The Darkness Beneath ~ A Soul...

By Seamist11

1.9K 78 6

A new student has arrived at the DWMA. As her story unfolds, she will face many challenges along the way, and... More

A New Beginning
The New Student
The Whole Name
How Black Star Feels
The Announcement
Mixed Feelings And Problems
Drinks And Dancing
He Ruins Everything!
The Hotel
I Like You Too Much
Medusa and Crona
A Shattered Family
Not Today
What Happens Now?
Saving Crona
Medusa's Plans
The Things They Talked About
A Plan?
Magic After All?
Before-Battle Fun
Being Torn In Two
More Secrets?
What Will We Do Now?
What Medusa Said
This Must Be A Mistake
You Did This To Me

Sky Meets Kid

58 4 1
By Seamist11

~ Moon's Point Of View ~

Moon woke up the next morning to Sky shaking her bed...Again. "Sky...Why do you always have to shake my bed to get me up?" she murmured, angry.

"It's the only thing that actually wakes you up when you need to get up. So, tell me this. Why was that Maka girl here yesterday morning talking to you?" Sky wondered.

Moon thought for a moment. Her mind was hazy, because she had just woken up. "Oh, that. Maka was here yesterday morning to tell me something."

Sky frowned. "And she told you...?"

"She told me that Kid might ask me to dance with him at the party, and she also told me I had to say yes. Either way, I would've said yes anyway." Moon explained.

Sky hugged Moon really tightly. "Moon danced with a boy!!! I'm so proud of you!" she squealed.

Moon was being squished. "Sky, get off of me! Your boobs are so big they're squishing my face!" she laughed. Sky let go of her, and fixed her shirt.

"Whoops...Sorry Moon..." Sky trailed off. "Anyway, what's this boy you danced with like? Is he tall? Hot? Does he have a nice face? Is he thin?"

Moon thought for a moment about all of those questions. Hmmm..."I guess he's all of those things, Sky." she finally answered.

Sky leaped up and hugged Moon again. "Moon! I don't know how to break it to ya...But you've got the perfect boy in the palm of your hands! You like him, right? Please tell me you like him! Because if you don't, I'll be on that faster than you can say 'fish'!" she was squishing Moon again.

"Sky, he already likes me. If you go for it, he won't accept." Sky wiped the smile off her face as soon as Moon said that.

"So, you're saying you don't like him? Not one teensy little bit?"

Well, I have to admit, I do kinda like him a little bit...But Sky doesn't need to know right now. "Nope. I don't like him. I don't like anyone right now."

"Well can I at least meet him? Pleeeease?" Sky begged. Moon thought for a moment.

"I'm not sure..." she lied.

"Pleeeease? I'll do anything!"

Moon smiled. Hehe...Anything, she says? "Promise you won't go after him."

Sky nodded her head. "Consider it done!"

"Okay. I'll arrange for him to come over after school." Moon explained while she was finishing getting ready.

"Great plan! I'll clean up the house while you and Katie are at school." Moon was surprised. Sky? Cleaning? Those two combined is definitely a rare sight. Sky transformed into her cat form, and walked out of the room. Moon watched as the sleek white-and-blue-spotted cat started cleaning the kitchen. When Moon was all set, she went out the door. She saw Katie waiting for her. Her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot impatiently.

"Well, it's about time! Daydreaming about your boyfriend, I assume?" she smirked.

"Kid is not my boyfriend. We are just friends." Moon quickly became angry by Katie's comment.

She laughed. "For now." Moon ignored it, and just before they were about to leave the property, Sky called to them. They both turned around, and there she was, in a little maid outfit. It was a strapless dress that was really short.

"I'll be waiting, Moon!" she yelled.

"What will she be waiting for?" Katie wondered. She suspected something was up, and she was right, as usual.

Moon looked at Katie. "I told her how me and Kid danced together yesterday, and she freaked out. She wants me to have him over so she can meet him. Now she's going all out to clean the house and everything..." she trailed off.

"Sky? Cleaning? Next thing you know she'll be cooking for us!" Katie made fun of the moment.

Moon laughed too. "Come on. We'll be late for school if we just stand around making jokes." she smiled.

"Oh, now you're the one telling me to hurry up?" Katie argued as they were on their way.

When they arrived at school, Kid was waiting for them outside. Moon approached him, but before she could say anything..."Hey Moon!" called a voice from behind Kid.

It was Maka. She would probably ask her how her dance went. Moon smiled."Hey, Maka."

"So how was you guys' dance?" she asked. She quickly winked at Moon. Of course. Everyone's gonna be asking me this all day...

Out of the corner of Moon's eye, she could see Kid start to blush. He looked at the ground nervously. "It was fun. We both had a great time. I even got Kid to drink a little!" Moon said this just to make Kid blush even more. He's so cute when he's embarrassed...

"Oh, that's definitely a first for you, Kid. Did you like it?" Maka wondered. Kid said nothing. He just shook his head. "That's a shame. You're missing out, Kid." She winked at Moon again, then walked away.

"So, how are you doing today?" Moon asked Kid after Maka was out of sight.

"I'm good, although I am sore from dancing so much last night..." he smiled while blushing a bit.

Moon smiled too. "Heh. So am I." she paused. "So Kid. I ended up telling my cat about last night, and she wants to meet you now. You wanna come over after school?" she slightly blushed. It was kinda embarrassing to ask a guy to hang out. This must be what they feel...Moon thought.

"Yes." Kid immediately said after Moon finished. "I mean...Sure, that would be nice..." he trailed off nervously. Moon couldn't hold back a giggle.


In first class, Professor Stein told the students about a mission. "It will be dangerous. I want three meisters with their weapons to handle it." he paused. "Any questions?"

"What's the mission, smart one?" someone called out.

Ignoring the person's remark, Stein continued. "The mission. Is dealing with a witch." Gasps were heard around the room. "Yes, yes I know you all haven't gotten 99 Kishin souls yet, but Lord Death said it was urgent. This witch, is attempting to create a kishin of her own. It is on the verge of becoming one, and by the looks of it, she has found the location of another kishin, who has had an eternal spell cast on him. The only way to awaken it is...well I won't tell you that. So, who will take on the challenge?" silence. It was the only thing that could be heard.

Someone's got to do it. Why not me? And if I volunteer, maybe Kid, or Maka will too. I'd hate to do a mission with someone I don't know. "I'll do it!" Moon called out. Everyone was looking at her.

"Excellent. So our newest students are taking on one of the most difficult challenges we've had here? Brave move." Stein smirked.

"I'm going too!" yelled another voice. It was right beside Moon. She looked over to see who it was. Kid stood up, and he was looking desperately at Stein. Stein stared at him back, and it was as if they were talking to each other in their heads.

"Very well." He looked around the classroom again, waiting for one more person to volunteer. Moon looked around the room. When her eyes reached where Black Star was sitting, he was starting to stand up. Oh, no...Please don't volunteer...

"I will!"

Moon put her head in her hands. "Great. Moon, Katie, Kid, Liz, Patty, Maka, and Soul will take care of the witch." She heard Professor Stein say. She looked over at Maka. She smiled and winked. Moon was relieved and mouthed a 'thank you'.

"You will leave tomorrow. The witch is in Italy. The plane tickets were bought beforehand, and you have rooms in a hotel. Liz, Patty, and Maka will share a room. Moon and Katie will share a room. As for Soul and Kid, you each have your own rooms." he finished.

When the school day was over, Kid, Moon, and Katie were walking home.

"I wonder if Sky actually cleaned up? She probably got caught up in sharpening her nails, like the last time she 'cleaned'." Katie explained, using air quotes around the word 'cleaned'.

"That's probably what happened...And she probably made an even bigger mess with her nasty nail dust that I will have to clean up." Moon grumbled.

"Hah! But if she really did clean, I'll cook a fish for her tonight. You know how she loves the way I make my fish!" The two girls laughed and talked almost the whole way there. Kid had fallen behind a bit, and was staring at the ground as he walked.

"Katie, you go on ahead. I'm gonna fall back and talk with him." Moon whispered to Katie. She nodded and kept on walking, while Moon had stopped.

When Kid finally caught up to her, she spoke. "Sorry about all that. When me and Katie get talking, we really get talking." she chuckled. Kid said nothing and kept on staring at the ground. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Sorry. I'm just worried. I'm afraid that Sky won't like me..." he trailed off.

"That's the silliest thing to say! You know what? When Sky asked me to describe you, and I did, she said you sounded like the perfect boy." Moon smiled.

That seemed to lighten him up. "Really?"

"Really." she paused. "Come on, let's catch up. Our house is just up ahead." Moon looked at their house. She was just worried that the inside would be worse than when they left for school that morning.

When they reached the door, Katie stopped. "Are you prepared for the mess we are about to see?"

"No. But let's go in anyway." Moon answered. As Katie opened the door, the strong scent of air freshener poured out. There was so much, Moon swore she could see it drifting through the air. What they saw inside was a complete surprise. Everything was spotless. the floors shined, along with the countertops.

"Wow! She even made the carpets white! I haven't seen white carpet in forever!" exclaimed Katie.

Where is Sky? Moon thought. "Sky, we're home! Come meet Kid!" Moon yelled.

And around the corner came the small white-and-blue-spotted cat. She transformed into her human form and rushed to give Kid a hug. "So this is Kid?! He's very handsome, Moon! You got a nice one!" she commented.

Moon and Kid both blushed a little at this. "Let go! You're squishing me!" Kid squealed. Sky let go and took hold of Moon's shoulders.

"Even his voice is sexy, Moon! I'm so proud of you!" she exclaimed.

"See, Kid? I told you she would like you." Moon whispered to him.

"I think she likes me a little too much, though...She said my voice is sexy." Kid laughed.

Sky came over and tried to listen. "Telling secrets, already?" she paused and waited for an answer. Moon just frowned at her while Kid gave her a nervous 'I-don't-know-what-the-hell-to-say' look. "I'll leave you two alone then." She went over to the fridge and took out a raw fish and bit a huge chunk out of it. Now that's nasty...

Kid laughed a bit at the sight. "Come on, let's go to my room before Sky bothers us again." Moon said. As they were walking, they heard Katie raging in her room with the door locked.

"THE ONE ROOM IN THE HOUSE THAT SHE DOESN'T CLEAN! MINE! WHY'D IT HAVE TO BE MINE! I MEAN WHY..." They both started laughing. When they both entered the room, Kid stood in front of her bed, facing her. Moon stood in the doorway, staring at her room.

" room is...clean! It hasn't been this clean since we moved in!" Kid laughed at this. As Moon walked further into her room, she tripped on a lump in the rug and fell into Kid. "Ahh...I'm sorry..." she stuttered.

Kid's eyes were wide and he was blushing bright red. "No, it's fine..."

They got so close together again. Moon hoped history didn't repeat itself.

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