LIRA: Book I

By MaxineLaurel

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If we are still in the 90's and someone will approach me and say "You're a descendant of a Goddess," I'll mos... More

About the Story
CHAPTER ONE: The Acceptance Letter
CHAPTER TWO: The Journey
CHAPTER THREE: The Imperial Academy
CHAPTER FOUR: The Imperial Princes
CHAPTER FIVE : Mortal Enemy # 1
CHAPTER SIX: An Encounter with Vampires
CHAPTER SEVEN: Sevastian Imperial
CHAPTER EIGHT: Mingling and Dining
CHAPTER NINE: The Four Princesses
Author's note: What does Dayanghirang means
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Vampirology and Vampirism
CHAPTER TWELVE: Gatecrashers
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: The Trouble Brewing
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Dalisay the Diwata
CHAPTER NINETEEN: The Untold History
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE: Lirabelle Alexandra
CHAPTER THIRTY ONE: The End and the Begining
Author's notes
The Lady of the Forest (Book 1.5)
The Witch

CHAPTER TEN: Nicholas Imperial

3.9K 174 6
By MaxineLaurel

It was on her third month in the Academy when Lira noticed her friends were exhibiting odd behaviors. She couldn't help it but worry over her friends. On one occasion, Lira woke up in the middle of the night to find Yumi sitting cross-legged on her bed, mumbling something underneath her breath. She called for Yumi's attention to ask if she was okay. But Yumi merely looked at her with a blank stare, as if she was in a trance. The following morning, Lira told Yumi about what happened that night. Yumi brushed the incident aside by saying "I was probably having one of my sleep-talking tendencies. Don't worry, I'm okay. It happens a lot back home."

Mari, on the other hand, seemed to be always sick especially in the mornings. There were times when she looked so pale, with black lines under her eyes as if she was not able to sleep all throughout the night. She started losing her appetite too, with occasionally complaining of nausea. Lira was so worried over Mari that she wasn't able to help herself and brazenly asked Mari, "Mariella Alonzo, are you pregnant?" Mari had looked at Lira as if she sprouted horns over her head, blinked several times before bursting in to fits laughter. "Oh, Lira, you are so funny! Of course I'm not. I'm like this during my period."

Even Ian hadn't escaped Lira's prying eyes. She observed he was even clumsier whenever Clara passed by them. It did not escape their notice as well that Ian was constantly sneaking glances at Clara whenever she was within proximity.

"You like her," Yumi teased.

Ian, blushed and mumbled, "No I don't."

"Ian, if you like a girl, there is nothing wrong with that. If you need an expert advice about girls, I'm here for you," Mari offered.

Matt, as per what Lira noticed, acted indifferent towards her. He rarely approached her during the DAVA activities and tried to avoid Lira as much as possible, except when Mari called his name and he needed to acknowledge Mari and her friends. It was during one of those dinner time in the mess hall (where the vampires made themselves present again) that Matt suddenly approached her and placed what looked like a small transparent plastic full of strawberries on her table. She lifted her gaze at Matt and gave him a puzzled look.

"It's an 'I'm-sorry-for-being-a-jerk, can-we-be-friends' bribe," he said, not even looking at her.

Lira couldn't help herself from chuckling in amazement. He was a jerk, really; but who was she not to give forgiveness to those who seek it? She picked a piece of strawberry, popped it in her mouth. Her smile was all the answer Matt needed then he sauntered on his way out.

Mari, however, was looking at her with beady jealous eyes.

"Hey Mari, it's nothing. His conscience probably bugged him to death so he decided to apologize," Lira said. Really, in Lira's opinion, Mari has no reason to be jealous. With her long silky light brown hair, red V-neck sweater (which showed a cleavage of epic proportion) paired with a micro mini black and red plaid skirt over black tights and black boots, Mari was a certified boy magnet. And a guy like Matt would prefer a girl like Mari over a girl like her who couldn't even manage to control her frizzy hair. But Mari wasn't convinced that much.

That evening, Lira went to the library as usual. She needed to read a book on Vampirism since she was not doing well on that subject. Yeah right, Lira, you just want to see Sevastian, she told herself.

She grabbed a book from the shelf and went to Sevastian's usual seat, only he wasn't there. She heaved a sigh of disappointment, pulled a chair and sat down. She began reading the book and jotting down notes when a pair of strong arms appeared from behind her and hands settled on the table on either side of her, locking her in place. "What's that you're reading?" a low, masculine voice whispered near her ear.

She craned her neck to the side and was startled to see Nicholas, looming over her shoulders and looking at her book as if it was the most interesting thing on the planet.

"Vampirism Vol. I" he read.

What price did she need to pay for a moment of peace so she could study a stupid subject she's almost flunking?

But Nicholas pulled a chair and decided to keep her company. "If you have trouble about Vampirism, why not ask me—" he tapped his chest for emphasis "—a vampire, for a first-hand information?"

Lira eyes were full of doubt. "And you're just a vampire who tutors students for pastime." Lira found it amazing she had enough courage to answer back a vampire such as Nicholas. Maybe spending time with Sevastian made her more comfortable around vampires. But she still felt wary over Nicholas. She still remembered the angry look Nicholas had given her during the attack, or the glare he had thrown at her the following day. And now he was here, for what? To retaliate? To finish what the other vampires started?

"I'm just trying to be accommodating," he said, as if he somehow had read her mind.

"And what? A few lessons in exchange for my body, or worse, my blood?"

Nicholas gave a small laugh. "Actually no, I haven't thought of that. But if that's what you're suggesting..."

"No, thanks. I'll stick with the books. I don't share my blood with strangers," Lira said lamely.

"Very well," he said before he stood from his seat. He made a small bow and said, "Hello Lira Santos. I am Prince Nicholas Imeperial, from the vampire clan Imperial. I'm delighted to have made your acquaintance."

Lira shot him a questioning look.

"See we're not strangers anymore."

"How did you even know my name?"

Nicholas shrugged. "I have my ways."

"Whatever," she said. "I have to go now." She walked by the window and craned her neck to see if any one of the slayer boys were outside patrolling. She could make it back at the dorm without an escort since she would be using the well-lighted lane. But just for extra precautions. She didn't trust Nicholas. Unfortunately, the slayer boys decided to make themselves scarce. Of all the night they decided to slack on their jobs, they chose this very night to do so. Great.

"I can walk with you," he offered.

Lira looked at him, assessing him with her watchful eyes. Nicholas was so different from Sevastian. Except for the color of their hair and eyes, nothing between them was the same. The way they look. The way they stand. Even their aura was different. Sevastian had a cool and calm demeanor that suited his quiet personality. He looked almost angelic and ethereal, with his pale face and soft gray eyes. His stance promises comfort and ease.

Nicholas was just the complete opposite. He looked cold and domineering. His handsome chiseled face matched his piercing gray eyes. His commanding presence made you want to give all your attention to him. No wonder the girls were surrounding him all the time during dinner. His casual and arrogant posture said "I can protect you"; but whenever he assumed that kingly confident bearing of his, it spoke "I will crush them for you." Great. Who will protect her from him?

"I can see myself home."

"No, Lira, I insist."

"Look, I don't know what's the basis of good manners and right conduct for vampires, but insisting someone to walk that someone home, especially if that someone is in no way in danger, then that someone might think you're creepy."

"That's a lot of someone."

"I really have to go, but thanks any way, for offering." Lira turned to the exit. Of course, Nicholas wasn't just annoyingly pesky; he also has the makings of a stalker.

"You're not afraid of me are you?" he asked as he took long strides to catch up with her.

"Of course I'm afraid of you," she admitted. "That's why I'm trying to get away from you."

"I promise I won't bite."

"Like that's reassuring," she muttered. "Okay let's make a deal. You can walk with me, but stay a few paces away from me." Like a mile.

Nicholas swept his hands to his side and said, "After you, my lady."

Now why did that sound enchanting? She started walking, trying to ignore him and that gnawing fear that started to build within her. Of course, she couldn't ignore the fact that Nicholas was still a vampire; and maybe his instinct as a vampire might betray him and decide to attack her. She kept her hand clutched around the balisong inside her pocket.

They walked in silence; but Lira could almost hear her pounding heart. Could his highly sensitive sense of hearing hear her heart beating like a drum? She must know how to contain her fear. They said vampires could smell fear. What did fear smell like, anyway? Or was it they could "sense fear." But smell was also a sense, so really it didn't make any sense now. Why was she having this conversation in her head? Ok, stay calm.

She took a glimpse of Nicholas under her lashes. The moonlight caught his pale handsome face, the effect almost softening his features. That degree of handsomeness should be outlawed. No, really. It can cause someone to trip on her toes and die because that face draws attention. It could cause someone to get distracted and lose focus. And make her do crazy things. Like talking to herself. Again.

"It's really fascinating, how you can manage that one-way conversation in your head."

A gasp escaped her. "You can read minds?"

"I can hear your thoughts. And it's very loud, by the way." He then gave her a wry smile. "See, you learned something tonight: vampires can hear minds."

"Okay, let's see if you can hear my thoughts now." You are an arrogant jerk who is pesky and annoying.

Nicholas pretended to look hurt. "Really, Lira, your description of me almost squashed my undead heart."

She suddenly felt embarrassed. She wasn't that rude, really, even to a vampire. Vampires might have feelings, too. Was he really hurt?

"Now why don't we make a deal," Nicholas finally said.

"What deal?"

"I'll teach you about vampires..."

"In exchange for what?"

"Your friendship."

"My friendship," Lira repeated stupidly.

Nicholas nodded and tried to look solemn. "If you have a hard time about Vampirism, imagine the troubles I have understanding humans? We do study about humans, too, you know. And it's so difficult to comprehend human behavior..."

"So you want my friendship and for me to teach you about humans. That's unfair; I'm offering you two things, you only offer one."

"You drive a hard bargain. Okay, I'll teach you about vampires, and make sure you'll be safe from other vampires within the Academy," Nicholas offered.

"No more vampire attacks? And also the other students should be safe from you vampires."

"Very well," Nicholas conceded. "Do we have a deal?"

"Okay, deal. But we don't have to meet in the library or anything. I still don't trust you. You can teach me during breaks in the mess hall or in the great hall or even in the rec room, where there are plenty of students around." So you wouldn't do any funny stuff.

"Done," he said simply.

"Okay. I'll... I'll go now," she said. She went inside the building, leaving Nicholas with a triumphant grin.

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