I Hate That I Love You (Exten...

By writing_nilla

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Wyatt is about to be alpha. He is the most popular boy in school and is dating and cheating on the most popul... More

Chapter - One
Chapter - Two
Chapter - Three
Chapter - Four
Chapter - Five
Chapter - Six
Chapter - Eight
Chapter - Nine
Chapter - Ten

Chapter - Seven

579 9 0
By writing_nilla

Sorry ahead of time about any error at all. I haven’t had time to reread but here it is! Please comment and tell me what you think!



We were at the house in no time after our conversation. Since the heat house was a mile behind the pack house we reacted the back of the house first. There was a gate that came around the entire house. She opened the back gate for us and we walked in. It was so huge.

They had a huge pool that was covered up complete with a diving board and a slide. There was a mini playground that was off to the left of the yard and off to the right was a garden entranced. I didn’t get to see the inside.

The gate was closed but I’m guessing all the flowers was dead because of the winter anyway. I followed her up the walk way and to the back door.

“Okay this is the inside of the pack house. Brace yourself its always crazy in the kitchen.” She opened the doors and I found out where all the activity was. The back door lead to the kitchen and there was so many people crowding around the refrigerator or at the table already eating.

“Hey everyone! This is Haylee! And Haylee this is everybody.” The room of people, mostly little kids, looked at me.

“Hi Haylee!” They all smile at me and went back to what they were doing.

“You’ll find that mostly pups and teens live here. Our pack house is mostly for the kids and teens because One day we will be the ones to take over the pack and protect our land. So it’s important that we all become close to one another and stick together. We all go to school together and come home together. Some catches the bus to school. The teens with the cars will all car pull to school together. All of our parents make us work for a car.” She explained.

She lead me out the kitchen and into the grand dining room. The table in the middle of the room was so big it looked like it could fit 30 maybe 40 people. There was a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was so beautiful. There was no one in this room.

“This is where we have all our pack meetings and at holidays we all eat in here. But other than that no one really eats in here. We all eat in the kitchen or our room or in another area of the house.” Next she lead me to the living room. It was so pretty. It was clear a woman had decorated this room.

“This is the living room. NONE of us are allowed in here or my mother will freak. This living room is her masterpiece. But we do have an area all too ourselves. Where the young adults, teens, kids and pups can go. We all practically live in here.” She lead me to a grand staircase but we didn’t go upstairs.

There was a door under the staircase. She opened the door and we walked down the stairs. I stopped dead in my tracks before I reached the last step. They had the biggest basement I had ever seen.

There was three couches, two huge flat screen TV’s and a move screen and movie seats I could see across the room. There was a glass separating the movie room from the rest of the basement.

Between the two TV’s was every game system you could think of and they had a huge bookcase filled with all types of video games. The basement had a couple of groups of kids.

Some kids was watching cartoons on one TV and an older group of boys were playing video games against each other on the other. There was also a pool table and a poker table.

I did a double take at the pool table and couldn’t believe what I saw. There he was, Neal, looking sexier than ever. Even without being in heat I could see that he was sexy.

He was surrounded by girls and the guys were playing pool. I just stud there on the steps and wondered if he was the type of guy Wyatt was or was he different than that.

Kenna dragged me the rest of the way down the stairs.

“Come on, let me introduce you to everybody.” The first place she took me was to the pool table. Neal and the guys still didn’t know I was there until Kenna spoke.

“Hey boys! This is Haylee and Haylee this is Bryan, Aden, Eden, Seth and Cal. And I believe you’ve already met the one and only soon to be alpha Neal.” She gave us all a pretty smile.

“Hi Haylee.” The one that was Bryan said.

“Nice to meet you.” Aden and Eden said together. They were clearly twins.

“Love your dress.” Seth said.

Cal walked over and kissed my hand.

“My it’s is Very nice to meet you and you look stunning might I add.” I got nervous.

“Um it’s nice to meet you too.” I said into him eyes. I heard a growl from the other side of the pool table where Neal was standing. Kenna pushed Cal back away from me.

“Sorry about Cal. He’s the biggest flirt in the pack.” She stopped talking and looked behind me.

“Haylee, how do you feel today? Are you better?” Neal said from behind me. I tuned to face him and blushed.

“Yeah I’m better now. I wanted to… um… apologize to you. I know I took you by surprise the other day and I usually would not do anything like that at all.” I said to him pleading.

“So what you’re saying is you wouldn’t kiss me again?”

“NO! I didn’t mean it like that I just meant..” I was interrupted by laughter.

“Haylee I was just kidding. I know what you meant.” He smiled at me. I returned the smile only mine was more nervous looking.

“So do you forgive me?” I asked him.

“Haylee there’s nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong.” He explained.

“But I kissed you and acted crazy. Aren’t you mad?” I asked.

“If you recall you asked me to kiss you and I said ,and I quote, “With Pleasure”. And it was with pleasure. I enjoyed kissing you so don’t worry about it. Lucky for us we didn’t strip down right then and there and do it. You know it’s Kenna’s job to stop that from happening.” He explained. I looked at Kenna.

“It’s true. I’m the only she-wolf in the pack with the strength to restrain a female in heat. So when things like that happens in a public place it’s my job to stop it from going on. Put it doesn’t happen a lot at all.” She explained.

“Oh. I’m sorry about that Kenna.” I apologized.

“No problem! You can’t help your hormones.” She smiled.

I heard the door upstairs open and someone walked down the stair. The girl that gave Kenna the keys when Kenna was dragging me out of the school walked toward us. She still had that pretty red hair and deep brown eyes just like Kenna. I wondered if they were related.

“Hey Kendall! Let me kick your ass in a game of pool really quick!” Bryan blurted out.

“Bryan you know I beat you every time so don’t kid yourself honey.” She smirked. “Anyway I’m here to meet the new girl.” She looked at me. “New girl I’m Kendall and your Haylee right? I’m Kenna’s sister.”

“Um. Yeah I’m Haylee and its nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She shook my hand.

“Okay now were all acquainted. Can we get back to the game now guys?” Aden or Eden complained. I couldn’t tell which was which.

“Oh Shut up Aden. Your way too competitive. Just give it a rest already, we’ll start the game back up in a minute.” Eden said.

“Whatever. You all can forfeit and declare me the winner if you want.” Aden said after.

“There ain’t no way in hell that’s happening. Neal hurry up so we can start the game back up. It’s your turn.” Bryan said.

“Ladies if you will excuse me. I have a game to finish.” He smiled and walked back over to the pool table.

“Come on Haylee I want to introduce you to the rest of the kids.” She said and dragged me from the pool table area.

I spent the next hour being introduced to someone and touring there huge home. They had 3 floors and each floor had 8 bedrooms and each bedroom had its own bathroom. Almost all the bedrooms were taken except two and my stuff was in one of them. We were finishing up the tour on the 3rd floor.

“This floor has mostly the older kids. The floors are ranked. The higher up your are in the pack the higher the floor you live on, so the younger kids are lower down. This is your room." She lead me down the corridor and in to a huge bedroom. It was made for a girl that was plan to see.

I walked in and ran to the bed and throw myself on it. It was so nice to be welcomed somewhere. These people are giving a chance and their not judging me just from the way I look. Kenna laughed at my actions and I looked toward the door at her.

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay here? I mean I don’t want to cause any trouble or anything.” Kenna opened her mouth to talk but someone beat her to it.

“Haylee its no trouble, I would love for you to stay.” Neal walked into view. “And I would like to formally ask you to join my pack but I don’t know you last name.” He continued. I smiled.

“My last name is Lewis.”

“Well then, I Neal Bradley ask you Haylee Lewis to join the Blue Moon Pack of St. Louis Minnesota. Do you accept Haylee Lewis?” He asked.

“I Haylee Lewis accept your offer Neal Bradley.” I jumped up from the bed and ran into his arms and hugged him. He quickly hugged me back. I was so happy to finally be accepted into a pack that I could really belong too. I stopped hugging him and looked up at him.

“Thank you Neal.” I smiled at him.

“No, thank you Haylee.” With that he unexpectedly kissed me on the lips. Its felt so good I didn’t want him to stopped but I pulled away from him anyway.

“Um I should get up packed.” I said looking away from him and unwrapped my arms from around him. I walked towards the bed and sat down.

“Yeah go ahead and get settled in. We’ll be watching a movie later will you join us in the basement?” He asked politely.

“Okay I’ll be right down after I get unpacked.” I smiled at him.

“Alright see you down stairs.” He walked away and Kenna just looked at me like I was crazy. I had forgotten she was even in the room.

“What is it Kenna?” I asked

“It’s just, you really shouldn’t get involved with Neal. He’s a big time player. He’s only after one thing and that’s to get in you panties.”

“Well I didn’t mind him getting in my Panties a week ago.” I laughed. Kenna gave me a serious look. Things like this I would have never said in my old pack. Now here I am finding out who I really am and opening up to people I don’t really know.

“Okay Kenna. I won’t fall for him. Happy now?” I said once I stopped laughing. She smiled.

“Very! Now do you want me to help you get unpacked?” She smiled.

“Please, if it’s not too much trouble?”

“No trouble at all!” We spent the next hour getting all my things put in its rightful place.

We talked laughed and I could really see Kenna becoming my best friend. She was hilarious and she knows a lot. When we finished unpacking my things we made our way towards the basement. While we were walking I asked Kenna for some help with something.


“What it do.” I laughed at her. Then continued with my question.

“You’re like really buff for a girl what do you do.”

“Oh that’s easy. I work out and eat right. Why do you ask?”

“Oh come on look at me you know why I ask!”

“So you thick so what? Guys like that.”

“Well I don’t like it I want to be smaller. You know like your size.”

“If that’s what you wanna do then do it.”

“I’ve tried to do it but I can’t restrain myself from eating and working out is nonexistent in my life I need help, I need motivation, I need a trainer.” I finished.

“So do you want me to train you? OH it will be so much fun! We can eat the same thing and work-out together o and we can help each other alone.”

“You make it seem like you’ve never had a work-out partner before.”

“Oh I have, they just all quit on me.”

“Um why is that?”

“They say I’m too extreme with my workouts and I need to calm down and take a break sometimes.”

“You can’t be that bad. And even if you are I need it. I gotta stop being lazy now.”

“Okay so do you wanna start tomorrow after school?”

“Yeah sure that will be great. Wait… SCHOOL! I missed a whole week of school!” We were at the basement door now and I stopped before we walked in.

“No you missed last week and two days from this week to be exact but don’t worry we told the school you fainted in the hallway and hasn’t woken back up yet so you’ll just have to make up some assignments but I already did the work sheets for you. We have most of the same classes.” She explained. I hugged her.

“Thank you Kenna!”

“No problem. You ready for this movie?”

“Yep.” We opened the door under the staircase and walked down the stairs. We walked across the basement and into the glass room where the mini theater was. Cal, Eden, Aden, Seth, Bryan, Kendall, and Neal was already there.

“Welcome ladies. Haylee would you like to come have a seat with me?” Cal said patting the seat next to him. Neal reached over and slapped Cal on the back of the head.

“Do not flirt with her.” He growled at Cal.

“Ggeezz bro I was just kidding.” Cal said rubbing the back of his head looking hurt.

“Sure you were. Haylee come sit with me.”

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to sit with you? I mean won’t you posy of girls be coming back?” I questioned him.

“No I sent them all home. Now would you please come and sit with me?” He gave me the puppy dog eyes. How could I refuse that sexy ass face. I was about to say yes but Kenna interrupted.

“Nope sorry Neal, She’s sitting with me.” She took my hand and led me to the back of the row. I knew what she was doing. She didn’t want me to get hurt because Neal’s a player.

“Cock-blocker.” I heard someone say. Neal slapped Cal on the head.

“Shut up Cal!” Neal said.

Aden or Eden popped in ‘Hangover 2’ and we watched it and laughed the entire time. Today was one of the best days of my life.

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