Chapter 1: The Letter

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Today was my birthday, July 13th. I was turning 11 and I couldn't have been more excited. I woke up extremely early and went to the next room to wake my mom up.

Me: Mommy? Wake up. It's my birthday

Mom: What time is it?

Me: 3:24. The exact time I was born.

Mom: Honey, please go back to bed. It's too early to be up. You can wake me up at 7 or when you wake up for good. Whichever comes 2nd.

Me: Okay... Night Mummy.

Mom: Night, Sweetie.

I went back into my room and fell back asleep the second my head hit the pillow.


I woke up at 7:33 and jumped out of bed to wake my mum up. When I reached her room she wasn't there. I heard humming from the kitchen and went to check it out. There was my mum, making my favorite banana and chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, hot fudge, and rainbow sprinkles on top (Don't judge it before you try it, it's yummy! :D) and humming happily. I snuck up behind her and roared. She jumped and I giggled like any child would.

Me: Morning, Mummy!

Mom: Good morning, Sweetie. Happy Birthday! Breakfast is almost ready.

Me: YAY!

I got two plates down from the cabinet and grabbed Jax's food dish, she loves these pancakes. Just as Mum was putting our breakfast on our plates a letter flew down our chimney. I saw the letter and ran towards it. I picked it up and saw that it was adressed to me.

Ms. S. Truscott,

The Kitchen,

2, Grant Street,

Ash Green, EnglandI flipped the envelope over and saw a stamp that looked like an H with a snake, a badger, an eagle, and a lion surrounding it. I carefully opened it up and gasped at what I saw. In my hands was a thick peice of yellow-ish parchment declaring that I had been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

Mum: What is it, Honey?

Me: It's a letter saying that I was accepted to a school for witches!

Mum: That's wonderful!

Me: Really? It's called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Mum: Oh yes. It's the best school for witchcraft in all of Europe!

Me: Can I go?

Mum: Of course! I wouldn't say no to that! This is a marvelous opportunity for you! Now let me see the letter.

I handed her the letter and she quickly looked it over.

Mum: Ah, yes. I see now. Why don't we go and get all these items tomorrow?

Me: Sure, but where can we get all of this?

Mum: In a little place called Diagon Alley

I nodded and ate my breakfast. I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. It was going to be amazing! Once I had finished, I burshed my teeth, got dressed, and went outside to talk to my best friend Jasmine who lived across the street. I knocked on her door and waited for someone to answer it. Then I heard a high pitched squealing that I knew could only ever come for her. I knocked again and the door flung open. There stood Jasmine in her favorite black and red tutu dress. Her face was flushed from excitement as she pulled a letter from her pocket.

Jamine: I'm a witch! I mean, I knew that I was, but still. I'm a witch!

I looked at her shocked and she misread my expression. Her eyes started to water because she thought that I was rejecting her. She was about to turn around and go back inside when I grabbed her hand.

Me: I'm a witch, too!

I pulled my letter out of the pocket of my hoodie. We jumped around and hugged until we were out of breath.

Jasmine: Oh yeah, Happy Birthday, Samira.

Me: Thanks!

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