By fateemah69

3.9K 642 41

Assalaamu alaikum dear Muslims, This book is about diverse topics,quotes,reminders,Hadith and any other thin... More

Common mistakes made during Salah and corrections!
Power of Astaghfirullah
Types of children
Nine golden rules
Save a life
Speak good or remain silent
Did you know?
Do good and good will come to you
Value of a mother!
Bonus from ALLAH
Women are pearls hidden in the oyster
Golden advice
Sign of Qiyama
Bathing of corpse
Prayer of the day🙏
Just read
Beautiful duas
💛Dress decently💛
Learn a lesson and teach others
Dont miss these PROTOCOlS!
You better ask before its too late
❤️Whoever believes in Allah and the last day❤️
Say NO to pride!!
??Did you know??
The most kind of love💖
RE-9 golden advices
Be focused
Significance of Friday
Virtues of reciting surah Al- Kahf on Friday
When dua is Readily Accepted
Power of the tongue👅
💖Spouses till Jannah💖
Do good
Our Past
Inspiration of the day
Dont hurry!!!
Emergency hurry and read please dont miss it
Until you...
If we focus
Greatest Jihad
Cure for all ailment
Inspiration of the day
Be kind and nice to others
Best Day Of The Week
Jummah mubarak
Ways of generating Allah's love
Power of Ayatul kursiyyu
Thank Allah
A single tear
Farewell khutbah
Tahajjud prayer
Surah Dhuha
🙈Marital privacy🙈
❤️Be happy❤️
Jumma'at Mubarak
Posting pics on social media
Sudden death
Ayah of the day
Deceased parents
A drop
Lessons from suratul baqara
The poor have no relatives
A child's fitrah
The deceased
Sujudush shukr
Build your House in Paradise
When Du'a is accepted
Power of the Quran
Life inspiring quotes
Hadith of the day
Islam Facts
Salatul Tasbih
The day of Arafah

Sexual fast

53 13 5
By fateemah69

*The Sexual Fast! _So inspiring write up_*

Daughter: (Coughs out) Hmmm...

Mum: (looks up at her, then continues picking her beans) Any gist for momma?

Daughter:( Looks at her) Mum, I think I am not normal, I am sick

Mum: (Chuckles)  Sick?? Why?

Daughter: Because I am over-sensitive. Whenever I see a guy, I have this weird feeling compared to when I meet a girl. Mum, I get worried often times if I would scale through adolescence without defiling myself

Mum: (Laughs) you are afraid?

Daughter: It seems you don't understand mum. When I see a guy's bicep, oh my God! If he mistakenly exposes his abs, then I would almost faint, feeling as if I should run into his strong, muscular arms and be cuddled.

Mum: And so? That's why you are not normal?

Daughter: (Eyes widen) Mum!

Mum: That shows that you are very normal my baby girl

Daughter: I don't understand mum

Mum: You fasted recently right?

Daughter: Yes mum. The Ramadan fast

Mum: There was  an occasion that I made plantain and fried egg for dinner for the family. How did you feel that day?

Daughter: Mum, it was sensational! As if I had never tasted plantain . I wanted a bite so bad.

Mum: So, why didn't you get into the kitchen to get yourself some?

Daughter: Mum, I was fasting

Mum: Nice one! Son, can you hear us from there? Put off the TV please.

Son: Ok mum.

Mum: As an adolescent boy or girl, don't think it weird when you are attracted to the opposite sex. His or her stature or the like might appeal to you but it shows that you are  normal. You wouldn't say, you are abnormal because you can perceive the aroma of fried plantain while you were fasting. Would you?

Both: No mum

Mum: All unmarried people in this world are on a sexual fast until they get married.  Different food like juices, fried fish, chicken; Shawarma and the likes would appeal to them clothed in handsome men and beautiful women of different shapes and sizes but you've got to block your perception! You are fasting!

Daughter: (nods repeatedly) Hmmm...I am getting it now

Mum: The aroma could be pornography, sexy boys and girls, devilish games and all but be warned, you are what?

Both: Fasting!

Mum: So my daughter, you are normal. It means all the parts of your body are responding well but the Qur'an and Hadith says you should keep your body under control.

Daughter: Mum, I can't thank you enough. I expected you to scream at me , frown your face but You are trustworthy and I can count on you. And that is why mum is our... (Signals to the boy)

Son: Confidant! (Both laugh)

Mum: (Smiles) Blessed children...very very blessed!

Both: most blessed mother

Mum: But never forget the lesson learnt today...(expects an answer)

Both: We are fasting!

Mum: Yes. The fast would soon be over and your dish of dodo, freshly prepared with well garnished fried egg with a chill bottle of water would be delivered to you but first, wait! Say, I will wait

Both: I will wait!

Mum: And Allaah will bless and favour you.

Both: Amen (They hug their mother and she blesses them both)

Keep Sharing until it gets to every eye and may Allaah bless you real good.

Let's be such a parent to our blessed children
*Read more on Parents' Guide to Teaching Values to Kids* 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿

*Kindly share this story with your friends and groups. God bless you💄*

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