Who Are You? [COMPLETED]

By JiKooksLoveStory

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A/N: This was the second story for me. Not wildly success. Not very long but I'm not a one shot kinda girl... More

Just Let Me Love You Part 1
WWFD (What would Florence do?) Part 2
7 - 1 = 7 Part 3
Jungkookie! Part 4
ICU Part 5
Day 2 - Where Are You? Part 6
I don't know? I don't speak Asian? Part 7
One Big Family Part 8
Rude Awakening Part 9
The Untold Truth Part 10
No more baby, no more... Part 11
5 + 8 = 13 Part 13
Epilogue: I don't want to hide no more... Part 14

Saranghae, My Son... 12

106 8 1
By JiKooksLoveStory


Detectives Bo and Li take Mr. Jeon and Junghyun into the hospital.  As they are in the elevator up to the 3rd floor...

"I will warn you, though he looks a lot better than he did 4 days ago, he is still in pretty rough condition.  He still has some significant bruising, especially to his face.  Do you understand?" says Detective Bo

          A distraught look crosses Mr. Jeon's face but he nods in understanding.  The elevator bings in acknowledgment of the floor they are on.  All four exit and head to the nurse's station.  There are two nurses and 2 patient care techs behind the desk.  The tech is a Korean man who asks in Korean if he can help.  This is TaeWoo and he recognizes the two detectives but not the two others with them. One of the nurses looks up from her computer and recognizes the detectives too.

"Yes, this is Mr. Jeon and Junghyun his son.  They are here to identify "Jungkook".  Is he awake to see them?" says Detective Li.

"Oh, oh! Yes, of course.  He was a little bit ago but he was in some terrible pain and I gave him a pain medication about an hour ago.  You can still go in but he might be asleep or groggy but by all means, please."  TaeWoo translates what she just said to the two visitors.  They nod, bow and say thank you.

          Karen walks them to Jungkook's room and lets them precede her.  Mr. Jeon walks in and is shocked almost to the point of tears that his youngest is so badly hurt.  Junghyun goes to Jungkook and grabs his hand. He looks at his baby brother and a tear escapes.  His little brother is beaten so badly.  Jungkook had closed his eyes only but a few minutes before they arrived so when he felt his hand being taken he called out...

"Jimin! Jimin!"  he struggles to get his eyes open but when he does he sees his brother.

"Oh Junghyun, Junghyun you're here."  He wakes enough to give his brother a hug and starts to cry.  Then he notices another person in the room with the two officers that had been there the day before. "APPA!!!!! APPA!!!!  I missed you so much?  Where is Oemma?"

"She is back in Korea.  How are you feeling son?  Bang Si-hyuk arranged a private jet to fly us here to find you.  What happened to get you here?  You have so many people worried about you, friends, fans, family...Jimin."

"I know APPA.  I miss them too.  I don't remember what happened.  I just remember going up to my room."  He can't tell his dad anything after that.  Not that he doesn't remember that part but because he does.  He just doesn't remember anything after Jimin.

          The Jeon's sit and talk for a few hours and the detectives take their leave feeling comfortable in the knowledge that they reunited another missing family member.

"APPA when can I see my hyung?  I miss them so much." Jungkook asks.

"Soon.  It is late and they still have the concert tonight to perform.  Maybe tomorrow before rehearsal for the final show.  You are looking worn my son and you need your rest.  Now that Junghyun and I know you are safe we will let you rest.  Tomorrow I will call your mother and you can talk with her.  She has been sick with worry and it would mean everything for you to talk to her again.  Is that ok?"

"Yes APPA.  I understand but can't...  Nevermind."  Jimin is still a bit of a sensitive subject between him and his father.  Junghyun gets it and is just happy for Jungkook and Jimin.  He lays back in his bed, eyes looking at the ceiling.

"Saranghae my son.  We will see you tomorrow."  He and Junghyun get up to leave the room.

"Saranghae APPA and Junghyun.  See you too."  He rolls over on his side and sighs.  Another day and no Jimin.  No BTS.  No Hyung.

          Just before they leave Karen stops them.  She wants them to know just how much Jungkook has meant to her.  That she has enjoyed caring for him and she's glad that she stopped that day.  The Jeon's thank her profusely for bringing back their son and brother.  She is a wonderful nurse and person and Jungkook was lucky she was there for him.  She is truly an angel.  She likes their word for angel though.  It sounds sweet...Mochi.  She, in trying to be respectful of Jungkook's culture bows to his father and brother who seem a little taken aback by the action.  They appreciate her respect and bow back.  They leave to go back to the hotel and report to the boys that it is in fact Jungkook.  They know how welcome the news will be for everyone.

          Once back at the hotel, everyone gathers in the suite and the Jeon's inform the group...

"Well you will all be relieved that Jungkook is in the hospital. He has been found and is recovering.  He was brutally assaulted.  They don't know who assaulted him and they have not found the camera but it is enough to know he is alive, well and recovering.

"When can we see him?  Can we see him today?" Everyone asks at once.

"Yeah, can we see him today?" asks Jimin.

"Well with your concert tonight, I told him it might be best tomorrow.  He understands and will see you all then.  I'm not sure you can all go in at one time but we'll see what we can do.  He is being well cared for and I met the nurse today who found him.  She is quite fond of our Jungkookie."

          The members are beside themselves with joy and can't help but cry.  Their biggest worry is over but getting Jungkook back into the group is another.  They have been told that it is highly unlikely that Jungkook will be able to join the group through at least the Ft. Worth tour but now the more difficult decision comes.  What do they tell their fans?  It's one thing to be sick but it's another thing to not explain why he isn't appearing.  That will be a discussion between Manager Seijin, BTS, and Bang Si-hyuk.

          The members head out for rehearsals for tonight's show.  Jimin's attitude has definitely improved to the point he is actually laughing with members.  He still misses his baby and can't wait to see him but he is just happy in this moment he is alive and safe.

The show goes off without a hitch.  Prior to the start of the show BTS and BigHit chose to state that because of Jungkook's illness he has been in the hospital.  He is recovering nicely and nothing fans should worry about because he will be back soon but he must recover first.  They don't explain the nature of the illness or when he will be discharged.  The name of the hospital is not given but thanks to the incredible staff he is making a full and complete recovery.  Fans cheer loudly and begin to chant "Jeon Jungkook!  Jeon Jungkook!" as though his name is miraculous.  The show ends as wonderfully as the two before it.

          After the show the boys return to the hotel and RM ask all of them to meet in his room in 15 minutes.  They don't know why but they agree.  15 minutes later.

"I wanted us to gather.  Just us brothers.  We have been through a lot this week.  It has been hard on ALL of us.  It is great news to hear that Jungkook is alive and safe.  It breaks my heart as I'm sure it breaks yours that he was so badly hurt.  Take some comfort in knowing he was well cared for.  Let's toast to Jungkook's health."

          Champagne is passed around to each person.

"Here, Here! To Jungkook and a swift recovery because we miss ya bruh-" RM raises his glass.

"Some of us more than others."  As he takes a sip.  Several eyes look his direction scowling in frustration. "What!?! I'm just sayin'.  You know the story.  I don't need to explain."  Takes another sip then shoots the rest like a shot of whiskey, in one gult.

          It's 10:30pm and everyone heads off to their rooms for the night.  Jin has a VLive he wants to do.  Taehyung is calling some friends back in Korea to let them know the news.  RM and Suga were working with Hobi on some rap tracks.  Everyone was pretty busy except Jimin.  He was sitting at the table in his room contemplating what to do next.  He couldn't stand knowing where Kookie was and not being by his side. He had spent too many days away as it was.  He decided to call the front desk and ask for a taxi to be called.  When it arrived they called his room.  He came done and got in telling the driver to take him to the hospital.  He couldn't remember what room number Jungkook was in but he figured he would find out.

          When he arrived he headed up to the third floor.  There he exited the elevated and saw a desk with a couple of people sitting behind it.  One was an older woman and one was a young-looking girl of about 22-years old.  When he stopped at the desk the 22-year old about dropped her coffee in her lap.  It was 11:45pm and usually visitors don't come in so late but she would have forgiven this gentleman any minor indiscretion.

"C-can I help you?"  She's pretty sure she knows the face as just a moment ago she was listening to "Fake Love" by BTS.  She's almost 100% positive she is looking at Park Jimin's face.  Yeah, she knows about Jungkook but she wasn't expecting anyone from BTS to show up on her shift.

"Jeon Jungkook?" he says in an extremely thick Korean accent.

          She is so in shock all she can do is point to the direction of the door.

"Oh, thank you."  He gives her his mega-watt smile and proceeds in Jungkook's direction.  He's used to being recognized and sometimes fans being in so much shock it's all they can do to even reply and all she can do is nod.

          Jimin enters Jungkook's room and is greeted with Jungkook quietly sleeping.  He recognizes Jungkook's breathing.  He's stayed awake at night sometimes just to listen to Jungkook breath.  What he wasn't prepared for was Jungkook's face.  His beautiful face was covered with healing bruises and abrasions.  He gasped to himself quietly.  He grabs a chair in the room and puts it right next to Jungkook's bed and takes a seat.  He doesn't want to wake him up.  Once seated he gently lifts Jungkook's hand and puts it to his face and then gently kisses the palm.  He also takes in the smell.  It is Jungkook.

He whispers..."I've missed you baby.  Why did you leave me?  What did you go to do?  It broke my heart to hear you were in here but I was so happy to know you were alive and safe.  I'm just going to sit here with you.  I never want to let you go again....ever.  Ggukie, I love you!"

          Jimin sits with Jungkook just looking at him, gently stroking his hair, face or arms.  Until, Jimin begins to feel tired himself but he has no intention of leaving right now so he just lays his head on the side of the bed and falls asleep next to his beloved Kookie.

          Karen is making her rounds during the night and checks on Jungkook.  She walks into his room and sees someone next to him.  She hasn't met him but she assumes it must be the person that Jungkook was talking about.  He is asleep resting his head on the side of the bed while holding Jungkook's hand.  She steps out of the room and returns with a fresh warm blanket from the warmer and gently wraps it around the guest.  When she comes close to place it over him she is stunned by just how beautiful the gentleman is with her patient.  She thinks to herself he just looks like an absolute angel and asks herself "how does he exist?"  Then she places the blanket on him.  He stirs slightly but does not wake but she hears him softly say "Ooh, Jungkookie" and nothing more.  She steps out of the room closing the door to the room and gives them some privacy.

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