chapter eleven

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"will what aren't you telling us,"

"you said she was here to tell us something, but now she can't,"

"will we need to know,"

"does it have to do with what just happened?"

voices were heard all around her. she didn't remember much, the last thing was being in a dark cold dimension, with a creature. it had touched her, but as soon as she felt the icy cold contact she was snapped back into reality. she sat still on a couch, she couldn't move. now she heard familiar distressed voices asking questions.

"ok, mike explain what happened one more time,"

"i've explained this a million times,"


"ok, ok i was riding up your driveway on my bike, we were both on it-"

"you were both on it?"

"yes- not the point. um, as soon as we started going up she started saying that she wasn't feeling well and just as i was stopping i she had just passed out cause the next thing i know she was on the ground and i'm screaming into my walkie talkie,"

max felt her breath quicken as she heard mike explain what had happened. memories from last night and this morning at the diner and on their bike ride all came back to her. maxs heart began to beat quicker than normal when she realized where she was. her stomach dropped when she realized who was here and why.

she wasn't ready to tell them, she didn't want to. she was wishing she could just be alone right now. she heard everyone's voices and knew all eyes were on her and would be on her again. she knew everyone was terrified that this was happening to her. they probably assumed it was the same thing that happened to will, and max honestly didn't know what it was.

her body was tense thinking about trying to explain this. she felt guilty for not telling them, it wasn't technically her fault though, because it was initially just dreams, that then grew into whatever this was. the red haired girl was so overwhelmed by everything and wasn't able to handle it. she still couldn't move but felt her body begin to shake. she heard the fighting stop over her whimpering and shaking.

"guys, guys!"

she heard a distressed voice call out, the room went silent and she felt all the attention face her. her body was violently shaking but she couldn't snap herself out of her head.

"oh my god is she ok?"

she heard a familiar voice come up beside her and hold her arm, "we have to get her up, i don't like this," she heard mike say frantically.

"how are we supposed to do that," she heard dustin say. all of a sudden she heard the door swing open and close followed by footsteps coming closer to her. "holy shit what happened," she heard steve say shocked as the footsteps stopped. the room was quiet, the only sounds of maxs whimpering and shaking.

she still felt mike holding on to her hand as she panicked, "max, come on i really need you to wake up," she heard mike say from beside her. max wasn't sure if what he was saying was making her feel better or was just stressing her out even more. "max, max you're ok look i'm here, mikes here, dustin, lucas and look even steve," she heard a new voice come up beside her. will.

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