Daseki of the Red Sand [Narut...

By XxMeWxX4444

148K 6.3K 926

[Discontinued] Desert has been hopping between orphanges her entire life. The reason? No body can handle her... More

Chapter 1: We're Fixing To Die
Chapter 2: Fireworks Are Fun
Chapter 3: How The Fuck Did You Know That?!
Chapter 4: Go Die
Chapter 5: Fuck You
Chapter 6: Pain
Chapter 7: I'm Gonna Make Some Good Fish Sticks Today
Chapter 8: Explosions
Chapter 9: Got The Ring
Chapter 10: Ice Cream
Chapter 11: Sleep....bombing?
Chapter 12: Cheap Ass
Chapter 13: Hand Mouths
Chapter 14: Your Wooden Heart
Chapter 15: Thanks Deidara
Chapter 16: It Just Bit Me
Chapter 17: Hickey
Chapter 18: I'll Kill You
Chapter 19: Punishment
Chapter 20: Glomp
Chapter 21: Truth
Chapter 22: Kasai Satsujin
Chapter 23: Pleasure
Chapter 24: Let It Rain
Chapter 25: The Worst Thing
Chapter 26: Blackmail
Chapter 27: Mission With A Dumbass
Chapter 28: Big Brothers For Dummies
Chapter 29: Anniversary
Chapter 30: Mission With A Plant
Chapter 31: New Mission
Chapter 33: Perving
Chapter 34: Sketch Book
Chapter 35: Sake
Chapter 36: Remedy
Chapter 37: Lake
Chapter 38: That's A Waste Of Sake
Chapter 39: Don't Fucking Question Me
Chapter 40: Are You On Your Man Period?
Chapter 41: You Just Miss Getting Kakuzu's-- Shut Up!!
Chapter 42: Present
Chapter 43: Arrogant Little Puppet Men

Chapter 32: Tease

2.9K 119 30
By XxMeWxX4444

~Chapter 32~


"If I have to strip, so do you, un!" Deidara shouted. I scowled at him, crossing my arms before looking away in a huff.

"You're being unreasonable." I grumbled. His eye twitched, making me have to hold back a smirk. It was always fun annoying Dei-dei.

"I am NOT doing this by myself, yeah!"

"Well technically, there WILL be other strippers." I muttered.

His eyes drooped, several irk marks appearing on his head before he launched himself at me. We were in a hotel in Fire Country in a pleasure district.

"You're being a stripper too, hmm!" He growled, pinning me down on the bed I had been laying on.

I rose an eyebrow, looking up at him blankly. "Why? I mean, you're a better fit. Look how you just launched yourself on me. Do that at the club and you'll probably get a few fifties."

His eyes widened, looking over our position as he straddled me and pinned my wrists above my head with one hand. That was licking me, by the way. His other hand was beside my head, supporting his upper body weight as he leaned over me.

His eyes narrowed when he turned back to glare into my own eyes. "Don't try changing the subject, hmm."

I rolled my eyes, snapping my teeth to try and bite him. He jerked his head away, eye twitching while I smirked.

"I'm uncomfortable with my body." I lied.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "If you were you wouldn't be showing so much skin right now."

I glanced at my pajamas which consisted of black shorts and a red tanktop before returning my attention to the blonde who only wore some red pajama bottoms.

"Well maybe I'm uncomfortable when there's people staring at me stripping."

"And what makes you think I'm not, un?" He growled.

I smirked. "Are you?"



He scowled, his eyebrows furrowing. "Why are you so difficult, yeah?"

"Why are you so stupid? Besides, I'm only thirteen!" I shot back.

He scowled. "Well I'm sixteen, yeah!"

"You're fixing to be seventeen."

"What's your po- wait. How'd you know that, un?" He stared at me curiously while I blushed, frowning up at him.

"I asked Kisame. Now, can you let me go?" I started struggling while he looked surprised.

Suddenly he smirked mischievously and I narrowed my eyes, staring at him suspiciously. "What're you-"

"Why'd you wanna know when my birthday was, hmm?" He interrupted, cuddling his face into my neck.

"I was curious." I answered, staring up at the ceiling as I forced my face to turn blank.

"Then why didn't you just ask me, yeah?" He mumbled, licking the side of my neck.

"Because you'd assume something stupid."

He chuckled lowly, nipping at my skin. "Oh? And what would I assume, yeah?"

"I don't know! It'd be stupid though!" I growled, starting to struggle again. I stopped, however, when I let out a yelp, feeling Deidara's teeth sinking into my skin.

"Hmm...." Deidara mumbled, starting to suck on my skin while my fingers twitched and I felt the desperate urge to punch the blonde.

"Get off me." I growled, getting my wrists out of his hold and then proceeded to pull at his hair.

"Heh....you really think I mind that, hmm?" Deidara mumbled into my ear and I shivered as he nipped it.

"S-stupid." I grumbled, twitching as both of his hands found their way to my sides and proceeded to lick and bite me.

"You like it, un." He chuckled, moving his head so he could stare me straight in the eye with a cocky grin.

My eyes narrowed and I tugged sharply at a strand of his hair. He winced before narrowing his eyes, the tip of his nose pressing against mine.

"I'm a sadist, not a masochist, Daseki. I don't particularly enjoy pain, yeah. So, do that again. I dare you, un." He smirked threateningly and I scowled, narrowing my eyes as well.

"I'm not a masochistic either. But you're the one biting- holy shit!" I yelped, my arms tightening around his neck as I pressed my body against his. I panted, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling.

"What the hell?" He questioned, turning his head slightly to look at me.

"Y-you're f-fucking hand. Ah...." I shakily whined, a shiver going down my spine. His hand had found a sensitive spot on my back, which I had no idea I even had.

A devious smirk formed on his lips and I glanced at him warily. "Deidara....don't you da- motherfuck!" I yelped, feeling his hand biting the same spot as I instinctively latched tighter onto the blonde. 'I really want to choke him....'

Deidara was laughing and I scowled, twitching when I felt him lick the side of my neck teasingly. "Didn't know you were so sensitive, yeah."

"Stop touching me." I hissed.

"You're the one latched onto me, un." He replied, making me to look at position quickly. I had wrapped my legs around Deidara's waist and somehow he had ended up on his back while I lay on top of him, my arms still wrapped tightly around his neck.

"Oh...." I mumbled, starting to release him before pausing. His arms had wrapped around my waist and pulled me back down on top of him.

"What the hell?" I grumbled, staring at him with a frown. His eyes had lost the mischievous glint to them, now looking serious as they bore into my own.

"I didn't tell you to let go, un." He stated. My eyes widened and I looked around, trying to find something to change the subject with.


'Oh yeah, THAT'S a real subject changer....' I thought, feeling the urge to facepalm.

"Don't try changing the subject again, hmm." He cooed into my ear, his mischievous attitude coming back.

"I have no idea what you're talking ab- AH!" I yelped, my grip on him tightening considerably.

"Damn you...." I hissed, wanted to rip off his hand that kept biting that one spot.

"I'll stop if you be a stripper with me, yeah." He bargained. I scowled, weighing my options. On one hand, I'd have to strip and dance in front of perverts I don't know. On the other, I just have to stand with Deidara biting that sensitive spot on my back. Hm....what to choose, what to choose.

"I'm good...." I dragged out, blinking lazily at him. His eye twitched and his hand bit me again, causing me to yelp and bite onto his shoulder.


"Fucker." I mumbled, releasing his shoulder and looking at the bleeding wound. 'Huh....didn't know I could bite that hard....'

I glanced at Deidara who was frowning at the blood before a smirk formed onto my lips. 'I wonder how he'd react....'

I leaned forward, starting to lick the wound and I saw his eyes widening in the corner of my eye. He suddenly started smirking, watching as I sucked on the wound. 'Alright....maybe he'll like it.'

"Hmm....if you keep that up, I won't mind being a stripper, yeah." He chuckled, causing me to blush and bite onto his wound again. His eye twitched and I smirked, pulling away from him.

"You're still going to be a stripper. Good luck." I patted his cheek and got off him, heading over to the other bed in the room.

Deidara groaned and I rose an eyebrow, turning back to look at him. He was blushing, staring down at his....alright, I'm just gonna go to sleep.

"Tease, yeah...." I heard him grumble before heading to the bathroom. I snickered, closing my eyes.

I snuck up behind Ginmaru, the dude we were assigned to kill. He had a habit of going to mixed stripper bars, hence the reason why Deidara needed to be a stripper. The boy was pretty, he'd distract the dude. As Deidara was up on stage I pulled out a kunai, putting it against the back of Ginmaru's neck.

The guy turned, sensing my presence and his eyes widened while I smirked, chopping off his head from his body. I jumped up beside Deidara, handing him his cloak while people were screaming and the body dropped to the floor.

I had grabbed the dudes hair, keeping the head with me as proof to give to the bounty office. Deidara nodded at me and we transported outside.

"Nice dress, yeah. I thought I was the stripper." He said dryly and I rolled my eyes, walking along in the heels with barely any wobbling. I had to practice all day to do that though. The dress I was wearing was red and only went to my mid-thigh, hugging my body in every way.

"I had to stay inconspicuous somehow."

He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him, my side pressing against him.

"You should keep that for....later uses, un." He purred, nipping at my ear. I blushed, my eye twitching while I held up Ginmaru's head.

"How 'bout you sexually harass THIS instead." He stared at the head blankly before shaking his head. I snickered, heading out of the pleasure district.

"Oi, make one of your birds." I told him. He rose an eyebrow but did as I said. We quickly hopped on and I directed him on where to go. Eventually we got to a large building which held one of the bounty stations.

I ordered Deidara to land before heading into the guy's bathroom.

Deidara followed me, spazzing. "This is the guy's bathroom, un!!"

"I know that, dumbass." I grumbled, heading over to one of the urinals and pressed one of the bricks above it. The wall slid away, revealing a desk with a bald dude idly counting money. He looked up, however, when the door opened with a kunai in his hand.

When he caught sight of me he nodded, putting away the kunai. "Daseki! It's been awhile! Kakuzu with you?"

"Hey Zangei. And nah, he's doing his own mission. Can you give me the bounty for Ginmaru Hachiji?" I held up the severed head and he nodded, snapping his fingers. A guy came over from a hallway, grabbing the head from me while Zangei was searching through his Bingo Book.

When he found Ginmaru he looked at the price before starting to count out some Ryo. Meanwhile I looked over at the silent Deidara who was simply watching me, now changed into his normal clothes.

"What's up?" I questioned. He shook his head, looking at me curiously.

"How many times have you came with Kakuzu, yeah?"

My forehead scrunched and I started counting on my fingers before holding one hand up. "Five."

He nodded while I turned back to Zangei, taking the twenty million Ryo.

"Hm....not what I'm used to." I mumbled, recounting the money and Zangei chuckled.

"Sorry, kid. You didn't get one of the big fish this time." I shrugged, stuffing it into my backpack.

"Whatever. I'll see ya next time, Zangei." I said, walking out of the room and back into the bathroom. Deidara followed me as Zangei waved goodbye, the wall shutting.

"I'm gonna go change. Be right back." I told Deidara and he nodded, walking out with me and standing beside the ladies room while I went inside.

After I used the toilet really fast and then changed back to my normal clothes I washed my hands and headed back to the blonde, seeing him leaning against the wall. "Let's go."

He glanced over at me before nodding, opening his hand. The mouth spit out a small bird before Deidara tossed it to the ground, making a hangsign.

"Need some help, un?" He said, wrapping his arm around my waist with a mischievous smirk.

I rolled my eyes, jumping up onto the bird with him and it flew off.


Authors Note

Well....this chapter didn't turn out like I planned it o.o


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