The Darkness Beneath ~ A Soul...

By Seamist11

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A new student has arrived at the DWMA. As her story unfolds, she will face many challenges along the way, and... More

A New Beginning
The New Student
The Whole Name
How Black Star Feels
The Announcement
Drinks And Dancing
He Ruins Everything!
Sky Meets Kid
The Hotel
I Like You Too Much
Medusa and Crona
A Shattered Family
Not Today
What Happens Now?
Saving Crona
Medusa's Plans
The Things They Talked About
A Plan?
Magic After All?
Before-Battle Fun
Being Torn In Two
More Secrets?
What Will We Do Now?
What Medusa Said
This Must Be A Mistake
You Did This To Me

Mixed Feelings And Problems

72 4 0
By Seamist11

~ Moon's Point Of View ~

As soon as Kid shut his door on her, she thought about it for a while. She just stood there, thinking. But then she snapped back to reality when there was a loud bang on the door from the inside, followed by cursing. Kid must've still been standing there as well, thinking, like she was. Moon could hear the slow sliding of his hand down the door, and off it, after he hit it.

My goodness, something must be really bothering him...I hope he's okay. I would never want anything bad to happen to him.

Moon decided to say something to him through the door. "Kid, whatever is wrong, I wish you would just tell me. Whatever is wrong, it will turn out okay. You can do this. Goodbye, Kid. I'm going to school. It will feel so lonely without you, you know." she finished.

She stood there for another minute, waiting to see if he would open the door again. When he failed to, she started to walk away. It really would be lonely. Katie had gone ill, so Moon had no weapon for the time being, and she wouldn't be at school for the next few days. She didn't know when Kid would come back, and she only saw Black Star at the beginning of the day. But for some reason, Moon felt that Black Star wouldn't make the loneliness go away. She had an odd feeling right at that very moment, that only Kid could make her feel better. What is this feeling I have? And...What does it mean?

Throughout the day, Moon had her regular same old day. The only thing that was missing was Kid. During first period, Black Star had been talking to her the whole time. And she was right - Black Star didn't make the loneliness go away. Moon just had this really empty feeling the whole day. Today definitely wasn't the best day in the world. In fact - It was the worst day in the world. But it can only get better from here right?

The next few days were lonely, until Katie came back to school. She made things a bit better, and at least put a smile on her face for the school days. Moon wanted to visit Kid again, to see how he was doing. Maybe she will tomorrow, or later tonight. Over the past few days, Black Star had started getting on Moon's nerves a bit, and she was considering breaking up with him. They had stopped hanging out everyday, and talked to each other less.

That's it. Today will be the day that I will break up with Black Star! He's really annoying me, and won't get off my back. It almost feels like he's an overprotective dad. I will tell him the news in first class. Moon sat down at her seat in Stein's classroom, and waited for Black Star. When he finally appeared through the door and saw Moon, he rushed over to her.

"Hey, babe. How's it goin'?" he asked.

"Black Star, we need to talk about something." Moon made her face serious, so Black Star wouldn't fool around.

"Okay, what's your problem? I'll fix anything for you!" he promised. Somehow, Moon thought that this problem would be harder for him to fix.

"Okay, I don't want you to hate me, but my problem is...You." Moon said a little quieter so no one else would hear. Black Star immediately wiped the smile off his face.

"What?" he said in a quiet, crackly voice.

"My problem is you. You never leave me alone, and it's getting annoying. Being with you was fun and all, but I think our time is up, Black Star." she explained.

He was silent for a moment. "Oh. Okay. I said I'll fix any of your problems, Moon. I guess, from now on we are both single." Moon smiled.

"I feel so free, and relieved now!" she paused. "I think I'll visit Kid later, to talk with him about-" She was about to say 'problems', but Black Star would think that she had cheated on him. "About stuff." Moon finished.

"Kid? Why are you gonna visit him? He's not all that great. He's the most boring person in the world." Black Star argued.

"Oh, Kid is definitely not boring. He's a great friend and is not on my back every second of the day thank you very much." Moon explained defensively. Black Star was silent for the rest of class. He didn't even say goodbye to Moon, he just stormed out.

The rest of the day was normal. Moon didn't feel as lonely as before, but with Kid still gone, there was still a small empty feeling inside her. When the school day ended, Moon headed straight for Kid's house. While she walked there, she thought about what he had said the last time she saw him.

Let's see. Kid told me he had something to tell me. I told him the announcement, then he went home. Hmmm...Was Kid jealous of me and Black Star? Does me? "That's got to be it!" and then Moon found herself in front of Kid's door. She tried knocking once. No answer. She knocked twice. Still no answer. "Kid, open up! It's Moon!"

As soon as she spoke, she heard scrabbling inside, and the door opened. "Hey, Kid. I really need to talk to you." Moon explained. She decided not to bring up the topic of whether he liked her or not. As she examined him, he looked ten times worse than before. But it didn't matter.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" he wondered.

"I think I know why you shut yourself up here."

He started to blush a little."Oh, you do?"

"Yes, I think so. But that's not the main reason why I came here. I came to tell you something important." she paused and looked at his face. He looked surprised that she didn't want to talk about crushes. "Me and Black Star broke up today." And as soon as she said that, Kid seemed to instantly light up.

"You...You did? Are you okay?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah I'm the one who broke up with him. It's Black Star you should be worried about. He just stormed out of first period like a maniac." Moon smiled and made a joke of it. Kid smiled too. It felt so good to see his smiling face again. "You know, it's been really lonely without you at school. Are you okay?" Kid seemed to be thinking about something before replying.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. I got over my problem." he paused. "So I've been thinking about having a party at the academy and just get everyone together and mingle with each other. You wanna come?" he asked hopefully.

Moon thought for a moment. "A party, huh? Sure, I'd love to come. What kind of things will everyone be wearing? I don't wanna be the odd one out, you know?" she chuckled.

Kid smiled too. "Something formal, like a dress."

"A dress...Okay. I don't think I look very good in dresses, but I'll wear one anyway." she paused. "So when is this party?"

"It's the day after tomorrow. I sent everyone invitations today, so there'll be one in your mailbox." he explained.

Moon smiled. "I'll be there."

Kid smiled back. "Good."

"So, I should be getting home now. I promised Katie that I'll make dinner tonight." Moon explained. And I need to pick out a dress to wear to the party, too. She thought.

"Oh, okay. Bye, then!" Kid called to her as she started to back away.

"Bye!" Today was a great day...

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