falling for him // ziall

By hugsfromziam

1.4M 31.2K 10.9K

Life in an university is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. But, even with so many ups and downs it'... More

Falling For Him (a Ziall boyxboy fanfiction)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-One

36.1K 778 118
By hugsfromziam

Chapter Twenty-One

Zayn’s POV

2 weeks later…

Niall was all healed and back to his old self, but it took two weeks of seeing my poor little Niall look paranoid about everything, he’s better now, but I know that the bruises will be on Niall’s soul forever or if not a long time... I made my best to make sure that Niall was getting lots of sleep, having his aspirin at the prescripted times, and most of all giving him all the love I could ever give anyone. I kissed his forehead, wrapped him in our blankets (since we pushed both our dorm beds together to create a ‘double bed’), played with his hair, watched movies with him, had popcorn fights, smiled at him, tried to make him laugh, and made the best effort to take care of him… and it paid off because Niall was alright in less than two weeks just in time for our forth month anniversary.


It was currently April 24th, the four month mark for Niall’s and I’s anniversary. This anniversary I didn’t want to do something too fancy or too cliché-ish, I wanted to do something fun yet with a little romance.

“Niall, babe, let’s go we’re going to be late!” We had to be in the field at one and it was 12:30.

“Coming!” Niall called from the bathroom.

I checked my watch every second and then I saw Niall walk out of the bathroom. You know on those fairy tales where the princess walks down the stairs holding her dress elegantly so she won’t trip and the prince looks up from the floor in slow motion and then when he sees her and he’s gaping and his mouth is on the floor? That’s exactly how I feel right now.

Niall walked out of the bathroom looking like a god. His hair was kind of tossed, but looked super sexy and he was wearing a fitted tank top showing off his toned arms and shorts. He looked… I don’t even know if there’s a word to describe how handsome yet how hot he looked. I missed the fitted cardigans, but who the hell is going to wear a cardigan when it’s so sunny outside? I’m not saying I don’t like the tank tops, whichI really, really do, trust me; but,I just miss his adorable, innocent looks like the day he was moving in to become my roommate, now I think I’ve turned him more confident or I don’t know, but I sort of miss that shy side… But, don’t get me wrong, I love the tank tops and his new look! Trust me.

“Wow,” I was speechless, I didn’t know what else to say, I just stared and gaped. He looked so handsome!

“What?” Niall chuckled.

“You look…damn,” I said.

Niall shook his head chuckling, “We’re going to be late to wherever you’re taking me, let’s go!”

Niall pulled me by the arm jokingly and then took me to my Ford car.

I pulled myself together and we drove to the field.

“Where are we going?” Niall asked looking out the window at the view.

“To a field,” I said giving the minimum information.

“What for?” Niall asked looking back at me.

“You’ll see,” I said placing a hand on Niall’s thigh.

Niall placed his hand on top of mine and then took his hand in mine and kissed it. I looked at Niall and smiled and then looked back at the road.

“I’m surprised you took it so well that I barely told you anything,” I joked.

“Well, I’ve gotten used to it,” Niall admitted.

“Phew,” I teased.

Niall chuckled while smirking and shaking his head.


I stopped the car and killed the engine at a five minute walk from where the field was so Niall didn’t see the surprise.

Niall looked around and his eyebrows furrowed cutely, “What is this; the middle of nowhere?”

I did a snort-laugh, “Not exactly, Niall, come here let’s go,”

I walked out of the car and closed the door and Niall joined me, I took his soft hand in mine and we walked through the sandy and muddy road to where the field was.

“Do you see it yet?” I asked while I looked far where the surprise was.

“Is it that multi-colored thing?” Niall asked squinting his eyes, adorably trying to make out what the thing was.

“Yes,” I replied.

“What is it?”

“Come here let’s go,” I said, pulling Niall with me while running toward where the ‘multi-colored thing’ was.

“OH MY GOD!” Niall squealed, “A hot air balloon?!”

I smiled widely, “Yes! Do you like it?”

“I love it, oh my God!”

I smiled happily, “It’s only for the two of us and the conductor of it,”

“Wow,” Niall said star struck.


We were now riding, calmly, and swiftly. Gliding across the sky over-looking the small town we lived in. Niall was right next to me holding on to the edge of the basket that was held by the big fire-lighted balloon.

“It’s…It’s so beautiful,” Niall said staring intently down below.

It really was beautiful; you could see every aspect of our town. Not very detailed since we were so high above ground, but you could still make out what everything was.

I looked back at Niall who was looking at everything excitedly and focusing. He looked so precious. I can’t believe I’ve spent already four months of my live with him, yet I feel like I’ve known him all my life… He makes me feel so happy and alive; I don’t even know what right I have done in this world to deserve such a reward like him. He makes me feel so…so…I don’t know, it’s unexplainable. He just makes my world happy. He’s really a blessing to me. I don’t think I would be the person I am right now if it weren’t for him; I think I would be a grumpy boy with no life or future. But, he’s made me a better person… And I owe him for that…

“I can’t believe it’s been four months of us being together,” Niall said looking into my eyes.

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, I could stare into them forever, their like this beautiful shade of blue that no one else seems to have brighter. “I can’t believe it either,”

Niall looked into my eyes and then into my lips for a split second, then back into my eyes.

My arms snaked around Niall’s waist and I pulled him towards me, Niall put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me closer to his angel-crafted face.

“I love you, Niall,” I said looking into Niall’s eyes.

“I love you, too, Zayn,” He said and then I felt his soft velvet lips on mine.


We got back to our dorm room discussing how absolutely breath-taking everything looked from above, we also discussed how awkward it must be to be the conductor of the hot air balloon and have to experience being a third-wheel every single time he goes to his job and not have to say a word while the couple on the balloon is being all lovey all over his face.

Niall and I stripped down to our boxers and went to our now pushed together beds. I wrapped and arm around Niall’s waist and Niall tangled his feet with mine. I stroked Niall’s cheek and smiled, he really is a blessing. He is the definition of an angel brought from Heaven.

“I love you, babe, sweet dreams,” I kissed Niall’s forehead.

“I love you too,” Niall said sleepily and fell asleep in my arms.

- - - - - -

A/N: This story has reached 90 pages on Word. Damnnn, I never thought I'd actually go this far working on a story. But, I did all because of your guys' amazing encouragement. ♥ This story has like 10 more chapters left and it's done! I was also wondering if you guys would be interested in reading a Ziam fan fic that I'm planning on writing (I already wrote the first chapter, but I'm debating on whether to put it up or not...) Also, I've seen that my chapters are getting shorter instead of being the usual three pages they normally are (or how long i want them to be) This is because, I've been lacking inspiration, so I'm sorry about that! Anyways, I'm sorry I would've updated faster, but my mom spilled water on the internet router thingy while watering the plants. idek how, but we got a new router from Comcast. So, yay! :) I was also reading your guys' comments over the chapters and they make me smile SO much! You guys have no idea! They're really my remedy to having a bad day, and I'm sure I'm going to have lots of them when I go back to school so now I have my medicine to smiling again. So, thank you so much for that, and for being such sweet hearts. I love you guys so much thanks for reading, fanning, commenting, and/or voting. I love you guys so much! ♥

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