The choices we make [Complete...

By sp1nach

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When faced with a choice between personal responsibilities and the pursuit of true love - will you choose to... More

The choices we make - character photos and description
Chapter 1 - The first meeting
Chapter 2 - Shifting gears
Chapter 3 - Behind the mask
Chapter 4 - Bachelor for life
Chapter 5 - And so it begins
Chapter 6 - Don't poke the bear
Chapter 7 - The roles people play
Chapter 8 - What you don't know won't hurt you
Chapter 9 - Come closer, said the spider to the fly
Chapter 10 - Caught in a cat fight
Chapter 11 - When the heart knows
Chapter 12 - The choice he made
Chapter 13 - Drip, Drip, like water droplets on a rock
Chapter 14 - Tip of the iceberg
Chapter 15 - Never enough
Chapter 16 - Rainy days and chick flicks
Chapter 17 - The rock starts to crack
Chapter 18 - It's not that easy to forget
Chapter 19 - Trying to fix what's broken
Chapter 20 - If only we met earlier
Chapter 21 - Lessons from the past
Chapter 22 - What we fear the most
Chapter 23 - Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Chapter 24 - Of duties and responsibilities
Chapter 25 - Losing control
Chapter 26 - We meet again
Chapter 27 - The tipping point
Chapter 28 - The dam has broken
Chapter 29 - A Split second and your life changes
Chapter 30 - Regrets that blind you
Chapter 31 - Sticks and stones
Chapter 32 - The choice she made
Chapter 33 - Broken pieces
Chapter 34 - Downward Spiral
Chapter 35 - Thin line between love and hate
Chapter 36 - Two sides to a story
Chapter 37 - Like Father Like Son
Chapter 38 - Different but the same
Chapter 39 - Second Chances
Chapter 40 - Unexpected meetings
Chapter 41 - A collision of past and present
Chapter 42 - When she came back
Chapter 43- Ghosts from the past
Chapter 44 - Sorry not sorry
Chapter 45 - A man with a plan
Chapter 46 - It runs in the family
Chapter 48 - Blame it on the genes
Chapter 49 - The choice they made
Chapter 50 - Older and Wiser

Chapter 47 - It takes a Village

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By sp1nach

Chapter 47 - It takes a Village

Paula fiddled nervously with her phone, too anxious to stay still. She took a big gamble today, getting her parents involved in her scheme.

Thankfully, they were both still in a love stupor so they readily agreed to participate. Now it's up to her to convince her brother.

As she looked up, she saw her brother striding confidently to her table, not noticing the admiring glances from the women in the room along the way.

How ironic that the one woman he did notice was the one who was determined to push him away, Paula thought wryly.

Patrick reached her table and took the seat across from her as he looked around curiously.

"Where's mom and dad? I thought you said this was a family lunch."

"Yes, they're on their way. They had to go fetch Olena first," Paula replied, trying to sound nonchalant but bracing herself for an outburst as well.

"What the hell, Paula! You promised to leave her alone!"

"I did, Pax. Did you see me contact her at all these past weeks? I didn't say anything about not getting our parents involved, though."

Patrick stared exasperatedly at his sister, his face reflecting his conflicted emotions. It was true, though, that Paula had kept her distance.

During the past couple of weeks, he had dropped by Olena's office several times with the lamest excuses and made sure to ask if she had heard from Paula but Olena always denied it, looking puzzled at the question.

"I can't believe this. You couldn't have at least left some pride for me, could you?"

"Well, brother, you've been pining for her for five years, do you really think your pride is more important at this point?"

As always, Paula has a knack for shutting him up, and this was no exception. He wanted to strangle his sister, but he couldn't deny the truth in her words.

"Fine, you have a point, I'll give you that. So what's the plan, then?"

"So I got mom and dad to invite her out to discuss the wedding - which is in two weeks, in case you forgot - then we'll tell her that you'll be in charge of the wedding from now on."

"That sounds so lame," Patrick groaned. "It makes me look pathetic, needing my entire family to help me get a girl."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, may I point out that you already were pathetic even before we got involved," she said smugly. "Waiting for five years for a girl you don't know when will be back, or where she went, is the height of idiocy, you know. At least dad knew where mom was all those years."

Patrick glared at his sister but couldn't think of a retort. Then Paula suddenly kicked him under the table, effectively calling his attention.

"They're here. Are you ready?"

Despite his misgivings, Patrick felt his heart jump at seeing Olena. Today she was wearing a plain red jumpsuit, but the way it hugged her curves made him want to cover her up, and away from the male eyes that followed her across the room.

She had pinned her hair on top, but a few strands had escaped, and it took all of his self control not to tuck them behind her ear as she reached their table.

Patrick could see that she was getting uneasy after she saw him seated there. She obviously was not expecting him.

His mother, always more attuned to other people's moods than anybody he knew, gently guided Olena to a seat, effectively preventing her from running as soon as she could think of an excuse.

"Lena, dear, I asked Pax and Paula to join us since they're so involved in our wedding anyway. I hope you don't mind."

Olena simply nodded and averted her gaze, busying herself with getting her notes out from her bag.

"Actually, I have asked Pax to take over the preparations starting today. I didn't realize how tiring this whole affair was," Anna continued, adding a small yawn for the full effect.

Olena was starting to have her suspicions that she was somehow being manipulated, but she couldn't outright accuse her client of that, can she?

Glancing at Paula, she made one last, desperate attempt.

"I understand, Anna. But in my experience, guys aren't really very good at details and remembering things. So maybe it would be better if I work with Paula instead?"

"Oh, I have horrible memory," Paula immediately inserted. "Blame it on my creative mind. That's why they said my head is always up in the clouds, you know."

"And my memory is flawless," Patrick injected, his voice suggesting he is referring to something more than just wedding details. "I remember everything."

Olena flushed, then hated herself for her reaction. She shouldn't let Patrick know he was winning, but she couldn't help it.

Everytime he went to their office, he had been wearing her down bit by bit, and her armor was hanging by a thin thread. Even Bessy and Mara were swooning at his efforts, and couldn't understand why she kept pushing him away.

But they didn't know the whole story. They didn't know what was at stake for her.

If it were any other guy, and he made her heart beat as much as Patrick does, Olena probably would have taken her chances. Patrick was the only one who was off limits, because she knew that Robert will take it as a personal offense and would lash out.

So no, Olena couldn't let herself fall for Patrick. She will fight her own feelings - because Levi was at stake here.

With a new resolve, Olen squared her shoulders and faced Patrick.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" She asked him pointedly. Can you handle me? Her stormy eyes throwing him a direct challenge.

Patrick seemed to read her mind and gave a brief nod to accept her challenge.

"I can."


Patrick's family left the two of them after they had lunch, practically confirming Olena's suspicions that they were being pushed together. She eyed him carefully, wondering what was running through his head.

It was weird to have a grown up man, and a strong-willed one at that, get his family involved in his affairs. Quite flattering too, if truth be told.

"See something you like?"

Olena looked up to meet his eyes that were lit up with mischief, frowning at his teasing tone.

"I'm all yours, Lena. Feel free to touch too, whenever you like," he drawled.

"Let's keep this strictly professional, shall we?"

"Oh, no - I have absolutely no intention of keeping this professional. Nor friendly. Nor anything remotely businesslike. Let's be clear on that."

Olena stood up, ready to walk away, to hell with this wedding, she'll just make it up to Bessy later. But Patrick was faster, grabbing onto her arm and stopping her from leaving.

"Let's talk, Lena, take a seat. Isn't it about time you stopped running away like a child? Or do you really just enjoy playing with other people's emotions?"

His accusation hurt, and Olena snapped back at him.

"Look who's talking! Who the hell gets his whole family involved in his personal affairs? I think you should grow up first, Pax, before we can have an adult conversation."

Patrick sighed, staying calm and choosing to not take the bait. He didn't want to waste any more time arguing about things that don't really matter. All that matters now is getting Olena to face her feelings.

"It's not something I'm proud of," he admitted calmly. "But even if it takes a village to convince you, I'll do it."

"Pax," Olena began, frustration evident in her voice. "It's really impossible between us. So please just let me go. This is bigger than just the two of us. Please."

"Tell me what the problem is, Lena. Let's face it together, I'll help you. I love you, and I can tell that you feel something for me too. In fact, everybody around us can tell - you're the only one who refuses to admit it."

"I don't have the luxury of falling in love with just anyone I like, Pax. I have a son, and he is my priority above anything else in my life."

"I know that, and I'm not asking to be your priority. I just want to be with you. Why is that so hard to do?"

"You don't understand... There's something... Never mind. It's just impossible!"

"No. Whatever it is that's troubling you, I'll deal with it. Make me understand. I'll make this possible for us."

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