Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

535K 14.8K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 45

4.4K 138 28
By Veikari

In the next morning Freed headed to the Guild after the breakfast and making some cookies for Bickslow. He was glad to see him already awake and Evergreen was there also, as well as Cana. He had thought Makarov's words through and with time. He was right. He should tell about this to his team. He was still feeling bad because he had to let other people know about this before Laxus but it was necessary. Laxus would understand.

He asked Cana to leave them for a moment. After apologies because of yesterday, he told them everything. Nervously, he sat there and waited for what they would say. If he hadn't been so nervous, he would've laughed because the stunned expressions in their faces.

"Holy hell, that's even more bigger news that I could imagine in my head", Bicks said.

"And Laxus doesn't know?" Ever asked.

"Of course not, he's out there on a mission. Even I didn't know before yesterday", Freed huffed. "I don't have any way to reach him so I could tell him."

"Shit... So how are you feeling?" Bicks asked.

"I don't know, I'm still trying to process this information", Freed said shaking his head.

"Is your magic back to normal?"

"I don't know that either. Valdeghar said my magic is unstable, I'm guessing that's because of the hormones. I have Laxus' magic to protect us if something happens, but my magic might not work properly."

"Then it is a good thing that Porlyusica forbid the missions", Ever said. "We can do some little missions with Bicks after he recovers so we can cover the rent and bills. And thanks to you we have enough savings so everything should be fine."

"Thank you", Freed smiled. "I really hate it that I have to ask this much and can't do nothing at all myself."

"Don't sweat it", Bickslow grinned. "You have a really good reason for it."

"Maybe I can negotiate with Porlyusica more about that mission ban. You know, maybe if there's something I can do at home? Translating some texts and similar."

"Dunno what she might say", Bicks huffed. "But guess it's worth the shot, if you really don't then need to go anywhere. But we don't get jobs like that often in our Guild. Everybody knows that Fairy Tail is more into going out and beating bad guys, than sitting inside and going trough some dusty books. Even though we have you, Levy and couple of others who would like to do jobs like those", he snickered.

"I should talk with Porlyusica and then ask Mirajane to tell me if there are any missions like that", Freed smiled.

Needless to say, the trip to Porlyusica did not go well. It was his quick reflexes that saved him from getting a hit by the broom, as he was chased away from the cottage. So he had to come up with something else. In a way, it was nice to have a little challenge, how to make money when he couldn't go on missions.

But after couple of days hard thinking what he could do, he started to really just get annoyed. But when Levy and Gajeel finally announced about the pregnancy, it lifted his spirit and he was really happy to see how the whole Guild was bursting with joy. Of course there were big party, lots of congratulations, even some gifts. Levy was absolutely glowing, laughing with others and Gajeel was so full of pride he would have popped if someone stuck him with a needle.

Even Bickslow was allowed to come into the Hall to join the party and Freed smiled looking how their guild mates had fun. When the darkness started to land outside, the atmosphere was quite drunk.

"Are you having fun?" Levy asked as she sat down in the same table with the rune mage. Of course it was obvious they couldn't drink any alcohol but they were alright with just juice and water.

"Yes", he smiled. "It is so nice to see everybody having fun. Congratulations, Levy", he said and Levy chuckled.

"You already knew this", she reminded.

"I know, but I still wanted to say it", Freed smiled. "It seems that Gajeel took the news pretty well."

"I'm almost scared of how well", Levy giggled. "But I'm glad. He said that he had been wondering for a while about my scent."

"Your scent?"

"Yes. He said it was different, but he didn't know why."

"Interesting", Freed murmured. "Well of course it makes sense that hormones would affect the natural scent. They can smell it when one is stressed, scared, happy or similar. So obviously pregnancy with it's strong hormone surges is something they notice easily."

He quickly looked at Levy and now he was a little bit scared.

"They might notice", he repeated.

"Right now they are so drunk I don't believe they could notice anything", Levy giggled. "Don't worry, Freed. Even if they do notice, I don't believe they would say anything."

"Maybe not Gajeel", Freed huffed. "And Natsu is simple minded enough not to maybe understand, but he might blurt something out and then someone else might realise it."

"You're thinking it too much. Have you yet read any of those books I listed?"

"No, not yet."

"You should. Have you yet noticed anything different happening?"

"Hmm... I seems it is kind of a challenge to try and control all of my feelings", Freed confessed with a slight blush and Levy chuckled.

"Is that all? You're lucky", she smirked. "Obviously you haven't yet experienced the morning sickness in it's full glory."

"Is it really that horrible?"

"You have no idea. I've had it already two weeks. It was the reason I started to wonder if I was pregnant."

"I see, this is just getting better and better", Freed muttered. "Um... Do you happen to know when... Ahem..."

"The pregnancy starts to be visible to others? Usually after three months at least. But it really depends, not everyone gets a big baby belly", Levy smiled. "Who knows."

"Three months..." Freed murmured. Laxus would return in five weeks, if everything goes well. He would be then in his eleventh week. If he was lucky, it wouldn't then yet be visible. But if it took longer for Laxus to return... It would be hard to try hide it.

He sighed and rubbed his face.

"I think I might as well go to the Guild's library to read, then", he said. "Or do I have to head to the library in town?"

"No, there are two of those books I listed", Levy smiled. "Rest you have to find from the town's library, but it is a good start."

"Yes", Freed nodded and he stood up. "Seriously, he's about to be a father but you could easily mistake him to a sponge in a barrel", he huffed looking at Gajeel who was laughing hard with others.

"Let him have his fun", Levy giggled. "When the baby is born, we can't do things spontaneously or party until morning and stuff. Would you say to Laxus he's not allowed to have a party if he wants to do so after he hears the news?" she asked and Freed smiled.

"Of course not", he admitted. "But then, we cannot be sure there even will be any party."

"Freed", Levy sighed rolling her eyes.

"I'm just being realist. No one can say how he might react."

"You're being dumbass. You're the only one who thinks that way."

"Wow, pregnancy is turning you more sassy, soon you might compete with Evergreen", Freed chuckled.

He looked at Levy and jolted when he saw how those big, soft brown eyes started to tear up and her lower lip quivered slightly.

"Err... Um..." Freed stammered and Levy sobbed taking the napkin from the table.

"I really try my best not to be unpleasant", the blue haired girl sniffled.

"Oh no, you're not unpleasant", Freed assured quickly. "Forgive me, that was not what I meant at all."

Levy swiped her tears with the napkin and tried to smile.

"Yeah, I know", she said. "It's just... It's just..." she wailed and was crying again.

"It's just those hormones", Freed huffed. "I understand. Believe me, I really do."

"I-I think I'm going to talk with Bisca", Levy said with a small laugh. "Maybe she can give me some tips how to deal with these bursts."

"If she has any, please tell me too then", Freed chuckled.

He turned to head to the library, when he almost bumped against the iron dragon slayer. Freed lifted his gaze and felt shivers when he saw those red eyes full of anger.

"Why's she crying?" Gajeel growled and Freed stepped further from the angry, now also drunk dragon slayer. "What did you say to her, you nerd?"

"We were just talking, nothing bad happened", Freed assured. "She's just a bit emotional right now -"

"You made my mate cry", Gajeel grumbled narrowing his eyes.

"Um... Yes, it seems that did happen... But -"

"No one makes my mate cry", the black haired mage snarled and Freed knew this was bad. He was against a dragon slayer who wanted to protect his pregnant mate.

"I'm deeply sorry, I did not mean to make her cry", he tried to explain rationally, keeping his voice calm.

"Gajeel, leave Freed alone", Levy said quickly grabbing her hands around the big man, who growled towards Freed. "He didn't mean to make me cry."

"But he still did", Gajeel growled.

"It's because of the hormones, you remember? I explained these things to you earlier."

"I think I need to go now when I still have a change", Freed said and headed towards the stairs. Gajeel grunted something and the swordsman heard Levy scolding him for being so overprotective he didn't even think clearly.

Freed huffed and closed the big doors of the library after him. Levy would have her hands full to keep Gajeel calm if he was going to react that way every time if Levy even sniffled a little. Obviously if Levy wouldn't have stopped Gajeel, he would probably be running around the Guild Hall right now, trying to dodge attacks and not able to use his magic to defend himself. Fighting was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

It was quiet in the library and he was glad about it. He just wandered between the shelves for a while, trying to find the right books. After he found them he sat down on his usual spot in the corner of the library, nice quiet place with a comfy arm chair and a light. It was a place you didn't notice right away when entering the library and that's why it was his favorite spot, since it gave him some privacy.

Freed took one of the books and started to read it, leaning his head on his hand. He flipped pages as he finished them and frowned a little. There was much to remember. He straightened himself and went to the nearest desk where he found papers and a quill. He had to make notes or else he couldn't remember everything. He obviously had to create a diet for himself, since there were foods he couldn't eat and there were things he wasn't allowed to do either. Oh god he was going to miss hot baths...

He went through the whole book and opened the second one. If he was quick enough, he would manage to read this book as well and take all the notes he needed and still have some time to go to the town's library.

Freed fluttered his long eyelashes and wondered what had happened for a moment. Did he fall asleep? He yawned and straightened himself, as he was leaning against the table, open book under his arms. It seemed like he really did fall asleep while working... He wondered what the time might be and rubbed his eyes, looking at the wall where he knew the big clock was.

Freed blinked when looking at the clock. Was it really the same clock? But the numbers were all wrong. And the pointers were moving oddly, not in a perfect pace like they should but too fast. Freed rubbed his eyes more. Was he still sleeping? He stood up and looked around.

Everything seemed so... Surreal. All the shelves were crooked, books were ridiculously different sized, even the windows he saw were twisted and he wasn't sure did he actually see anything trough the glass. It was like there were thick fog behind them.

Carefully he stepped further and looked around. Obviously it was dark outside, but there were some lightspots in the odd places like between the shelves, or behind the books, even under the ridiculously warped table. There were enough them so he could see around but not too many so they would light up every shadowy corner he saw.

This was... Eerie. It was so quiet in the library it actually made Freed's ears hurt. What was wrong with this place? One guess popped in his mind.

"Valdeghar?" he said and even though he whispered, it was like his voice was emerged at least six different spots in the library, making it echo and Freed felt shivers. This really was scary as hell, he had to admit it.

He heard no answer. Well, he wasn't really surprised, this was not how everything looked when Valdeghar visited his dreams. He had never seen something like this, but he was pretty sure it was because of demons. Some demon he didn't know was meddling with his dreams.

Freed spun around startled when suddenly he heard deep breath. Where did it come from? He looked around and his heart was pounding against his chest. He really needed to calm down, being jumpy was not helping him, he needed to think. He had to come up with a way how to escape this place. If this was a dream, how could he make himself wake up?

He heard another slow gasp and he stepped closer to the doors. Who was breathing? Some demon? What demon was it?

Freed's gaze suddenly locked straight ahead, at the end of the passageway between the shelves. He felt panic when he realised there was something standing right there, something he didn't notice earlier there.

The figure was tall, slim and stood perfectly still. Like an old big clock that was covered with a dark sheet. For a moment Freed didn't move a muscle, just staring that figure who didn't move at all. Finally he started to relax a bit, but his hand never moved far from the hilt of his sword.

Freed almost jumped when suddenly the figure moved slightly. It started to turn slowly and Freed stared at two round hollow eyes that now stared back. What should he do? He glanced towards the doors that weren't too far and looked back at the figure. What the...?

He wasn't sure was it just his eyes deceiving him or did that figure move closer? Freed was almost too scared to even blink, just staring those round big eyes that stared back without a word. Freed swallowed as his throat felt suddenly really dry and he glanced at the clock, then remembering it was no use for him as it was just a mess with no sense.

He looked back and figure had moved closer.

"Oh shit!" he cried out loud before even realizing it and he almost stumbled on his feet as he moved quickly further. The figure did nothing and did not move as he stared it. But when he again looked at the doors just to see how far they still were, it only took a second when he looked back and the creature was even closer.

Feeling the panic and fear, Freed broke the eye contact and grabbed the doors, opening them and closed them as quickly as possible when he was at the other side. He panted heavily and looked at the dark stairway. Steps were uneven and there were no lights, but the ceiling seemed like it was glowing with stars. Carefully he started his way down the stairs.

The whole Guild House was silent and it was unnerving as hell. Fairy Tail was never this quiet. He walked past the corners and arrived at the Hall, but there was no-one there. There should be! There was a big party going on! But instead it seemed like there haven't been anyone in this Hall for the long time. Even the tables and chairs were removed.

Freed felt shivers when he heard breathing. It was that demon again. He stumbled down the last steps and looked around, trying to find out where his enemy was. Finally he saw it, standing in the corner. What should he do?

He did his best to not break the eye contact this time but when his eyes started to dry and water, he had to blink. The figure was instantly closer, looking at him with it's hollow eyes and breathing slowly.

"Who are you?" Freed stuttered and he was trembling. This was more than just a nightmare. What would happen if that demon caught him?

He blinked and the figure was closer. Now he was starting to really fear it. He took a step and almost tripped over something, he had to look what it was but saw nothing, then he looked at the sheated creature who was now even closer.

"Don't come closer!" Freed shouted and desperately swished out his sword, only to notice its blade drooped like it was melting. Quickly he dropped it and drew some runes in the air but nothing happened. Now he realised he had at some point broken the eye contact.

He lifted his turquoise eyes and looked at those deep, big circles that were only inches away from his face. Breathing was now heavy and it filled Freed's ears as there were nothing else to hear.

When the figure moved, Freed drew back and stumbled.

He felt how his back hit the floor and he blinked. He was looking at the ceiling. Was he awake? Or still sleeping? Where was the demon? Could he move at all?

He slowly moved his head and yelled in fear when there was someone standing next to him and it took couple of second before he realised it was Mirajane.

"Freed?" Mira said with a worried voice. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking at the rune mage who had fallen with his chair to the floor when fighting against the nightmare.

"W-what? Uh..." Freed wheezed and he was panting heavily, finally starting to understand what was going on.

They were in the library. He had fallen asleep against the table. Freed quickly glanced at the clock and it looked normal, as well as the shelves and everything else.

"Are you alright?" Mirajane repeated her question and Freed took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

"Yes", he finally said and sat up. "It was... Just a really intense nightmare", he said and with Mirajane's help he stood up. "It seems like I fell asleep while studying."

"Levy told me you were here, I was just wondering if you were hungry", Mirajane smiled. "Then I saw you sleeping and you were muttering something. It seemed like you were having a nightmare so I tried to wake you up."

"Thank you", Freed smiled. "I'm fine now."

"What were you studying?" Mira asked curiously looking at the note sheets and books.

Quickly Freed shoved the notes in one pile and put them upside down on the books to hide them.

"It's... Umm... Something very personal, please understand", he said.

"Of course", Mira said a little bit confused but smiled. "It's none of my business, I was just a little bit curious. So, do you want something to eat?" he asked friendly as ever.

"What was the time again?"

"Almost ten, you've been here many hours already."

"Oh... I guess I could eat something", Freed nodded. "But I will come downstairs", he said before Mira left. He wasn't actually thrilled to stay in the library after a nightmare like that. "Could you wait me at the doors, so I will put these books in their right places?"

"Of course, Freed", Mira smiled and stepped on the doors.

Freed sighed in his mind, took the notes and put them inside his coat. Then he took the books and went to put them on their right places at the shelves.

He stopped when he saw the spot where he first time noticed the creature in his dreams. Now it was empty. He shook his head and continued, still feeling uneasy no matter how much he tried to calm himself.

It was just a dream. There was nothing here. But still, as he stepped to the doors where Mirajane waited him, he knew he wouldn't return here for at least a few weeks, not alone.

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