back [madwheeler]

By magnoliafalls

21.1K 646 235

the dreams. they came to her every night. she didn't understand what they were and she just couldn't help the... More

chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve

chapter one

2.6K 61 30
By magnoliafalls

familiar sounds filled her head, bringing her back to that night.

that night.

everything about what happened that night was vaguely explained to her, but she still didn't understand. she didn't understand where she was when she was running through the tunnels, she didn't understand what those 'demo-dog' things they were running from were, she didn't understand what gate that el- or jane- was closing, and she didn't understand how the hell no one else in the world knew about what happened that night. but one thing she did know for sure is that she didn't feel the same, and not just mentally because of what happened it was just this, feeling.

the familiar sounds that filled her ears began get louder, and the feeling began to get stronger. she didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to be brought to the the familiar place she's seen in her dreams, but never actually had been. she was scared that she would see it again. she'll never forget the first time she saw the looming figure, the long dark shadowy legs contrasting against the blood red sky that occasionally lit up from the lightning.

from the storm.

she knew it was coming. the temperature was dropping cooler and cooler, and the sounds and storm was getting worse. she didn't want to open her eyes. she kept them closed, as she stood frozen in place as she felt the feeling in the pit in her stomach grow stronger then it had ever been. she felt a ice cold touch, stronger then it had ever been. she opened her eyes.

she was back.

she wanted to scream and cry but she was to frozen in fear when she saw a long tentacle reach out from the dark shadow. it was getting closer, and closer, and closer and-


air refilled a amber haired girl as she sat up in her bed breathing heavily. she sat in shock trying to catch her breath, the images in her dreams repeating over and over again. her heart was racing just thinking about how that was the most realistic dream she had experienced yet. as she began to come to her senses, her ears started to pick up sounds from around her small house. the sound of male shouting, and rock music blasting filled her ears.

she groaned laying back down on her back. she grabbed both side of her pillow, placing them against her ear in attempt to block out the sound. her mind was racing with so many thoughts, she thought her head might actually explode. her home life was bad enough, now this had to happen.

max mayfield had been having dreams that she couldn't explain ever since that night. but she had never told anyone, and she most definitely wasn't planning on it. she didn't want to seem to an attention whore, there was no way mike, who quite frankly already hated her guts, was going to believe her.

rolling her eyes thinking about the raven haired boy, she turned to the side facing her night stand. fearing to go back to sleep. she decided to check the time, and thank God she did. picking up the watch from her night stand, she held it in front of her to see that she had to leave for school in less than ten minutes.

shit, shit, shit, she repeated in her head throwing her covers off of her body.

shit, shit, shit

sprinting into the bathroom, she began to start doing her usual morning routine when her mom walked in.

"honey, me and neil are going on a business trip," she said walking next her daughter, "so it's just going to be you and billy this weekend, is that alright" she asked concerned.

max looked up from her towel she was drying her face with, with a feeling of dread pooling in the pit of her stomach.

her mother knew billy was harsh towards her only daughter, but little did she know, it was more, and max- who once again was not looking for any sort of attention- decided to just leave it at that, not wanting to turn in into a huge problem.

she was going to be alone, with billy, the whole weekend.

"just one weekend?" she asked hopefully. she didn't mind staying home alone, but with billy, whenever he would come home, she was out the door, he was getting worse. after the whole bat and sleeping medicine situation, he avoided her. but he then began to start channeling his embarrassment and dread of the situation into anger. anger that he took out on her.

her mother smiled at her, she could sense a look of sorrow in her eyes. she pushed a strand of her daughters ginger hair behind her ear and sighed, "it should be,"

she sounded uneasy.

max gave her mom a pleading look, "mom-" "if we get backed up," her mother interrupted, "it shouldn't be too long, and we will call you if there are any delays, i left a list of numbers you need to call in case of emergency aswell, ok?"

the ginger smiled lightly at her mom, she didn't blame her mom for work delays, but she sure despised them, and she knew her mother could agree with her on that.

smiling at her daughter, max's mother checked her watch, "maxine, your gonna be late!" she exclaimed. max's eyes widened forgetting that she had to leave in less then five minutes. she gave her mom a quick hug, wishing her well on her business trip then finished up in the bathroom.

running into her bedroom she dug through the pile of clothes that lie in the corner in her room. pulling out her signature adidas jacket, she pulled it over her white and yellow stripped t-shirt. she pulled on her mom jeans rather than usual straight pant leg, it was her only clean pair. shoving her feet into her vans and her books into her bag, she grabbed her skateboard and sprinted into the kitchen.

as she ran in she was greeted by neil who was reading the paper, "good morning maxine," he simply said, max responded back politely but no other words or interactions were exchanged between them. she didn't necessarily like him, but she also didn't know all that much about him. she tried to avoid him as much as possible, but it was beginning to become harder since he was trying so hard to make their little family work.

grabbing a granola bar from the cupboard, she turned on her heels straight to the front door. before opening the door to exit she turned to neil, "uh- have a nice weekend," she said politely. though she hated moving here, and leaving her dad in california, she knew that she had to make the most of living here, even though she genuinely hated it, she didn't have much of a choice.

neil looked up from his paper and smiled lightly at her, "thank you, we would prefer if you stayed home most of the weekend, especially at night, but if you do tell billy first, and maybe call us for certain things,"

max nodded at him waving one last goodbye. walking out onto the porch she stopped in tracks. billy was pulled put onto the road.

he was leaving without her.

she couldn't believe it. she knew he would do anything to get her in trouble, or have her go through any misery just for his personal enjoyment, but now was most definitely not the time. from her porch, she stared at the blue sports car that looked like was going to take off down the streets by minute.

"you better hurry your ass up maxine," he shouted from the road. she was quickly brought back into reality and took off  towards his car as the sound of the engine began roaring aggressively once again, as if was going to attack any minute. she came around to the passenger side of the car threw her skateboard and bag in climbing in next to her stuff and step-brother.

she breathed out finally feeling relief, which she found ironic since billy was sat right next to her. "maxine we've talked about being late," he said in a sing song voice, smiling maniacally out the window. she began to breath shallowly knowing what was coming for her, "you know i hate being kept waiting," he said with a rising tone.

max crossed her arms, and slumped deeper into the leather seat, "it was only a minute," she muttered looking at the window. she heard billy give a slight chuckle, "what was that maxine?" he asked in a whisper like tone, she felt her self feel small compared to his aggressive behaviour, and she hated it. she was done.

max didn't feel like dealing with him, she wanted to put him in his place, show him that she wasn't scared."if you want to go so bad, drive the damn car," she said quietly, but firmly, still avoiding eye contact.

she heard another chuckle, she absolutely hated when billy did that. "you want me to go maxine," he asked. he let out a breathy laugh, max mentally prepared herself for what was going to happen. billy grabbed her hair from her right side and pulled it so that she was facing him, "you want me to go?" he asked again screaming, and with that in a split second he managed to push max away, put the car in drive, and sped down the street causing max to jerk back in her seat.

she grabbed onto her pounding head fuming with anger and tears pooling in her eyes. billy had not only grabbed her hair, but he banged it against the car door when he let go continued by her head banging against the seat of the car when it took off. she tucked her hair behind her ear, her vision that was beginning to blur from her tears looked out at the scenery of their small town wondering what other amazing things life had in store for her


the drive to school felt longer than normal but she was finally there. most car rides they would spend fighting or billy finding something to pick on her about, but today they were both quiet, in which she silently thanked jesus. most kids her age hated school, but max didn't mind it, especially now days, anywhere else was better than home. as the car came to quick stop, max hurriedly grabbed everything from the blue car making sure she left nothing behind.

"if your late your skating dipshit," billy said looking out his window breathing out the smoke from his cigarette. max simply slammed the door making sure to flip him off on her way out.

as max walked into the building she quickly dropped her skateboard and began to ride down the hallways. before she got to her locker, a head of curly hair quickly caught her attention. she smiled a bit knowing that her friends- well most of them- could bring a small amount of joy into her already horrible day.

she hopped off of her board walking up to her small group of friends who were in close huddle. knowing they weren't focused on the outside world she decided to have some fun. the red haired girl lightly poked her head between dustin and lucas.

by simply saying, "morning losers," she made he whole group slightly jump, and even earned a slight scream from lucas. "holy shit max you have to stop doing that," dustin said holding his chest, breathing heavily. max just simply laughed at the party who were all slightly dishevelled from her slight jump scare.

"lucas could you scream any louder," she said, bringing her hand up to her mouth to block the light laugh that was about to escape her mouth. the whole group laughed as lucas' face began to heat up in embarrassment, but max noticed the party seemed a bit off, especially mike, i mean, it's not like her ever smiled when max was around, but he just seemed, very on edge.

"are you guys good you all seem a bit... off" the freckled girl pointed out, and just like that she could feel the mood change from a content to tense environment. the boys smiles disappeared and they all exchanged fearful, looks.

noting that mike looked flat out furious she didn't pressure them and simply waited for them to give her an answer.

"well you se-" lucas started, "it's none of your business," mike quickly snapped into the conversation, "just drop it, it doesn't have to do with you," he spat at her, causing the amber haired girl to flinch.

"mike don't be like th-" dustin started, but was once again interrupted by the tall boy, "no," he simply said, causing max to roll her eyes at him. she still didn't understand why she hated him, whenever el or jane whatever they called her was around, he would completely tune her out, but when his precious little girlfriend wasn't there, he always made sure to pass a snarky comment.

"my god wheeler, get over yourself," max replied agitated, she wasn't having a good morning, and everything was making her want to scream, and she wanted so badly to just put the raven haired boy in his place at the moment. her reply caused mike to roll his eyes, "how about you get over yourself, not everything involves you,"

and just like that, max was also now furious, "i can't with you wheeler, i just can't." she exasperated, "everyday you treat me like a piece of shit and i've done nothing, literally nothing, to deserve this. actually, is it maybe because my presence makes your little precious girlfriend uncomfortable, because she can't handle having another fucking female species near you. grow the hell up,"

the amber girl was now fuming as she walked back to her locker, and so was mike. she knew she shouldn't have brought up el in the conversation, but she just wasn't having it today. throwing some supplies and took her locker, and taking the necessary ones out she stormed right pass the group, again going to her first period. she could feel them, well mostly mike, staring daggers at her.

she couldn't help but feel a triumphant smile grow on her face, happy that she put him in his place, but she couldn't help but feel a change in energy, she wasn't to concerned about it though.she simply brushed it off and made her way to her class.



so i started this in like october, it's the end of january (march lol) so love that for me !!

k well hope u enjoy, chapter two coming soon

btw i wanna get this out before season three comes out cause we all know there's about to be a shit ton of fucking mileven and a whole different plot line that won't make sense with this story so really love that for me! i should have posted sooner but just bare with me queens

i have a whole week off cause i finished my exams so hopefully i'll write more, so ya

love u

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