Chapter 15

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Alan's POV

I let out a groan as my phone started going off. It was the middle of the night and I was tired and honestly I just wanted to ignore the call all together.

"Ash, answer it," Vic whined. I leaned over and grabbed my phone after pressing a kiss to Vic's cheek.

"Hello?" I said once I answered.

"It's happening!" Olivia shouted, "My water broke and I'm on my way to the hospital now!"

I sat up right away, "Uh okay, um, we'll meet you there right away," I told her getting out of bed tripping over myself in the process. "Victor Vincent Fuentes! Get up! Get the kids!"

"Why? It's three in the morning Mi Amor."

"The babies are coming!"

"What!" Vic shouted, falling out of bed.

"The babies are coming!" I shouted against throwing some clothes on, "We have to go, Olivia's on her way to the hospital, get the kids!"

"We are not waking Noah and Emma up at three in the morning, Ryan and Iris can watch them, god knows how long Olivia could be in labor for."

"Fine, fine, go get the girls up and tell them!" I shouted.

"Okay, I will," He said after he finished getting dressed. He left the room and I grabbed our diaper bag packed with plenty of things for the triplets. This was so crazy, I couldn't believe it was happening.

"We're having babies!" I shouted, running through the house grabbing everything we needed.

"Don't wake the twins!" He said grabbing the keys before we left the house in a hurry.

"I know, but it's happening!" I said as panic started to set it. "Vee, what if we mess up!?"

"We aren't going to mess up. We have four kids already and they're all pretty well adjusted, well, aside from Iris."

"Yeah, because they all like you!"

"They don't all like me, Iris doesn't!"

I rolled my eyes, "She does," I said getting in the car with him.

"Doesn't," He argued and started speeding to the hospital.

"Does," I muttered taking his hand in mine as he drove.

"Don't be annoying," he said.

"I'm not being annoying!"

"Sure you aren't," Vic murmured.

I took my hand from him, "Really? Right now?"

"Give me that," he said, taking my hand back. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't be annoying," I mocked before we arrived at the hospital, "Come on, let's go."

"Oh my god," Vic groaned, following me into the hospital.

I shushed him and pulled him inside quickly making our way to the maternity unit. I was honestly so excited for the birth of the babies. It was surreal that we were doing this and it was finally happening. We'd been waiting nine months and the time was finally here.

"I can't wait," Vic said, grinning.

"God, me too. This is so crazy," I said as we got to the unit. "Do you think we can ask where Olivia is?"

"Of course we can, we put in our contracts that we wanted to be in the room when they were born."

"Right, duh."

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