"

I'm still wondering what the surprise is though. I got up and walked into the bathroom, then got dressed and tried my best to look presentable.

I wanted to make a good first impression. I threw on my Fall Out Boy t-shirt and did my makeup. I put my hair up in a high ponytail. I put on my blue jeans and put on my shoes.

I walked downstairs and went to Miss Jackson.

"Hey, Emmy, hope you're excited." She said, giving me a wink.

" When am I leaving?" I asked.

"Well in a little bit, someone is gonna pick you up." She said. I nodded and grabbed the remaining of my things.

About 30 minutes later I heard Miss Jackson calling for me.

I ran down the stairs with my luggage in hand.

She hugged me, then everybody in the house ran and hugged me. I didn't know if they would miss me that much, unless they were forced to.

Miss Jackson walked me outside, to a black car parked outside. Then a guy that looked familiar, came closer to me and I recognized who was getting me. It was Zack.

Wait is Zack my dad then or what?? I stopped in shock and Zack opened the door and let me sit down while he placed my suitcase in the trunk.

He shut the trunk and I stuck my head out of the window and waved at Miss Jackson. As Zack came to sit on the driver's side he handed me a bouquet of flowers.

"These are from your father" He said, starting the drive.

"Wait so, you're not my father?" I asked.

" No, no I'm not your dad, kiddo sorry" he chuckled.

"Anyways my name is Zack" he said.

"Well I know who you are anyways, and I'm Emmy if you were wondering." I said

" Oh, nice to meet you then. Wait how do you know me?" He asked.

" Well you're basically a celebrity to the panic! fandom" I said. He just nodded.

Moments later, we pulled up to a driveway. I got out of the car and looked around taking in the surroundings.

The place was beautiful. It was a large modern house, with bushes and trees surrounding.

Zack helped me with my suitcase and brought it to the door.

He knocked. Then there were footsteps coming from the inside and dogs barking.

Then Zack left me, waiting at the doorsteps. He waved at me and I waved back.

Then I heard, " PUPPIES" , the voice sounded very similar.

The door rattled for a bit, then it opened revealing Brendon Urie in his boxers.

I just stood there and gasped at him. He just stared back at me.

He glanced down and saw he only had boxers on. He let me inside and ran upstairs and ran back down with proper clothing on.

" I'm sorry, you had to see that darling" he said.

"It's okay" I say. Sitting down on the dark brown couch.

" Are you okay??" He asks, Waving a hand in front of my face.

" I'm okay" I said.

" Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, just a little star struck, plus you are my dreams and idol" I said. He just sat next to me and chuckled.

" Well thanks sweetie, but are you hungry?, I'm making sandwiches right now" He said. I just nodded. I walked around the place looking at the pictures and taking a good view of the house.

I expected the house to be smaller when I watched his live-streams.

Brendon walks back in with two plates with sandwiches on them, a bottle of water and a beer.

He sat next to me and turned on the tv and put on something to watch.

He switched it to Keeping up with the Kardashian's. I finished the food and slowly got up to put it away, when Brendon just pushed me down.

" It's okay, you can leave this here. I'll put it away, since I'm done" he said.

He gets up and heads over went to the kitchen and then comes back to help me with the suitcase. He carries it into a room which I assumed that was mine.

" Well here's your room, my room is down the hall if you need anything. Do you mind if I blast some music in here? and help you put your things away." I nodded.

He then plugs in his phone to the charger and connected to the Bluetooth speaker. Of course he plays his own songs. I started to sing along and he just sat there giggling and took a video of me jamming out.

" Well I can tell you are enjoying this" he said. I got up and hugged him. He just hugs me back.

" oh my god, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting that to happen." I say, pulling away straightening my shirt.

" Hey it's okay, make yourself at home, I am your father after all." He says reassuring me.

" What am I supposed to call you then?" I asked.

" Anything besides Mr. Urie" He says and I nodded.

Brendon got a call. He unplugged his phone and ran outside to answer it. I was finishing unpacking my things. I didn't have too much stuff anyways.

I walked over to my bed and laid down. I took a quick glance at the room. The walls were baby blue and there was a window with a purple transparent curtain.

I opened the curtain and it revealed a balcony. I opened the door, I walked into the patio and took in the nice warm fall breeze. I looked around and found the pool which I assumed it's the backyard and a small building on the side. I also assume that's the studio, that he has when he does his live-streams.

I look around and I see Brendon on the phone. He paces around for a bit then looks up and catches my eye contact. He ends his call, and looks up at me and waves, running inside the house.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I went to go hide. I ran into a random room and opened another door which I assume was a closet.

I moved the clothes around in the closet and hid behind it and covered myself with other things. I heard Brendon running around looking for me.

I heard him walk into the room, then open the closet door slowly. He then moved the stuff out of the way. Then I felt a hand grasp for me.

I screamed. He then hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Okay,okay are you ready??" He asked.

" For what?" I questioned.

"Well the surprise, I've been posting about" he says, jumping around like a kid.

"Oh yea".

"Umm what are we doing exactly?" I asked.

"Well if you come downstairs with me, I'll show you." He says. I got up and took his hands. He sat down on the couch and I sat down besides him.

He turned on the phone and started an instagram live.

I took my tablet and watched him through there.

The comments were flooded about questions about the surprise.

"Okay, Okay, imma tell you the surprise now okay. Are you guys ready??" He said. I just watched him through my tablet.

"Well anyways, yesterday I had the biggest life change ever"

" No, I'm not quitting Panic!" He said, with a stern face.

" Anyways, I adopted a daughter and her name is Emmy, so be nice to her. She's a fan and also very shy. So, do you guys want to meet her or not??" He asked.

"Okay, okay chill!!" He said. Looking at me.

I sat down next to Brendon.

"Umm Hey Guys" I said waving to camera.

Wow the comments were flooded with love and support. I was glad that, that was their reactions.

One comment caught my eyes.

Do you sing? Do you love Panic! or other bands?? How do you feel being with Brendon?? Also, you're pretty.

"Aww that's sweet, Umm I do sing, but just for fun. Yes I love panic! and other bands too, like mcr, tøp, fob and many more. Also, I feel like a dream has come true, because ever since I started becoming a fan I wanted to meet him, but never had a chance." I said, tearing up. Brendon notices tears running down my face and wipes them away while giving my forehead a kiss.

He then gets up and goes over to the island in the kitchen watching me from there.

The comment was flooded. Then another one caught my eyes.

"Can you sing us a song or at least can Brendon do one?"

"Okay I'll sing you a little part of something though, but I can ask Brendon to sing something." I said.

" Dancing, Dancing
Dancing's not a crime
unless you do it without me
Unless you do it without me"

The comment was flooded with how amazing I sang. I then thought back to the question about how they wanted Brendon to sing and it was a good idea.

I brought the phone over to Brendon and asked if he can sing.

He got up and walked over to the piano and I just trailed along.

"What do you want?" He asked.

I thought for a little bit and whispered in his ears. He nodded and started playing the piano.

"I ripped my jeans
Oh I ripped my jeans
Put a hole in the knee
Man they use to have soul
Oh I ripped my jeans
I ripped my jeans wohhhhohh
I ripped my jeans
Put a hole in the knees
Yea I ripped my jeanssss"

He finished singing and I applaud.

"Well sorry to tell you guys, but we gotta get going now, see you guys soon" Brendon says ending the stream.

He made some pasta to eat for dinner. We finished eating and my eyes were getting droopy.

Today was a fun day for sure, it was a whole new change. It's the best day of my life all of my dreams are slowly coming together and I'm happy.

I laid in my bed and played on my tablet for a little bit before falling asleep.

Brendon comes into my room, walking over to me and turned off my tablet and put it to charge. Then kisses me goodnight on the forehead and tucked me in the blankets.

Once that happened, I drifted off to sleep.

Wow I finished writing this chapter exactly last night. Well for this story, I'm releasing it on Fridays too unless there's a special occasion then I'll publish more than 1 but yea.

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