My Overprotective Best Friend...

By iluvmusic510

36K 498 76

"You're mine, and don't you ever forget it." Diego spat at me. "And what if I don't want to be?" I mumbled... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

15.7K 93 11
By iluvmusic510

A/N: So this is my new story. My friend has been bugging me to hurry up and upload this so I did. Please enjoy and vote!

Pic on the side of Riya (Ariana Grande). 

Riya POV

"Honey?" My mom called sweetly from the main floor of the pack house for the fourth time. We were the last ones there because everyone else was either already at school, at work, or had to run errands.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Can you do me a favor and GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE?"

I had pretty much seen that one coming. "I'll be down in a minute!" I was getting ready for school and my mom had to get to work. I had gotten dressed in my white sweater and blue jeans, which I paired with white vans. I tied my burgundy hair into a pony-tail and grabbed my purse. 

I heard the door open and a muffled guy's voice speaking. I grabbed my books ran downstairs after hearing the door slam. That was never a good thing on a school day.

"Wait, Mom! I'm he- Ryder?"

He smirked. "Relax, speed racer. I told your mom I would take you." He hugged me before grabbing my bags and opening the door for me. "After you, my lady."

I chuckled. Ryder and I had been friends for years. We met in elementary school and immediately became best friends, mostly because we were the only ones in our second grade class whose names started with the letter 'R'. Our seats were in order by first name instead of last, so we sat next to each other.

Ryder was really sweet but extremely over protective. His mate rejected him for a human and he went through a lot of pain. He'd been overprotective of me ever since because he said he never wanted me to go through what he had to go through.

At first I thought it was sweet, but when he interviewed the guys I liked and followed me onto my dates, it got a bit annoying. He had backed off a little because he found other things to be over protective about. He had even convinced my mom not to let me take my driving test until six months after I turned sixteen, then he didn't even let me use my license for a month after that. But that's Ryder; my overprotective best friend.

"Watch out!" He suddenly yelled.

I stopped. "What? What is it?"

"You almost tripped over that pebble." I should have known it would be something stupid. "Maybe I should just carry you the rest of the way."

"No, I'm fine." I started walking again. "I'm sure I can make it to the car without- whoa!" I don't know how, but I tripped over a pebble- the same one Ryder had just warned me about. Before I hit the ground I landed in his arms. 

"Ok, I'm carrying you." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Ryder!" I pounded on his back.


"Let me go!"



"Yes, Riya?" He said calmly.

"Put. Me. Down!"

"Ok." He opened the car door and placed me in the passenger's seat. "You're welcome."

I smiled sarcastically.

When we arrived at school, I got out of the car. There were a few guys staring at me, which wasn't quite out of the ordinary. Ryder, of course, didn't like that. He sent them glares and put a protective arm around my shoulder.

"So...I heard there was going to be a new chemistry teacher." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, he'll probably be boring. I mean, it's chemistry!" As soon as he was done talking, he turned his head back to any guy looked at me for more than two seconds.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on!" I dragged him to our lockers, which were pretty close.

"So," he started when we got to our lockers, "I hear we have a new guy in our pack who moved here from Florida."

"I hear the new teacher came from Florida, too. It could be the same guy." We got our English books out of our lockers. We both had English first period. We actually had all of our classes together except for one, Math.

"Most likely." He shrugged. Then he smiled. "Hey, maybe if we kiss up to him, he'll give us a lot of privileges in class."

I laughed at how exited the thought made him. "Maybe."

We walked into English a little late.

"Nice of you two to join us." Ms. Lowes was one of the crankiest teachers we had in eleventh grade. For some reason she had it in for me. I knew it, but everyone else thought I was crazy for thinking it.

I smiled sweetly. "Sorry we're late."

"I don't want you to be sorry, I want you to be on time for my class."

"Oh, ok then I take back my apology." I said as everyone laughed. I walked to my seat, which wasn't beside Ryder. "'I don't want you to be sorry, I want you to be on time for my class.' " I mocked her. "I want you to go run in traffic." I mumbled. Only the werewolves in the class, which was about ten people, heard me and laughed.

I took a seat beside Ty. He was a perv and everyone knew I hated him, even Ms. Lowes. That was why she put me beside him and always paired us up for group projects.

"Ok, class, today we will be starting a new unit."

I put in my head phones and drowned her out, bobbing my head to the song that was playing, the 'I Love This Shit' remix by August Alsina, Chris Brown, and Trey Songz. I began to fall asleep to my music.

Someone tapped my shoulder.

"Huh?" I mumbled sleepily.

"We're partners again."

"What?" I wasn't really processing what Ty was saying.

"WAKE UP!" He yelled suddenly.

I jerked awake suddenly. "WHERE'S THE FIRE?" I looked around the classroom as everyone laughed at my random outburst. I just shrugged, not at all embarrassed.

"We're partners for the project." Ty repeated. "Me, you, and Felix." Felix was a human but Ty was a hybrid; half wolf, half human. I always thought that was kind of cool because of the perks, like that he could hide his scent from enemy packs. But that certainly didn't mean I liked him. And it's not like Ty was bad on the eyes or anything, he was actually very attractive. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and he was 5'9 and English...but nothing too special.

Felix came up behind me. I turned and smiled. He was very handsome, being 5'10, Brazilian, and tan. His dark, hair fell perfectly into his brown eyes. He was extremely sexy but didn't even know it. That was what attracted me to him.

"Hey, Riya." He pulled me out of my trance. I hadn't even realized I was staring.

My cheeks turned pink. I wasn't easily embarrassed, but he always seemed to do that to me. "Hey, Felix."

Ty cleared his throat loudly. He was jealous, how cu- weird. Yeah, weird.

"I'm, not jealous! You guys were just being weird. And I know you were about to say I'm cute." He smirked as my face flushed again.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes." They both said in unison. Felix frowned. I knew he liked me, it was pretty obvious. He didn't even try to hide it.

"Well, let's get to work!" I changed the subject. "You things." I put my headphones back in but they were suddenly ripped out of my ears. "Hey!" I got out of my seat.

"This is a group activity." Ty smirked at me. He placed my headphones into my back pocket and let his hands linger a little longer than necessary. Creep.


"I'm so glad that stupid class is over!" I told Ryder as we walked to Chemistry.

"I know. I don't like the way that Felix kid looks at you. He's lucky that was the only class where I don't sit next to you."

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't wait until Math came around. Not because I liked the subject, but because Felix was in that class with me and Ryder wasn't. Ryder didn't have to know that, though.

We walked into Chemistry, hand in hand, as Ryder insisted we do for every class. He wanted to give the illusion that I was 'taken'.

The classroom was noisy and the teacher was nowhere to be found.

"Where's the new teacher?" I asked my close friend Kady, who was also a werewolf.

"I heard he had to make an important phone call or something." She shrugged.

I put in my headphones and laid my head on my desk.

About five minutes later, the classroom went silent and I heard a few girls gasp. I felt someone shake me.

"Omg, Riya! He's so sexy and he's...staring at you?" Kady whispered in my ear.

I jerked my head up and took my headphones out of my ears. I met eyes with a gorgeous man. He looked to be around twenty-four or twenty-five. 

I felt a huge spark between us and my wolf yelled 'Mate'. 

Ryder cleared his throat and glared at the teacher. He had been staring at me for too long and people started to notice.

He smiled and turned away, clearing his throat also. "Ok, class, my name is Mr. Ortega. I will be your new Chemistry teacher for the rest of the year." He turned facing the class after writing his name on the board. "Today I am in an extremely good mood so I've decided that instead of doing book work, we should get to know one another."

The whole class cheered.

"Each of you will tell me something interesting about yourself, and for every fact I am told, I will tell a fact of my own."

Everyone nodded. We went around the classroom and when it got to me I said "I don't like chocolate." I couldn't think of anything else, but it was the truth and I wanted to make sure he knew since Valentine's Day was approaching.

When the bell rang, we had just finished with the second round.

"Riya, stay after class." Mr. Ortega told me.

A series of 'oooohs' went around the classroom.

Ryder leaned down and kissed my forehead.

I heard a growl, but I ignored it.

"I don't trust this guy so just yell if you need help."

I chuckled and gave him a hug "Wait for me?"

He nodded.

I walked up to Mr. Ortega when Ryder left. "You wanted to see me?"

"Who was that boy?" He asked, his eyes flickering between black and brown. He was jealous and mad.

"My best friend."

He frowned. "I don't like him."

"He doesn't like you." I shrugged. "Anyway, so we're-"

"You should stay away from him."

"Excuse me?" I was astounded. I barely knew this guy and he was already ordering me around.

"I am your mate and you will respect my opinion and judgment." He stated very seriously.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I barely even know you. But I do know that jealousy is not a good color on you. And let's get one thing straight, you are not the boss of me."

In a second his hand was flying across my face. He slapped me. He actually slapped me. 

"What the hell?!" I grabbed my cheek and saw his claws come out. He was easily angered. Was this the new Alpha?

"Don't you dare," he moved closer and got in my face. "speak to me that way, again." He drew a claw along my jaw and let it rest under my chin. He tilted my head up further. "Ever."

"Y-you just-"

"If I see you with him again, there will be consequences." He turned and pointed to the door. "I'll see you at the pack house later. I need to unload my belongings and you will help."

Scared out of my mind, I just gulped and nodded my head. "Yes, sir."

He smirked. "Good. And please, call me Diego."

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