Chapter 10: He's a Bloody Git... Not Prince Charming

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Okay you guys! I'm am SO sorry that it's been so long! I feel like crap for it! T^T But here's the next chapter and I'll try to be more regular about updating! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!! WAAAAAAAAH! T0T



Hermione came running up to me at the next second.

“Samira! What was that? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a thing Harry Potter!” Hermione cried out as we made our way to the common room.

“Potter?! How could you fancy Potter?!” a voice behind us snarled. I spun on my heel to find Draco.

“What of it Malfoy? Who’s concern is it to you who I fancy?” I replied coldly.

“Filthy half-blood. You don’t deserve him!” Draco shouted out. My eye widened at his words and when realization struck him of what he had said, his followed. Tears began to brew in my eyes and I discreetly moved my head so my bangs covered my face. Looking down at the ground, I saw Malfoy’s feet take a slight step forward and his arm raise, as if to hold me there or to caress my face. “No! That’s not what I meant! I said that in the wrong order! I meant-”

“Shove off, Malfoy. Go find someone else to torment!” I cried out and ran down the hall. Hermione glared at him before she followed. I ran around the nearest corner and fell onto the ground sobbing. Hermione patted my back in soothing comfort.

“Sh, sh, sh. It’ll be okay, Samira. I promise. Malfoy is just a ruddy git and he doesn’t even deserve to talk to you,” Hermione whispered to me, trying to calm me. The opposite took affect and I let out a sob of hysterics.

“Y-you, d-d-don’t g-get it, Hermione! I d-don’t like H-H-Har-r-ry! I like D-Draco!” I wept out. Hermione gave a slight gasp but then recomposed herself.

“You fancy Malfoy?! He’s not worth it! He’s a foul, loathsome git!” Hermione shrieked.

“HERMIONE GRANGER! Keep your mouth shut! What if he hasn’t left yet and he heard you?! I don’t want that boy finding out about my secret!” I shouted, managing to speak with my tears making me stutter.

“Sorry, I forgot. But either way, he’s really not worth it, Samira. I suggest giving up on him. You don’t even know him that well. Come on, we can finish this conversation in the common room.” Hermione helped me up, wiped away my tears and, arm in arm, we walked to the common room. Our favorite chairs were not claimed so we sat down together and continued our conversation quietly.

“Yes, Hermione. I fancy Draco Malfoy. I fancy him so much, I’ve never felt this way before. When I first met him over the summer, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I really, really like him,” I stated quietly.

“But Samira, you’re only eleven years old. It’s probably nothing, who’s to say that you really fancy him as much as you think you do?” Hermione pointed out.

“I obviously can’t know for sure, but I do know that I wouldn’t still like him after he was this much of an arse and I definitely still like him…”

“Well, that’s true, I guess. But he still isn’t worth your time if he’s going to be so rude.”

“Hermione, that’s what you think. He’s a perfect gentleman when it’s just the two of us, he’s much nicer. I don’t understand why the second someone else is around he turns into a loathsome git…”

“Oh, dear. I think I understand!” Hermione cried.

“Really? You do?”

“Yes! Remember how he was nice to you before he found out you were muggle-born?”

“Well of course I do.”

“Malfoy is a pure-blood, they think they’re better than everyone else. He doesn’t want to be associated with muggle-borns because he thinks that it will make him less popular. Maybe he likes you as a person and is willing to look passed your blood status as long as it doesn’t effect his social ranking. Hence why he’s nice is private.”

“Holy cricket, Hermione! You may just be right about that!”

“It would make sense, now, wouldn’t it?”

“It would make crystal clear sense!”

“I’m a genius, now come on. It’s time for dinner so we should get down to the Great Hall.”

“Alright, off we go!” I hopped up from my seat and lead Hermione all the way to the Great Hall, as we walked through the doors, I revealed to her a secret wish of mine. “I wish he weren’t embarrassed to be around me… if only he didn’t care about staying better than everyone else… Maybe then… we could be together, and no issues would happen. We could live together happily ever after.”

“Samira, life isn’t a fairy tale. And you may be a beautiful princess, but he’s no Prince Charming.”

“I’m not a ‘beautiful princess’ and I know he isn’t Prince Charming… but I can hope, right?”

“Hoping won’t help in a lost cause,” Hermione pointed out. I looked at the ground in sorrow, knowing she was right.

He's Falling For a Mudblood?! {A Draco Malfoy Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now