Love at First Fight: An Arran...

By summergirl21

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Karli Tucker's life goes upside down when she comes home to find out her foster parents had basically sold he... More

Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 1
Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 2
Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 3
Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 4
Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 5
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Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 19
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Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 16

1.2K 14 0
By summergirl21

Karli’s POV

      I was sitting on the couch with Jason and Raelynn watching TV.  It was some reality game show.  Eh… I guess it’s better than a Spanish soap opera.  My legs were curled behind me on the couch and I had my head on Jason’s shoulder when Alex and Shane came from the pool table.

     “Hey guys, we better get going,” Shane said, “We’ll be late.”  Jason sighed.  I guess he didn’t want to go just as much as I didn’t want him to.  I lifted my head so he could get up.  He stood and gave me a hand up as well.  He looked over to where all the guys were saying goodbye to their girls and waiting on Jason.  He turned back around to me and kissed my forehead.  “I guess I’ll see you later.”  I nodded and kissed him back.  “Alright.  Have fun okay?”  He laughed and said I’ll try then walked out the door with the others.

     “Hey guys, I got a text from Kimber.  She can’t make it.  So let’s go ahead and get ready!  Everyone meet in my room!,” Andrea said.  Me and Raelynn went up to our rooms.

     “I’ll wait for you since you don’t know where to go,” Raelynn said.  I thanked her and went inside.  I grabbed my workout bag and took the stuff out of it.  I didn’t have anything else to use so it would have to do.  I went to my closet and grabbed a simple green tank and black shorts for PJ’s and a Paramore t-shirt and jeans for tomorrow.

     I went into the bathroom and grabbed my toiletries and put them in the bag as well.  I don’t think I needed anything else since Andrea has all the stuff we bought.  I closed the bag and left the room.  Raelynn hadn’t come out yet so I waited on the opposite wall.  She came out 5 minutes later and lead me to out designated location.

     Everyone was already there.  “Hey!! Ok, that’s everyone.  What do you guys want to do first?,” Andrea asked.  I shrugged, not really caring.  “Hmm…how about make-overs?  So we can use the face masks afterwards,” Nicole said.  The girls started getting stuff ready.  “Um, Andrea where is the bathroom? I will go ahead and change.”  She nodded and pointed to my right.  I went in and changed into my PJ’s and came out to see them waiting on me.

     “Alright, do we wanna do partners or everyone do one person at a time?”  We all looked at each other and said, “Everyone.”  I laughed, “So who goes first?”  They all turned their heads toward me smiling.  Uh oh…

- Hour Later-

     “Andd… finished!  Oh my gosh, Karli you are gorgeous!!,” Raelynn squealed.  I sighed.  For the past hour, I have been plucked, groomed, and dressed.  They turned me around in the chair so they could all see and smiled widely.  They ushered me to the full length mirror so I could see.  I almost screamed.  Who is that? It  was me but… not me.

     The girl that stared back at me had curly blond hair, bright green eyes surrounded by black eyeliner, mascara, and green eye shadow.  Her cheeks looked as smooth as a baby’s bottom and had thin, glossed lips.  She was also wearing a light green sundress and silver locket around her neck.  I was stunning.

     I noticed I was holding my breath and let it out quickly.  “I.. I don’t know what to say.”  I was speechless.  Nicole smiled and put her arm around me.  “No need.  Your face says it all.”  I smiled at her and hugged them all.  Then I heard a click.  I looked up to see Raelynn with her phone pointed to me.  “There is no way I’m NOT showing you to Jason.”  I laughed and blushed.  I walked to her and saw her texting Jason the picture and saying “We are THAT good = )”

     We got through the other girls more quickly, them only doing their faces.  We took a bunch of pictures of ourselves too before we got ready for the face masks.  I went to the bathroom to take the make-up off first.  Andrea started handing out the packets.   I just stared at mine.  I don’t even know how to use these.  But when I turned it over I saw there was instructions on the back.

(I’m skipping them putting them on because I don’t use these!!)

     After we had them on, we sat around in a circle to talk… more like a 20 questions thing, until the face masks were to come off.

     “Ok, Karli.  What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?!,” Nicole asked me.  I had to think about that for a while because I’ve had plenty of clumsy moments.  “Um… if I had to pick, I would have to say at my friends sister’s wedding.  I was one of the maid people that stands at the front and on my way up those steps, I tripped over my dress and fell face first.  I was teased about it for like, a month.”

     They were all laughing.  “Wow K-Karli, that’s…really-y funny! Ha ha!,” Andrea said.  I stuck my tongue out at her and laughed too.  I’ve gotten to where I’ve had so many accidents that they don’t embarrass me anymore.

     “Ok, your turn Karli!”  I thought about it… this might be my only chance to ask about Jason’s girlfriend… I looked at them nervously.  “Um.. I sorta have a question for all of you…” they urged me to go on.  I sighed.  Minus well stop sugar-coating it.  I looked at them seriously.

     “I want to know what that girl did to Jason.”

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