Curiosity Killed more than Ju...

By bluebat31

165K 6.7K 2K

Yato, Yukine and Hiyori are in their most difficult battle with Phantoms yet. Luckily Yato spots another Rega... More

An Introduction
Be Careful what you Wish For
Curiosity can Kill More than Just a Cat
Only Yato's Regalias Would be Stuck Doing This
No Ordinary Regalia
Even Regalias can Stand Out
But Lucky for me, I'm a Regalia
Babysitting Blues
The Best Mess Anyone could ever Ask For
A Regalia Worth Keeping
A Reality so Wonderful
Reversed Roles and Musical Memories
I'm not the Sitting-Duck Type, I'm the Curious-Kitten Type
No, Miyuki's Real Name is not Mary Sue(Author's Note)
Not all Slumbers are Peaceful
Cats and Dogs Just Don't Mix
Emotions Spilling Over
Not Everything is Better Left Unsaid
Then Again, some things Are
The True God of Calamity
Changes and Wishes
Misfortune is an Understatement
One Less Regalia
Unrevealed Pasts and Unaswered Questions
The First Promise
Cats Know Best
Glass isn't all that Shatters
Cats Don't have Just One Life
*Not really a chapter but please read!!*
A Halloween Special

Liars, Secrets and Promises Meant to be Broken

3.9K 186 45
By bluebat31

        'Scuse me, ma'am, have you had your healthy helping of feels for the day?(Yeah, I say "'scuse me" instead of "excuse me.")
        Anyways. Hey, if you guys know any songs about revenge/hatred and want to comment them below or message me, please do. I really like using lyrics for when Hiiro(Nora) comes in. But they can't be love songs or songs about exes. I'd prefer punk, rock, punk rock or acoustic, but I'll take anything. And if I use the song you suggested, I'll give you a shout out in the beginning of that chapter(as I have promised in the past). If not, please don't take offense. It simply means that they don't quite fit for what I have planned. Thank you!!


        You kicked a rubber ball over to Akiko- who appeared nine again- and watched it roll across the grass. The wind blew through your long, brown hair. You heard the "ping" as Akiko kicked it back to you, and you both continued. "Akiko-chan, I know you love kimonos, but did you have to wear one to the park?" You couldn't help but smile- everywhere she went she wore a kimono, with the exception of school.
        "Of course! I just love them."
        "Yeah, alright, I know."
        "Hey, Nee-chan? Thank you for taking a break from your studies to play with me. And please try not to overdo it. You busy yourself enough as is." Her face tugged down slightly and her eyes darkened.
        "Akiko-chan, cheer up! I'm alright, really!" You walked up to your sister and knelt down, putting your hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes. "We made a promise, remember? A while back. And in order for me to keep that promise, I need to take care of myself. Trust me, I'm okay." Akiko looked back at you. Her hand touched your cheek and you winced.
        "Liar," she mumbled.
        "Make a promise. Like you did back then." She held out her pinky towards you and you just had to smile. You locked your own pinky with hers.
        "I promise you, Akiko-chan, that I will take care of myself as well as I do you. And I won't over do it." The child smiled, seeming satisfied. You sat down and pulled her into your lap, hugging her close and resting your head on hers. Unfortunately, to keep the first promise, this one you would have to be broken. But for now you pushed the thought away and focused on Akiko. Soon, a tear drew a path down your cheek.

        Your eyes fluttered open in the darkened room. Your eyes squinted, barely managing to see the ceiling. Your hand touched your cheek and slowly pulled away with dampened fingertips.

        Pull it together, Miyuki. Yukine and Yato are in the room, too, and you don't want them to see you crying. Besides, it was only a dream.

        You harshly wiped the tears in your eyes and sat up, waiting for you vision to focus on the other two. But when it did, there only appeared to be one boy in sight. You looked around the room with furrowed brows.

        Where's Yato?

        Something in the back of your mind told you to get up and leave. It didn't say where, but you had a feeling you knew. You stood up silently and creaked open the door with caution. When you were outside, your legs carried you down familiar streets. The longer you've been gone, the quicker your pace was. Before long you were running. When you got there, you stopped.

        The place you met Nora.

        You froze at the sight of Yato leaning over the water and Nora holding his face in his hands. They weren't too far apart. You pulled out the knife you hid under your skirt- one that you've been hiding on you since your visit at the abandoned building. For some reason, anger rushed through you. You assumed it was just the fact that Nora wasn't particularly on good terms with you, and you didn't want her sucking others into your problem with her. Not to mention your head was a mess of emotions after that dream you had awoken from. You hurled the knife just between their eyes. Their gaze broke and redirected to you. Nora did not seem amused. "I'm not exactly in the best of moods as of right now, so I strongly suggest you let go of him and scurry off," you told her in a cold voice. She suddenly transported a mere inch away from your face.
        "Oh, my. That look in your eyes. Your eyes are beautiful right now," she told you, her facial expression changing. "They turned a darker shade of purple. And they hold such strong, beautiful emotions. Pain. Anger. Sorrow. Even the strongest can't hold themselves up on their own forever. But go ahead. Prove me wrong." She then returned in front of Yato, leaving you to finally realize his gaze was locked on you. "Aren't you worried, Yato? Or are you amused and anxious like me? Hmm, if only I could return memories, but I can only take away. Then again, it will be much sweeter this way, and much more entertaining. To watch her transformation over time and see just how strong she really is." Nora wrapped her arms around Yato's neck, but Yato didn't move. You hated this. Not knowing. What was she talking about? And how would they know about your past? You felt anger rise inside you.
        "Nora, leave Miyuki alone," Yato finally said with his eyes closed. His voice was stern and he broke away from her, walking towards you.
        "We both know what's going to happen, Yato. There's no stopping it," Nora purred. Yato grabbed the knife out of the wooden post and took your wrist in his other hand. He didn't respond to Nora's comments, but rather continued walking you back to the shrine. Before entering he let go and turned to face you.
        "Ignore her and avoid her. And as for this," he held up the knife, "keep it. At all times. Because I trust you with it. Keep that in mind." He gave you the knife and took a step back. After a few more seconds he entered the shrine. You stared down at the knife in your hands.

        He didn't yell at me for keeping it? But rather, he tells me to keep it?

        You finally retied the knife to your upper leg and returned to the room, laying down. Your eyes slowly closed.

        "Nee-chan?" Akiko- the younger version- was in your arms, curled up in a ball as you both sat on your bed and her hand had a fist full of your shirt. You looked down to see tears in her eyes. "Why do mommy and daddy fight a lot? They never used to. No one at school has this problem, either. They all have nice parents that get along and love each other a lot. They don't fight like this. Why do our parents fight like this? Why can't they get along?" You scrambled your head for an answer.
        "They're just... under a lot of stress right now, Akiko-chan. They'll get better soon. They'll stop fighting and things will be like they used to be," you whispered over the screaming. Their voices managed to bounce off the walls throughout the house and made it to your room.
        "Is it because of me starting school?"
        "No, Akiko-chan. Don't think like that. It's not your fault in any way."
        "It's not fair. I want them to be happy again. I want us to be happy again. I want everything to be like it used to." You heard a door slam in the distance.
        "Don't worry, Akiko-chan. Everything will be alright." But of course, that was just another lie.

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