Chapter 8

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Vic's POV

I squeezed Alan's hand lightly as we waited on Gina to bring Olivia in to meet us. It was finally time to meet our surrogate and I was beyond excited. Our lawyer had made up a contract and we were all set to go, we just needed to meet her and make sure she was a good fit and then she could sign and we would be one step closer to having our baby.

"This is so exciting," He said smiling at me happily.

"I know, holy shit Ash, this is so different from adopting a baby."

"Uh yeah, this is so much more work I feel like."

"It really is, but it'll be worth it, I think," I said.

"Totally worth it." 

I smiled and gave him a kiss, I couldn't wait to start this with him.  Gina eventually came back with who we could only assume was Olivia.

"Hello Mr and Mr Fuentes, this is Olivia, she has agreed to become your surrogate."

"Hi Olivia," I said smiling at her and shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you both," She said giving a big smile before pulling us both into a hug. 

"Oh uh you too," Alan said, hugging her back. 

"I'm so happy about carrying your baby, when I read your guys' file I knew I wanted to carry for you. You guys are just so perfect and your family sounds amazing."

"You'll definitely have to meet them some time," I told her, smiling.

"I hope to meet them."

"You will," Alan promised. Soon we had Olivia go over and sign our contract and before we knew it, Gina was leading us to a private bathroom with some old magazines and we were told to get some of our sperm in some cups.   Gina gave us a smile before she shut the door behind her leaving us alone.

"Why does this feel awkward?" Alan asked.

"Because no one has ever asked us to cum before," I said as we stood in the bathroom together and I grabbed a magazine, out of pure curiosity before I choked. "Holy shit," I said, looking at the front page.

"I mean I guess," He said before he came over to me, "Oh my god, burn it!" 

"I don't have anything to burn it with!" I cackled looking at my husband's naked body on the magazine cover. "It's been ten years! Why do they have porn magazines this old?"

"It's a where are they now one," Alan said, sounding horrified.

"Well Mr. Fuentes, where are you now?"

"Not looking that good anymore! I was so hot, what happened to me?"  

I snorted. "You became a dad and got a sexy dad bod," I told him, holding his body close to me.

"I did not, I got ugly," He whined. 

"You're beautiful, what are you talking about?"

"I looked like that," He said pointing at the magazine, "And now I look like this!"

I looked at the photo on the magazine and then at my husband and smiled. "Yeah, you have a few more wrinkles, and your hair is starting to go grey but, you're absolutely breathtaking Ash. There's no one else in this world that I would rather grow old with."

He snorted. "Says you, you haven't aged since we were twenty, the only thing that's different is you stopped straightening your hair and you're starting to get a little bald spot."

"I am not!"

"You are, it's right here," He said pointing to a pointing to a spot on my head.

"Stop it!" I said, swatting his hand. "But seriously, Mi Amor, you're still as beautiful as the day I married you. And if you think you're getting that big or whatever, just come workout with me when we get off work."

Our Fairytale Ending (Valan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें