Our Fairytale Ending (Valan)

Door Captain_Cashby

715 49 0

Still, as thick as ever Vic and Alan are together, still in love and forever together. They're the perfect pa... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 2

58 3 0
Door Captain_Cashby

Alan's POV

I walked through the store with Iris in tow since no one else wanted to go grocery shopping with me. I was happy she did though because she always just seemed so uninterested in what me or Vic were doing.

"Do we need Milk?" I asked her as we walked through the dairy aisle.

"Yes, one two percent and then a half gallon of skim for Noah."

"I know that," I said and grabbed them each out.

"Why does he drink skim? That's so gross."

"He doesn't like one or two percent, he never has."

"What about whole milk?"

"Nope, only skim. You know that Iris," I said rolling my eyes and grabbing a thing of eggs.

"Still gross," she mumbled.

"Well no one said you have to drink it, did they?"

"I'm just saying. Oh mom, I need tampons."

"Uh okay then, go grab them," I said looking at the different frozen pizzas.

"Okay," she said and ran off to grab them.

I sighed and looked for different pizzas that I knew the kids like. As I went to open the door to another freezer another hand grabbed it before.

"Oh sorry," I said before looking up at the person. "Oh my god."

Austin stared back at me wide-eyed. "Oh wow."

"I thought you lived in LA?" I asked right away.

"I moved to Minnesota, my wife's family is from here," he said.

"Did you get remarried?"

He nodded, "Uh yeah. I quit my job and stuff too. I have like a normal day job now."

"That's cool. What do you do now?"

"Just an office job. Nothing too crazy anymore, trust me."

I gave him a small smile. "It's okay, me either."

"That's good."

"Yeah, very good. Uh, I never got to thank you for like dropping the contract and stuff. I know it's been like years since, but I never really got to like to thank you for it."

"It's no problem. I felt really bad about it all."

"Well I appreciate it."

"It's fine, Ash," he said, smiling.

"Don't call me that. It's weird."

"Sorry, sorry."

"It's fine, but yeah it's just weird," I said.

"Do you wanna get lunch sometime? Catch up a little?"

"Uh, sure. I'll text you or something."

"Mama," Iris said coming back and throwing her tampons in cart, "Who's this?"

"This is an old friend," I told her awkwardly and looked at Austin. "Austin, this is my daughter Iris, Iris this is Austin."

"Oh, uh it's nice to meet you," She said.

"You too," he said and looked at me. "I never had you pegged as a parent type."

"Well I have four so I'd beg to differ," I said with a smile.

"Really?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Vic wants more," I told him.

"Holy shit, really?"

"Yeah, I don't know though. I'm content with the four."

"I want a baby brother," Iris said, elbowing me in the ribs.

"Well tell your dad and we'll see if he can convince me to have a fifth one."

"Papa already knows that I want a baby brother."

"Did you guys already talk about this without me?"

"No, of course not," she sang.

"You probably did," I said running a hand through my hair, "Anyway, uh let's get going so we can pick up Ry from basketball."

"Alright, let's go," she said.

"Yeah, see you Austin. We'll get lunch soon or something," I told him before Iris and I left finishing up the shopping. We quickly left and headed out to pick up Ryan.

"So how do you know him? Why have you never mentioned him? He's cute," Iris blabbered in the car.

"He was an old friend, we just stopped talking after a while. We had different lives and such."

"Oh. Does Papa know him?"

"Yeah he does," I said honestly. Vic hated Austin, but I didn't need my daughter getting caught up in any old drama.


I smiled at her and soon we picked up Ryan from basketball before we got back home. The three of us brought everything inside.

"Vee!" I shouted as I started unpacking the groceries.

"What!" Vic yelled back. "I'm busy!"

"Come here!"


"Just come here!"

Vic let out a groan and came down the stairs with Emma clinging to his leg and Noah on his back.

"Guys, can you leave your papa and me to talk? It's something serious so I don't want you in here," I said looking between the two.

They let out dramatic groans. "But Mama we're playing!" Emma whined.

"Please and then after you can play your little hearts out."

"Okay Mama," Noah said, jumping off of Vic's back.

"Emma, you too."

She groaned and got off Vic's leg. The two left leaving Vic and me in the kitchen alone.

"I ran into Austin today," I said putting a few things in the fridge.

"What?" Vic said, looking at me wide eyed.

"I ran into Austin at the grocery store today. He wants to get lunch with me."

"What did you say?" He asked cautiously.

"He wants to get lunch with me."

"Why do you keep repeating it? I got it the first time. What did you tell him Alan," Vic asked, starting to get annoyed.

"I said sure..."

Vic shook his head and just walked out. "Of fucking course," he muttered has he did.

"What!" I shouted following after him, "Don't be mad about it."

"Of course I'm going to be mad! Do you not remember how he fucking ruined your life! Or how long it took you to find a job where the boss hadn't seen your stupid films and tried to get in your pants because I fucking remember! And I remember holding you while you cried because you thought your life was ruined and now you're going to be friends with him!" Vic shouted at me.

"I'm aware, but it's just lunch Vee. He's not even in the industry anymore."

"I don't care. I don't like him and I never have."

"You're being overdramatic. It's not like I'm gonna bring him around. Is it wrong to just want to get lunch and catch up."


"I don't see the big deal. It's lunch."

"With the guy who turned you into a pornstar," Vic whisper shouted. "Who was one of the main reasons we nearly got a divorce!" His voice getting louder and louder.

"Divorce? Are you guys getting a divorce?" Ryan said her jaw dropping.

"Oh my god, no," I said right away, "No we aren't. We're just talking about something else. We almost got one years ago, but just no we aren't," I said grabbing Vic's arm pulling him to our bedroom so we could argue without our kids hearing as much.

"Guys Mama and Papa are getting a divorce!" Ryan shouted.

"No we aren't!" I shouted before slamming our bedroom door shut. "Look, Vee, it's just lunch and you're welcome to join. I'll even let you yell at him if you come with. I just wanna catch up and thank him. He let me out of that contract, you know that."

"I want nothing to do with him," Vic said, his lip curling in disgust.

"Then don't go to lunch, but you can't not be thankful he let me out of that."

"I am thankful but I also remember how he treated you."

"I'm aware Vee, but I'm willing to let things go," I said softly.

"I know you are. And good for you but I can't."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, Whatever," I said and left the bedroom. I went back to the kitchen and finished putting away the rest of the groceries. I was a little angry with him, yeah I was and I could be all I wanted. I just wanted to get lunch with someone I considered an old friend. Sure, he was an asshole sometimes but at some point he was my friend. I didn't understand why Vic was so mad.

"Are you and Papa getting a divorce?" Emma asked sadly as she came into the kitchen.

"No, no we aren't," I said picking her up.

"Promise?" She asked, playing with my hair.

"I promise. I would never leave your papa in a million years."

"Okay good."

I smiled and opened up a cabinet putting away a couple things.

"Can I have a snack Mama?" She asked.

"For sure, what do you want?"

"Apples and peanut butter."

"I think I can handle that," I said setting her on the counter.

"So why is Papa mad?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. He's just being moody," I told her as I cut up an apple.

"Is he on his period like Iris?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "Sure, kinda like that but boys don't get them. Only girls do."

"That's not fair."

"I know, I know but you'll understand it when you're older," I said before putting her down and handing the plate of apples and peanut butter, "Go sit at the table and eat that."

"So I get a period but Noah doesn't?"

"Yep, pretty much."

"But were twins. We're supposed to have everything in common."

"Well some things are just for you and some are just for him. Like Noah is autistic and you aren't. You're fraternal twins not identical."

"Wish I was autistic." She mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "Go eat your snack."

She left the kitchen and went into the dining room. I let out a sigh before I grabbed out some stuff from the fridge. I grabbed a cucumber out and began cutting it up for myself. As I was cutting it up my finger slipped when someone ran into my back.

"Oh shit!" I shouted as my finger began gushing blood out. I turned around and grabbed a towel also seeing who bumped into me, "Goddammit Noah, you gotta watch where you're going!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He shouted, covering his face.

"It's okay, you just gotta be careful," I said to him holding my finger tight as I went to the sink. I unwrapped the towel and put it right back, I got myself good. "Go to the living room or something right now bud."

"Mama I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," he said, trying not to cry.

"Hey, hey it's okay. It was an accident," I said turning around to him. "Baby, it's okay."

"I-I didn't mean to hurt you," he said, rubbing his eyes.

"It's okay," I told him, "Just it's okay, just let me take care of this okay and then we'll talk."

"I'm so sorry," he said again before he ran away.

"Fuck, fuck," I said, "Vee!"

I followed Noah to the living room where he started to pace.

"What is it?" He shouted walking downstairs when Noah ran to him full force and clung to Vic as he sobbed. "Hey buddy, what's going on?" He asked, picking Noah up.

"I hurt mama a-and he hates me now," he stuttered.

"It was an accident and I don't hate you buddy," I said going over to him and Vic. "You didn't mean to do it."

"He-he yelled at me," Noah cried.

"I know, I didn't mean to do that."

Vic looked at me. "Ash, I got it okay. Go clean up the blood on your hand."

I sighed, he was always better at Noah than I was. I could barely get close to him. He always went to Vic for everything first.

I went to the bathroom and unwrapped it. "Gross," I said as began to clean it up. When I finished I put a couple bandaids over it. Hopefully that would suffice for now. I went back to Vic who still had Noah in his arms. "All fixed. Can I hold You Noah?"

Noah shook his head and held Vic tighter.

"Remember what we just talked about, Kiddo? Mama wasn't yelling at you, he yelled because he got hurt. You gotta help him feel better," Vic coaxed, pulling back from Noah slightly. Noah nodded his head and looked at me. His arms reached out to me and I took him from Vic, holding him to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you," I said softly, "I just got hurt, but I'm all better now bud and I know you didn't mean to hurt me. It was an accident."

He nodded and took my hand and kissed the bandaid. "Better?"

"So much better now," I told him before kissing his cheek. "Now are we all good and okay?"

Noah nodded again and pushed against me to get down. "I want apples."

"I can do that," I said setting him down. "Do you want peanut butter too?"

He shook his head. "Can I get caramel?"

"Of course. Want anything to drink?"


"Perfect," I said, "Go sit at the table and I'll get all that stuff for you."

Noah nodded and looked at Vic and took his hand. "Come on Papa."

"You got it," Vic said and followed Noah to the table. I eventually made up Noah's snack and then brought it out to him.

"Mama, I'm done," Emma said holding her plate out. I grabbed it and brought it to the kitchen then went back. I wrapped my arms around Vic's shoulders.

"I love you," I said softly before kissing his cheek.

"I love you too, Mi Amor," he said, placing his hand over my arm.

"And I'm sorry," I whispered.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked, taking one of Noah's apple slices.

"For agreeing to get lunch with him rather than just saying no. I should've thought about how you'd feel about it and I'm sorry I'm like the worst husband ever."

"You're not the worst," Vic said and dipped the apple in Noah's caramel. Noah smacked his hand.

"Papa, get your own."

"Yeah, get your own," I said kissing right below his ear. "Do I get to have you alone at all today?"

Vic hummed. "Maybe tonight you will," he said. "Tomorrow, though, Kay promised to take the twins so we just need to get rid of Ry and Iris."

"I've never loved Kellin so much in my life till hearing that and I'm sure my parents or yours will be happy to talk them for a night," I told him before kissing him softly then standing up straight.

"I know, he's an amazing best friend," Vic said, smiling.

"He's pretty great."

I have Vic one more kiss before going and checking on the other kids. I honestly couldn't wait to have alone time with him.

Vic's POV

I headed out of my office and down the hall to Kellin's office. We were both professors at the same college. Kellin was a government professor while I taught a little bit of everything from writing classes to rhetoric classes. It was fun, to be honest. I wasn't always stuck teaching the same thing all day every day, it kept me from going insane all day.

"Hey Kay, you ready to go?" I asked, leaning against the door of his office.

"Give me like five minutes, I'm grading," he muttered.

"Can't you leave that shit for later?"

"I want to get it all done," Kellin said and I sat down in front of his desk.


"Sorry I don't like procrastinating like you do," he said, throwing a pen at me.

"I do not procrastinate."

"Have you graded those essays?"

"Uh... no I haven't."


"Shut up Kellin."

"You're just mad I'm right."

"You're not right," I muttered.

"Vee you've had those essays for two weeks they're going to get mad soon."

"I know, but I'll get there eventually."

"You need to get them done," Kellin said before he put the papers in a folder and got up.

"I will get there."

"Come on dumbass," he muttered, walking out of his office. "I'm going to tell Alan you're not doing your job."

"I am doing my job!"

"You need to grade your shit," he said, locking his office.

"I'm very aware."

"So you're not doing your job," Kellin told me as we walked down the stairs.

"I mean, I guess. Is Brian bringing Justin over tonight for dinner?" I asked. Justin was Kellin and Brian's six year old son and Noah's best friend. He was one of the only kids that Noah actually liked.

"Yeah, we'll be there."

"Alright, I think Emma has a crush on Justin," I said with a snort. "Did you see her the last time Justin came over?"

"Yeah, I know," He said chuckling a little.

"I don't know how I feel about that," I told him. "I don't want my daughter dating a Bostwick ever."

"I think she could handle it one day."

"No, god no. I don't want that at all."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to be in laws with you, Kay."

"What? That's so dumb."

"How is that dumb?" I demanded.

"Because you'd be honored to have people like me in your family."

"I'm already unfortunate to have you as my best friend, I don't want you as anything else."

"That's rude."

"I love you, Best Friend," I said a we got to my car.

"Yeah, yeah love you too or whatever."

"Just get in the damn car and let's go," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Alright, alright."

I smiled and the two of us got in and I started driving to my place. "So, can Emma and Noah stay the night? Ash and I need to fuck like ASAP."

"You're kidding right?"

"No. I'm not kidding. I haven't had sex with my husband in two months. I need this Kay."

He groaned, "Don't you guys sneak around or something ever?"

"Every time we try one of the kids interrupt and I'm gonna lose my mind if we don't do anything soon."

"Seriously Vee?" He asked, raising his eyebrows amusement. "Why don't you guys like take your lunch breaks at the same time and go home to fuck? You brought this on yourself you know. This is what happens when you have four kids."

"I know that, but I don't want a quick lunch break fuck!"

"What about Iris and Ryan?" Kellin asked.

"They'll go to a friends house or I'll send them your way too."

"I'm not taking all four Fuentes children."

"Just for a night and then it'll be over."

"No," he said. "I'll take the twins but Ryan and Iris always argue with Brian about everything. And they argue with each other and last time they complained the entire time they were at my house."

"Fine, I'll make them stay at like my parents or something."

"You're desperate," Kellin said, looking at me amused.

"You have no idea."

"That's sad Vee. Brian and I still maintain an amazing sex life."

"You have one kid, not four. "

"Because Bri and I don't hate ourselves."

"Hey my kids are amazing," I said, smacking his arm.

"They're ruining your poor, poor sex life."

"Yeah I know. But I still love them I guess."

"Well you have to love them."

"I don't have to," I said, laughing.

"You do," he said.

"Whatever you say," I said when we got to my house.

Kellin and I got out then went inside the house.

"Papa!" Iris said, running into the room and grinned when she saw Kellin. "Hey Dick Head."

"Really?" I said looking at her.

"It's uncle Kellin, yeah really," she said.

I sighed, "Is your mama home?"

"No, he said something about meeting someone for drinks or something."

I rolled my eyes. Of course he was getting drinks with Austin. "Alright, well is everyone else home?"

"Yeah. Noah is doing his homework and Emma is trying to talk Ryan into letting her do her makeup," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Great," I said.

"Yeah, mama put the casserole in the oven so it'll be done by the time he's home and he said he'd be home by like six or seven and then Brian and Justin will be here for dinner or whatever."

"Alright sounds good to me."

"Yeah, hopefully he doesn't like come home tipsy or something because he's annoying when he's like that," She said with a sigh before she went to her room.

"Who's Alan getting drinks with?" Kellin asked, following me to the kitchen.

"Austin," I muttered.

"Porn director?"

"Yes that's the one."

"Gross. Why?"

"I don't know."

He crinkled his nose and grabbed a beer from the fridge. "That's stupid."

"You're telling me."

"Why would he want to be friends with that dick?"

"I wish I knew. He said something about wanting to thank him for letting him out that contract."

"Say thank you and bounce."

"Well he won't just bounce."

"Why is he like this?" Kellin asked, sitting at the table while I started to angry clean. "I mean if you know that your husband hates someone like don't be around them. How is that so hard to do? If I knew Brian hated someone that I used to be friends with or whatever and he had a good reason for not liking them then I would just drop them. I mean it doesn't make sense," Kellin rambled.

"I don't know Kellin! If I knew why he would go out to drinks with that fuck then I would have an answer."

"What are you shouting about?" Ryan asked, walking into the kitchen. "Hey uncle Kellin."

"Nothing, what's up Ry?"

"I did Emma's makeup. She looks fantastic," she said, flipping her hair.

"Oh yeah? Let me see."

Emma came running in and Kellin and I both choked slightly. "Ryan Fuentes!"

"What? It's good isn't it?"

I glared at my oldest daughter and picked up my five year old. "You look beautiful baby girl but you don't need makeup to be pretty."

"I know, but Iris and Ry do and I wanna too."

"Maybe when you're older, okay?"

"Why not now?"

"Because make up if for big kids and you're only five," I said and kissed her forehead.

"That's lame."

"I know. But do you really wanna look as silly as Ry does with her make up?"

"Well maybe not, her face is really red sometimes."

"Shut up!" Ryan exclaimed.

"It is," she laughed.

"It is not," she said, her face getting red.


"Emma don't make fun of Ry," I told her, trying not to laugh.

"You guys suck!" Ryan said before stomping off.

Kellin snorted. "I'm so glad Justin is six."

"Why? Being five is better," Emma said with a big smile.

"Because sixteen sucks," he told her, taking Emma and throwing her in the air, making her squeal.

"I'm never gonna be that old," she said through giggles.

"Never ever?" Kellin asked.



"That's what I said! Now put me down."

Kellin set her down and she ran off shouting for Noah in the process.

"So how have things been going with Noah?" Kellin asked, leaning back in his seat.

"Uh good, we're doing our best you know with all of it."

"Have you found a therapist?"

I nodded. "Yeah, uh, Leah in psychology recommended one to us that we're going to try out soon."

"That's good. When does he start going to that?"

"Next week is his first appointment."

"Does he know about it?"

I winced. "Sorta," I said. "He knows he's going to meet a really nice lady who's going to talk to him but we don't really know how to explain it to him."

Kellin nodded, "Yeah... I don't know how you'd explain that to a five year old kid."

I shrugged. "I don't either. Noah knows he has autism but he doesn't really know what that means and Emma's jealous because she doesn't have autism like her brother."

"She's jealous?"

"Yeah, she thinks that even though they're fraternal twins they're supposed to have everything alike."

"Oh, oh that makes sense."

"Yeah, Ash told me the other day she found out she gets periods and he won't and she was not very happy."


"Yeah, she's not happy about it," I laughed.

"Well then."

I smiled and the two of us kept talking and gossiping about our kids and our families when Alan, Brian and Justin arrived.

"Hey Vince," Alan said, coming over and kissing the top of my head.

"Hey Mi Amor, the casserole is on the counter, we were just waiting on you," I told him as Emma ran past us with Justin on her heels.

"Sorry, sorry, we can all eat now," He said smiling at me.

I got up and gave my husband a quick kiss before I called for all of our monsters and Kellin's monster to come eat dinner. Hopefully Kellin would take the twins with him tonight and Alan and I could make it clear to the girls to leave us alone.

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