Retention (Dabi x OC - Commis...

By LadysDaze

49.8K 2K 313

Fuyu never considered herself to be someone who would take risks. She opted to be a rescue hero after all, bu... More

A Warning to Future Readers
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (NSFW)
Part 15 (NSFW)
Part 16
Part 17 (NSFW)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21 (NSFW)

Part 2

3.6K 118 18
By LadysDaze

Fuyu Soji x Dabi

Retention- Ch.2

Her fingers drummed against the desk in the office, the female seeming too lost in thought to really notice how the looks of others seemed to linger on her for more than usual. She sighed softly, eyes moving towards the window near her workspace.

Outside people moved through the streets, not knowing that a hero was watching them from the safety of her own little office square. The paperwork on her desk being ignored since she came in that morning and seeming to not be in any rush to get done with.

Fuyu puffed out her cheeks, the new memory inside of her head playing once more. The film-like thought playing over and over again until she was sure she could write it down and then send it off to be made into an actual short film. But then again, she was sure the person she had accidentally taken it from would not be so happy if she did.

She was curious though... seeing as this memory was rather personal, why Dabi hadn't come and sought her out again. Until last time... he didn't track her down once noticing that such a foul memory was no longer in his head. Sure last time involved some part of his quirk, but Fuyu would have assumed he'd be just as upset that his memory was taken.

Unless of course, he would rather not have it. It did make sense, seeing as she wasn't too happy about having it either. The image of a young and hurt child now ingrained into her head was rather unpleasant... so she wouldn't exactly blame him for not coming back for his memory.

And yet... Fuyu was almost positive that this was not the case at all... almost like this memory was one of many. One that the villainous male would not have noticed if it went away due to how many of them he had. Despite not knowing him, something in her gut said that this reason was more logical than any other idea she might have had.

Fuyu sighed, pushing herself out of the desk. Her rolling chair moving a few inches as she moved to swing her head off the back and then spread her arms and legs out. Her eyes wandered up to a figure that was standing by her desk, the rescue hero almost sitting up right away upon seeing her boss watching her.

"You seem out of it today, Soji-san." The elder hero spoke, pinching her temple. "Did something happen that I should be aware of?"

The female quickly shook her head, her locks bouncing as she did so. "N-no, ma'am! I-I just had some trouble sleeping last night and have been a bit distracted lately."

"Another new season of anime started this week... didn't it?" Her boss sighed, knowing her employee's one and only weakness. "At least try to not stay up too late tonight... or get too involved in the story just yet... the seasons just started after all, and most will disappoint you anyway."

Fuyu chuckled awkwardly, nodding along as her boss gave her a sly smile before wandering off. Fuyu was glad to have been picked up by her rescue agency, her boss was always the type to give that tender love and care but also not be afraid to push her to be the best. It made her happy to come to work each day and excited to work under one of the best rescue heroes of them all.

But now seeing as it was only a few hours until it was time to check out for the day, the female decided that it was about time she did her write up of the last event she had helped in. But even as her pen slid across the page and she recounted the number of civilians she was able to get out of harm's way from that Nomu and Dabi... she couldn't bring herself to write about how she had run into one of the two.

Her eyes closed together tightly as she finished the report, a part of her glad to not have to admit she worked together with the male in order to get back what they both accidentally exchanged... but another part of her wishing she had. Her gut telling her this would only lead to trouble covering for him, but her head with that new memory intact only saying how it was better this way... that Dabi deserved a break.

An idea she was not fond of having... and yet, she did somehow. And as the paper slid into the submission box for her boss to go over the next day, Fuyu couldn't help but sigh as she pulled up her jacket onto her arms and then exited the building.

She mind was still full of thoughts as she made her way down the street and towards a little shop that she had a date at. The door slid open with a soft thud and entering in, she could see the figure of her mother placing down a set of tea towards a pair of customers.

Fuyu waved shyly as her mom looked over towards her, the elder woman returning the gesture with a smile as her daughter quickly took her usual seat towards the back of the small tea shop as to not get in the way of her mother's work.

Nevertheless, however, the woman arrived quickly to her daughter, placing down the small pot of tea and the little treats she knew her daughter would enjoy. Fuyu smiled sweetly, happy to see her mother always made time for her at times like this. She motioned that she would be back and Fuyu nodded, knowing that she had plenty of time to chat when her mother had a moment.

Fuyu mixed together her tea with some sugar and cream, watching as the liquid turned quickly to a milky color, but soon enough the glass was placed on her lips and the hero was enjoying the taste as it rolled onto her tongue.

Fuyu sighed softly and glancing out the window again. For whatever reason, it appeared this was her go to state today with everything that was going on. And as she thought, her mother knew it as well, her voice hitting her ears as she returned.

"My my..." The older woman smiled in a knowing way. "With the way your eyes seem to be glancing out towards the window... it would seem to me like you have a lot on your mind tonight, honey."

Fuyu chuckled softly, still not believing how easy it was for her mother to read her so easily. But then again, this was the woman who raised her and encouraged her after all this time, no matter what and no matter how hard it seemed to be.

"Yeah, I guess so." Fuyu motioned for her mother to join her for a moment at the little table near the ends of her tea shop. "This week has been crazy..."

"I've watched the news, I'm well aware of what occurred a few days ago." Her mother sighed. "I'm just grateful that you are not on the front line like Hawks or Miruko... bless their souls for protecting us, but I wonder what their parents must think of seeing their child putting their lives into danger..."

"Come on, mom." Fuyu placed her hand on her mother's squeezing it gently. "We heroes are much more skilled and harder to kill then you think. Plus... with Hawks and Miruko being so high up on the charts... it's easy to see why their parents are not too worried- they're some of the best after all!"

Her mother nodded, seeming to understand it better now that it had been spoken from her daughter's lips. But even so, the mother couldn't help but worry. The idea that Fuyu's life could be put in danger once more... this time for a different reason was too much for her to bare at times.

But even so, the older woman found the courage to look at her daughter and smile at her with soft eyes and a supportive squeeze to her hand as well. Fuyu nodded towards her mother, knowing that she understood it now. And that she knew her child could more than take care of herself.

"You've made a great life for yourself... one that neither of us has helped you with..." Her mother choked out suddenly, catching Fuyu off guard.

Immediately the girl was up on her feet and shaking her head towards her mother, wanting the older woman to understand that this was not it at all. Fuyu gently came forward, embracing her mother and hugging her close to her.

"No mom... you've done so much to influence my life... you have no idea." She breathed out, feeling her own emotions begin to overcome her slowly. "I couldn't have asked for a better and more supportive mother if I had been given the choice."

Her mother nodded against her, the two embracing for a moment longer before pulling away. Her mother stood up quickly to check on her other patrons for a few moments. Fuyu sat there wondering once more, not knowing if it was okay to bring him up once more... or if she should just drop the conversation entirely.

In the end, as her mother took a seat once more next to her daughter, the hero decided to try her luck. If anything she could always apologize and say how she won't ever bring up such a topic again, especially since she knew it was such a touchy subject with her mother in the first place.

So as her mother smiled at her once more, looking at her daughter knowing there was still something on her mind, Fuyu opened her mouth.

"Mom... when Dad was still in the picture... did he have a reason why he did the things he did?"

Her mother remained still after the words had been brought up, not sure what to say or if she should say anything at all. If anything she could tell her that he never knew... but it was a lie. A lie she did not want to mention to her daughter, who was asking her from what seemed to be from some important reason. And so... what kind of person, let alone mother, would she be if she lied to her now?

"Your father..." She began, seeing Fuyu dig into her seat a bit more. "He... he never told me why he did them... but from how he always acted after it happened, and how that look always seemed to be plastered onto his face- he was proud of himself.

How someone could be proud of hurting others and making so many people's lives miserable... I can't tell you... but he was! He was the damn proudest about when he did something a normal person would see as wrong. But in this head... the idea of knowing he could do anything and nearly everything with little to no consequences... was enough for him."

She sighed, her tone having risen from calmness to anger and then down to disbelief as her words had gone on. Now all the remained was this look of dissatisfaction from the memory of Fuyu's father and her former husband.

"He made so many lives miserable... and after a while, it was mine. So, I can't say for certain that I miss him. But I do know that he got what he had coming... the man pissed off the wrong person and when he did... they wasted no time getting him back: in the form of a knife in the back."

"Mom..." Fuyu muttered, eyes looking at her with guilt from having made her relieve this once more.

Her mother snapped back to reality upon hearing her daughter's pained voice, her eyes kind again. Fuyu nodded towards her, understanding that she would not bring up such a thing again unless of course it was needed or asked to be brought up. But despite her mother's feelings, the woman seemed to not be done with this topic just yet.

"Why do you ask honey?" The woman gave her a concerned look. "It's not like you to talk of or bring your father into a conversation... did something happen?"

Fuyu shook her head slowly, not wanting her mother to get more worried if she shook her head quickly. Instead, the hero girl smiled sweetly and placed some money down onto the table for her mother.

"No mom... well, at least no involving him at least." Fuyu shrugged. "I just ran into someone this week who tried to justify their actions... and I was curious if people who do these things always have a reason... but I guess sometimes, people are just bad."

Her mother nodded in agreement. "Yes, they do... but at least we have people on the other side who do good things for no reason."

She tapped the generous amount of money that was left by her daughter moments ago. Fuyu rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, her chuckle following in tow. But before the girl could have the money shoved back into her hands or hear her mother act as she did when she left her what she owed her for the tea plus some more... she was out the door and onto the street once more.

"Honestly..." Her mother sighed and began to clear the table away. "I treat her to tea because she's my kid... she doesn't have to pay."

A laugh erupted from her chest though, seeing as at least Fuyu was raised in a way that made her act and does what she thought was right. Something that had always worried the woman while her daughter was growing up. But now seeing the type of person and the kind fo beloved hero Fuyu had turned into... it seemed all those thoughts and worries were for nothing.

Fuyu had a heart of gold... and her mother couldn't help but be proud of her. And even as her daughter's silhouette passed by the outside window and down the street to her apartment building off a way... the mother knew she'd do good.

And also that whatever was on her mind would be gone soon enough. Nothing could taint this kind heart of hers after all.


Dabi sighed slowly as the usual racket was growing in volume inside the warehouse that was still the temporary location for the League of Villains at this moment. The male kept his eyes trained on Toga who was chatting animatedly about that green haired hero boy while stabbing a pillow repeatedly.

Next to her, Twice appeared to be having an exciting conversation with himself. It was no bother to Spinner, however, as he flipped through some kind of risque magazine, nodding his head every so often to the other man.

Across from the bunch was Shigaraki who seemed to be more annoyed than Dabi actually. The self-proclaimed leader struggling to finish up his latest plans thanks to the noise, but even so, he was pushing himself through it. Not without corroding a few pens in the process... but at least he wasn't throwing another tantrum.

Dabi sighed, taking another sip of the lukewarm bottle in his hands, upset that he no longer had the bar like before... now reduced to drinking alcohol that couldn't even be kept cold. This place fucking sucked... but with all their faces plastered across the nation as the most wanted criminals... it was hard to be able to go out and buy a so easily.

And so... the fire villain sucked it up, knowing the situation could be worse. He could be like that Overhaul guy with no arms and in prison. He could be dead. He could be a Nomu. He could be on the streets again. He could be back with those assholes from his past.

But then again... seeing as he had nearly fought off three of the top five heroes as well as dealt with another lesser and more annoying one... so he deserved a cold drink if you asked him.

"Awe you guys should ask him!" Toga's voice cut through his thoughts. "He suddenly knew all this weird information on it!"

Dabi rose a brow as the blonde girl pointed to him excitedly and with a big smile on her lips. Her giggles for once sounding like a normal girl's and not like a bloodthirsty psycho's. But as to why she was talking about him and why Spinner and Twice were glancing at him with a look of curiosity... he felt as if no good would come from this.

"What do you want?" The black haired male asked as he swaggered near the trio.

"Toga says you got some weird anime knowledge suddenly." Spinner cracked a smirk. "But I'm calling her out on her bullshit."

"How dare you! Toga-chan would never lie to us!!" Twice suddenly shouted, but a moment later his voice quieted down. "I don't believe a word she says... women are the devil!"

Toga laughed as Twice continued his strange speech, no longer a bother to anyone as it had once been at first. But before Dabi could move away and go back to being aloof and thinking of his complaints as of late, Toga grabbed onto his arm.

"Hey hey Dabi!" She cracked a smile, her words sounding almost mocking to him. "Isn't the first Fullmetal Alchemist series trash?"

Dabi rolled his eyes, seeing as she was attempting to get him to do a trick that would no longer work. After all, he had been able to use his quirk with no problem the last few days. And thus, that stupid hero had actually listened to him for once.

"Please Toga-" He began, only for suddenly something inside of his head to cut off his original thought. "While the original anime doesn't follow the canon plot of the manga, it did garner enough support for Brotherhood. Therefore, thanks to the original FMA's popularity, Brotherhood was able to get greenlit. So, let's not beat down on the first when it gave us so many good things, including an accurate anime adaption after itself."

He slammed his mouth closed as soon as the words had come from his lips, eyes wide and nearly in disbelief at what he had said. Why was he... he could he still be?! He never even saw this cruddy anime before in his life and yet he still somehow was able to pull these ideas and opinions out of nothing?!

That fucking hero... what the hell did she do?

The roars of laughter coming from his three allies made the male quickly ignite his hands into blue flames. Despite this, none of them stopped their laughter at how Dabi knew this and how he seemed to be so angry at himself for knowing something so trivial.

"Holy hell!" Spinner chuckled. "Who knew you were a closet Otaku! That's so damn lame!"

"I think Dabi's been on the front lines too much... he's starting to talk about strange things!" Toga rolled onto her back, tears coming from her eyes as she laughed harder and harder.

"A new senpai has arrived! Let's spend all night talking about anime!" Twice laughed along with the others, his tone obviously teasing before it changed once more. "Leave him alone, guys... Dabi has a weird interest, but we shouldn't tease him."

Dabi grit his teeth turning and beginning to head towards the door. That hero was going to get when he found her again. And while she had told him she didn't exactly get to choose what she took from him or what he got from her... she had assumed she'd at least aim to take these stupids opinions and passions towards this Fullmetal Alchemist show away from him.

But no... instead, she gives him his quirk back and ends up taking something else of his. The mere thought of what exactly she could have now making his stomach sink. Because if he got the physical part this time in the exchange... it meant she got some kind of memory. And with the memories he had... it wasn't like he wanted anyone to know about any of them from years past.

Before he could storm out the door, however, an annoyed voice called out to him. Tomura had seemed to finally finish his plans and was getting ready to share them, judging by how he was pointing for the male to stay.

"You can run off and deal with whatever it is you feel is so important later, Dabi." The white-haired male instructed him. "For now, everyone gathers... we have some business to attend to."

"Ohhhh! Finally!" Toga jumped off the couch. "It's been so long since we got to do anything fun!"

She visibly vibrated from anticipation for what they might be doing, ideas of being able to get some new blood and letting those around her become that much cuter with her blades inside of them making the villain smile wickedly.

"You're not on call this time, Toga." Tomura wasted no time in shutting her down. "You're too much of a wild card for this mission."

"Awe no fair!" She pouted, crossing her arms. "I never get to do anything fun anymore..."

"You'll be helping again soon enough." The League's leader spoke, during to the other three males who were near him. "As for the three of you... you'll be the only ones on this mission aside from myself."

"And what exactly are we doing?" Spinner asked, trying to figure this out himself.

"We're going to be hitting several stores and taking whatever we want from them... this warehouse, as I'm sure you've all noticed, isn't exactly where I want to be... therefore we're taking what would make it better."

"We're doing petty theft now?" Toga giggled. "Man Tomura... you've lost your edge."

The male turned to look at the blonde female who was using her sleeve to hide away her smiling face. Tomura's hand was covered by a hand, but anyone would be able to see that he wasn't too pleased with that last comment made by someone who was supposed to listen and obey his every word. And yet... with every mission and every challenge, these idiots only seemed to challenge his authority and nerves more and more.

"This is why you're not coming along..." He breathed, seeing as Toga's eyes fell.

Her usually giddy eyes now looked annoyed and angered by his words, but even so, she merely pouted and moved aside to let the others discuss more of what would come in the next few days.

Dabi listened in as it appeared it would be their usual fashion of doing things. At least he wouldn't have to hold back and could finally get a way to keep his drinks cold. Plus maybe they could take a nicer couch than the one they were using.

And while this work wasn't the most glamorous for the League, like always it seemed Tomura had another motive to what it was that he'd be doing. Dabi could tell that much from how he pointed out certain areas to avoid during the robbery. He was planning something more... but Dabi would just have to wait and see.

Maybe he'd get a chance to see Endeavor again, and this time without being interrupted by some other heroes. Hell... maybe he'd even get to see that annoying rescue hero again. And much like he promised, he was bent on letting her know how unpleasant he was about the results of their last meeting.

And so, as plans were finalized and as everyone knew what their parts would be for this little theft, Dabi couldn't wait for what was to come. Something inside of him once more excited about this event. And even more when he thought of how like everything... it would be a sudden and unexpected attack.

His favorite kind of entrance.

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