By starsglowbright

527 31 1

She made a mistake. She can't hide. If she regrets it she doesn't show it. She's a Queen. She ran once, now s... More



14 1 0
By starsglowbright

The luna ceremony required the luna-to-be, to be celibate for a minimum of two days and since Damon couldn't keep his hands off me the day he proposed, the ceremony got pushed back a couple more days. 

Looking down at the huge rock on my finger brought a smile to my face and I absentmindedly fiddled with Scott's ring, which I knew would be replaced by the ring that Damon would put on my finger once we got married.

The day of the luna ceremony had the whole castle a buzz. I mean it had been years since the last royal ceremony and packs from all over the wolf and witch world were coming. Word was that some vamps were coming as well, along with all the extras that the inner circle had. E.g. the death angels, angels, phoenixes, fae and griffins. 

I had seen the preparations yesterday and the main ballroom had been decked out in gold. Victoria and Jaime got along so well, with both of them ordering the ceremony and designing the whole thing. 

Jaime had personally overseen my dress preparation and he hadn't even shown me yet. The luna ceremony was just like a wedding celebration, just because mates never usually got married. If they did get married, the luna ceremony would be done at the same time. But for me my wedding would on a completely different day.

I was half excited, half nervous, I mean I was doing vows in front of thousands upon thousands of people, who were probably going to judge me for being so young.

I had made up with Scott over the phone and he had agreed to give me away. Both on my wedding day and luna ceremony. One thing I appreciated about him, was that he didn't make a big deal about it, he just calmly said that everything was in the past and that he would keep Beth away from the alcohol. He still didn't know about the baby and I was nervous for when I actually had to tell him. 

Waking up was awful, just because I had to wake up alone. I wasn't even allowed to have my best friend in with me. I had to wake up at like four in the morning which was a really strange feeling, just because I always go to sleep at four. 

The whole day was planned out for me :

4:00 am - First wake up

4:30 am - Final wake up

5:00 am - Relaxing bath

6:30 am - Light breakfast and vitamins

7:30 am - Scented bath

8:30 am - Last minute touches on the ceremony

10:00 am - Start make up

12:00 pm - Light lunch and vitamins

1:30 pm - Finish make up

3:00 pm - Start hair 

4:00 pm - Try dress on and fix if needed

5:00 pm - light snack and vitamins

6:00 pm - last minute touches on everything

6:30 pm - Get ready to leave

7:00 pm - Grand entrance into hall

8:30 pm - Finish ceremony

9:00 pm - While everyone has dinner I have to have more vitamins instead of dinner

9:30 pm - In bed

And this was just the first day. The luna ceremony consisted of three parts. The first part was speaking vows to entire pack and sealing my bond with Damon. Then Tati would be basically be ripped out of me and I would have to bear the loss of my wolf. A lot of people can't survive without their wolf, but I was lucky just because I only ever saw my wolf once or twice. 

The second part wasn't common, it was just for witches, but everyone turned up anyway. It consisted of me speaking my vows to the witches and loosing my witch for a few minutes. Normally that would be fine, just because I know Ana would come back, but in the witch's ceremony your witch would be ripped out of your body and you would feel immense pain. Just like the wolf ceremony. Also almost like a witch heat.

The third part was probably the worst night. It was during the night of the full moon, where everybody would be a peak lust and bloodlust. I had already seen the dress for that day. It was close to the alpha's ceremony dress that I wore. The white was so sheer, that if someone even sprinkled a drop of water on me, they would see skin. Basically everyone had to cut their own palms before joining with my palm, which would be freshly cut every single time and during that time, you wouldn't heal as fast, just because your wolf wouldn't be there. And in my case, neither would my witch. So you're in agonising pain for hours until the entire royal pack cuts into your palms and the inner circle and their most trusted people. 

I dozed off until I felt Kar shaking me awake and then I heard the rest of the inner circle's mates chattering quietly amongst themselves as they waited for me to wake up. 

"Come on Jade. Wake up." Kar shook me again and I groaned into my pillow, "Victoria'll kill us if you're not out of bed in the next ten seconds. It's already four fourty-five." 

I heard the time and sat up suddenly and felt as my dinner from last night literally rose up to my throat and I scrambled out of bed, pushing the girls out of the way as I collapsed by the toilet and puked my guts out. I'm not even kidding. It was awful. 

Kar being the angel that she was, held my hair back and rubbed my back soothingly. "Let's get you in the bath hun." I groaned again hitting my head softly against the toilet seat, as I felt another wave of nausea coming my way. 

Within seconds we heard pounding on the door and the girls being pushed out of the way as Damon rushed into the bathroom, eyes wide and stormy. He started towards me and I scooted back, my hands held up.

"Liam will kill you if you push this ceremony any further." I pointed out and he stood still, which gave his inner circle enough time to grab him and propel him out of the room after giving each one of their girl's a kiss. It was adorable really. 

"Can't he even hold you?" Kar asked in shock and all the girls shook their heads in unison.

"Touching is basically having sex." I grumbled as I stood up and rinsed my mouth out. I shooed the girls out and stripped everything off before sliding into the rose scented bath. I sighed as the warm water relaxed my shoulders and I immediately relaxed. 

Fast forward an hour, where I actually fell asleep in water and surprisingly did not drown and I woke up to Damon sitting on a stool in front of me, just watching me like the creeper that he is. 

"What do you want?" I asked 

"I wanted to touch you, but apparently I'll have a teenage boy on my heels if I do." I laughed and rolled my neck around hearing the satisfying clicks. 

"What the inner circle couldn't keep a hold on you?" I teased turning to face him and he rolled his eyes

"On the contrary, they had a pretty good grip until I said that I wanted to stay with you. It took us like ten minutes to finally agree that I could see you as long as I didn't touch you." 

"You're doing a pretty good job." I clapped quietly and he stared at me in annoyance and I couldn't help laughing.

"Do I get a reward?" he asked

"What do you want?"

"A little peek of my girl." he said hopefully

"Yeah no. You wouldn't be able to keep your hands off me." I smiled and then groaned again when I felt another wave of nausea roll over me. "Kar." 

Kar surprisingly heard me and was in the bathroom within seconds, a bucket in front of me. She stepped in front of Damon hiding me from his view and everyone standing at the door. I tried to throw up, but apparently I had thrown everything up and I just gagged on empty air. 

"You're okay love." she rubbed my back and I heard Damon growl so I looked up to see Ray standing in front of Damon his back to me and his hands on Damon's shoulders. 

"You should leave." I told him and he growled again


"Damon. This isn't pretty." I warned and he shook his head adamantly

"I would like for all the men in this room to stop staring at my mate though." he turned to the door a fierce look on his face. They all turned away apologetically and then Damon turned his gaze to Ray who shook his head and stayed in front of Damon. "Ray. Walk away." 

"No can do brother. You aren't touching her and I'm making sure of that." 

"Can't you have the baby and then do this fücking ceremony?" Damon snapped at me and I flipped him the finger

"Don't talk to a pregnant girl like that ässhöle."

"Sorry baby." 

"I dunno. Should I forgive you." I narrowed my eyes at him and he pursed his lips slightly

"You good hun?" Kar lifted my chin and I nodded wearily at her

"It's final. I hate being pregnant." I lifted a shoulder and I heard the girls laugh, "But if it means you guys can finally have kids, well then why not." 

"Jade neither one of us can handle the rets of eternity together, so you having kids is a bit of a must." Damon pointed out and I shrugged

"I dunno. Immortality on me would look pretty damn sexy. Imagine me looking like this when I'm like a hundred." 

"Yeah no Jade." Kar chimed in, "There is no way in hell that people want you to live for a hundred years."

"That is no way to talk to a pregnant girl." I pointed a finger at her

"You cannot use that excuse all the flipping time." she pointed a finger back at me

"Girls!" we heard Victoria's voice from the room and I sighed before going under the water slightly, just giving myself some area to breathe through my nose. "Jade honey. It's time to get out now."

She saw the girls and told them to do something in undertones before she saw all the men and she turned around to look into the bathroom, her eyes flaming. "Damon and Ray Ryan, get your arses out of that bathroom. Now!" 

"Easy mama. We didn't touch her." Ray appeased his step-mother with a kiss and she stared disapprovingly at the two of them

"Ma come on." Damon complained, "I don't want to leave her alone. She's been throwing up all morning."

"Honey are you okay?" she quickly padded over to the bathtub, feeling my head, "Do you want to eat a bit?"

"Nah, I'll probably throw it all up."

"Mmkay. We'll get you to eat your vitamins for my darling grandchild and then you can relax a bit before your next bath. Okay honey?"

"Yeah. That sounds great." I smiled and she smiled back before she slapped her sons around the head and pushed them out of the bathroom. "Hey Cam?" 

Camilla walked up to me and perched herself on the stool that Damon had been sitting on, "What's up?"

"Ray." I paused slightly, "He and Victoria get along." 

"Yeah they do." Cam smiled, "He's lucky, not many woman are as graceful as she is. I mean he is the son of his father's little escapades. Victoria and him have always gotten along."

"Why?" I asked curiously

"I guess, she never blamed him for his father cheating on her. I mean Ray is extremely protective of Victoria. Always has been. I know for a fact that he would have been resentful of her had she been the evil stepmother." 

"So she is his stepmother?"

"Yeah." she nodded, "Ray grew up in the palace with Damon. That's why they're so close, but two boys with similar age and same abilities can't compete each other forever, so Ray went out and found me. He had to go through and alpha ceremony to even come close to scoring his own pack and that was only because I was the current, single luna."

"Talk about romantic." I laughed

"Yeah. You and Damon will find your happy ending." she assured me, "I've known Damon for a couple years now and he's got his moments, but overall he's a good guy." 

"Thanks Cam." Kar handed me a towel and I stood up, shaking slightly, as I got used to standing. My skin was all pruned up and I felt slightly light headed.

"Let's get you on the bed hun." Kar's hands were gentle and I leaned into her, recognising the familiar gestures from Luna Maryse.

"I'm fine." 

"Good." Victoria's tone was brisk and she handed me a few pills along with a glass of water, "We've got a long day."

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