Black Luna

By littleballerina_29

368K 10.2K 1.3K

Pain was all she knew. And if happiness was what she was seeking, she has to uncover her hidden past and her... More

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Mate
Chapter 3 Luna
Chapter 4 Moving in
Chapter 5 Competition
Chapter 6 Shocked
Chapter 7 Found Out
Chapter 8 Moment
Chapter 9 Interaction
Chapter 10 Misunderstood
Chapter 11 Disappointment
Chapter 12 Broken Trust
Chapter 13 Her Name
Chapter 14 Mistake
Chapter 15 Pain
Chapter 16 Got Away
Chapter 17 A New Change
Chapter 18 Mission
Chapter 19 Encounter
Choose Cover
Chapter 20 Questions
Chapter 21 Face 2
Chapter 23 Embraced
Chapter 24 Truth
Chapter 25 Luna Ceremony
Chapter 26 Secrets
Chapter 27 Breakdown
Chapter 28 Lost
Chapter 29 Broken
Chapter 30 Goodbye

Chapter 22 Lies

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By littleballerina_29

"All passengers boarding the America plane at 3pm please check in now. Thank you." The speaker said.

To think I was trying to avoid this country just a few weeks ago. And here am i.

I shook my head from that thought, grabbed my luggage and went to the check in point.

My heart was pounding as I realized I was 1 2 3 4 steps closer to mate.

I was terrified to be honest.

After the way he treated me back then, I just didn't want to go through that again.

All the things I've done to humans, all missions I've completed, all the blood on my hands, going to mate was the most scariest.

He's gonna be angry. He's gonna be so angry I came back. But I have no choice, mate is targeted. What could I do except protect him? If he gets hurt because of me, I don't know what I'll do.

You love him. Admit it.

N-no! I just don't want him caught in my mess.

Keep making excuses all you want. I know you.

Don't forget Kyra, he hurt us. He hurt us physically.

Yet, you still want to protect him.

Just- ugh! I can't deal with this anymore.


Do I love him?



No, I don't love him. I just don't want him to be caught in my own mess.

*skip plane ride*

*skip sneaking to territory and running for my life in order to not get caught*

Now, I'm panting. I'm panting really hard. But finally, I'm standing before the door of my mate.

Adding 1 month from I escaped and 2 month since leaving him, this is the first time I'm at this house for 3 months. And so much has happened in those 3 months.

I took a deep breath and open the door. And thankfully, it was unlock.

And- when I thought it was peaceful, the entire pack was there. No wonder the door was unlock.

The pack faced me, with widened eyes. They don't know whether to be happy to see me or angry I left.

But...they didn't even know I was their alpha's mate. So...






I heard everyone saying "Luna" and one by one they all kneeled down before me.

I was shocked. I was stunned. I was so surprised.


"Please, don't leave again." A pack member at my right pleaded.

"Don't leave us. We need you Luna." Another said.

"Did we do something wrong?" One asked.

My eyes were watery. I couldn't believe it. I left for 3 months and they were suffering.

"I- I'm really sorry. I'm so very sorry." I cried. I couldn't take it anymore.

Suddenly, I felt a small hand grab mine.


I looked at the little boy holding my hand.

"Arthur, manners!" The mother came forward.

"So sorry Luna." She bowed and went to the crowd.

I wiped my tears away quickly.

"W-where's the alpha. I need to speak with him."

Everyone stood up and pointed the direction of the office.

I nodded and left.

After they just gave that heartwarming welcome, I doubt I could leave again.

*knock knock*

"What." He replied.

I opened the door.

"No one barges in without me saying so!" He yelled.

I stood my ground.

"Mate." I said.

"Annabel? I- how- who- what?" He stuttered.

I took a deep breath.

"Look, I know you're mad at me and you want me gone-"

"What Anna-"

"Let me finish. I know you despise me right now but I-"


"But I need to come back because-"

"Stop please."

"You are-"



The world suddenly became blurry as I was embraced in his arms in a sudden.

"Just shut the hell up and tell me you miss me." He said.

What? What is happening?



"I don't under-"


"I can't-"

"I'm begging you."

"" I tried saying. And his embrace got tighter.

"I love you so much. And I'm so so sorry." He sighed.

I was confused. How could he. He was all evil and grouchy on me the other time and now he's acting like he missed me. Wtf?

"Stop. I need to.." I pushed him away.


"Don't "Annabel" me. I month ago you actually attacked me and called me a bitch and suddenly now you are acting like you missed me. What is wrong with you?!" I suddenly lashed out.

"A bitch? I never said any of that."

"Don't try to deny. 1 month ago, back in New York City(where Annabel carried her mission before getting "caught" by Hayden and Diana.), you chased me and pinned me down. You had a devil looks in your eyes."


"Once Diana and Dylan met!"

"But I- "

"Why can't you just admit?! If you did I would have for- "

"Mate, I really didn't do anything. I swear."


I ran out of the door and went to the field outside the pack house.

I can't believe him. I just can't.

He dares to deny?

He dares to fucking deny?!

"Wait! Mate! Please!" I heard mate calling out to me.

So I stopped.

"What do you want."

He said nothing.

"What could you possibly want!" I shouted at him.

"I swear. I didn't do anything. Yes, that day, at NYC, I chased after you. But I lost sight of you once you ran to the forest."

"Then? Then what happened?" I asked in disbelief.

"Then..I went back to the others. By the time I got back, Dylan said you have left."

I clenched my fist.

Lies. They're all lies.

"You're lying. You're lying." I laughed.

"I'm not. I'm really not."

"You actually pinned me down. And you had those...unfamiliar eyes. You called me a sly cat and bitch!" I said.

"What?" He clenched his fist.

"Who did. Who did?! I'm gonna fucking murder him." He said.

"How could you even play hero right now." I laughed.

"What can I do to make you believe me."

"Nothing. I was just foolish to think I could trust you again."

"What does any of this have to with trust?!"

I shook my head. He would never understand.

"You would never understand."

He slapped his hand on his forehead.

"How stubborn can you be." He grumbled.

"Mate, the only reason I came back is because I-"

Wait. Why am I even telling him.

"Because you...?"

"No reason. I just thought the pack would need it's Luna. I know you've been having a hard time."

"No shit."

Then it was silence again. Neither of us knew how to continue the conversation.

"You wanna go back now?"

"You go ahead. I'll catch up."

"Do whatever you want." He snapped.

After he left, I folded my arms.

Things to do/Rules set:

1. Always stay out of mate's way. Only act lovey dovey when necessary.

2. Find out who killed Jordan aka no. 1 enemy.

3. Never tell mate why I'm here.

4. Sacrifice myself if mate is...hurt.

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