He's Falling For a Mudblood...

By LoveMeXoXHateMe

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Draco Malfoy is an elitist pure blood. He wouldn't even think to speak to anyone less than that! But when he... More

Chapter 0: Info
Chapter 1: The Letter
Chapter 2: Off To Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
Chapter 4: Getting on the Train
Chapter 5: The Train Ride Begins
Chapter 6:Hop, Hop, Hop, Mr. Toady! Wait! Don't Let the Lake Eat Me!
Chapter 7: The Sorting BEGINS!
Chapter 8: Get Your Head Out Of Your Arse!
Chapter 9: How Am I Not In Trouble?!
Chapter 10: He's a Bloody Git... Not Prince Charming
Chapter 11: Prove it...
Chapter 12: Hermione Almost Forgot WHAT?!
Chapter 13: Piss Off, Parkinson! But, Congrats, Harry!

Chapter 14: What Possessed You To Think That Was Smart?!

1.3K 34 27
By LoveMeXoXHateMe

I understand if you all hate me T^T I haven't written anything in MONTHS! Ugh I feel horrible :( I finally forced myself to update, though! Please don't hate me! I've just been under a lot of stress from having moved like three times in the past six months and then I started failing all of my classesnot to mention writer's block and just... ugh! I shouldn't be making excuses, though. It's summer, thankfully! I promise I'll make myself start updating again but, hey, I'm, not going back to school in the fall! I didn't drop out or anything, I'm just doing homeschooling ^-^


The rest of the night was spent by Hermione complaining about how stupid Harry and Ron are for accepting Draco's deul proposal.

“Honestly! How could they do that?! It's Malfoy for crying out loud! Something obviously is up,” Hermione cried out.

“I haven't the slightest idea, but really, Malfoy isn't all that bad, right? I mean you really don't know him,” I pointed out to her. We spent a few hours debating their idiocy before finally settling down for bed. We said goodnight to each other and we both fell asleep. Or so I thought.

After what felt like only having been asleep for a few minutes, I heard a door open and close. I stirred slightly but brushed it off and slept again, knowing full well that it wasn't morning yet. I was awoken again hours later by the same noise of the door. This time I was curious so I sat up and looked around. In front of the door with a shocked expression was Hermione in her dressing gown.

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Oh! Samira! You're awake?” she asked, trying to divert the subject.

“Yes. You woke me up. Now why are you up and about at this hour?”

“No reason.”

“Don't you even think about lying to me Hermione Jean Granger.”

“Alright! I followed Harry and Ron...”

“You did what?!” I nearly yelled. Her eyes widened as they darted around the room. She walked over to me and covered my mouth.

“Hush! You're too loud! Do you want the other girls to wake up? Well I followed them and Malfoy never showed up! Instead, Filch did! Malfoy set us up so we all ran away and ended up in the third floor corridor where there was a locked door and if I didn't open it Filch would have caught us. So, naturally, I used the Alohamora spell and unlocked it. We waited until Filch was no longer following us but then we saw that inside that very room was a THREE-HEADED DOG!” My eyes widened completely and I tried to speak but Hermione kept her hand over my mouth. “Sh! I'm not done yet! Anyway, underneath the dog's paw was a trapdoor. I think the dog is guarding something.”

“Are you serious?” I asked her after she had removed her hand, signaling she was done.


“That's... That's... WICKED!”

“Is that all you're going to say?! That what happened was 'wicked'?”

“Um... yes? Well it is! Honestly, I would love a three-headed dog.”

“Oh, then just go to the third floor corridor and grab that vicious monster. Keep it as your pet.”

“Can I really?”

“No! My God! I swear you are just like those boys!”

“What's wrong with that?”

“Ugh, nevermind! Let's just get to bed. We're going to be dead tired for our classes tomorrow if we don't sleep soon.”

“Alright Ms. Bossy... Goodnight, Hermione.” I gave Hermione a hug and she settled into her bed. Moments later the two of us were asleep and the thoughts of today's events were nowhere to be found.


For several weeks after that night, Hermione continued to ignore the two boys. It was the morning of Halloween when she finally had to speak to Ron. We were learning the Wingardium Leviosa spell during charms and Professor Flitwick had set us into pairs. I was with Parvati, Harry was with Seamus Finnigan, and Hermione had been paired with Ronald. I watched the expression on their faces when Flitwick told them they were together and it was difficult to tell which was more angered by it.

“Now don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing!” I heard Professor Flitwick's squeak of a voice begin to explain from his place on his usual pile of large books. “Swish and flick, remember, wish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too- never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest.”

I giggled at the image of a grown man with a buffalo sitting on him and then got to work. It wasn't very hard for me to do and I quickly made the feather we were giving float into the air. I helped Parvati until she managed it, as well, and then noticed Hermione yelling at Ron. He was saying the spell slightly wrong and was waving his gangly arms around like a madman.

“You're saying it wrong!” Hermione angrily told him. “It's wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long.”

“You do it then, if you're so clever,” Ron snapped back. Hermione had a smug look on her face as she rolled her sleeves up and flicked her wand.

Wingardium Leviosa!” Hermione said with perfect motions. Her feather soared into the air several feet above their heads. Professor Flitwick was so impressed that he praised her and gave Gryffindor five extra points. By the time class was over, Ronald looked like he would hit the next person to speak.

“It's no wonder no one can stand her,” I overheard him telling Harry. “She's as nightmare, honestly!”

Hermione, who was standing next to me, heard him as well. I could see the tears begin to brim in her eyes as she ran passed them, knocking into Ron on her way.

“I think she heard you,” Harry said.

“So?” Ron replied, although I could see a hint of guilt hiding in his eyes. “She must've noticed she's got no friends.”

“For your information, Ronald, I'm her friend! How can you be so rude?!” I snapped at him then ran after Hermione, trying to follow her course. I found Hermione in one of the girls' bathrooms. She had locked herself in a stall and I could hear her sobbing. “Hermione, open up. It's me, sweety. That ginger is just a bloody, foul, git.”

“H-he's r-r-right, though. You- you're th-the only one that l-likes me,” I made out through her sobs.

“Unlock the door and come out, please. He couldn't be more wrong. All of the girls in our dorm like you, and think about it this way: the friends you have are real. People like Draco just buy their friends, you don't have to. We love you for being you.” I heard the lock on the stall slide and so I opened the door. I gave Hermione a hug and just let her cry into me. For hours we just stayed in the bathroom while I let her get out all of her sadness and rage.

Suddenly, I smelled a disgusting stench. I could hear loud shuffling noises, almost as if something huge was walking without picking up its feet. A shadow fell across the room and I looked up. There in the doorway stood a mountain troll roughly twelve feet tall with a massive wooden club. It saw us and walked in. The door slammed shut behind it and Hermione and I looked at each other in shock. The troll began to get closer and the two of us let out earsplitting, scared screams. Time seemed to freeze as we sat in fear. It restarted when the door flew open revealing Harry and Ron. We were cowering against the far wall and the troll was shattering the sinks as it was trying to reach us. I heard Harry shout something to Ron but I was too terrified to comprehend it. Ron began trying to distract the troll and Harry ran around it to us.

“Come on, run, run!” He yelled but we were petrified

The troll began to run at Ron, enraged by all of the noise. What Harry did next was either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. Possibly both. He ran at the troll and jumped as high as he could, wrapping his arms around its neck. Harry's wand was still in his hand when he jumped and somehow managed to find its way directly into the troll's nose. It began howling in agony and flailed around, Harry barely able to cling on for his life. Ron pulled out his wand and did the only thing he could think of.

Wingardium Leviosa!” Ron cried.

The troll's club flew into the air and rose higher and higher. The lack of balance the club had made it turn over in midair. The sudden flip caused it to fly downward, smashing onto the head of the troll. The troll landed face forward onto the floor, the room shaking dangerously from the force. Harry got up from where he had landed when the troll fell, shaking and out of breath. Ron stood frozen in shock at what had happened and Hermione and I began to recover from our fear. We helped each other stand up and then she spoke.

“Is it- dead?” Hermione asked.

“I don't think so,” Harry told her. “I think it's just been knocked out.”

Harry pulled his wand out of the troll's nose. It was covered in a thick, lumpy, gray substance that could only be one thing. He wiped his wand on the trousers of the unconscious being while stating the obvious.

“Ugh- troll boogers.”

Thundering footsteps were heard in the sudden silence, shortly followed by Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell. Professor Quirrell let out a whimper then sat on a toilet, trying to stay calm. Professor Snape bent down to examine the troll while Professor McGonagall's attention was focused on the boys. Her lips were drawn into a firm, white line. Fury radiated off of her.

“What on earth were you thinking of?” she asked. The fury in her voice was icy and sharp. It would have been less terrifying if she were screaming. “You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?”

“Please, Professor McGonagall- they were looking for me,” Hermione said from next to me.

“Miss Granger!”

“I went looking for the troll because I- I thought I could deal with it on my own- you know, because I've read all about them.” I heard Ron's wand drop in shock and knew I needed to back her up.

“I followed her, trying to get her to come back because it was dangerous but I knew there was no stopping her so I went along to try and help her,” I added. “I was too scared to do anything, though.”

“If Harry and Ron hadn't found us, we'd be dead by now. Harry stuck his wand up its nose and Ron knocked it out with its own club. They didn't have time to come and fetch anyone. It was about to finish us off when they arrived.”

“Well- in that case...” McGonagall began, taking her time to look at us all for signs of lying. “Miss Granger, you foolish girl, how could you think of tackling a mountain troll on your own? Miss Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this. I'm very disappointed in you. Miss Truscott, no points will be taken from you as you tried to refrain her from doing this. If you two are not hurt at all, then you'd better get off to Gryffindor tower. Students are finishing the feast in their houses.”

Hermione and I quickly left, not daring to stay any longer, and ran up to the common room. Everyone was chattering happily as they ate but we just stood by the door until Ron and Harry arrived. None of us looked at each other when they did but we simultaneously all said “Thanks,” before hurrying off to get plates of food.


Okay, so there you go! I'm still so sorry :( Please don't hate me! Love me because I didn't abandon my story!

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