Chapter 6:Hop, Hop, Hop, Mr. Toady! Wait! Don't Let the Lake Eat Me!

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Sorry it took so long!! I’ve been having drama issues and keep getting distracted! ^-^’  I made this one extra long as an apology! Sorry!!!! <3



After Jasmine and I had finished eating our treats, I pulled out some cat food from my trunk. Awa immediately came running and Jasmine’s new owl named Aislin (Ash-lyn: meaning dream) only stirred slightly before readjusting her position and going back to sleep. I took out Awa’s personal cat dish and poured some of her favorite food into it. I took the water bottle I had been carrying around with me and poured that into her water dish, just in case she was thirsty. Awa ate all of the food I gave her and even drank all the water. Jasmine and I just played with Awa for a while when suddenly Awa started hissing and pounced at something. I saw a flash of dark green and found myself trying to get the toad as far away from away as I could.

“Jasmine! Grab Awa! I’ll get the toad!” I called out.

“Great! I’ll take the cat and you keep that nasty thing as far away from us as you can!” Jasmine shrieked. She hates toads, frogs, insects, spiders, and even snakes! I love them, though.

“Alright, I’ll keep it away from you,” I told her. Awa leaped out of Jasmine’s arms and after the toad seconds after Jasmine had picked her up. “No, Awa! Be good! That is NOT a toy!” I ran toward the toad before Awa could get to it, Jasmine following behind to get to Awa. Jasmine managed to scoop up Awa right before she got to the toad. I picked up the toad gently and started to stroke it so it would calm down. I could see Awa’s tail flicking in frustration out of the corner of my eye. Awa tried to leap out of Jasmine’s arms but Jasmine held tight.

“Mr. Toady, you are quite the trouble magnet! You just keep hop, hop, hopping in places that you shouldn’t be!” I cooed to the toad. Just then, the compartment door opened.

“Excuse me, but have either of you seen a toad? This boy, Neville, lost his.” A girl with very bushy brown hair and slightly overgrown front teeth asked us. There was a short, slightly plump boy with light blonde hair standing slightly behind her who I assume is Neville. His hazel eyes lit up upon the sight of the toad.

“Trevor!” Neville cried.

“Ah! So your name is Trevor! Well, Trevor, be more careful and try to stay away from Awa, she seems to think you’re a play toy,” I told the toad softly as I went to hand him back to Neville. The toad leaped out of my hands and hopped out of the compartment.

“Oh, no! Not again!” Neville cried out and ran after Trevor.

“Oh, well. You two really should be changing into your robes. I’ve just been up front and they said that we’ll be arriving soon. Thank you for your help. I’m Hermione, by the way,” The girl told us.

“I’m Samira, and that’s Jasmine holding Awa. It was no problem really, toads are great creatures,” I told her.

“Speak for yourself! They’re nasty little buggers!” Jasmine cried.

“Yes, whatever. Anyway, I hope to be seeing you around school. Hopefully even in the same house! You seem very nice,” I said to Hermione. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll just be changing.”

“Oh, yes, of course! See you around, Samira. Jasmine.” Hermione left the compartment and closed the door gently behind her. Jasmine set Awa down and we quickly changed into our new robes.  We cleaned up the rubbage around the compartment from our snacks and things that fell over while chasing Trevor. By the time we were done and had sat back down, there was a loud voice echoing through the train.

“We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes’ time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately.” The train slowed to a halt not long after the announcement. After everyone had filed off the train, I heard a loud booming voice calling us.

“Firs’ years! Firs’ years over here! All right there, Harry?” The voice said. I looked around, wondering who Harry was when I saw a man that was larger than I’ve ever seen before. He stood as tall as almost two grown men and nearly five times as wide! He had brilliant black eyes and a mass of facial hair that made it nearly impossible to see his face. I grabbed Jasmine’s hand and we walked towards the man. “C’mon, follow me - any more firs’ years? Mind yer step now! Firs’ years follow me!” I did as he instructed and followed the man down a steep and narrow path. I nearly slipped and would have fallen flat on my face had I not been holding onto Jasmine. “Yeh’ll get yer firs’ sight o’ Hogwarts in a sec. Jus’ round this bend here.”

A loud “Oooooh!” echoed through the throng of first years. I stood in amazement at the sight in front of me. I saw something that very much resembled a castle that sat upon a great mountain. There were thousands of windows and it had large towers that made me gasp at how high up they must go. The man drew our attention to a small fleet of boats  resting in a massive lake.

“No more’n four to a boat!” He called. Everyone scrambled to get into a boat. Jasmine and I grabbed one and were followed in by two shy people who introduced themselves as Justin Finch-Fletchley and Hannah Abbott. “Everyone in? Right then- FORWARD!” The boats all jerked forward across the large, glass like lake.

I leaned over the edge of the boat and swore that I saw something moving in the water that was quite larger than your average fish. “Heads down!” I heard the man shout. The sudden outburst in the otherwise quietness shocked me and I started to fall forward. I gave a large gasp and felt three pairs of hands grab me. I was pulled back up and set down next to Jasmine again.

“Ah! Don’t let the lake eat me! I’m too young to get eaten by a lake!” I cried and gave a sheepish smile when I heard a slight chuckle from the boat next to us. I looked over a saw Draco smirking at me. My face turned bright red. We reached a large underground harbor and were instructed to get out of the boats. The man started searching the boats to make sure nothing was left behind.

“Oy, you there! Is this your toad?” he asked, holding up a familiar toad.

“Trevor!” Neville cried, running over to grab him.

“Keep hold of him, Neville! We don’t need a re-happen of Awa trying to use him as a toy!” I called to him. Neville’s ears turned red in embarrassment. The man led us up a stone passage that opened up to reveal lush, green grass at the base of the castle. We then walked up the stone steps that led to the castle doors.

“Everyone here? You there, still got yer toad?” The man asked us all. He then reached up and knocked loudly on the door three times.

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