Glass isn't all that Shatters

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        I'm sorry for taking so long with this chapter! Once I finally settle something, something else pops up. I get an idea for the chapter, I get buckets of homework. Get through that, have to read a book. Find the book(someone moved it) and read it, people get on my nerves and break me down. Plus some other shiz, but you guys are here for the story, not a rant. People are still getting on my nerves and I'm still buried in homework and constant studying, so while I'm hoping I can go back to constant updates, I don't want to promise you anything because I'm not sure if I can keep it, but know that I am trying my best.
        Anyone know how to type the name of games? I'm going according to and I'm guessing I did it right, but it looks weird so I don't know for sure.


        You woke up to the usual chaos- it was like music to your ears. A sweet symphony that you haven't heard in far too long. You opened the sliding door and sat beside a certain little blond. "Good morning, Yukine," you greeted with a cat-like yawn.
        "Good morning, Miyuki," he greeted back. You both looked at each other with giant, matching smiles.
        "Oh, the puppy and kitten sure are in a good mood this morning," Kofuku teased.
        "Aren't they?" Yato joined in.
        "I-It's not like that!" you both yelled, blushing.
        "It's just- I missed Miyuki," Yukine mumbled.
        "He yelled at Yato for releasing you and hasn't talked to him since, until last night," Kofuku told you. You looked over at Yukine, his head hung low and his cheeks growing darker. You felt the corner of your lips tug upward.
        "I missed you too."
        His head lifted up at your words and his orange eyes looked into yours. "Really?"
        "Of course!" You and Yukine smiled at each other, then you turned to see Yato and Kofuku wearing amused expressions. "I-I mean, I missed everyone. It just didn't feel like home at Bishamon's shrine," you mumbled, but their smiles remained laced on their lips.
        "Hello, everyone!" Hiyori greeted, killing the awkward silence. You felt the nice breeze slip in before she closed the sliding door.
        "We should go outside," you blurted out.
        "What do you want to do?" Yukine asked.
        "I don't know. Anything, really. I've been cooped up in Bishamon's shrine. I need some fresh air."
        "We could play kick the can," Hiyori suggested. "The game has two teams. The first team has one person guarding an empty soda can and the others searching for members of the other team. The goal of the second team is to knock down the can without getting caught. Once a person gets caught, that person has to sit out the rest of the game. If the whole team is caught, they lose. The goal of the first team is to keep the can standing and catch the other team. If the can gets knocked over, that team loses."
        "Sounds fun, but it needs a catch," you said with an intimidating smile. "Each person from the winning team gets to make one of the people on the losing team do one thing, and that person has to do it."
        "Okay!" Kofuku exclaimed overjoyed. Hesitantly everyone mumbled agreeing words and the teams were created- you, Hiyori and Yato were to guard the can while Yukine, Kofuku and Daikoku were to knock it down. Hiyori led you to a secluded forest and the teams split up. You all came up with your own plan and got in places. Hiyori stood in an open area with her foot on the can- keeping watch. You hid high in a nearby tree, waiting for someone to come into view. Meanwhile Yato was out searching for the others.
        You stayed crouched down on the high-up branch and closed your eyes. A gust of wind blew, making you lose your balance. As you regained it you began to feel dizzy. You shook your head in attempt to snap out of it but you had little success. There was a sharp pain in the back of your head but you ignored it as you heard footsteps drawing closer. Your eyes landed on Yukine as he made his way into the clearing. With just a few swift moves, you landed behind him with the only sound being that of the leaves rustling in the breeze. You opened your arms and reached out in front of you.
        "Yukine, look out!"

        Yukine turned around just in time and moved out of your reach. Across the clearing was Kofuku. And in between them, Hiyori. The four of you were still and exchanged glances.
        "Kofuku!" Yato emerged from the trees and charged in her direction.
        "Gotta catch me, Yatty!" Kofuku exclaimed, dodging his attack. You, Yukine and Hiyori stood there, watching as the two zigzagged around.
        "I'm getting closer!"
        "Hehehe, Yatty's chasing me!"
        "Kofuku, kick the can!" Daikoku yelled, coming into view. He leaned against a tree trunk, so you assumed he was out.
        "But this is too fun to end!"
        "I'm gaining on you, Kofuku!"
        "Not for long!" Their voices were soon unable to reach your eardrums as they vanished out of sight.
        "They're like children on a playground," you said.
        "Agreed," Yukine joined in.
        "Those two are-"
        "-absolutely crazy." You then tensed up and watched each other carefully. Watching for even the slightest movement. And he did the same. It stayed that way for quite some time. Yukine dug his feet into the ground, as did you. He spun around and bolted. You tailed him and lunged. Yukine hit the dirt, you on top of him. You felt something fall on you and turned to see Hiyori now in Phantom form. Your eyes widened in horror. You reached out, but it was too late. All you could do was lay there and stare at the can on it's side.
        "Sorry about that," Hiyori apologized.
        "We were so close, too," you mumbled, pulling yourself to your feet.
        "I'll track the other two," Daikoku said, walking out of sight. You could smell something. A familiar smell, faintly, as if from far off. But no one else was in the forest.
        "Miyuki, are  you alright?" Hiyori asked.
        "Yeah, I'm fine," you assured her. You took a few slow steps, no longer able to ignore the sharp pain in the back of your head.
        "You look out of it," Yukine joined in.
        "I just need some sleep is all," you insisted. They dismissed it for now and, when Daikoku came back with the other two, you all walked home.

Curiosity Killed more than Just a Cat (Yukine x Reader(A Noragami Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now