Fallen Angels || Destiel High...

By wingsandhunters

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Destiel Highschool AU where its Castiel and his family have been living on Kansas for three and a half years... More

Authors Note before i start writing this story!!
Chapter one: A day in the life of Castiel Novak
Chapter 3 - Baby in a Trenchcoat
Chapter 4 - The start of a new friendship
Chapter 5 - Confessions of a drama queen
Chapter 6 - An unexpected relationship (sabriel chapter)
Chapter 7 - the party from hell and strange revelations
Chapter 8- i will miss you
Chapter 9 - a new job
Chapter 10 - you've changed Cas
Chapter 11 - the letter
Chapter 12 - you used me!
Chapter 13 - i cant do this
Chapter 14 - broken promises
Chapter 15 - the fake Dean Winchester
Chapter 16 - Betrayal
Chapter 17 - i still hate you but...
Chapter 18 - forgive and forget?
Chapter 19 - a wedding and a funeral (the end)

Chapter Two - That new kid

7.4K 411 469
By wingsandhunters

Castiel (POV)


"NEVER! HAHAHAHA!" I woke with a start to the comotion going on downstairs. After taking a shower and getting ready i went down to see what was going on. Gabriel and Balthazar were chucking Michaels briefcase to each other while Michael was trying to catch it from the air. The younger twins were laughing there head of while Anna was trying to hide a smile and Zandriel was leaning on the doorway to the.living room shaking her head.

"BOTH OF YOU PACK IT IN RIGHT NOW!" Michael screamed, going bright red in the face.

"We're only messing Mike." Balthazar smirked handing back his briefcase. Michael snatched it out of his hand and stormed out of the house before everyone burst out laughing.

"Michaels changed." Uriel said sadly while his twin, Raphael nodded in agreement.

"He hasn't changed." Zandriel said kindly going over to them and putting her arm around them. "Gabe and Balth are just annoying little shits."

"OI!" Gabe shouted with a look of fiegned shock on his face. I sighed and walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. My life was just the same shit but a different day. The only time i am ever happy was at home and now i dont even feel the slightest bit of amusement went the older twins do something stupid or get excited when Anna starts talking to me about fit boys in her class like i used to when my family first found out i was gay.

When they all found out they were so accepting of it. There was shock and a bit of mockery from my brothers and a knowing smile from my sisters but everything seemed to go perfectly. However when Lucifer found out everything changed. He used to be my favourite brother and we used to do everything together but when he found out... well it just stopped. He never did anything about it, never called me names or pushed me around. I could have coped with that. No, instead he started completely ignoring me. Blocking me out and putting up a wall against. However i think that was because the way he found out was a lot worse then how the others found out. He caught me and his best friend in my room together kissing and just stood there looking at us with utter shame and humiliation etched across his face. Ever since that moment, nothing has been the same. I lost a best mate and a brother that day.

"Cas you okay? You sort of zoned out there for a moment?" Zandriel said suddenly coming into the kitchen. I sighed and nodded before grabbing the keys of the table and going to sit in the car waiting for the others. I was one of those people that overthinked and got myself upset over it. I so wished i could be one of those people who is aloof and doesnt care what people think about them. I wished so hard that i could be strong to beat the bullies and brave enough to confront my brother but im not. And i never will be.

Dean (POV)

"I DONT CARE!" I shouted at my dad.

"Dean..." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"NO! Look, this new school is shit! Fake kids, fake teachers, fake school!" I gritted my teeth in frustration. It was my first day at another new school yesterday and it was just the same as any other. Too easy to get into the popular group of friends, too easy to make the class laugh and the teacher blow up. I needed a challenge.

"Listen boy, you're gonna be in the school for the rest of the school year so you may as well suck it up." Replied dad rolling his eyes.

"Just because Sam wanted to finish the school year in one place didnt mean i did. I would have been happy just working on baby!"

"You spend way to much time working on that peice of crap car Dean. Sam's right, you both need to finish your education."

"You always take Sammy's side!" I whined. I know i was being childish but i was so bored of being at school. Everyone was always the same.

"Look, why not make friends with a different type of group for once? Try something new."

"Too late, they all already love me. The only cool one in that fake group is Jo. You can tell the rest of them secretely hate each other. Its so fake."

"Get over it." Dad grunted and got up off the crappy couch and walked upstairs to his room. I grabbed one of the pillows and screamed into it out of frustration.

"Drama queen." I heard Sam say. I could almost hear his famous bitchface coming through. I looked up angrily at him.

"Shut up Sammy." Stormed out of the house slamming the door and got into the Impala. Soon after Sam opened the passenger door and sat down.

"I dont know why youre making such a fuss."

"Didn't i tell you to shut up?"

"Just drive." Sammy leaned back in the passenger seat and popped on his seatbelt while i started up the engine and drove me and him to school.

*At school*

"See ya Dean, try not to hit any of your friends." Sam sniggered as he clambered out the car and over to a wall were two guys were sitting, one with a red lollipop in his mouth and the other with a water bottle which looked like it had whiskey in it. I got out a packet of cigs from my jacket pocket and took one out lighting it up.

"Hey Dean." I heard the flirtatious voice of one of the girls from yesterday.

"Hey... uh?" I looked at her as i completely forgot her name.

"Lisa." She smiled but i could see a glimmer of annoyance in her eyes. My bet was she wasnt used to people forgetting her name. "How was your first day yesterday?" I shrugged an grunted.

"S'alright." I said pulling a face.

"Ha ha, you'll get used to it." Just then a screeching of tyres turned both our attention to a flashy Lamborghini pulling into the school parking lot. It was the same car as yesterday that all my so called friends walked over too. "Ergh. Her again." Lisa said under her breath.

"Who's that?" I asked curiously.

"Zandriel." She said simply before walking over to the car as a tall redish blonde stunning girl got out. It was the girl with the wierd name who was best mates with Jo. I followed Lisa up to the car and stopped when she did.

"Hey bitch." I heard Lisa say.

"Hi slag." The blonde girl named Zandriel retorted.

"Are you just showing off or do you actually have enough benifits to buy this car." Lisa snickered. I was getting excited as i thought that i was about to see a full blown cat fight between the two girls.

"Ha ha oh Lisa, always the joker. Better be careful of what you say to me infront of your friends. You know what happened last time." Zandriel grinned and i saw malvolence and mischief in her eyes.

"What happened last time?" I asked curiously as Lisa balled her hands into fists.

"Oh nothing much newbie. Just the fact that all her so called friends told her to get along with me or they'd fall out with her." Zandriel snorted with amusement. Lisa stormed off across the parking lot and i didnt bother going after her.

"Do you even like anyone in this school?" I asked the blonde raising an eyebrow.

"Why?" I shrugged but waited for an answer still. "Hm, is it that obvious that i hate them all? Ouch, i better do something about that." I laughed at her comment and we started walking into school together talking about school and also her car.

"You're daddy get it you?" I asked grinning.

"My 'daddy' is dead." Zandriel smiled.

"Oh, this is awkward."

"For you yeah, for me its hilari-" She was cut off by three boys running into her knocking her to the ground. Two of then were the ones i saw sat on the wall and the other was ... by brother?

"Uh guys!?" Zandriel laughed pushing the two boys off her while Sammy was stood up laughing his head off.

"I told you it would be fun!" Said the smallest of the two. He had blonde hair and golden eyes.

"Yeah, it really was." The taller on said. He also had the same coloured blonde hair which wasnt as long but his eyes were a dullish blue.

"No it really wasnt! Get gone!" Zandriel said getting up off the floor and crossing her arms staring at the two boys angrily.

"Chill Z, it was only a joke. We were showing young Sammy here what fun you.could get up to in school."

"Hey Sammy." i say, shocked that he let the golden eyes boy call him 'sammy' when it took years of me ignoring his protests about the pet name.


"You two know each other?" The taller blonde asked looking between the two of us.

"YOU HAVE ANOTHER FRIEND?! SAMMY, HOW COULD YOU!?" The lollipop kid shouted dramatically pretending to feint.

"He's my brother." Me and Sam both said at the same time.

"Oh. Well thats alright then." The two.other boys also said at the same time with the same grin taking over their faces.

"Dean, these are my brothers Gabriel and Balthazar. Theyre twins." Zandriel said pointing at the Lollipop kid first then as the skinny blue eyed one. Before i could say nice to meet you all three of them were sprinting down the hall, pushing people out of the way as they went.

"Mental." I said as Zandriel nodded her head in agreement.

*In class*

"Yo Deano! Over here." Called the chubby englishman from the middle of the classroom.

"Nuh-uh. I don't think so Crowley" The oldish but pretty English teacher said. She then whispered to me; "You'll thank me one day. I am Mrs Gerrard." I nodded at her but didnt say anything. "Why don't you go sit over at the back beside Castiel."

While i was walking over to my newly assigned seat i heard a loud laugh from Crowley.

"I wouldnt sit next to him Deano. You might catch his homosexuality." I smiled at him but went to go sit down anyway. I plopped down in my seat and looked at the young boy sat next to me. He looked younger then the rest of the class and looked sad. I suppose it was because of what Crowely said so i just shrugged it off knowing that i was gonna get nothing from this kid.

Castiel (POV)

Nooooo, why did the jock have to sit next to me. I was never gonna hear the end of this. I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eyes but decided to ignore him just like i decided to ignore Crowley's ugly comment on, surprise surprise, my sexuality.

"Hey." I said. What?! Why?! No i didnt say that out loud. Why did i say that. You don't want to talk to this guy. Stupid Stupid Stup-

"Hey." My thoughts were cut off by an angelic voice next to me. I looked up and that was the first time i got caught in the beautiful vivid green eyes of that new kid.

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