Chapter 11: Prove it...

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Hermione and I sat down at the Gryffindor table for dinner. As we piled some food on our plates, Harry and Ron sat down on either side of us. Harry to my right, Hermione to my left, and Ron to her left.

    “Hello, Samira,” Harry said to me.

    “Hiya, Harry,” I responded cheerfully. All signs of me crying and my hurt from Malfoy’s words were gone. No one could tell what had happened a mere hour or so ago, except Hermione, of course. I acted just the same, careful not to let anyone realize anything was wrong. We ate with light conversation until Jasmine came to join us. She pushed Harry aside some and sat down.

    “Hiya, Samira!” She chirped. Harry glared at her slightly, his reasons were quite unknown but I deducted it was either from her moving him or from him not sitting next to me anymore.

    “Hi, Jasmine!” I sang back. Jasmine took a piece of buttered bread off of my plate and took a large bite out of it. She put the rest of the bread back on my plate then proceeded to take some chicken and eat it. She kept eating off my plate until I pushed it in front of her. She smiled at me then ate the rest, obviously not having eaten at her own table. “I’m tired… I think I’m going to go up to bed, now.”

    “Do you want me to walk you?” Harry asked, starting to stand up.

    “No, I’m a big girl. I can walk myself.” With that, I got up from the table and strode out of the Great Hall. Today seemed to be an emotional rollercoaster of a day and I wanted to get off as soon as I possibly could.

    I headed toward the staircase leading upstairs when I felt a familiar gaze upon my back. I turned around to see Malfoy standing in the doorway of the great hall. My chocolate brown eyes found his ice gray ones and we just stared deeply at each other for several moments. Draco started to take a step forward, closer to me, and I could feel tears well up in my eyes. He couldn’t see me cry! I spun on my heel and started running up the stairs. I could tell that Draco was still watching me, but not following. Once I had gotten up two or three floors, I sunk onto the ground and let the tears flow out. I had been sitting there for only a minute but it feel like an hour. I heard footsteps coming up the staircase but paid no mind to it, they wouldn’t stop and talk to me. Or at least, that’s what I thought. I sensed the person coming closer to me and sitting down against the wall to my right.

    “What’s wrong, Samira?” a familiar, soothing voice spoke quietly . My eyes shot open at whose voice it was and I couldn’t help but wonder why Draco’s voice was so soothing when he‘d caused me so much pain.

    “Like it matters to you, Malfoy!” I spat, starting to get up. Draco’s hand reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back down, falling into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me even though I was struggling to escape his grasp. Once I had given up and slumped in his arms, the tears began to fall from my eyes again and I curled into him. He continued the conversation as he gently caressed my hair.

    “It does matter to me. I don’t want to see you hurt,” He whispered in my ear.

    “But you’re the one who always hurts me. If you don’t want to see me hurt then stop making me hurt,” I spoke so quietly that if he hadn’t been centimeters from me he wouldn’t have heard. I couldn’t see his reaction because my face was hidden in his chest but it probably was one of shock.

    “I never mean to hurt you. I just can’t help what I say sometimes, it comes out of it’s own accord.”

    “Well, maybe you should learn how to hold your tongue,” I whispered quietly yet firmly.

    “You are absolutely right. And I didn’t mean what I said earlier, I meant it the other way around. You’re too good for him, not you’re not good enough for him. You are so much better than what he deserves,” Draco said. I could hear a slight smile in his voice.

    “Then who does deserve me? You?” I asked him, looking up into his eyes. Draco wiped away my tears and smiled as he answered.

    “No way, I am nowhere near good enough for you. There is no one that deserves you because you are just too amazing.”

    “Then what, am I supposed to go my whole life alone because there is no one good enough for me?”

    “No, you’ll have to go for the best you can get, even if he’s not good enough. But it’s just your luck that I’m the best there is so I’ll have to be good enough,” he said haughtily and smirked. I gave a slight laugh and hit his arm playfully.

    “You’ll only be the best if you prove to me that you’ll never hurt me again. I don’t like it when you hurt me…”

    “How do I prove it? And for how long?”

    “That’s for you to figure out. You’ll know when I trust you again. Until then, this will have to do.” I unwrapped Draco’s arms from around me and began to get up. Once I was standing, I turned to look him in the eyes. “Once you prove to me, there’s more where this came from.”

    “Where what came fr-?” I cut Draco off by putting my finger to his lips.

    “Shush, and you’ll see.” I removed my finger and knelt on the ground between his legs. I could see Draco’s eyes go wide with confusion and then realization. I put my hands on either side of his face and leaned in until our lips brushed slightly together. I was about to pull away when I felt Draco’s hands go to my head and push our heads back together. My eyes fluttered closed as I began to kiss back. Then I heard a deep intake of breath behind us and broke away from him. I stood up and spun around to look at the spectator. My eyes went wide at the person I saw before me that was teeming with fury. Harry Potter.

He's Falling For a Mudblood?! {A Draco Malfoy Love Story}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat