A Charmed Life | Coven Corner...

By charlottefrenchbooks

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Hazel Aven is the definition of a proper witch. She teaches magical lessons to her students at Windywings. Sh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Ten

300 30 0
By charlottefrenchbooks

The following week, Hazel's classroom was brimming with familiars of every variety—from crows and cats, to ferrets and toads. A few of the students managed to keep their familiars in line with magical leashes. But there were a handful of familiars that escaped the control of their owners. Rats scrambling from one backpack to another. Owls perched on the edge of desks. A snake curled up on the windowsill, sunning itself in the autumn light.

Hazel clapped her hands once for order.

The room went silent.

"Good morning, class," she said. "Today, I'd like all of you, one by one, to come to the front of the class and tell me about your familiar. First, I'd like someone to explain the definition of what a familiar is."

A dozen hands went up in the air.

Phoebe propped her chin in her hand and stared out the window, ignoring Hazel. Despite the chaos of the classroom, Phoebe sat alone with no familiar at her side.

Hazel pointed to Seline.

"Seline," she said. "Do you have an answer for me?"

Seline rose from her desk with a nod. "A familiar is an animal that guides you in the use of magic."

"Perfect. Why don't you start us off and tell us about your familiar?"

Seline gathered her raven onto her shoulder and marched to the front of the class, always eager to show off.

Hazel left Phoebe alone for a while. She didn't want to single Phoebe out or put her on the spot, and she certainly didn't want to play favorites. But it was painful to watch Phoebe fall so far behind her fellow students.

A parade of students followed Seline's speech, telling about their familiars. Finally, there were only five students left and Hazel could put Phoebe off no longer.

"Phoebe," she said. "Could you tell us about your familiar?"

"No," Phoebe replied. Not sullen, for once. Just a solid refusal. She'd grown to understand the power that one word wielded.

"Could you explain why, please?" Hazel said.

Phoebe shoved to her feet with a dark look in Hazel's direction.

"Because I don't have one," she said.

A ripple of confused murmurs drifted through the classroom. A witch with no familiar was rare, especially in Wildemoor. It was one thing if a witch lived in the outside world where an animal might be perceived as a pet. But Wildemoor was full to bursting with magic. Familiars were everywhere, ready and willing to bond with a witch or warlock.

Phoebe flounced into her seat again, having nothing further to say.

"Why not?" Hazel said.

At first, Phoebe didn't respond. Her gaze shifted away from Hazel and she crossed her arms.

"Mama left before I was old enough for her to get me one," Phoebe admitted.

"What about your father?"

Phoebe pressed her lips together at the mention of Nick. But Hazel pushed on.

"Has he forbidden you to have one?" she said.


"Then what is it?"

Phoebe sighed and slouched in her seat, the brim of her witch's hat nearly concealing her face from Hazel's view.

"He doesn't understand," Phoebe said. "He thinks I don't need one. That my wand is good enough for casting magic."

A common misconception among humans. Hazel would have to clarify the situation with Nick—a conversation she was not looking forward to.


When Nick arrived at the school house at the end of the day, Hazel was waiting with Phoebe. It would be the first time she'd spoken to Nick since breaking off their almost-relationship and she didn't know where they stood. Would he be angry? Would he turn a cold shoulder against her?

It didn't matter how he reacted to her, she told herself. She'd handled frosty responses from parents before. Parents didn't like it when their child was accused of misconduct or poor behavior and they pinned the blame on Hazel all the time for not being patient enough, not doing her job properly.

But this was different. This was about Hazel and Nick on a personal level. It was harder to remain unaffected when she had exposed her heart in a way she knew better than to do. There was a reason she kept her personal life separate from her school house and this was it.

Phoebe went barreling up to Nick and launched into his arms.

"Hey, sweetie," he said with a surprised laugh. "How was your day at school?"

"Awful," Phoebe mumbled into his neck.

Nick's gaze flicked up to Hazel with a questioning look as if to say, is everything okay?

"We need to talk, Mr. Butler," Hazel said.

Nick studied her for a moment then nodded. He set Phoebe on the ground, despite her protesting whimpers and chucked her under the chin.

"I picked up some fresh cinnamon roll bread from the bakery on my way over here," he said. "It's in the truck. Go grab yourself a slice. But no more than that or you'll ruin your dinner!" he added as Phoebe took off at a dead run for the truck.

Nick turned back to Hazel but she could detect no animosity in his posture. He looked...a little trapped, if she was honest. Like he wasn't sure how to handle this situation any more than she did.

"Did Phoebe act up again?" Nick said.

"Well, she hasn't been doing her lessons," Hazel replied. "Which will be a problem in the very near future. But what I wanted to discuss was her lack of familiar."

Nick released a low breath of relief. "Oh. Well, I just don't really see the point of a pet right now. She's not responsible enough for that."

"It's not a pet. A familiar is a guide for her magic. It keeps her stable. Especially since she doesn't have an immediate magic-user in the family, it would be a good idea for her to obtain a familiar."

Nick raised his eyebrows. "I had no idea. How do I...do that? Find a familiar for her?"

"Pagan Posies will have a new litter of kittens weaned and ready to go next week at the Mabon celebration," Hazel offered. "Cats are a popular choice among witches. They're versatile and flexible."

Nick nodded. "And if she doesn't like cats?"

"Aiden Hall's occult shop, Spellbound, has a brooding raven. The eggs should be due to hatch any day now. Check with Aiden to see if you can put an early claim on one of the chicks. The younger the familiar, the better for bonding. Tell him I sent you, that it's part of Phoebe's school supplies, and he'll give you a discount."

Nick continued to nod. But Hazel could see the glazed look of panic in his eyes. He was overwhelmed, out of his depth with his little girl.

"I'll look into it," he said. "Thank you, Miss Aven."

"My pleasure," she replied.

But Nick didn't move. He tucked his hands in his pockets and hesitated.

"I probably have no right to ask this but...would you consider helping out?" he said. "With Phoebe and finding a familiar for her."

Hazel opened her mouth to protest but Nick held up a hand.

"It would be in a strictly professional capacity," he said. "I just don't know any other witches or warlocks to ask about this. And you seem to understand what Phoebe needs more than what I can grasp. I'm trying my best to figure all this out but..."

He trailed off with a helpless gesture.

"It's a lot to take in," Hazel finished for him.

Nick sighed. "That's an understatement."

Hazel considered for a moment. But she already knew her answer. As Phoebe's teacher, it was Hazel's job to guide Phoebe, to instruct her in everything related to magic. And that included choosing a familiar to bond with.

"All right," Hazel said. "We'll start with the cats at the Mabon celebration next week. If that doesn't work, we'll try something else."

Nick cast a small smile of appreciation at her.

"Thank you, Miss Aven," he said. "I owe you a great deal."

"But only in a professional sense."

"Of course."

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