Dark Times

By musicnotes

346K 13.5K 5.4K

[complete]When agent Katerina Wild is hired to kill the most vicious criminal of the time, she meets the noto... More

Character Aesthetics
I: Angioletto
II: Cretino
III: Trapped
IV: Birds
V: Chamber
VI: Hand, Head, Heart
VII: Stuck
VIII: Scissors
IX: Eloise
X: Fuckarella
XI: Hallucinate
XII: Kiss with a Fist
XIII: Stockholm
XIV: Red Light
XV: The Orphanage
XVI: Forest
XVII: Unspoken
XIX: Niall
XIX(ii): Heat
XX: Noon
XXI: Two Ghosts
XXII: Stella
XXIII: Dinner
XXIV: Wonderland
XXV: Walk Alone
XXVI: Ready
XXVII: Gasoline
XXVIII: Arrival
XXIX: Arthur
XXX: Katerina
XXXI: Nervous
XXXII: Amore
XXXIII: Before the Storm
XXXV: Silence
XXXVI: Crash
XXXVII: Control
Epilogue: Bright Times

XXXIV: Sì, Yes

4.3K 159 151
By musicnotes

"So what were you and my father talking about?" I asked Harry the next day. He seemed pretty upset when he came back up, so I didn't want to ask him just yet but it was eating me inside.

     I put the gun down along with my headphones and goggles, so I could fully take in his reaction. He pursed his lips, like he didn't want to tell me. "Nothing, just wanted him to know how the men in England are doing. We're going to have to travel there soon."

    I looked at him for a second, he sounded off, but I didn't want to push me he'd tell me eventually. So I just walked over to him and wrapped my hands around his torso, letting my face sink in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and bent his head to kiss my hair.

  "You sure there's nothing else?" I couldn't help but ask.

  "No baby. You know I would've told you." He quietly said and I nodded.

  "I'm going to go shower, and take a walk with El and Kai." I told him, looking up at him. "You're welcome to join me."

  He chuckled, looking down at me before closing his eyes and pressing his lips to mine shortly. "I think I'll stay out here a little longer. I want to take you out tonight though, if you want."

  "I'd love that," I smiled, breaking my arms from his and putting my gun back in my belt. "See you later," I winked, turning around but coming to complete stop when I saw-

  "Damien?" I nearly gasped, and turned to look at Harry and then back at Damien who was dressed in one of uniforms.

  He gave me a smirk, "Leaving so soon?"

  I felt Harry come behind me, one of his arms went around my waist and he pulled me to him.

  "Your dad gave him his freedom in exchange of his help." He informed me with a sigh.

  "Yep, I'm quite helpful in any, and I mean any area." He smiled, sending me dark wink which made Harry's hold on me tighter.

  "Back off." He barked at him, and Damien raised his hands up in defense.

  "No worries dude, it's not like she was ever in love with me... oh wait."

  I rolled my eyes. "Please stop. I was never in love with you. I realize that now that I've found actual, real love."

   This time he didn't have a comeback, he actually looked winced for a second.

  "Look, I'm not here to start anything. I'm as done with Felicity as you are. I just want this to end and I want my freedom so..."

  I took Harry's hand from my waist, "I'm going to ask my Dad what's going on because apparently you aren't telling me everything." I said, looking back at Harry before walking away, shoving my shoulder hard into Damien.

   I walked inside the house and toward the study, where I was sure my father was since he had been stuck in there the whole day planning out strategies. I didn't bother knocking before walking in.

  "I thought letting Damien out was never a part of the plan." I immediately spoke, and my father—Arthur looked up at me, but then continued writing.

  "He wasn't. But now he is. He's a good soldier and knows a lot of info. You know that." He shortly explained.

  "Yeah but aren't you scared he's going to betray us?"

  "If he does, we'll kill him."

I scoffed. "So you're willing to take the chance? What if he hurts one of us, Harry or you or me?"

  "He would never hurt you. He told me that himself. He's in love with you." He said, never taking his eyes off the paper.

  "Well that doesn't matter he knows I'm with Harry. You know I'm with Harry."

  He looked up, "I know, Harry loves you very much I'm glad you have him to protect you. But trust me when I say we need Damien, I'm not putting him back in the cell."

  "Alright fine, but tell him if he as much as touches one hair in Harry's head I will decapitate him." I sounded like a little girl having a tantrum, but I had to get my point across and when I did I walked right back out and upstairs to my shower.

        Eloise and Kai were already waiting for me when I came back downstairs. We hadn't done much exploring since being in this island and we wanted to take a hike.

   "About time!" Kai exclaimed when I came into view, clapping his hands together in mock annoyance.

   "You know I love the shower." I replied with a smile.

Eloise seemed kind of sad, I looped my arm around hers. "You okay?" I asked, and Kai looped his arm around her other.

  "Yeah... it's just things with my parents. I feel so trapped, if I listen to my parents I lose Liam, and if I don't I lose them. It's a double ended sword."

   We made our way outside and toward the trail, and when we let go of her arms I grabbed onto her shoulders. "If your parents can't accept you for who you are and who you love then it's their loss. You won't be the one losing they will." I told her, before wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug.

  "You're right," she whispered in my hair. "There's no way I can leave him. I love him."

   "And that's why in time they'll understand," Kai whispered. "Now let's get that mood up, and go explore this place." He smiled, and we followed after him into the woods.

   Everything was so incredibly beautiful here, I honestly never felt like leaving. We must've walked around seven miles, and in that time Kai told us that Louis had been sending him letters from where he was staying in England, and atlas he saw a sign of hope.

  "So I don't know if I told you about my ex Damien. The prisoner we've had for the last couple of months." I told them sheepishly while we walked ahead in the trail.

   "That hottie is your ex!?" Kai exclaimed, stopping quickly and making me crash against him and El crash against me.

  "Yes! He's the one that tried to kill me." I told them with a smile, and they gasped.

   "Wow, Harry must be such an upgrade then." Eloise joked.

  "Indeed! I was only under the impression that he was trying to kill me for a while. Turned out to be the opposite."

  Kai sighed, "I love love. I want Louis to love me."

  "He will, I mean how can he not just look at your a- is that a waterfall?" Eloise said, stopping mid sentence and looking at something behind us.

  I turned around, moving a few leaves before gasping at the sight of a crystal blue waterfall, a couple of meters away.

  "Last one to the waterfall is a rotten egg!" Kai screamed, taking off quickly in front of us. What he didn't know is that years in training had made me an incredible runner, and within seconds I sped right past him, and jump-dived right into the waterfall.

  "Holy shit!" I heard them say once I had come out into the surface. "That was sick!" They yelled, and I laughed, swimming around it.

   "Jump in, the water is fine!" I shouted back.

    "Nope! I'm not getting wet." Kai shouted, and then he looked behind him, someone had been following us.

  I held my breath, ready to jump out when I saw Harry's familiar curls from afar. "What are you doing?" He yelled down, looking at my smiling face in the water.


I couldn't hear well what he was telling Eloise and Kai, but they smiled widely at him and nodded before walking away.

  "What did you say?" I asked him, and he gave me a wink before running back. And before I knew it he ran back and dove in, landing with a loud splash that made me cover my eyes in laughter.

  He swam toward me, grabbing my legs from underneath the water before coming back up for air. "Hello there," he said, bringing his body closer to me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and brought him closer.

  "You made my friends leave," I laughed, splashing his face.

  He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up while I screamed, before throwing me back in the water. I swam back up and splashed him harder.

  "They wanted to leave," he laughed, "They told me if we wanted to get down and dirty they didn't wanna be around."

   "It's getting dark soon, shouldn't we go back?" I asked, looking at the pink sky.

  "No no, I was going to bring you here later but you beat me to it."

  "I beat you at everything."

"Not at this!" He inched closer and I tried to swim away, but he grabbed my waist and just when I thought he was gonna throw me again he pressed his lips to mine, wildly and passionately. Like he couldn't get enough.

  I hurried my hands in his wet hair, pulling his face closer to me as if that was even possible. And then he pulled away, he had the most incredible expression in his face.

   "You aren't keeping anything from me right?" I whispered against him, and he shook his head.

  "Why didn't you tell me about Damien?"

"Because you'd find out soon enough." He shrugged.

  "Okay... and why'd you wanna bring me here tonight?" I asked, and he darkly smiled, taking my thighs in his arms and bringing them around his waist.

   "Because I wanted to be alone with you." I felt his erection hard and hot against me, and I pushed myself against it.

  He brought his lips to mine again, softer this time while his hands worked on getting rid of my tank top.

   I wasn't wearing a bra, and as soon as my breast came into view he took one of my nipples in his mouth, and I arched my head back, moaning quietly while he grinded himself against me.

  He took my hand, and we swam toward the waterfall where there seemed to be a small cave behind where all the water was coming down, and after climbing on it he helped me, but once I was up there he pushed me against the cave, his mouth devouring mine while he pulled down his jeans along with his boxers. While he did that I pulled off his t-shirt and then he worked on my yoga pants.

  Once the clothes were out of the way he brought my legs around his hips again, and while my back was pressed against the wall he moved my thin panties to the side and rammed into me, moaning my name over and over while he engulfed himself in me.

  "Oh Harry... baby.." I moaned, and he went even faster, my ass bumped against the hard rock of the cave over and over and my fingers pulled on his hair.

  He brought his lips to my breast again, while they bounced up and down and then to my lips with urgency.

  "I.. can't.. live.. without you.." he moaned, sucking harshly on my chest and neck where I'd surely have hickies tomorrow.

    I shuddered when he brought his hand down to where our bodies met, moving his hand rapidly side to side, I couldn't even speak, and before I knew it I came undone in his arms. He picked up the pace and I grabbed onto his neck, bringing his face to mine.

  "Wait," I moaned, "I want you in my mouth." I huskily whispered and he let go of my thighs, letting me come to the floor and on my knees before I took him in my mouth. I wasn't one to do this but for some reason with Harry I could never get enough.

    I pushed him down all the way down my throat, my gag reflex kicking in for second before I pulled out and back in. And then he grabbed onto the sides of my head, fucking my mouth rapidly before I felt his shaft shake and erupt inside of me.

  I swallowed it all, of course, and got up, so he could press his lips to mine again.

   I guess I could check off a waterfall in the places I've fucked Harry.

   It got dark faster than we expected, but we just stayed sitting near the water before going back in again, fully clothed this time of course. 

  "Tell me about your mom and sister." I asked, while I floated quietly on my back in the water. He's told me some things about them before but I wanted to know more. I wanted to meet them someday.

  "My mom is the kindest soul in the world, and my sister is the craziest. They're currently living in France, I have them move around a lot just in case, but when all of this is over I'll bring them to stay with me of course." He smiled, and I swam toward him.

  "I want to meet them," I whispered excitedly.

  "You will.. they have to be here when we..."

"When we?" I pushed. What the hell was he keeping from me.

  "I was going to wait to do this... maybe a couple of months or until the war ended but I can't hold it in anymore. Not when I am more than a thousand percent sure that you are and will always be the one for me." He told me, wrapping his arms around me while I looked at him, confused.

   He dug his hand in the water, unbotting a weird pocket in his jeans and bringing something back up.

   He was about to speak when I heard a loud bang, and suddenly the sky lit up with fireworks of many different colors.

  "Those idiots are early." I heard him whisper to himself, and I put my hand on his face.

  "Harry what's going on?"

"I never thought I'd ever fall in love. I was programmed to fight and fuck and I'm not going to lie about that." He looked into my eyes. "But I am so thankful I got the chance to experience something so strong and beautiful, and it's all thanks to you. You have changed my life completely and anything less than you will never ever be enough. You're incredibly strong and kind and sexy and I can't live without you so... will you marry me?" He asked, and my mouth opened in shock and... excitement.

  I know we had only been together for six months but this was the realest feeling I had ever felt in my entire life.

   So when he took out the soaked red box from his hand and opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring I had ever seen, I pressed my lips to his feverishly, my face immediately warmed up and tears ran freely down my face. "Yes," I whispered against his lips. "Yes, yes, yes," 

  He smiled against my lips, bringing his body to mine and pressing his forehead against mine, he lightly laughed, and wiped my tear-filled cheeks. "Don't cry, baby."

  "I just... ti amo così tanto (love you so much)." I cried again, kissing him over and over, one language didn't suffice to explain how much I did. ", yes."


When we went back home, hand in hand with ridiculous smiles in our faces the happiness came to an end. Everyone from the island stood in the living room, all loudly talking and all turned their heads toward us when we walked in.

I frowned, standing next to Harry in front of the door.

"What's wrong Dad?" I asked him, he stood in the middle, speaking to everyone. I caught the sight of Damien beside him who's eyes went from mines to my hand intertwined with Harry's.

"Did she attack?" Harry asked, but no one was saying anything.

"There was massive attack in England, nearly a thousand men lost their lives..." He murmured quietly, and I saw the panic rise in Harry's face.

"Are Niall and Louis okay?" He asked, his hand tightened his grip on mine.

"They're okay... but Harry..." My dad took pause. I knew it wasn't good, but the news nearly knocked Harry off his feet. "Paul died in combat."

We both gasped, and I squeezed his hand back, I thought he was going to break down, but instead he looked up at my Dad, anger was eminent in his face which was filled with happiness just five minutes ago.

"So what's the move?"

"We move now. They lost a lot of men, they're weak. Everyone pack your bags. This ends now."


I hope you guys enjoyed that! Next time I update will be a double update, because of reasons I can't reveal now. Maybe even a triple update so it probably will be a week or so. You guys are going to love it... I think.

If you're enjoying this story please please share it with your followers, you can just copy the link and paste, it means so much.

Don't forget to vote and share your thoughts I love to hear them!

Delilah E.

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