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By Xx_Th3a_143_xX

396 24 39

{Slow Updates} How far would you go to change your destiny? Knowing that fate is inevitable would you still t... More

Chapter One: Library
Chapter Two: Lemon Boy
Meeting the Characters
Chapter Three: One Hell of a Morning
Chapter Four: Making Plans
Chapter Five: The Party
Chapter Six: Uncertainty
Chapter Seven: Picture Perfect
Chapter Eight: Saturday
Chapter Nine: Answers
Chapter Eleven: On The Road
Chapter Twelve: Hiking
Chapter Thirteen: Days Gone By
Chapter Fourteen: Bullets & Blood
Chapter Fifteen: Quinea Pig
Chapter Sixteen: Forgotten Promise
Chapter Seventeen: Unexpected Escape
Chapter Eighteen: The Road Home
Chapter Ninteen: "Therapy"
Chapter Twenty: Obedient Servant
Chapter Twenty One: His Brother
Chapter Twenty Two: The Devils Schedule
Chapter Twenty Three: Out of place
Chapter Twenty Four: Helpless
Chapter Twenty Five: In The Beast's Den

Chapter Ten: Plans

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By Xx_Th3a_143_xX


Waking up early I decide to take a shower to plan out my outfit for my date with Luke. After taking a shower and washing my hair I wrap my hair and body with a towel. All of the bruises are practically faded nothing a little makeup can cover up & they don't hurt like before anymore. Walking back into my room I sit in front of the mirror I take out some foundation my best friend had brought me. It's perfect I removed the day he got it for me too, I still kinda feel bad since he brought it because I was staring at it while he was in the middle of telling me something but he was sweet enough to remember what I was looking at and some lip gloss too. I put some foundation all on the bruises on my arms. Finishing putting foundation I walk over to the closet and try to decide what I'm gonna wear but I have no idea where we're going.

So far my time with Luke he's pretty precise about having me dress up than I normally do when I'm with him. Are guys like that? Ugh! I don't know what to wear. I start taking out random clothes from the closet and throwing it on my bed. I'll figure it out after I do my hair I guess. Finally straightening my hair and figuring out my outfit I decide to take a look in the mirror. I look so ugly. I'm starting to feel insecure. Maybe I should pick out a different outfit.

*Ring* *Ring*

Right only when I decide to change my phone decided to ring. Great.
I take a look to see who's calling only to see it's Luke. I pick it up quickly before the call goes to voicemail.


"Hey, are you done? I'm waiting for you in front of your place to come down."

"O-oh alright I'll be downstairs in a sec hold on."

"Alright, hurry up. Bye." After he hangs up I grab a jean jacket, my purse, phone, and keys then head straight downstairs meeting Like outside.

"Hey." He says to me and kisses my lips and I just can't help but smile.

"Hi. So where are we going?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He says putting my arm on his.

"Okay," I say rolling my eyes at his response as I follow his lead.


"What movie do you want to watch?"

"I don't really know, you can pick."

"Alright," Luke says as we buy pizza and a whole bunch of junk food to take into the movie theater. After getting all of the food we can hold Luke goes and buys the tickets to a movie of his choice, and we make our way inside and grab our seats. Lataafafter movie finished Luke took me to a night club for "business". What kind of business do people have in a club? Dancing? If it's that then count me in! I follow Luke through the crowd and into what I'm guessing is the VIP section, he takes a seat and turns to me and tells me to be good.

"Be good for me okay? Stay quiet at all times while I do some business. Alright?"

"... what kind of business are you gonna do?"

"I'm just taking care of something's so we can take a small camping trip."

"I can't leave, my Mum and my brother needs me... I can't really afford to anyways."

"So is it a money problem?"


"Alright let me take care of the details just pack a bag." He says to me with a smirk looking sure of himself.

✄- - - - - - - - - - - - Time skip - - - - - - - - -✄

A week later~

A week has passed I've already packed a bag with some clothes. This will be my first time going out on a little camping trip. It's like a mini-vacation before summer break ends and school starts again. This is what it must be like to be a teenager I guess. I turn towards the envelope full of cash that Luke gave me after our first date feeling unsure. Should I really do this? Is my Mum gonna be okay without me for while? Are they both gonna be safe? Is this even the right thing for me to do? Am I being selfish? I pick up the envelope contemplating whether I should give it to my Mum or give it back to Luke. The yard sale really helped out for this month but with this cash, we're set to survive through next month. *sigh* I feel desperate.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hey sweetie, do you have a minute?"

"Uh yeah... what's wrong?" I say as I put the envelope behind my back.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really happy to see you interacting with others your age. I know it's been hard for us especially you and I just wanted to say that I think that it's great that you're doing things that people your age would do. Enjoy your teenage years stop trying to grow up so fast. I know it's easier said than done but you're making the effort right?"

"Mom I.. yeah I'm trying really hard." I fake a smile on my face, I know she feels bad that I'm not being out there acting my own age. It's not her fault it's just something that's done the oldest and the firstborn. You just have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders whether it was meant to or not. "Luke and I are planning to go out camping for school break. Is that okay?"

".....Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Good way to get you out of the house. Just be careful okay, and I know you know Luke since you were a child but still be careful. I don't want you to hang around the wrong people either. Luke has...well he seems like he has experience in things in things that a good girl like you wouldn't know." She tells me as she boops my nose trying to pick her words carefully.

"Like what? What things don't I know? Also, how do you know what experiences he knows?" I ask confused and out of curiosity.

"Let's just say it's a mother's instincts."

"Mmmm you still haven't answered my question."

"I just know... Experience you know."

I shake my head. "No, I don't, I feel lost what are you saying exactly."

"My point proven. My sweet innocent girl." She says smothering me into an embrace while stroking my hair."

"Mum you're suffocating me!!" She starts to laugh and then lets me go after letting me whine for a bit.

"Okay, okay. Well, that's all I wanted to say be sure to pick up Daniel from practice for me." She says as she starts to leave my room.

"Okay. Oh! Mom umm here." I hand her the envelope with the money inside. I know I'm doing what's best for us. "It's for next month." She takes the envelope but I can already see her concerned face. "Don't worry about it, just think of it as an investment for a better future I mean that's my motto. Pleasure is temporary, sacrifice is happiness or at least an investment too long term happiness." She looks at me I can tell she still feels uncertain but takes it anyway.

"Thanks, sweetie." She kisses my forehead and smiles at me then takes her leave.


I take a look at the time and decide to text Luke letting him know we're on for the camping trip before I head out to pick up Danny. Maybe that'll be a fun learning experience.

A/N: Sorry I know I'm taking long I'm having a bit of writer's block, hopefully, things will go more smoothly but I can't be certain. Anyways that's all I wanted to say love you!! Xoxo 😋

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