Brothers (Jai Brooks and Luke...

By Love_is_easy_Mcfly

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Jai Brooks has been constantly bullied throughout his life, by one person in particular; his twin brother Luk... More

Brothers (Jai Brooks and Luke Brooks - Janoskians)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten


4.6K 142 82
By Love_is_easy_Mcfly



No that was awful

Who says epic anymore you’re in year 11.

Stop. What are you doing with your life?




“He’s just pleased to see you” I told my fiancé Ariana (I know but they were just so perfect together don’t hate me) as I passed her a tissue. (When I wrote this they weren’t going out btw)

“Please take him” She said, and I took our three month old son Jonah from her.

“Come on” I said leading her through the airport to the car. When we got in the car I put her suitcase in the boot and then strapped Jonah in the back. I got in the driver’s seat and got a packet of tissues out and passed them to Ariana to get the sick off her.

“That was so embarrassing” She said but she was slightly laughing.

“Like I said, he was pleased to see you, he was showing his love”

“By vomiting on me?”She asked

“Just the perks of having a child” I said and put my seatbelt on.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t change it.” She put her seatbelt on but then turned round and held Jonah’s tiny hand

“I missed you so much baby” She said to Jonah.

“I missed you too” I said as I pulled out of the airport.

“Not you, him” She argued as she hit me.

“You didn’t miss me?” I asked faking an upset voice

“Of course I did” She said turning back round.

“How was he?” She asked

“Fine, we did a bit of bonding, had a few pints together and other things”

“You’re joking right”

“Of course I am, why would I give a three month old beer?” I asked

“This is coming from the man that wanted to call our son Predator?” She asked

“That would be such a good name, think about it. Predator Brooks, he’d get all the girls”

I heard her trying to stifle her giggles.

“Made you laugh I win” 

“You are so immature”

“You missed it”

“You know it”

“So, how were your family?” I asked

“Good, but I was too busy with interviews to spend time with them. I spent the whole time missing Jonah though, I should never have gone”

“It was only 5 days and you had to go for work, it’s not your fault, he was fine; anyway you couldn’t have brought him with you” I said trying to reassure her.

“I guess” She sighed.

I pulled onto the motorway and the car was silent for a while.

“Do you think he’s coming down with something?” She asked while turned around playing with Jonah.

“What do you mean?” 

“He threw up and you hadn’t recently fed him”

“It’s probably just one of those things” I told her.

“Can you stop?” She asked

“Where, we’re in the middle of a motorway? And why?”

“Just find a carpark, I want to give him a proper hug and I want to see if he’s okay”

“It’s late, stop when we get home” I said

“Why don’t we find a hotel, I’m really tired”

“I don’t have enough stuff for him”

“Please Jai, just pull into that town there” She said pointing to a turnoff to the left. “Look it’s got a pretty name”

I read the sign ‘Sienna 7 miles’

“Melbourne’s only 2 hours away” I said

“Please Jai, I’m so tired”

“Fine” I sighed and pulled off.

I drove down the road that led off and we arrived in the town, it was quite big but was really pretty. The whole town was overlooking a harbour and there was a beach near the harbour.

“I want to live somewhere like this one day” Ariana said as she looked over the town.

I found a supermarket and drove into the carpark.

“What are you doing?” She asked

“We need to get some more formula and nappies for him” I said as I found a space and took it.

We sat there for a while I waited for Ariana to get out.

“What?” She asked after a while.

“Go on then” I said

“I’ve got vomit all over my jumper, I’m not going out there” She said

“I don’t know which formula it is” I argued

“They’re all the same Jai, just go”

“Fine” I said as I grabbed my wallet and left.


 “Everything except formula” I muttered to myself as I read the list my wife Alexis had given me as she was too ill to do the shopping.

(You all know where this is going don’t you)

I dragged my full trolley to the baby isle. I stood in front of the formula I thought it was, then quickly checked my list to see if it was the right brand, it was so I reached for it without looking. I felt my hand touch the cold plastic and then another hand. I looked up and saw someone else reaching for it but they were looking at their phone.

“Sorry” We both said at the same time.

“I’ll get another one, I’m not even sure if this is the right brand” The other man said, he sounded familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Thank you” I said putting the formula in the trolley, I was doing one more final check of the list when someone interrupted me.

“Luke?” The man asked. I looked up and looked at his face properly, it was Jai. 10 years older but it was definitely Jai.

“Jai?” I said shocked, it was quite clearly him but I was still surprised.

We just stared at each other wide eyed for a while, Jai then suddenly turned and walked away.

“Jai” I called as I ran after him. He didn’t stop so I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to face me.

“Get off!” He shouted pushing me back.

“Look I know you think I killed him but I didn’t, I just want you to know that” I said quickly before he walked off “If I did I’d be in prison right now”.

“Oh course I know that Luke, so does Mum, so does Beau so does the whole family. The police told us when they let you go”

“Why are you annoyed at me then?” I asked, I was so confused.

“Not one phone call Luke, not one. No texts or letters or anything. Mum thinks you’re dead. Do you know how that felt to be watching Mum fall apart every night, watching Beau drive around looking for you because he thought you’d gone back to a gang. No Luke, you have no idea, because you weren’t there” He spat “You’re dead to me, if you can put Mum and Beau through that you are dead to me.”

He began to walk off again

“Jai please!” I called after him “Let me explain”

He carried on walking so I wrote my number and address on the back of the shopping list at lightning speed then ran after him and shoved it in his pocket. He grabbed it out again.

“I don’t want anything to do with you”

“Please Jai, if not at least give it to Mum and Beau”

He sighed

“I’m doing this for Mum, not for you” He said as he shoved the paper in his pocket and walked off with some formula.

Wait baby formula, which means Jai has a kid. I’d missed so much.

I grabbed my trolley and went to the checkout. As I put the shopping into the car I started thinking about things.

Beau could have a kid.

Mum could have re-married.

Jai could have gotten married.

Even Beau.

I put the trolley back then drove home.

Maybe I shouldn’t have left.

No. As I pulled into my driveway I changed my mind, me leaving was for the best, for everyone. I’d done well for myself and I was happy.

I grabbed all the shopping and took it through to the kitchen.

I didn’t bother unpacking; I quickly made up a bottle then went upstairs to my room. Alexis was asleep in bed so I paid attention to the crib next to the bed. I picked my three day old daughter Acacia up and sat next to Alexis on the bed. I leaned back on the pillows and started to feed Acacia.

Alexis was in bed because she had to have a caesarean with Acacia, and neither of them had taken it too well. Alexis was too sore to get out of bed and Acacia didn’t look like she was going to make it when she was first born, and as a result she was very underweight and fragile. It was at times like theses I realised how lucky I was to have them both.

“Luke?” I heard Alexis say as she woke up suddenly

“What’s wrong babe” I asked her

“When did you get back”

“Just now, do you want anything?”

“Will you get me a drink and something to eat please” She asked

“Yeah” I said passing Acacia to her.

“Luke she’s not supposed to be having formula, we agreed”

“Yeah but you were asleep, I didn’t want to wake you”

“Well I’m awake now aren’t I” She said and picked up Acacia to feed her the ‘natural’ way.

I left at that point.

 I went downstairs and unpacked the shopping. Then I heated up some leftovers of pasta I’d made last night. I grabbed a glass of water and took it all upstairs. This time the TV was on and Alexis was sat in bed with Acacia asleep on her chest and she had the duvet pulled up around Acacia. 

“Still sore?” I asked as I put the stuff down on the bedside table.

“Yeah” She said as she passed Acacia to me who was wrapped in a blanket and still fast asleep.

“I said a drink Luke” Alexis said

“I got you water”

“I meant a proper drink”

I laughed at her “You’re not getting wasted”

“Just get me a glass of mummy water”

“What?” I asked

“Wine, please”

“Al it’s only 3pm”


I bolted up and left the house still holding Acacia. I strapped her into her car seat then drove to the nursery. I got Acacia out again and queued up with the other parents and waited for Charlie. A few minutes later Charlie came trotting out holding his lunchbox and a drawing.

“Daddy!” He squealed and ran over to me

“Alright mate” I said patting the top of his head, I then took him by the hand then took them both to the car then home.

I parked the car and noticed there was one parked opposite my house. I opened the front door then helped Charlie out as I had taken the jeep, then I balanced Acacia on my shoulder and grabbed Charlie’s lunchbox and drawing with my other hand.

I went into the house and put Acacia straight into her baby seat in the living room. Charlie was in there watching TV already so I went and got him a carton of chocolate milk and 4 cookies on a plate.

I looked through the cupboards as Charlie needed tea, even though I knew I couldn’t cook much. I found some ready meals I’d bought and put a Sheppard’s pie in each for Charlie and I. I put them in the oven then quickly hoovered the kitchen floor. I wiped down the surfaces then took the food out of the oven and served Charlie and I. I put it on the table and called him through. Halfway through Acacia interrupted by crying. I picked her up then changed her.

I spent the rest of the evening getting Charlie and Acacia ready for bed and then I put them both to bed. I let the dogs in from the garden. Max, the German Sheppard ran straight into Charlie’s room and made himself comfortable on the floor next to Charlie’s bed like he did every night trying to protect him. Sammy my golden Labrador followed me into my room and laid down on the rug, he was older than Max so he was very calm. I crawled into bed next to Alexis and she rolled over into me. I put my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“Thank you so much Luke” She said on account of me doing all the jobs.

“Thank you for giving me two beautiful children” I replied and held her close.



I groaned as Charlie and Max ran in and jumped on me. I could feel Max’s tail thumping down against my leg and Charlie was sat on my back. I was so tired from Acacia crying all night so I just lay there.

“Daddy, wakey wakey” He said then shoved his finger in my ear.

“Charlie, don’t do that” I said sternly 

I felt Alexis sit up in bed and Charlie got off me.

I sat up in bed and saw some little brown curls pressed into Alexis’s chest

“I didn’t even shout” I said

Alexis just gave me a look. I sighed and got out of bed picking Acacia up who was by now awake. I took her into the kitchen and started to feed her. I looked out of the window as I fed her and noticed the car from yesterday was gone.

When she was done I went and sat in the living room where Max and Sam were. I just held Acacia and sat and daydreamed.

I started to think about Jai and my family. I wondered if my Mum would contact me, I tried to invite her to my wedding but the house phone was disconnected, the same with my Nonna. I sent invites to both of their houses but I never got a response.

I was interrupted from my daydream by someone clearing their throat from the doorway.

“Alexis, what are you doing out of bed” I asked

“I need to get up at some point” She said as she slowly walked over to the sofa, I could tell she was in pain.

“Pass her here” She said opening her arms

I stood up and gently placed a sleeping Acacia in her arms.

“You wouldn’t look after her for today would you?” She asked me

“Of course, but why?”

“I’m taking Charlie out on a playdate to Kate’s house”

“Which one’s she again?” I asked

“Cameron’s Mum”

“Oh, are you sure you’re alright to go out?” I asked

“Yeah it’s only Kate; she’s been through the same thing so she’ll understand.” She replied “Will you run me a bath and get Charlie ready please?”

“Yep” I replied. I ran upstairs and ran a bath then found Charlie in the play room. I had to chase him round the house for a while before he would stay still and let me dress him. When they were both ready they both left, and I was left with a four day old child for the day.


“There we go” I said as I gently rocked Acacia in my arms and she stopped crying. I put the bottle I’d just given her by the sink and noticed the same car there as yesterday. I ignored it then took Acacia into the living room then put her in her chair in the corner.

I then got my laptop out and stared to work as I mostly worked from home. I worked with one eye and watched Acacia with the other.


I wiped my hands on my jumper one more time before I checked the address. I knew it was the right house as I’d been parked outside yesterday as well but I just couldn’t bring myself to go in. I was so nervous. My hands were so sweaty and clammy as I picked up the piece of paper.

I finally got the courage to open the door and get out. As I crossed the road I noticed the size of Luke’s house, it was massive. It easily had 6 bedrooms but it wasn’t overly grand. It had a normal sized front garden with three cars, a flowerbed and a small porch. I made my way to the porch and knocked on the door.

I heard a dog barking and then Luke shouting at it to shut up.

He opened the door and then looked shocked to see me.

“Jai? What are you doing here, I thought you hated me?”

“I just want to know why; I don’t want to regret not knowing you”

Luke didn’t say anything he simply moved to the side and gestured for me to come in. I followed him down the hallway which was covered in photo frames, from what I saw I knew Luke had a wife and a son who looked about 3.

He led me into a huge kitchen with a massive counter in the middle. There were two dogs staring at me through the back door, making me feel uneasy. Luke walked to the end of the kitchen and turned the kettle on.

“Tea?” He asked

“Yeah” I said “No milk two sugars”

I looked around at his house as he made the tea. It was such a normal family home. There was a blackboard in the corner with things they’d obviously run out of or needed to get. There was a massive photo frame at the back of the kitchen with lots of photos of Luke and a women, in the middle there was a picture of Luke and his wife standing at the altar, her family were there, but no one from Luke’s side. It was quite sad really.

Luke passed me my cup then I followed him through to the living room. We sat down and I put my mug down on the coffee table.

“Go on then” He said

“What?” I asked

“Ask me anything you want” 

I paused and thought about the question I most wanted to know the answer to, I question I had previously asked him.

“Why?” I said after a while.

“Why what?” He asked sounding confused

“Why the hell did you never come back?” I said slightly raising my voice, straight away I heard a baby crying, what even.

Luke got up and walked over to the corner where a baby seat I hadn’t noticed was, Luke picked up the baby and brought it over.

“Sorry” I said “I didn’t know ‘it’ was there” I felt awkward about saying it, but it had a green blanket so I really couldn’t tell.

“She” Luke said “Acacia”

Luke moved her into a better position so she was very close to him, she stopped crying straight away. It was so weird seeing Luke being so loving and gentle, it was completely different to how he used to be. Everything had changed.

‘I didn’t come back because I thought it was best” He said

“Best for who?” I asked

“You and Mum, that way I couldn’t hurt you both anymore”

“You hurt Mum by not coming back, she thinks you’re dead” I yelled and stood up, about to leave.

“No Jai, stay” Luke begged 

I picked up my coat and started to walk out.

“I TRIED TO GET IN CONTACT JAI I SWEAR” Luke shouted after me

“No you didn’t, Mum never moved, or Nonna, you knew exactly where to find us” I said turning around to face him. His shouting made the baby start crying again but he didn’t look like he cared.

“Alright, I admit I never drove over, it’s just too far and my job takes over most of my time and the rest of the time I have I spend with my kids. I tried to ring though, I wrote, I even sent invitations to my wedding”

“We never got anything Luke”

“I sent them I swear” He said sounding genuine.

I sighed then walked towards him. I walked back into the living room and back to the sofa I’d been sat on. Luke came and sat next to me again; Acacia had stopped crying as well and had relaxed in Luke’s arms.

“Jai, I’m so so so sorry, I just thought that Mum didn’t want me back because you never came to the trial and then they told me to wait for Mum to pick me up but she never came, and I walked to the station to get a train home but then I just thought Mum didn’t want me back so I just got on the next train and ended up here.” Luke went on to say something else but the house phone rang. He quickly got up, and put Acacia on the sofa, he left the room to get the phone. I was left sat with Acacia. Ever since Jonah came I loved children, especially as she was my niece. I was worried she was going to fall as she was near the edge, so I picked her up gently. I was worried about Luke, if he would get cross, but then why would he? I’m her uncle.

I looked at her, she had the Brooks family resemblance, she kind of looked like Beau’s daughters when they were babies, but more like Luke then Beau, but there were parts of her that looked like Luke’s wife. She had our brown curly hair though.

I heard Luke shouting at someone on the phone from the kitchen, but I couldn’t make out the words.

I looked around the living room as well. The room was centred around a large fireplace with a TV on the wall above. The wallpaper was a pastel blue kind of colour with patterns and the beige sofas had matching pillows and throws, the big window behind the sofa I was on had golden colour curtains which were the other colour on the patterned wallpaper.

“JUST SORT IT, IT’S MY DAY OFF” Luke shouted from the kitchen. Acacia started to cry again, she cries so much. I held her against my chest and rubbed her back, Jonah used to be like this, he hates loud noises as well.

I heard a loud bang from the kitchen, which sounded like Luke throwing his phone down. He came in a few seconds later looking stressed.

“Sorry about that” He said sitting down. “Thanks” He said gesturing to Acacia who had now stopped crying. I passed her back to him and he put her back in her seat.

“Jai I’m so sorry I left, I regret it all the time, after a while it felt like I’d been gone too long to come back”

“It’s okay” I said after a while, I surprised myself.

“Let’s start again” Luke said, I nodded in agreement “I can get something stronger if you want” He said referring to the tea, I nodded again. He left the room and came back with two beers and handed me one.

“So” Luke said taking a big sip “What’s happened with you since” He asked

“Well, I moved to America for a couple of years, I met someone, she moved back with me two years ago after we got engaged and then she got pregnant. We had a baby boy three months ago” I said wanting to keep it simple.

“What are their names?” He asked

“Ariana is my fiancée and my son is called Jonah. What about you? What was that phone call about?” I asked

“It was work, a programme hasn’t gone out in time and everyone’s having a meltdown but it’s my day off” he explained.

“Anyway, I got married to Alexis and l have two children, Charlie who’s nearly 4 and Acacia obviously, she’s 4 days” Luke said

“Why don’t you come for tea, back in Glenroy, well I live in Melbourne, but we could do it at Mum’s, she’d like that, I know it’s far away but Mum wouldn’t come up here, she wouldn’t believe me, she really thinks you’re dead.” I said suddenly.

“I’d love to” Luke replied



“It’s okay babe” Alexis said rubbing my arm trying to reassure me

I breathed out heavily as I got out of the car and then opened the door behind me. I got Charlie out then lifted him onto the ground. I went round the other side and got Acacia’s car seat. Alexis got the baby bag out of the boot then held Charlie’s hand. I held the car seat in one hand and Alexis’s hand in the other. She understood how much of a big deal this was to me and how nervous I was.

“Ready?” She asked gently squeezing my hand

“No” I said but slowly walking forwards anyway.

We’d parked outside next door as the drive was full and there was another car parked outside. I think they were my Mum, Beau and Jai’s cars.

I walked along the familiar footpath and knocked on the door. Jai said they had this family tea every Sunday evening, so everyone would be here. I waited a few seconds before I heard the lock turned. My stomach was doing back flips.

The door opened and I was stood face to face with my Mum, a little older, but she still looked great. She looked astounded.

“Luke?” She managed to get out after a while.

“Mum” I said

She threw her arms around me and I heard her sobbing. I let go of Alexis and put one arm around her as well. She pulled away after what seemed like forever. She wiped her eyes and looked at me.

“You’re so big and grown up” She said starting to cry even more

“And who’s this?” She asked sounding so happy as she saw Alexis

“This is Alexis, my wife” I said and Alexis put her arm out for Mum to shake but Mum just pulled her in for another hug.

“You’re so beautiful” Mum said

“Thank you” Alexis said laughing.

Mum gasped again when she saw Charlie hiding behind Alexis as he looked a bit shy.

“Come on Charlie, don’t be shy, this is your grandma” I said gently, but he just pressed his face closer to Alexis’s leg.

Mum just laughed

“Oh look at me, I must look a right mess, come in” She said. We all came in then Mum saw the baby seat and gasped again.

“Oh! Let me hold her” Mum said taking her out of the car seat and looking at her “What’s her name?” She asked

“Acacia” Alexis and I said at the same time.

Jai walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

“All right” He said

“You knew didn’t you?” Mum asked because he didn’t react.

“Why do you think I told you to cook extra” He laughed

“Jai, I think he wants you” A women said walking to us holding a crying baby. Jai took him and he calmed down.

“Hi I’m Ariana” She said happily

“Oh my god, Alexis!” She squealed and they both ran to each other and hugged.

“It’s been so long!” Alexis said

“We used to model together, years ago” They explained at the same time causing them both to laugh.

“Come through” Mum said and we followed

“I’ll just go and get Beau” she said going into the garden.

We all sat down on a sofa, Jai sat next to me.

“Don’t stare” He said “Beau doesn’t like it if you stare” Before I could ask what he was talking about Beau came in holding a girl who looked about 4 or 5. She had no hair and a tube up her nose, she had a blanket around her, and it was obvious she had cancer of some kind. I didn’t stare though, I wouldn’t anyway. Instead I looked at Beau. His eyes burrowed into me, like daggers. He passed the girl to a woman next to him, and then told another girl that had just come in to stay there, the girls were obviously twins.

“Luke, can I see you outside please” He snarled through clenched teeth. I followed him out of the room and outside.

“What the fuck are you doing showing your face here you waste of space” He shouted

“What? I’m here to see my family” I said


“It was you” I said slowly only just realising, well at least I now knew Mum hadn’t done it.

“Oh course it was me, you really think I’d let a druggie near my kids”

“I’m not a druggie, I left the gang ages ago, and you helped me do it” I told him

“DON’T FUCKING LIE” He said slamming me against the wall and holding me there.


At that point I heard a tiny scream and I turned to my right, where I saw Charlie running towards me, tears streaming down his face and he was screaming, I knew Beau holding me like this was scaring him, and thankfully Beau let go when he saw Charlie. I was thankful that I hadn’t hit Beau as I’d seen my dad being violent from a young age and it had always stayed with me, Charlie didn’t need that as well.

I bent down and caught him as he ran to me and then held him close to try and stop his crying.

Beau ran his hands through his hair at the sight of Charlie crying because of his actions.

“I’m okay, its okay” I said softly rocking Charlie

“Look, I’m sorry” Beau said and quickly went back inside.

I wasn’t cross with Beau, he was just trying to protect his family, and I’d have done the exact same in his situation.

“I don’t like Uncle Beau” Charlie said, I laughed as I wiped his eyes with my sleeve

“He’s not all bad” I told him as I brought him inside. I took him into the kitchen where Mum, Alexis and Ariana were all gossiping about something. 

“Oh my god, is he okay?” Alexis asked coming over

“No” Charlie said holding onto my jumper as Alexis tried to take him

“Okay, okay” Alexis laughed letting go of him

“What happened?” She asked

“He tripped” I lied

“No” Charlie objected quietly 

“Anyway, I’m going to talk to Jai” I said leaving

“I didn’t trip, you lied, lying is always wrong” Charlie said

“I know but sometimes a little tiny lie is okay to keep someone out of trouble” I said

“So I can lie and say it wasn’t me to get me out of trouble?”

“No, just forget it, I was bad, naughty me”

“When we get home you get a time out” Charlie said sternly 

“I didn’t know he was there, if I’d known I never would’ve” Beau said from behind me

“I know” I said quickly “its fine” I turned around and saw Beau holding his daughter, she looked like she was asleep and her head was tucked into the crook of Beau’s neck.

Beau walked off and into his room, probably to put his daughter to sleep.

I walked into the dining room and sat down with Alexis, Jai and Ariana. Alexis was holding Acacia who was asleep.

“Do you want me to put her in the other room?” I asked her, she nodded. I put Charlie on the seat next to me, and then picked Acacia up. I took her into my old room.

It was exactly the same as it always had been. None of my stuff had been moved. 

“It took Mum two years to make your bed” Jai said from behind me making me jump.

“She really thought I was dead?” I asked Jai while putting Acacia down on the bed.

“She can sleep in Jonah’s travel cot, I don’t mind” He said gesturing to the temporary cot.

“Thanks” I said putting her in

“Yeah, she did, she never managed to pack your stuff away though” He said

I was about to say more but then we heard Mum calling tea so we both walked out. I sat in-between Charlie and Alexis and a plate of spaghetti was put in front of me.

I cut up Charlie’s dinner for him, as Beau cut his other daughters food up opposite me. 

Mum sat down next to Beau and we all started eating. Everyone talked among themselves for a while, but then Mum interrupted.

“So Luke, what have you been doing?”

“How do you mean?” I asked

“Do you have a job? How did you two meet? Where do you live?” Mum asked

“Um, Yes I have a job, we actually met at work, and I live just outside of Sydney” I told her

“No, Just start from when you left when you were 18” Mum said “I want proper details”

“So, I got a train with the money I got as compensation, and I just got on the first one. I ended up falling asleep though so I woke up at the second last stop. I got off there because I didn’t want to go to Sydney. So I used the last of my money to pay for a few nights in a small hotel. The next day I tried to look for a job but there was nothing, so I went back to the hotel and tried to check out early and the woman in charge was really nice and she wanted to know why. When I told her that it was because I couldn’t get a job and I needed to find one, she told me her husband could get me a job. I didn’t know it at that point but her husband was the head of MTV Australia, I showed him that I could edit so he put me in the editing department and for three years I worked there, after that I got a promotion and became head of programs. I was at a meeting with all the other head of departments and that’s when I met Alexis, she was going to be in one of our new programs, and our relationship went from there. Obviously I was earning a lot of money so we got a small two bedroom house because of Charlie, but two years ago, Steven, the old head of MTV retired and gave me the position, so we then brought a much bigger house in Sienna which is a really nice town really close to Sydney which is where the offices are.” I told them

“You’re the head of MTV” Beau asked sounding shocked

“MTV Australia, it’s not as big as the one in America” I said

“Luke, that’s amazing” Mum said sounding really happy

We finished tea and Mum brought out ice cream for Charlie, Jonah and Abby, I found out that’s what Beau’s daughter was called.

“Will Charlotte want any?” Mum asked, that must be the other one.

“No, she’s been a bit sick all day” Beau’s wife/girlfriend said.

After tea Jai took Jonah, Abby and Charlie outside to play football or something.

I went to go and get Acacia then I took her outside to feed her. I found out that Beau’s wife is called Kristina, and Jai and Ariana are engaged.

I sat at the tables and chair’s outside and I watched Charlie playing with Jai and Abby. 

I heard a chair scrape back and I turned to my left. Beau had sat down next to me.

“You’ll need to get Acacia tested for leukaemia” He said after a while

“What?” I asked starting to get worried; really he still hated me and was taking it out on my children.

“No no it’s not like that” He said realising what I thought “Charlotte has it, its genetic but only active in girls, I had the gene and I passed it onto her, you might have given it to her, I’m telling you now so she can get early treatment if she needs it.” He explained.

“Thanks” I said 

“Is she going to be okay?” I asked him referring to Charlotte.

“She has a 75% chance of survival, she’s just going through chemo at the moment, but she should be okay” He said


Jai came over at that point and sat next to us.

“I told you it would go well” He said

“I didn’t think it would go this well, I thought everyone still hated me”.

“I told you” He said

 “Brothers?” Beau asked

“Brothers.” Jai and I agreed.


So that's it, I know very sad. I'm really thinking about doing a part two , thats 5 years in the future. I just don't want to let this book go.

Please tell me if you liked it and which parts and if I sould do a part two or leave it as it is.

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